Imágenes de páginas


in sieg (victory), are written thus,

ch, gh; as in thus, air, ray,

loch (Scotch, lake), ich (German), (German, roof), Sieg. The phonotypes are "x, ч."


155. WELSH LL.-The Welsh ll, which is the surd or whispered form of the English 71, is represented by ; thus, Llan. The phonotype for this sound is '1.

In this case


pare, perry, car, carry,

fear, fury, cheer,/cherry,

Easter, history, Sir, star, earn, run, airs,rose, rise, concern, stern, source. 167. The rule for the downward final r does not apply when r is

156. NOMINAL CONSONANT. It is sometimes necessary to express preceded by g, th, v, or m, after which the upward only is conveone or more vowels or diphthongs without a consonant. nient (except in straggler, etc., where the previous part of the word makes the downward r easy); nor when it would carry a word more than one descending stroke below the line.

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168. In the case of a word that contains no other stroke-con

may be employed as outlines which have no specific values; thus, E for Edward or Emma, I for Isabel, or Lah! oreh? or aye (e, ever). The stroke-vowels may be struck THROUGH the nominal consonant, as O for Oliver, † ŭ, ¦ ŏŏ. sonant than r, with a vowel both before it and after it, write the Christian names should be written in full when they are known. The downward r if there is ONLY a vowel before; as, area, areas, nominal consonant may be joined to any other consonant, and be array, arrays, arise; but if there is MORE THAN a vowel written in any direction; thus, Thomas Eah. before, write the upward r; as, sorry, story, serene,


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.serious في , Styrian

peer, pole.

171. STROKE AND CIRCLE S.-Words that contain no other consonants than ss, are written with the stroke and the circle, or the circle and the stroke, as may be convenient. It is well to keep the form

169. PL AND PR SERIES.-The pl and pr series of double conso157. Seeing that in the Phonographic Alphabet s, r, w, y have du- nants should be kept, generally, for such words as contain no vowel plicate forms, that three other letters (sh, 1, h) may be written either between the two consonants, or only an obscure one; thus, pray, upward or downward, and that many groups of consonants may be ex-apple; and the two single consonants should be written when pressed either by their alphabetic forms or by abbreviations, it is evia clearly-sounded vowel comes between; as, dent that many words may be written in more than one way. For any given word the writer should choose that form which is most easily and 170. PAST TENSE.-The past tense of a verb ending in t or dis rapidly written, and is at the same time capable of being clearly vocal-written thus, part, \ parted, not \ part, \ parted. ised. The briefest outline to the eye is not always the most expeditious Verbs that end with the sound of z, are written in the past tense to the hand. The student will insensibly acquire a knowledge of the with sd, not with the loop st; thus, gazed,mused. best forms by practice and observation, and especially by reading some book printed in Phonography. The following special rules embrace the principal CLASSES of words that admit of various outlines, and a list of nearly all other common words of this kind is given in par. 177. 158. STROKE W, Y, H.-The stroke-letters for w, y, h are written in words that contain no other consonant (except you), in preference to the vowel signs c wah, weh, wee, yah, yeh, yee, ) etc., and the dot h; thus, woe, hue. 159. STROKE H.-The upward h may be joined to p, t, ch, thus, behave, Tahiti, Jehovah; to f, th, thus, Pohi; to s and sh, thus, (first writing, and forming the circle when vocalising); to n, ng, thus, hance; and to the upstrokes for r, w, y, h, thus, Rehob. 160.—The downward h may be joined to ch (or the corresponding thick letter), thus; Jehu; to s, thus, Soho; or to s (first writing, and making the circle when vocalising); and to k, m, l, and the downward r, thus, cohort, Mahomet, Elihu, Rehum (Ezra iv. 8). 161. Dor H.-The dot aspirate cannot be used AFTER A CONSONANT; thus, is Appii (Acts xxviii. 15), not Ap-hy.

