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L'auteur d'un bienfait est celui qui en reçoit les plus doux fruits. Votre jardin est magnifique; les arbres en sont superbes. La vie a ses plaisirs et ses peines. L'étude a ses charmes. Entendez-vous bien le latin?

Cet avoué n'entend rien aux affaires.

Il ne s'y entend pas.

Je lui ai donné à entendre, qu'il était de trop ici.

The following are the second and third verses of the words to Qu'entendez-vous par là ? the "Spanish Chant," Exercise 34:

2. See to the harvest field
Gleaners have hasted,

Gathering the scattered cars,
None should be wasted.
On Him" in whom we live"
All our care casting.

3. Spring came and passed away,
Summer is ending;
Autumn will soon decay,
With winter blending.

While time is given us here,
Oh, may we prize it dear,
In love and godly fear
Each moment spending.

The following additional verses are to be sung to the air called "Clifton Grove," Exercise 35. The words to this Exercise were written by Joanna Baillie :

2. The lady in her curtained bed,
The herdsman in his wattled shed,
The clansman in the heathered hall,
Sweet sleep be with you, one and all!
We part in hopes of days as bright
As this gone by; good night, good night!

3. Sweet sleep be with us, one and all!

And if upon its stillness fall

The visions of a busy brain,

We'll have our pleasure o'er again,

To warm the heart! to cheer the sight!
Gay dreams to all! good night, good night!

[blocks in formation]

2. When, however, the inanimate possessor is the subject of the same clause, the possessive adjective is used [§ 95. 4]: Cet arbre a perdu son fruit, That tree has lost its fruit.

3. Entendre, to hear, is used in the sense of to understand. It is also used reflectively. It means then to be understood, to understand one's self, or one another, or to agree with one another. It means, also, to be expert in anything. In this latter sense it takes à before its regimen. This regimen is at times replaced by the pronoun y.

[blocks in formation]

Il y avait tant de bruit, que nous n'avons pu nous faire entendre. Taisez le premier, ce que vous voulez qu'on taise. Pourquoi ne vous taisez-vous pas ? Nous l'avons fait taire.

Agrément, m., pleasure. Avantage, m., adrantage.

The author of a good deed is the one who receives its sweetest fruits. Your garden is its trees


are very beautiful. Life has its pleasures and its troubles. Study has its charms.

Do you understand Latin well? That attorney has no knowledge of business.

He is not expert in this.

I gave him to understand that he was in the way here.

What do you mean by that?
There was so much noise, that re

could not make ourselves heard, Keep to yourself that which you would

wish to have kept secret. Why are you not silent? We made him hold his tongue (si lenced him).


Chirurgien, m.,surgeon.
Consent-ir, 2, ir.,to con-

Basque, f., skirt of a Court, -e, short.
Brave, worthy.

Force, f., force, power.
Fort, very.


Manche, f., sleeve. Mêl-er, 1, to miz. Muet, -te, dumb, mate. Pays, m., country, Raison, f., reason. Réuss-ir, 2, to succeed,

1. Est-ce un habit neuf que votre fils porte? 2. C'est un habit neuf, le drap en est très-fin. 3. Les manches n'en sontelles pas trop courtes? 4. Je crois que les manches en sont trop courtes et les basques trop longues. 5. La campagne n'at-elle pas ses avantages? 6. J'aime la campagne ; j'en connais les avantages. 7. Paris a ses agréments. 8. J'aime Paris; j'en connais les agréments. 9. Ce chirurgien s'entend-il à la médecine? 10. Il n'y entend rien du tout. 11. Entendez-vous la médecine ? 12. Je ne m'y entends pas. 13. Je ne l'entends pas. 14. Je n'y entends rien. 15. Avez-vous réussi à vous faire entendre? 16. Nous n'y avons pas réussi. 17. Mon voisin est un brave homme et je m'entends fort bien avec lui. 18 Faire taire certaines gens est un plus grand miracle que de fair parler les muets. 19. Savez-vous de quel pays est cet homme 20. Il tait son pays et sa naissance. 21. Par la force de l raison, elle apprit l'art de parler et de se taire. 22. Voulez-vou vous taire, impertinente, vous venez toujours mêler vos imperti nences à toutes choses. 23. Qui se tait consent.


