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they are differently written, the pronunciation is the same; for among the Spaniards, the j and x have the sound of our h in horse, so that jalapa and Xalapa are both pronounced halapa. The roots attain a prodigious size, so as to weigh, in some

with large white flowers. The seed-vessel forms a note-worthy character in this family, which is of great assistance in ascertaining whether a plant belongs to it or not; for it is partitioned off into from two to four cells, by walls, which run from the centre, and meet the sides of the seed-instances, fifty pounds; but those which vessel, without being united to it. When the fruit is ripe, this circumstance is very evident, for it is seen opening at the junction of the valves, to allow the escape of the seeds, while the portions are observed to point to the middle of each valve, without being united to them.

In England we have three species of convolvulus, which have the capsule only two-celled, surmounted by a style that is ultimately divided into two round stigmas, corresponding in number to the cells. C. arvensis, small bindweed, entwines the culms of corn, and produces leaves which are shaped like an arrow; C. sepium, great bindweed, common in hedges; its leaves appear as if a piece had been cut off behind; C. soldanella, sea bindweed, found on the sea-shore; the leaves are kidney-shaped, and they lie flat on the ground, and show a disposition to twine. The flowers are large and rose-coloured, with yellow plaits. The dodder belongs to this family, and is externally related to it by the twining nature of the stems. Of one species of this curious parasitic, we have given a figure, which will give an idea of its form to those who do not happen to have met with it in its living state. It derives its support from the plant upon which it grows: whether it borrows any of its sap might be questioned, since many plants run, vegetate, and flourish, merely by the nutriment they obtain from the surrounding atmosphere. We should hardly, at first sight, persuade ourselves that this pale and almost formless stem belonged to a plant, did we not see blossoms upon it, which, in respect of size and perfection, are in no wise related to the meagre stem which produces them. In tropical climates it is no uncommon thing to see the plants and shrubs beset with a species of dodder, but in this country the sight is not common, except in some particular places.

As abounding with useful plants, this family is entitled to a special notice. Their roots contain a resin that is purgative; of this we have examples in the jalap and scammony, of which the former is a native of Xalapa, a province of Mexico, while the latter is brought from the Levant. It should be remarked here, in reference to the words Xalapa and jalapa, that though

are brought to this country seldom weigh more than six or eight ounces, for the smaller roots contain more of the specific properties of the drug. Not only the convolvulus jalapa and C. scammonea, just mentioned, are known and used in medicine; but in most countries where any of thespecies are indigenous, they are employed by the natives. The writer found that the convolvulus braziliensis was in some places called a jalapa, and used for the same purposes as the jalapa itself. This is a very handsome plant, with broad leaves, and large purple flowers, and with a long shrubby stem, which lies among the white sand of the sun-dried beach, in many of the tropical regions.

All the three natives of this country contain properties of the same nature as the jalapa; the sea bindweed for a long time was scarcely used, from a belief that a dose prepared from the root would be too powerful to be administered with safety. The greater bindweed, which seems to have been the smilax of Dioscorides, and the easione of Theophrastus, has sometimes been called the scammony of Europe, and prescribed as a substitute for that drug. It might seem singular that we should send to Asia Minor for a medicine, while one of the same efficacy is growing in the next hedge, not three yards, perhaps, from our doors, did we not know that it is characteristic of man to overlook the advantages that lie near him, and to seek after those things that are far from his reach. The intelligent reader knows that there is a fashion, not only in the style of dress or costume, but also in the opinions of mankind. It is not surprising, then, that drugs have not been exempted from its influence; a medicine which in one age makes a figure in almost every prescription, in the next, may be scarcely thought worthy of mention. This observation is exemplified by the jalapa, as not one-tenth of the quantity which was a few years ago brought to Europe, is now imported. But such is the profusion in which salutary herbs are sown upon the face of the earth, that the physician may select either that he prefers, without affecting the safety of the patient.

