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lomela died in her journey; and that his story might appear true, he shed many tears, and put on mourning. But binjuries whet the wit, and desire of revenge makes people cunning: for Philomela, though she was dumb, found out a way to tell her sister the villany of Tereus. The way she discovered the injuries done to her was this she described the violence Tereus offered her, as well as she could, in embroidery, and sent the work folded up to her sister. Progne no sooner viewed it, but she boiled with rage; and was so transported with passion that she could not speak, her thoughts being wholly taken up in contriving how she should avenge the affront. First then she hastened to her sister, and brought her home without Tereus knowledge. While she was thus meditating revenge, her young son Itys came embracing his mother; but she carried him aside into the remote parts of the house, and slew him while dhe hung about her neck, and called her mother. When she had killed him, she cut him into pieces, and dressed the flesh, and gave it Tereus for supper, who fed heartily on his own flesh and blood. And when after supper he sent for his son Itys, Progne told him what she had done, and Phi

-Grande doloris

Ingenium est, miserisque venit solertia rebus.

Desire of vengeance makes the invention quick,
When, miserable, help with craft we seek.
c Et (mirum potuisse) silet; dolor ora repressit,
Verbaque quærenti satis indignantia linguæ
Defuerant, nec flere vacat: sed fasque nefasque
Confusura ruit, pænæque in imagine tota est.

She held her peace, 'twas strange; grief struck her

No language could with such a passion suit,

Nor had she time to weep: right, wrong, were mixt
In her fell thoughts, her soul on vengeance fixt.
d Et mater, mater, clamantem et colla petentem
Ense ferit:

-He mother, mother, cries,

And on her clings, while by her sword he dies. * Vescitur, inque suam sua viscera congerit alvum. -does eat,

And his own flesh and blood does make his meat. ↑ Intus habes quod poscis, ait. Circumspicit ille,

lomela showed him his son's head. Tereus, incensed with rage, rushed on them both with his drawn sword; but they fled away, and fear added wings to their flight; so that Progne became a swallow, and Philomela a nightingale. Fury gave wings to Tereus himself; he was changed into a hoopoe (upupa) which is one of the filthiest of all birds. The gods out of pity changed Itys into a pheasant.


To Mars were sacrificed the wolf for his fierceness; the horse for his usefulness in war; the woodpecker and the vulture for their ravenousness; the cock for his vigilance, which virtue soldiers ought chiefly to have; and grass, because it grows in towns that the war leaves without an inhabitant, and is thought to come up quicker in such places as have been moistened with human blood.

Among the most ancient rites belonging to Mars, I do not know a more memorable one than the following: "Whoever had undertaken the conduct of any war, he went into the vestry of the temple of Mars; and first skaked the Ancilla (a sort of holy shields) afterward the spear of the image of Mars, and said, ' Mars, watch.'"

Atque ubi sit, quærit: quærenti, iterumque vocanti,
Prosiluit, Itvosque caput Philomela cruentum

Misit in ora patris.

Thou hast, said she, within thee thy desire.

He looks about, asks where. And while again
He asks and calls; all bloody with the slain,
Forth like a fury Philomela flew,

And at his face the head of Itys threw.

Virg. Æn. 9. b Qui belli alicujus susceperat curam, sacrarium Martis ingressus, primo Ancilia commovebat, post hastam simulacri ipsius; dicens, Mars, Vigila. Servius.



M. You have viewed the five celestial gods: now look upon the celestial goddesses that follow them there in order. First observe Juno, riding in a "golden cha· riot, drawn by peacocks, holding a sceptre in her hand, and wearing a crown beset with roses and lillies.

She is the queen of the gods, and both the ¡sister and wife of Jupiter. Her father was Saturn, and her mother Ops; she was born in the island Samos, and there lived till she was married.

P. Really she seems very august. How bright, how majestical, how beautiful is that face, how comely are all her limbs? how well does a sceptre become those hands, and a crown that head? how much beauty is there in her smiles? how much gracefulness in her breast? Who could resist such charms, and not fall in love, when he sees so many graces? Her carriage is stately, her dress elegant and fine. She is full of majesty, and worthy of the greatest admiration. But what pretty damsel is that which waits upon her, as if she were her servant?

P. It is Iris, the daughter of Thaumas and Electra, and sister to the Harpies. She is Juno's messenger, as Mercury is Jupiter's; though Jupiter and the other gods, the Furies, nay sometimes men, have sent her on a message. Because of her swiftness she is painted with wings, and she sometimes rides on a rainbow, as mOvid says.

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m Effugit, et remeat per quos modo venerat arcus.
On the same bow she went she soon returns.

Met. 2.

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