1. Have you a very good garden? 2. We have a very larg one, but its soil (terre, f.) is not good. 3. Is your brother's co new ? 4. He has a new coat, but its sleeves are too short. Are not its skirts too long? 6. No, Sir, its skirts are too shor 7. Have you not heard that preacher (prédicateur)? 8. Ther was so much noise that I could not hear him. 9. Does not th country have its pleasures? 10. The country has its pleasure 11. Does not your brother like the city? 12. He likes the cou try; he knows its pleasures. 13. What does your brother mis by that? 14. He means what he says. 15. Is your fath expert i business? 16. My father has no knowledge of bu 17. Does that young man understand English well? He understands French and English very well. 19. Do y agree well with your partner? 20. My partner is an hone man [§ 86]; I agree very well with him. 21. Does that you man conceal his age? 22. He conceals his age and his count: 24. He does D 23. Does your father understand medicine? understand it. 25. He has no knowledge of it. 26. Be sile my child. 27. Tell that child to be silent. 28. Silence gi consent. 29. Will you not be silent? 30. What have y given him to understand? 31. We gave him to understa that study has its charms. 32. Have you silenced hi


4. Se faire entendre corresponds to the English to make one's 33. Yes, Sir, we silenced him. 34. Tell him to be sile self understood, to make one's self heard.

[blocks in formation]

35. I have already (déjà) told him to be silent. 36. Let be silent.

EXERCISE 142 (Vol. II., page 365).

1. Croyez-vous que le concert ait eu lieu ? 2. Je crois qu'il a eu 3. Croyez-vous que la robe de Mlle. votre sœur dure bien?

crois qu'elle durera bien, car la soie en est très-bonne. 5. Croyez-vous que notre ami réussisse à gagner sa vie ? 6. Je crois qu'il y réussira, car il est très-diligent. 7. Pensez-vous que le tanneur s'enrichisse à mes dépens? 8. Je pense qu'il s'enrichit aux dépens d'autrui. 9. Le marchand s'enrichit-il aux dépens de mon père? 10. Il s'enrichit à vos dépens. 11. Quelle sorte de maison vous faut-il ? 12. Il me faut une maison qui ait dix chambres. 13. J'ai une bonne maison qui a douze chambres. 14. Quelle sorte de carafe cherchez-vous ? 15. J'en cherche ane qui contienne trois litres. 16. J'en ai une qui contient deux litres, je vous la préterai. 17. Quel habit m'enverrez-vous ? 18. Je vous enverrai le meilleur que j'aie, prenez garde de le tacher. 19. PensezTous que l'étudiant apprenne tout cela par cœur ? 20. Je ne crois pas ça l'apprenne. 21. Pensez-vous qu'il vienne? 22. Je crois qu'il vien ira bientôt. 23. Pensez-vous que M. votre père compte sur moi? 24. Je sais qu'il compte sur vous. 25. Ce monsieur ne compte-t-il pas sir moi? 26. Je pense qu'il compte sur votre frère. 27. Le portier trera-t-il bientôt? 28. J'espère qu'il ne tardera pas long-temps. 29. Je voulez-vous pas me prêter votre parapluie? 30. Je vous le prêterai avec plaisir. 31. Mon frère reste-t-il debout? 32. Il ne veut pas sir. 33. Désirez-vous que je m'asseie? 34. Je désire que vous restiez debout. 35. Je désire qu'il vienne.

EXERCISE 143 (Vol. II., page 366).