After speaking of the root as containing a powerful medicine, which, if taken in

large quantities, would prove very pernicious, it will appear like reversing the matter, amounting almost to a contradiction, to say, that the "roots," or tubers, form a very pleasant and nutritious diet; but the convolvulus batatas has been known as yielding an edible root ever since the discovery of America, and, in fact, lent its name to our potatoe, which was first brought from the same continent. The sweet potatoe, as it is called, resembles our common sort in appearance, and in size generally equals our largest kinds; when boiled, it is sweet and bland, and may, with the addition of a little vinegar, be treated as apple-sauce, which will, perhaps, give the reader a better idea of its savour than any other description. These tubers are not, properly speaking, the roots, but enlarged stems growing in the ground, which, in this situation, are often the depositories of fecula, or starch, or nutritious



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high scorn of the whole farce!" That it should excite scorn, even in catholics themselves of the least understanding, is not surprising; why then, in the name of common sense and common decency, are such abominable exhibitions and buffooneries any longer tolerated?

When the blood, or whatever it is, does not liquefy, the populace have sometimes, it is said, exhibited their zeal and devotion in behalf of the miracle, without any consideration for the poor saint himself, by foully abusing him, bestowing on him the appellations of scoundrel, briccone, and various other Billingsgate names. One would imagine that such revolting and blasphemous scenes would be instantly put a stop to by the priests themselves. However, they, it seems, endure all that the others dare: and, indeed, it might be a matter of some peril to interfere; for if a refractory saint is obliged to stand the pelting of these wretches' tongues, refractory priests could expect no less than to be torn piecemeal. In his account of these proceedings, Webb EVERY School-boy has read of the lique-notices as "especially execrable," the confaction of St. Januarius, or San Genar, as duct of one ecclesiastic of conspicuous he is here called, which takes place an- rank, "who palpably manifested, by a nually, on his festival, the 19th of Sep-display of derision, his utter disbelief and tember, and the 6th of May, to the great satisfaction of the faithful; nor can there be any doubts that the same miracle may be repeated every day throughout the year, and each hour in the day. On these occasions, the sacred vial is taken from its repository, and the officiating priest holds it up to the people, and shakes it, until the substance it contains begins to melt; which, of course, many chemical preparations will do, if enclosed in a bottle that is rubbed in the warm hands, and well agitated. As to the substance itself, and the degree of liquefaction produced, that must, of course, be taken entirely upon trust, at any rate by the majority of spectators; because, how is it possible that any one, even a few feet off, should be able clearly to distinguish what is contained in the vial, or whether it stirs ? Even the motion of the vial itself would prevent the eye ascertaining whether the substance was solid or liquid, the whole time. As an ocular deception, it is by no means so ingenious as many of those performed by mountebanks who devour fire, and pull yards of ribands out of their mouths, or as many of the feats performed by a clown in a pantomine. However, it would not be sife to make such remarks at Naples: the substance is firmly believed to be human blood, and the blood of no other than

Let me not be told that some respect is due even to the superstitions of an ignorant people: let the common people themselves be ever so besotted and imbruted in worse than pagan idolatry, their priests can have no such excuse, unless we suppose them one and all, the highest as well as the lowest, to be equally ignorant, and not culpable, only because labouring under the grossest delusions. If mummeries of this kind are not essential to, but the mere excrescences of roman catholicism-the impurities it had contracted in times of universal ignorance and superstition, wherefore are they not now abandoned? Why have not all jugglery and mountebankism of this sort been discountenanced by the church itself, and suffered gradually to fall into desuetude? By being now kept up, they furnish protestants with fair arguments against it; although it must be admitted, that the greatest wonder that romanism can produce, is, that it should even now be able to maintain its ground at all, in spite of the palpable absurdities with which