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follow. After sk, sh (down), ng, and n, the downward is most convenient. After p, t, ch, k, sh (upward), s (stroke), th, 1 (upward), (downward), m, and skr, use the upward 7; also after the circle s, except when preceded by f, th, or n. The corresponding heavy letters follow the same rules.

165. INITIAL R.-When r is initial, and is followed by p, k, sh, (stroke or circle), 7, r, or n (stroke or hook), the down-stroke is used if a vowel precedes; and the up-stroke otherwise; thus

ark,rock, earl, rule,

error, rare. 166. FINAL R.-A final r (with or without a hook, circle, or loop) is written upward if a vowel follows the r, and otherwise downward;

for ss, and for sz. The former may then be vocalised into cease, sauce, etc., and the latter into seize, size, etc.; but the outlines of see,). say, I saw, etc., should not be changed to sees, etc. 172. FL, FR, ETC.-In words containing no other consonant stroke, "fr, vr, fr, dr" should be employed in words beginning with a vowel, as offer, ether; and "fr, vr, ôr, dr” in words begin. ning with a consonant; as fry, throw. In other cases select the stroke which makes the easiest outline. When the outlines are

equally convenient, fl, vl, 61, dl, should be written cc.
and fr, vr, Or, dr, thus,)), in accordance with the pl, pr
series of letters; to prevent the reading of 1 for fr, etc., or the contrary,
when the difference in the size of the hook is not accurately observed.
173. JOINED VOWELS.-At the beginning of a word, a vowel
may be joined to a consonant in the following cases:―wau, wŏ,
before k, r (up), n, m, tr, chr, and shr; the diphthong i, before
t, sh, s, th, p,f,r (down); and the triphthong wi before t, th, f;
thus, walk, water, Y item, a wife; also in such
cases as owl, about, ↓ due, \ new, continue.
174. HOOKS.-A hook may occasionally be written when voca-
lising; thus, first write
then make it into university.
175. When ns, following a curve, ends a noun in the singular, or
a verb in the infinitive, write the STROKE n, not the hook; thus,
fence, fences.

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As a suitable pendant to our "Lessons in French" and "Reading in French," we now bring under the notice of our readers a valuable series of model business letters in English and French, relating to the various transactions of commercial life.

Under each heading the student will first find a model letter couched in language appropriate to the subject under consideration in English. Immediately after is given, in every case, a close but idiomatic translation of the English model letter into French.


Messrs. Roger & Co., Brussels. Bremen, August 17, 1866.

Gentlemen,-The natural infirmities incident to old age have constrained me to retire from business, which in future will be conducted by my two sons in their name.

It is unnecessary to do more than point out that any one who | 3.-CIRCULAR NOTIFYING THAT A BUSINESS HAS CHANGED has carefully studied the "Lessons in French," which have already appeared in the POPULAR EDUCATOR, may soon become an adept in French commercial correspondence by means of these model letters of business. We would recommend the learner first to copy the English form without looking at the French translation below; then endeavour, by aid of his dictionary and grammar, to translate the English form thus copied out into French; and, lastly, compare his work with the French model that follows the English form, and correct his translation by its aid. He should also practise himself in translating each French model into English, afterwards correcting his translation by the English forms.


Messrs. Legrand & Co., London.

Gentlemen,-We take the liberty of informing you that our Mr. Jean Van Steen will, in conformity with a long-expressed desire, retire from this date from our firm.

Though we regret being deprived of his active co-operation and long experience, the fact of his retirement will not interfere with the conduct of our business.

We are, Gentlemen, your obedient servants,
Amsterdam, le 16 Août, 1866.

Messieurs Legrand & Cie, à Londres.
Messieurs,-Nous prenons la liberté de vous faire part que
notre sieur Jean Van Steen, désirant quitter les affaires, se retire
à dater de ce jour de notre maison.

Sa retraite, quoique nous laissant le vif regret d'être privés de sa co-opération active et de son expérience, ne changera rien dans la marche de nos affaires.

Nous avons l'honneur, Messieurs, de vous saluer,


[blocks in formation]

Messieurs Petit & Cie, à Marseille.
Messieurs,-Nous avons l'honneur, de vous prévenir que nous
venons d'établir une maison de commerce sous la raison sociale
Masters et Johnstone.