1. Would you wish me to buy a coat half worn out? 2. I wish that you should buy a new one. 3. Did they wish that sick soldier to repair to his post ? 4. They wished that he might repair to his regiment. 5. Would it be necessary for me to dwell on the sea-shore ? 6. It would Becessary, for the recovery of your health, that you should repair Switzerland. 7. Do you not think that this child resembles his mother? 8. I do not think he resembles her. 9. Whom does he weible? 10. He resembles his eldest sister. 11. Would you conant to your daughter's marriage with that drunkard? 12. Would


LESSONS IN GEOLOGY.-VIII. ATMOSPHERIC, ORGANIC, AND CHEMICAL AGENCIES. THE direct action which the atmosphere exercises in the alteration of the earth's crust is through the agency of wind. atmosphere also acts widely and continually upon rocks, attacking them chemically; but this action must be reserved for its proper place. The power of wind can only be felt by movable particles-that is, by sand. As the winds sweep over the deserts, they urge before them clouds of fine sand, which drift here and there, continually altering the features of the landscape, and extending the desert domain by covering the fertile tracts which border on the sandy waste. But the changes which occur in such regions are of little or no moment, for the absence alike of water and vegetation precludes the possibility of these sand-hills ever becoming fixed. But this is not the case with that belt of sand which lines the coasts of many maritimo countries. Here considerable and permanent changes are effected by the alteration of the sand dunes by the wind. The shores of the Bay of Biscay are celebrated for these dunes; the wind blows the particles of sand over the crest of the hill in constant often advance sixty or seventy feet in a year, covering with irresuccession, and thus the hill is moved. The dunes of Biscay sistible encroachments farms and villages, and are sometimes as much as 300 feet high. In many parts of the world this process is in action. When a covering of vegetation springs up on the surface of the hill, all further advancement is prohibited, and the dune becomes permanently fixed. Such hills are distin

To have us die with want? 13. I feared lest those ladies might die guished by the name of sub-aerial or Eolian accumulations (so

with the cold. 14. Will you not fire at that hare? 15. I would fire at twoodcock, if my gun were loaded. 16. How many shots would y have me fire? 17. If you had powder, I would have you fire at partridge. 18. Do you wish me to cast a glance upon that letter? . I would have you read it. 20. What would you have me do? 21. uld have you pay attention to your studies. 22. Would it be ecessary for me to go out? 23. It would be necessary for you to eman at home. 24. What would you that I should do to that horse? I would have you strike it with the whip.

EXERCISE 144 (Vol. II., page 366).

1. Que voudriez-vous que je fisse ? 2. Je voudrais que vous jetassiez acup-d'œil sur cette lettre. 3. Voudriez-vous que je donnasse des tape de báton à ce chien ? 4. Je voudrais que vous donnassiez des de fouet à ce cheval. 5. Exigeriez-vous que nous revinssions à >; heures ? 6. J'exigerais que vous revinssiez de bonne heure. 7. -vous que votre frère ressemble à M. votre père? 8. Je ne pense quil ressemble à mon père. 9. À qui pensez-vous qu'il ressemble? Je crois qu'il ressemble à ma mère. 11. Combien de coups avezFor tires? 12. J'ai tiré cinq coups sur cette bécasse. 13. Ne voudriez

*ra que je tirasse sur cette perdrix? 14. Je voudrais que vous siez sur cette perdrix, si votre fusil était chargé. 15. Où faudraiteje demeurasse ? 16. Il faudrait que vous demeurassiez au bord a mer. 17. Voudriez-vous que je mourusse de faim? 18. Je ne rais pas que vous mourussiez de faim. 19. Voudriez-vous que "frère mourût de froid? 20. Je ne voudrais pas qu'il mourût de blea de misère. 21. Que voudriez-vous que fit M. votre fils? 22. adrais qu'il apprit ses leçons. 23. Voudriez-vous qu'il apprit emand? 24. Je voudrais qu'il apprit l'allemand et l'espagnol. 25. A-rous tiré sur ce lièvre ? 26. Je n'ai pas tiré sur ce lièvre. 27. dit-il que je sortisse ? 28. Il faudrait que vous sortissiez. 29. drut-il que je restasse ici? 30. Il faudrait que vous allassiez à 31. Que désiriez-vous ? 32. Je voulais que vous m'écrivissiez. alez-vous que j'achetasse un habit à demi-usé ? 34. Je voulais TU achetassiez un bon chapeau,

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EXERCISE 145 (Vol. II., page 386).

