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spirit has no power to inflict diseases on their bodies, yet he undoubtedly has some influence to infuse into their souls the poison of sin, which is the most fatal of all diseases. If they live regardless of God and religion—if they commit iniquity with greediness-if they indulge the lusts of the flesh-if they are vain, proud, obstinate and self-willed, they are under the power of a foul spirit, in a more awful sense than was this youth who was brought to Christ for a cure. And you have much more reason to be solicitous for the removal of this moral distemper, than the father had to seek a cure of his son's bodily disorders. Christ often healed men's bodies. But this was not his main business in the world. He came principally to heal their souls. If this parent applied to him as a physician, do you go and apply to him as a Saviour-implore his grace to rescue your children from the power, and to deliver them from the guilt of their sins.

2. This evil spirit is called a dumb spirit.

The lad's disorders had so injured his organs, that he could not, or so affected his mind, that he would not speak. This was an aggravating circumstance. There is no parent, but who would be much afflicted in the dumbness of a child. But surely to a serious and wise parent it is a greater affliction to see a child pervert and abuse his speaking faculty. If your son should lose the use of his speech, you would spare no cost and pains to have it restored but are you as solicitous to have him use his speech well while he has it? A youth who is dumb is a sorrowful sight. But a more affecting spectacle is the young man who prostitutes his speech to profaneness, obscenity, slander and falsehood. A parent has more reason to be concerned for the recovery of such a son to the right use of speech, than for the recovery of one to the faculty of speech after he had lost it.

If a child is removed by death, the parent often feels great distress about his condition in a future world. He thinks he could easily submit to his own loss, if he knew his child were in glory. But why are you not concerned, while your child is in health, ta train him up in virtue, and assist him in his preparation for glory? This provident care may do him and you some real good. But

your preposterous anxiety is useless to you both, for it comes too late.

III. We will consider the faith with which this father applied to Jesus in behalf of his son. Though his faith was weak, yet there were several things which shewed it to be real and sincere. The weakness of his faith especially appeared in his doubting of Christ's power to help him. "If thou canst do any thing, have compassion and help us." They who doubt are said to be of little faith. A strong faith rests on the power, wisdom, goodness and faithfulness of God without jealousy, or distrust. A christian, in the full exercise of faith, may doubt whether he shall actually receive this, or that particular blessing which he asks: but his doubt arises not from any suspicion of the want of goodness, or power in God to grant the blessing; but wholly from an apprehension, that he is himself unqualified to receive it, and that the wisdom of God may not see best to bestow it. All distrust of God implies a weakness, or want of faith. Distrust of ourselves is a different thing. This is often a reasonable humility-at the worst, it is a pardonable infirmity. Had this father thus addressed the Saviour, "If thou seest it to be best, help us," here would have been no indication of a weak faith; because such a petition would have implied no distrust of Christ's power, or mercy, but only a doubt whether he, in his wisdom, would see fit to exercise his power and mercy in that particular way. But, by saying, "If thou canst do any thing, help us," he expressed a doubt of Christ's ability in the case, and thus shewed a weakness of faith.

But though his faith was weak, yet it was real. Doubting, though inconsistent with the strength, is not incompatible with the sincerity of faith. His faith appeared in several things.

1. In bringing his son to Christ to be healed.

He did not come with an insidious intention to insnare Christ, or to get an advantage against him; but with an honest desire to obtain a favor from him—a favor which, he trusted, Christ was able and ready to grant, and which he could not obtain elsewhere. A spirit of faith will lead us to God in prayer for such things He who believes in God, will make known his requests to him. If you were under the pressure of any difficulty,

as we want.

and saw a friend near, who, you really believed, was able and ready to help you, on proper application; in this case you would not be silent-you would request his attention and aid. Much more, if you believe in the power and goodness of God, will you spread your troubles before him. The neglect of prayer is an evidence of the want of faith.

This good man's faith farther appeared,

2. In his perseverance under discouragements.

He came to the place in expectation of finding Jesus. Perceiving that Jesus was absent, he applied to the disciples, who had often cast out devils in their master's name, and who, he hoped, could do the same now. They made the attempt, but without success. The scribes hence took occasion to dispute Christ's Divine power, and to insinuate that here was an evil spirit which heither the disciples nor their master could manage. These things staggered the poor man's hope; but did not reduce him to despair. As soon as Jesus came, he presented the lad to him, told him the case, and begged his compassion.