Nous nous flattons que des capitaux suffisants, l'expérience et la connaissance des affaires, nous mettront à même de satisfaire tous ceux qui voudront bien nous honorer de leur confiance.

En vous priant de prendre note de nos signatures respectives, nous nous référons aux maisons ci-dessous, et avons l'honneur d'être avec, une parfaite considération, vos très-humbles serviteurs, FRED. MASTERS. ANDREW JOHNSTONE.

Fred. Masters signera: MASTERS & JOHNSTONE.
Andrew Johnstone signera: MASTERS & JOHNSTONE.


Messieurs H. Bake, Londres.

Changarnier, Lyon.

Lilienskin, St. Pétersbourg.
Mackay, Glasgow.

While making known to you this change, I beg you will continue your correspondence with them, and take note of their respective signatures. I have the honour to remain, Gentlemen, Your very obedient servant,

Mr. Louis Meyer will sign: MEYER BROS.
Karl Meyer will sign: MEYER BROS.


Bremen, le 17 Août, 1866.

Messieurs Roger & Cie, à Bruxelles.
gagent à renoncer aux affaires du commerce, que je remets dès
ce jour entre les mains de mes deux fils pour qu'ils les dirigent
en leur nom.

Messieurs,-Les infirmités inséparables de la vieillesse m'en

En vous annonçant ce changement, je vous prie de vouloir bien continuer avec eux votre correspondance, et prendre note de leurs signatures.

Je suis, Messieurs, avec la plus parfaite estime,
Votre très-obéissant serviteur,

M. Louis Meyer signera: MEYER FRÈRES.
Karl Meyer signera: MEYER FRÈRES.

[blocks in formation]

Gentlemen, It is with deep regret that I have to inform you of the sad and premature death of my husband, Mons. Martin Auber, only existing partner of the firm of Auber & Co., of this town.

As both my sons are still too young to continue the firm founded by their father, I have but to fulfil the sad duty of thanking my late husband's correspondents for their confidence, and to inform them that the firm Auber & Co. has ceased to exist, and that I intend to superintend the liquidation myself. Begging you to take note of my signature, I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant,

MARIE AUBER, Widow. Mme. Auber will sign: AUBER & Co., in liquidation.

Bordeaux, le 18 Août, 1866.

Messieurs Thomas & Cie, à Londres.
Messieurs,-C'est avec la plus vive douleur, que j'ai à vous
annoncer la perte douloureuse et prématurée de mon époux, le
sieur Martin Auber, seul chef de la maison Auber et Cie, de
cette ville.

Comme mes deux fils sont encore trop jeunes pour diriger la maison fondée par leur père, il ne me reste que le triste devoir de faire mes remerciements aux correspondants de feu mon mari pour la confiance qu'ils lui ont accordée, et de les prévenir que la maison Auber et Cie n'existe plus, et que je dirigerai la liqui

dation moi-même.

En vous priant de prendre note de ma signature, et avec
l'assurance de ma parfaite considération,
J'ai l'honneur d'être, Messieurs,
Votre humble servante,
Mme. Auber signera: AUBER & CIE, en liquidation.

Messrs. Lafitte, Paris.
Havre, August 19, 1866.
Gentlemen,-We beg to confirm our letter of the 26th of July,
and request you to be good enough to let us know your opinion
of the solvency of Messrs. Henry Smith Bros., who have re-
ferred us to you for the said information.

We shall be obliged if you would also indicate to us the amount of credit we may safely give them.

You may rely upon our discretion.


Le Havre, le 19 Août, 1866.


Messieurs Lafitte, à Paris.

Messieurs,-Nous vous confirmons notre lettre du 26 Juillet dernier, et vous prions de vouloir bien nous donner des renseignements sur la solvabilité de MM. Henry Smith frères, qui nous ont indiqué votre maison comme pouvant nous les fournir. Vous nous obligeriez aussi en nous indiquant l'étendue du crédit que vous jugeriez convenable de leur accorder.