How many rooms do you intend to take? 2. We intend to rent our on the ground floor and two closets in the third story. 3. 133 not prefer renting a bedroom on the second floor? 4. We ag on the ground floor. 5. Can you not remain and dine *ts to day ? 6. I thank you, I prefer coming to-morrow. 7. Will **ber come and breakfast with us to-morrow? 8. He intends *e to-morrow early. 9. What do you wish to say to them? 10. to beg them to do me that favour. 11. Do you intend to do my that favour ? 12. I hope so. 13. Do you prefer living up-stairs -stairs? 14. We prefer living down-stairs. 15. What do you of doing with that young pheasant? 16. We think of sending your brother-in-law. 17. Can you not play on the violin ? 18. I 700 it. 19. Can your cousin play on the piano? 20. She on the piano and on the harp. 21. Can you not write? read, write, and cipher. 23. Can you play the guitar? B cannot play it. 25. We wish to find an apartment on the

Med floor.

called from Eolus, the god of the winds, according to the old Greek and Roman mythology).

Frost is generally reckoned an atmospheric agent. Its power is very great, and it would be difficult to limit the geological work it effects. When water freezes, at the moment of its solidification it expands, with an almost irresistible force, one-tenth of its volume-that is, ten measures of water, when frozen, would become eleven measures of ice. The first frost of winter solidifies all the particles of water with which the rocks are soaked, forcing the particles of rock from each other, and when the thaw comes, much of its surface crumbles down. This action is not very visible, because the rain easily transports the fine particles thus separated from the mass. Yet when we consider the vast surface which is annually exposed to a temperature below freezing point, we shall have some idea of the great effect which frost has in assisting the general degrading action which the surface of the earth is ever undergoing; and our estimate wili be increased when we know the force which is exercised by the solidifying ice. If a hole be bored in a cannon-ball, then filled with water and plugged with a fine-threaded screw, upon causing this water to freeze by immersing the ball in a freezing mixture, the expansive force will be found sufficient to break the ball. In the Canadian forests, often the stillness of the night is broken by a loud report, as some giant tree is rent by the united power of the watery particles expanding on their solidification, under the influence of the first frost of winter. Frost also acts geologically by means of avalanches, glaciers, and icebergs.

An avalanche does not play a very prominent part, seeing the sphere of its action is very limited. When large masses of ice and snow collect on the inaccessible heights, and become either overbalanced by their own weight, or loosened by the warm sun of the spring, the mass falls into the valley beneath, bearing with it rocks, etc.; and the traveller, as he passes through the mountain valleys in Switzerland, often finds piles of débris which have been brought down by an avalanche from the heights above. This the valley stream carries down into the lake or river, and thus material from the summit of the chain mingles with the sediment which the stream erodes from the valley through which it passes. It occasionally happens that an avalanche in its fall dams up the channel of a stream; the pentup waters gather in great volume, and at last burst their barrier, ploughing the valleys in their course, thus doing great geological work.

Glaciers are some of the most interesting features of Alpine scenery. They are, in fact, rivers of ice, not frozen rivers, but vast quantities of ice, which is formed amid the eternal snows, and by a peculiar motion, known as that of a viscor body, descends down the valleys until it reaches such a po