True faith is persevering; it neither yields to discouragements, nor faints under disappointments, nor is confounded by the scoffs of infidelity. The believer, though his prayers meet not with expected success, still continues in them, knowing that he ought always to pray and not to faint-always to wait on God, and not to be cast down and disquieted.

This man shewed the honesty of his faith,

3. By acting on such probability as he had.

Several things happened, which created a doubt whether his high opinion of Jesus were well founded. But still he would not give it up without farther trial. Let the scribes say what they would, he could not but believe, this was the Saviour-he hoped, he should find him so-he would apply to him. The case was extreme-he knew not where else to go. He prays, "If thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us."

The sincere believer may have doubts; but he will not allow his doubts to draw him into the neglect of his duty. He may have fears; but he will not let go his confidence.

In cases of immediate importance, where we cannot have certainty of success, we think it reasonable to act on probability. If a child is sick, we use means for his recovery, though we have no assurance, that the means will avail. Why will we not act with as much wisdom in our spiritual concerns? What can be of such moment as our eternal salvation? Ought we not, even upon the most doubtful prospect, to engage in seeking it? How much more, when the best encouragements are set before us? We proceed to observe,

IV. The gracious notice which Christ took of this man's sincere, though feeble faith.

"If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." It is as if Christ had said, "There is no want of power in me; but I require faith as the condition of my favors. I never work miracles to gratify a vain curiosity, or to answer a captious demand. But if any apply to me in humility and sincerity, and with an honest disposition to receive evidence of the truth; for them I am ready to employ my power. All things which are proper to be done, are possible to be done for them who believe."

You see, that Christ despises not the day of small things; he rejects not the weakest believer. He regards the feeblest motions of faith toward him. He smiles on the smallest beginnings of grace in the heart. He accepts the least acts of true faith and real piety. A cup of cold water given to a disciple in his name will not lose its reward. What mighty encouragement is here to tender souls-to young christians-to new converts to the weak in faith. Their Saviour is one, who gathers the lambs with his arms, and carries them in his bosom. He is one who strengthens the weak and supports the falling. He is one who meets with his grace them who seek him with their hearts, and wait for him in his way. Let the feeble christian, under his fears and doubts, look to this Saviour, who is so full of power, goodness and condescension; and remember, that he will in no wise cast out them who come to him, nor disappoint those who wait for him. He says to the afflicted father, "All things are possible to him that believeth." To the woman who besought him for her daughter, he says, "As thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee."

Christians; do you hear your Saviour speaking thus unto you? Let your pious desires rise up with new vigour on the wings of faith, and stretch away to seize and enjoy the promised good.

This leads us to observe,

V. How this believer was affected with Christ's gracious declaration. "Straitway he cried out with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief."

He readily believed Christ's word, that he was able to do whatever he should ask. And he received this word with great affection. O, what a joyful word must this be to a father afflicted by the danger and distress of his only child? Here is a physician able to heal him. But how much greater joy must it give to an awakened and enquiring sinner to hear and believe, that there is a Saviour able to redeem him from guilt and hell? To such a inner the word of salvation comes as tidings of great joy. When Peter's hearers, pricked in their heart, and enquiring what they must do to be saved, were told, that through Jesus Christ there was a promise of pardon to all; as many as should repent; they gladly received the word, and embraced the promise.

Many hear of salvation by Christ without any emotion of gratitude, or joy for the blessing, and without any concern to obtain a share in it. The reason is, they have no sense of their guilt, and of their desert of the wrath to come. Tell a sick man, that there is a physician at hand, who has a sure remedy for his disease, and that he may have it for asking, your information, if he believes it, will give him great joy. Were you as sensible of your danger from sin, as the sick man is of his danger from sickness, the word of salvation would give you still greater joy.

This believer had a humble sense of his remaining unbelief. "Lord, I believe; help thou my unbelief."

The true believer knows himself; he feels and laments the unbelief of his heart. Faith is imperfect in the most improved christian it is especially so in new converts. They are babes in Christ. They must aspire to the stature of perfect men.

The unbelief of christians discovers itself in various ways. They should watch to observe and rebuke its workings. Do you not sometimes feel great impatience under your afflictions; espe

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