it is on every side beset; but such is human nature! Neither can it be alleged that such practices may be safely tolerated as harmless, as serving to amuse a people not sufficiently enlightened to be convinced of matters of faith by reasoning and argument, and incapable of rational devotion. Systematic deception is not laudable: no casuistry can justify such wretched expediency as that of fostering slavish superstition, merely because it is agreeable to the people themselves, because they are well satisfied, and the more readily attached to the system it is intended to promote. Away with such base, worldly, and cowardly policy, so opposed to the very principles of christianity! the religion of the gospel rejects it with contempt; and if the filth and cobwebs of corruptions, that are now disgracing the temple of popery, cannot be swept away without endangering the fabric itself, it must be deplorably rotten, unsound, and unsafe.

Similar policy and craftiness, and worldly authority on the part of its priesthood, upheld paganism for a time; and equal pleas might be still urged for maintaining the latter. In fact, it may be said still to exist here-in this part of Italy at least; for it has done little more than put on a new dress, and assumed new names, with very little if any internal change. Saints, both male and female, have been substituted for the divinities of the heathen pantheon; and it is to these that the people are taught to address themselves, and in them to confide. The madonna is the great goddess of their devotion-the deity of the roman catholic Olympus. Could any thing be urged in favour of this system on the score of its salutary influence upon morals, we might admit that even so degraded a religion was preferable to none; but, unfortunately, roman catholic devotion has very little, if any thing, to do with conduct. Assassins, prostitutes, and utter reprobates may be very good roman catholics: even Cardinal "Ruffo's cut-throats would never mount a horse without crossing themselves, and muttering a prayer !" As for the domestic virtues, it is mockery, when speaking of Naples, to mention them; such universal dissoluteness prevails here, that even the "hypocrisies of decency" are disregarded as perfectly useless; and marriage seems to be kept up for no other purpose than as yielding the additional luxury of-adultery. To be sure this renders the crime less disgraceful, or rather takes away all disgrace whatever from its individuals; but then it is only to heap it upon the

whole community. In the most wholesome societies there will be blotches; and far am I from claiming for England unspotted purity of manners; but still, foul as they are in themselves, these leper spots are partial; they do not extend over the whole of our social body-they have not thoroughly corrupted its entire mass.-From Rae Wilson.

(Vegetable Food.)

THE range of insects in search of food is very extensive. The vegetable kingdom presents to them a vast field, while the larger animals are limited to a comparatively small portion. Separate the grasses, and a few herbs and shrubs, and of the thousands of plants which cover the face of the earth, the rest are disgusting to them, or absolutely poisonous. Yet how plenteous is the feast to which the insect tribes are invited. From the gigantic banyan, which covers acres with its shade, to the tiny fungus which the eye can scarcely perceive, there is one immense banquet, of which they may partake. It is probable that not a single plant exists, even of those which to others are most nauseous and poisonous, that does not yield to some insect or other delicious food.

Indeed, a considerable proportion of vegetables must have been expressly designed for their entertainment and support. To mankind, and to the larger animals, for instance, the common nettle appears to be of little use, but it provides food for at least thirty distinct species of insects. Nor is this all. The larger herbaceous animals are confined to a foliaceous or farinaceous diet; they can subsist on no other part of the plant than its leaves and seeds, either in a recent or dried state, with the addition sometimes of the tender twigs or bark; but to different tribes of the insect race, every part supplies appropriate food. Some attack its roots; others select the trunk and branches; a third class feed upon the leaves; a fourth, with yet more delicate appetite, prefer the flowers; and a fifth, the fruit or seeds. Even still further selection takes place. Of those which feed upon the roots, stem, and branches of vegetables, some larva eat only the bark, others the alburnum, others the exuding resinous or other excretions; a fourth class the pith, and a fifth penetrates into the heart of the solid wood. Of those which prefer the leaves, some taste nothing but the sap which fills their veins; others eat the parenchyma, never touching the cuticle;

others, only the lower surface of the leaf; while a fourth description devour the whole substance of the leaf. Of the flower-feeders, some eat the petals; others, in their perfect state, select the pollen which swells the anthers; and a still larger class of these, the honey secreted in the nectaries.