that the temperature meits the ice. Thus glaciers are, in fact, overflow-channels, by which the accumulation of snow, which is continually increasing above the snow-line, discharges itself. Were it not for the glaciers, the snows would increase without any limit, and the summits of elevated mountain-chains would be an anomaly in nature continual recipients of condensed and frozen aqueous vapour, without any means of giving it off again. Many of the Swiss glaciers are thirty or forty miles long, in some places as much as three miles wide, and often 600 feet thick. The cause of their motion was for many years a subject of debate. Many theories were broached only to be refuted. The discovery of what is believed to be the true explanation of the motion is due to Principal J. D. Forbes. He carefully measured the progress of the different points of the glacier, and found that its flow corresponded very closely to that of a river. The motion was greater in the centre than at the sides, and at the surface than at the bottom. It did not vary day or night, and therefore whatever might be the cause of its motion, that cause resided in itself, and did not depend on any external circumstances. All theories had hitherto looked for some motive power either in gravitation, or the expansion of the ice, consequent on the heat of the sun, and its clinging to the sides of the valley prevented a return to its former position, and so it crept down to the lower regions. However, Forbes showed that ice is a viscous or plastic body, capable of yielding to great pressure, so that the mass of ice on the incline of the mountain slope flowed downwards. But although ice in one sense is not viscous-that is, it cannot bear a strain, and will not allow itself to be pulled out into threads-yet it possesses another remarkable property which compensates for this. When two pieces of ice are pressed together, they freeze to each other. They will even do this in warm water; so that when the glacier comes to a narrow part in the valley, it does not refuse to pass the projecting point, but the enormous pressure behind forces it through, the ice breaking to accommodate itself to its constrained position, and then joining anew. After the narrow place is passed, the glacier spreads out again just as a river would do, and again occupies the whole of the valley. Most glaciers progress at the rate of 400 or 500 feet a year. termination always occupies much the same position, though in winter the glacier comes down further into the valley. Yet in summer it is melted off. As the ice-river flows down from the heights, it brings rocks and debris which fell upon it as it tore the flanks of the valley. These lines of rocks are termed in Switzerland moraines. When two valleys meet each other, their glaciers unite; one of the lateral moraines of each joining together become the medial moraine of the main glacier. By this means boulders are brought down from the inaccessible heights, and piled up in huge heaps at the termination of the glacier. The rocks of the valley over which the ice passes are all smoothened and scratched, thus indicating the direction in which the glacier flowed. We shall find many rocks exhibit this grooving, thus telling of the existence of a glacier many ages after the last vestige of the ice had melted.


Icebergs. When there are glaciers in the Arctic regions, it is evident that they can never melt, the snow-line being at the sea-level. Therefore the flow continues until the sea is reached, and then as the glacier proceeds over the coast cliffs, enormous blocks of ice fall into the sea and are borne away; but these bergs carry on them part of the glacier moraine, and by this means the fragments of the rocks of the Northern regions are dropped in warmer seas, where the berg melts. Of this operation we shall find many illustrations in the Pleistocene epoch.


It is difficult to realise the prominent part which life has played in the formation of rocks. We do not allude only to the beds of coal which represent the forest growth of vast lapses of time, but to the limestone rocks and many of the siliceous deposits. The reader may be aware that chalk or carbonate of lime is not soluble in water, but it becomes so if carbonic acid gas be present. Now Bischof states that there is so much of this gas in sea-water, that five times more chalk could be contained in it than it at present holds in solution. Hence it is evident that no chalk could ever be precipitated from the sea in the ordinary manner. How, then-presuming the present state of the sea to have existed with but slight alteration in past ages can the deposition of the chalk and limestone rocks

be accounted for? It is of little avail to assert that the cretaceous seas were overladen with chalk. They could only have been so by wearing down some already existing chalk cliffs, so that the difficulty is not solved, but only placed back in an earlier period. The solution is offered by our observing the great accumulation of chalky material which composes the coral reefs. The coral zoophyte has, in common with all shell-fish, the power of separating from the sea-water its carbonate of lime, with which it builds its domain. It is in vain to attempt to conceive the number of these little animals on one reef; and yet there are reefs on the Australian coast 1,000 miles long, and from ten to ninety broad! The "bottom" around these reefs was found to be covered sometimes with broken shells, but in other places with fine mud, which proved, on microscopic examination, to be minute foraminifera. Several similar accumu lations have been discovered to be in progress in many other parts of the world. From these facts, and from an examination of the chalk itself, which reveals under the microscope many thousand perfect shells in a cubic inch, the conclusion is drawn that the limestone rocks have been built up by the agency of living creatures.

Professor Ehrenberg, of Berlin, was the first to turn the attention of the geological world to the accumulation of matter by minute organisms. He examined the tripoli, or polishing slate, which occurs near Bilin, in Bohemia, in beds many fathoms thick and many miles in extent, and found it to be wholly composed of the siliceous coverings of organic beings. They are so minute that, in a single grain of the tripoli, there are no fewer than 187 millions of individuals! It is still a disputed point whether these are animal or vegetable organisms. Those who place them in the animal kingdom term them Infusoria, because they are generated in any infusion which is left undisturbed for some time. Those naturalists who believe in their vegetable origin call them Diatomaceo. From the Berlin Professor we learn that, in the harbour of Wismar in the Baltic, no less than 17,946 cubic feet of these siliceous organisms are produced annually, though it takes 100 millions of them to weigh a single grain! However, their extreme minuteness is in some measure compensated by their extraordinary power of production. "A single one of these animalcules can increase to such an extent during one month, that its entire descendants can form a bed of silica twenty-five square miles in extent and a foot and three-quarters thick!" The mountainmeal of the Swedes and the edible clay of the North-American Indians are accumulations of this kind. From these remarks, probably, the reader will gather some idea of the geological organic agent.


