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139. When Thing or Things is Subftantive to an Adjective, the Word Thing or Things is elegantly omitted, and the Adjective is put abfolutely, or without its Subftantive: as, "Who will fhew us any Good?" for, "Who will fhew us any good Thing?"

In many other Cafes the Adjective is put abfolutely, especially when the Noun has been mentioned before, and is eafily understood, though not expreffed.

140. In forming the Degrees of Comparifon, the Adverbs, more, most, less, leaft, &c. are only used before Adjectives when the Terminations, er and eft, are omitted: as, "More full, lefs beautiful."

141. For better Sound's Sake, moft Adjectives ending in ive, al, ful, ble, ant, fome, ing, ifh, ous, and fome others, muft be compared by the Adverbs,more, moft, lefs, leaft, &c as, " Penfive, more penfive; fubftantial, more substantial.”

NOTE 141. Adjectives of more than one Syllable generally come under this Rule. 142. When

142. When two Perfons, or Things, are spoken of in a Sentence, and there is Occafion to mention them over again, for the Sake of Diftinction, that is used in Reference to the former, and this in Reference to the latter: as,

"Self-love, the Spring of Motion, acts the Soul;

"Reafon's comparing

the whole :

Balance rules

"Man but for that no Action could


And but for this were active to no End."

143. That refers both to Perfons and Things: as, "The Man that I refpect; The Thing that I want, is not here."

144. The relative Pronoun, who, whofe, or whom, is ufed, when we fpeak of Perfons only; which, when we speak of Things, or want to distinguish one of two or more Perfons or Things: as, "I am bound to refpect a Man, who has done me a Favor; though he be charge

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able with Vices, which I hate. Which of the Men? Which of the Roads will you choose?"

145. Who and what alfo are used in afking Questions: Who, when we inquire for a Man's Name: as, "Who is that Man?" What, when we would know his Occupation, &c. as, "What is that Man ?”

146. The Adverb is always placed immediately before the Adjective, but moft commonly after the Verb: as, "A very pious Man prays frequently."

147.The Comparative Adverbs,than, and as, with the Conjunctions, and,nor, or, connect like Cafes: as, "She loves him better than me; John is as tall as Ï; He and I went together; Neither he nor fhe came; Bring it to me or her."

148. The Conjunctions, if, though, execpt, &c. implying a manifeft Doubt or Uncertainty, require the fubjunctive Form of Verbs: as, "Though he flay


me, yet will I truft in him; I will not let thee go, except thou blefs me; Kifs the Son, left he be angry; If he but Speak the Word; See thou do it not.”

149. Prepofitions always govern the accufative Cafe of a Pronoun immediately after them: as, "To me; for them, &c."

150. After Verbs of shewing, giving, &c. the Prepofition, to, is elegantly omitted before the Pronoun, which, notwithstanding, must be in the Accufative: as, "I gave him the Book," for, "I gave to him the Book."

151. The Prepofition, to, is always ufed before Nouns of Place, after Verbs and Participles of Motion: as, "I went to London; I am going to Town." &c. But the Prepofition, at, is always used when it follows the neuter Verb in the

NOTE 148. This Form feems to be elliptifal, and may be thus refolved: 66 Though he hould lay me; Left he should be angry; See

thou must do it not, &c.”


fame Cafe: as, "I have been at London; I am at the Place appointed." We likewise say, "He touch'd, arriv'd, lives, &c. at any place."

152. The Prepofition, in, is fet before Countries, Cities, and large Towns; efpecially, if they are in the fame Nation: as, "He lives in London, in France, &c." At is fet before Villages, fingle Houses, and Cities that are in diftant Countries: as, "He lives at Hackney, &c."

153. The Interjections, 0, Oh, and Ah, require the accufative Cafe of a Pronoun in the firft Perfon: as, "O me, Oh me, Ah me:" But the Nominative in the fecond: as, "O thou, O ye."

No exact Rules can be given for the Placing of all Words in a Sentence: The eafy Flow and the Perfpicuity of the Expreffion are the two Things, which ought to be chiefly regarded.


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