Appropriate instruments are furnished to insects, according to their habits. The innumerable tribes of moths and butterflies eat only the honey, which is frequently situated at the bottom of a tube of great length. They have, therefore, an organ exquisitely fitted for its office-a slender tubular tongue, more or less long, sometimes not shorter than three inches, but spirally convoluted when at rest, like the main-spring of a watch, into a convenient compass. This tongue, which they can instantly unrol, they dart into the bottom of a flower, and, as through a syphon, draw up a supply of its delicious nectar, on which they feed. This organ is of a cartilaginous substance, and apparently composed of a series of innumerable rings, which, to be capable of such rapid convolution, must be moved by an equal number of distinct muscles. Though seemingly simple, the tongue is composed, in fact, of three distinct tubes; the two lateral ones, cylindrical and entire, intended, as Reaumur thinks, for the reception of the air; and the intermediate one, through which alone the honey is conveyed, nearly square, formed of two separate grooves, projecting from the lateral tubes; which grooves, by means of a most curious apparatus of hooks, like those in the lamina of a feather, fasten into each other, and can be either united into an air-tight canal, or be instantly separated at the pleasure of the insect.

The sucker of the brown aphis of the oak (aphis quercus) is much larger than the body, and, when unemployed, is carried between the legs close to the belly, extending behind the insect, like a tail, slightly curved upward. The instrument consists of a transparent tube, terminating in a hole so minute, that Reaumur could not discover it with his most powerful microscopes, but he proved its existence, by pressing out from it a drop of fluid. By means of pressure, also, he could render more obvious two instruments of a brownish colour contained in the sucker, and which he conjectured to act like the piston of a pump; though, from their minuteness, this could not be fully established.

No wonder that, with such an instrument, the aphides make great ravages in

the vegetable world. Latterly, another of these pests (aphis lanigera) has been very destructive to our apple-trees. It is thus described by Mr. Knapp: "In the spring of the year," says he, a slight hoariness is observed upon the branches of certain species of our orchard fruit. As the season advances, this hoariness increases; it becomes cottony, and toward the middle or end of summer, the under-sides of some of the branches are invested with a thick downy substance, so long, as at times to be sensibly agitated by the air. Upon examining this substance, we find that it conceals a multitude of small wingless creatures, which are busily employed in preying upon the limb of the tree beneath. This they are well enabled to do, by means of a beak terminating in a fine bristle, which, being insinuated through the bark and the sappy part of the wood, enables the creature to extract, as with a syringe, the sweet vital liquor that circulates in the plant. The sap-wort, (alburnum,) being thus wounded, rises up in excrescences and nodes all over the branch, and deforms it; the limb, deprived of its nutriment, grows sickly; the leaves turn yellow, and the part perishes. Branch after branch is thus assailed, until they all become leafless, and the tree dies.

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Aphides attack the young and softer parts of plants; but this insect seems easily to wound the harder bark of the apple, and by no means makes choice of the most tender parts of the branch. They give a preference to certain sorts, but not always the most rich fruits; as ciderapples and wildings are greatly infested by them, and, from some unknown cause, other varieties seem to be exempted from their depredations. The Wheeler's-russet and Crofton-pippin, I have never observed injured by them. This insect is viviparous, or produces its young alive, forming a cradle for them, by discharging from the extremities of its body a quantity of long cottony matter, which, becoming interwoven and entangled, prevents the young from falling to the earth, and completely envelopes the parent and the offspring. In this cottony substance, we observe, as soon as the creature becomes animated in spring, and as long as it remains in vigour, many round pellucid bodies, which, at first sight, look like eggs, only that they are larger than we might suppose to be ejected by the animal. They consist of a sweet glutinous fluid, and are probably the discharges of the aphis, and the first food of its young. That it is thus consumed, I

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