The chemical agent is not great in accumulating, but it would be impossible to over-estimate the work which this power does in altering the earth's surface.

First, the gases in the atmosphere—that is, the oxygen and the carbonic acid-are constantly employed in weathering rocks —that is, in attacking the exposed surface, and so affecting it as to render it capable of being acted on by the rain and gradually worn away. The most casual examination of any old building or long-exposed rock will show this. chemical result. Deposits from mineral springs may fairly be considered a In all volcanic countries this species of deposition is carried on to some extent. In Italy the well-known building stone, travatine, or Tiber stone, is of this kind of deposit. This is the stone of which the Coliseum is built. The Carlstab springs, it is calculated, produce 200,000 cubic feet of calcareous matter every twenty-four hours.

Stalactites and stalagmites are formed on much the same principle. The water is charged with carbonate of lime, which is held in solution by the presence of free carbonic acid gas. When this water drops from the roof of a cavern, the gas escapes, and the water being no longer capable of supporting the carbonate of lime, deposits it, forming a stalagmite, an icicle-like pendant from the roof.

All saline deposits are to be ascribed to chemical agency, such as the beds of sulphate of lime, the layers of common salt, the deposits of nitrate of soda and potash. Under this head also some geologists would class all such exudations as petroleum or rock-oil. We shall treat of these various mate rials more particularly when we speak of the formations in which they severally occur.

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HAVING described the chief features of a railway line, with its viaducts, etc., we come now to its stations and terminal points. Here we find endless variety in construction, according to the wants of the traffic and the means available for the work. Common railway stations of brick or of wood differ so little from ordinary buildings as to require no particular comment; but the use of iron has given rise to some distinctive features in railway architecture, quite as striking in their way as the bridges before described.

Commencing with the simplest forms of construction in which iron is the material employed, we give in the annexed engraving an illustration of the framework of an ordinary station available for the stoppage of trains. The walls of the building consist of iron pillars more or less ornamental, and either entirely open at the sides, or with the spaces between

form the roof, as well as to tie or bind the walls in their proper position. The apex of the roof, formed by the meeting of the rafters, is supported by vertical rods of iron called king-posts, which are securely fastened to the tie-beams below. To give additional support to the roof, and to relieve the sides of the building from too great pressure, other rods, termed struts, are fixed diagonally between the bottom of each king-post and the roof above, as seen in the illustration. Thus the weight of the roof

the pillars filled in with brickwork, etc. FRAMEWORK OF AN ORDINARY IRON RAILWAY STATION. It is in the formation of the roof that

the skill and knowledge of the architect are displayed, it being necessary to combine durability with lightness, and the greatest possible saving of material with perfect strength in the structure. In the ridged roof before us, rods of wrought iron, called the tie-beams, are placed horizontally from the pillars on one side to those on the other, and serve as a support for the rafters which


is divided between the pillars at the sides and the tie-beams which run across, and the different members of the truss or framework mutually support each other. The meeting-points of all the rods are provided with plates and sockets, which are fastened with bolts and nuts.

A similar method is adopted in the construction of all roofs of the ridged form, whether the material be wood or iron, and the chief portions of the truss always bear the names here mentioned. More complicated arrangements are frequently seen, double rafters and additional struts or braces being employed; but in ridged roofs of larger dimensions the general

principles of construction are in all cases the same.

In some of the more important stations, and especially for the termini of our principal lines, the arched form of roof is fre quently employed, and in some instances, as in the termini of the Great Northern and Midland Railways at King's Cross, these roofs are of great span and proportions. One of the two



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