Vous pouvez compter sur notre discrétion.





160. WHEN the unknown quantity is connected with a known quantity by the sign of division, the reduction is effected by multiplying both members of the equation by the latter, if it be the divisor; and by the former, if it be the divisor.

In this case, it will be particularly useful to remember a rule formerly given, namely, that a fraction is multiplied by its denominator, by removing the denominator; or, in other words, putting down the numerator as the product. Also, that after this process has been performed, transposition is still to be employed as in the preceding examples.

EXAMPLE. Reduce the equation + a = b+ d.

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167. If any quantity, either known or unknown, is found as a factor in every term, both members of the equation may be On the other hand, if any quantity is a divisor divided by it. in every term, both members of the equation may be multiplied by it. In this way, the factor or divisor will be removed, and the reduction may be effected as before.

EXAMPLES. (1.) Reduce the equation ax + 3ab = 6ad + a. Here, dividing by a, we have x + 3b = 6d + 1; and, by transposition, 2 = 6d + 1—3b. Ans. x+1 b h d (2.) Reduce the equation

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= C

Here, multiplying by x, we have x + 1-bh-d; and, by transposition, x=h-d+b-1. Ans.

168. A proportion is converted into an equation by making the product of the extremes, one member of the equation; and the product of the means, the other member.

EXAMPLE.-Reduce to an equation ar: b:: ch: d.

Here the product of the extremes is adx, and the product of the means bch; the equation is, therefore, adx = bch. Whence bch ad


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169. An equation may be converted into a proportion, by resolving one side of the equation into two factors, for the middle terms of the proportion; and the other side into two factors, for the extremes. EXAMPLE.-Convert the equation adr bch into a proportion. Here the first member may be divided into the two factors ac and d; the second into ch and b. From these factors we may form the proportion ax: b:: ch: d.



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d a

36 - 2hm




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(a-d)r ·3b+2hm + 6n

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1. Reduce the equation

+ 5 = 20.



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1. x = b + 4. 2. y=2ab2hm-a. 3. x=b-7h-d-22. 4. x 8bh + 9. 5. = 15.

6. x = 11.


7. a = 20.

= 7. 12. x = 4.

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"HONEST FELLOW"-"AULD LANG SYNE." IN our last Lesson in Music (Vol. III., p. 398) we gave the learner a great deal of necessary and valuable information on the different kinds of voices of men, women, and boys, proper enunciation, and singing in parts. We now propose, in accordance with our promise, to set before our pupils some exercises in part-singing; but before any student commences to practise these, it will be as well for him or her, as the case may be, to read over

once more the lesson to which we have referred, that our remarks on the regulation of the voice, its pitch, quality, and strength, may be fresh in the memory of our readers when they begin to sing in concert the exercises that are now brought under their notice. In the first of these exercises, some words by Martin Farquhar Tupper are set to an old English tune which admirably suits the rhythm of the poetry. In the second the learner will find

another of Burns's heart-stirring lyrics, "Auld Lang Syne," or "Old Long Ago," if there be any need to put the expression, which must be familiar to all, in an English dress. It may, however, be as well to say, for the benefit of those of our readers to whom some of the Scotch words introduced into the poetry may be new, that braes means hill-sides; gowans, daisies or aty wild flowers growing in hedge or meadow; and burn, a brook.

EXERCISE 36.-HONEST FELLOW, SORE BESET.-KEY D. M. 80. (Tune, Old English. Words from the last Edition of "Ballads for the Times," by M. F. TUPPER, Esq.)

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To illustrate still further this subject of the different | accompanying. The laws of harmony will tell you why the voices, we give our present song-first (in the old notation) as it may be sung by two female voices and one male voice-and, again (in the new notation), as it should be sung by two female voices, or by two male voices, without a third voice

accompaniments in the two cases are different. DAL SEGNO means "return to the sign." The curiously-marked S is put for that sign, and the word "fine" shows where you are to close.

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