Consequences of a Conversion of Real Estate into Personal,
by Deed or by Will. - Effect of the Statute of Frauds on
the produce of Real Estate directed by Will to be converted
into Money.
Consequences of an Absolute Conversion of Real Estate into
Personal. - - Effect of the Statute of Mortmain and of the
Stamp Act, on Real Estate directed by Will to be converted
absolutely. Claims of the Real and Personal Representa-
28tives of those who are entitled to an Interest in the Produce
Consequences of a Conversion by Persons entitled in auter droit,
as the Assignees of Bankrupt's Estate, Guardians of Infants,
Reconversion of Property. - Evidence of Intention to recon-
vert Property by Persons absolutely entitled. - Means of
Reconversion pursued by those who have only qualified In-
terests in Property. - Statutes facilitating those means, and
e the method of carrying those Statutes into effect.