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handsome things that had been said this morning respecting the extraordinary exertions of the Bible Society; and that, in translating the Bible and dispersing it into foreign parts, we had done well;-but that we marred every thing by having formed an amicable junction with the dissenters from the ecclesiastical establishment of this country. "This principle seems to pervade almost every part of the learned professor's address now in my hands. The principle of the learned author seems to be, to have nothing to do with dissenters in any concern which is connected with religion. Now my principle is toto cœlo different. Lamenting their dissent as much as any member of our establishment can do, and wishing prosperity to the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge as sincerely and as earnestly as any member of that society can wish it, still I would go hand in hand with the dissenters as far as I can. It is only when I cannot help it that I leave them. I do not dread the dissenters, as if they were infected with a contagion; but I eordially rejoice to shake hands with them on all points where we do agree: nor do I see any inconsistency in maintaining a friendly intercourse with them on such points, and at the same time in exercising a jealous attention over them in the points where we separate from each other. And this I take to be the true line of distinction for churchmen.' Further, I am deeply convinced that the dangers of dissent, and even dissent itself, are best encountered by conciliation; whereas both dissent and its dangers are strengthened by irritation, opposition, and exclusion.

"Your Lordship knows very well that I am one of those who think that the Roman Catholic question of Emancipation leads to considerations and inquiries of immense magnitude; yet whatever circumspection. may think requisite on that head, I should never have any scruple to give a Bible to a Roman Catholic;

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I should never scruple to join with a Roman Catholic in promoting the distribution of Bibles to others. In fact, I should look on the dispersion of the Bible, and the free use of it, to be the likeliest way in the world to bring about a more complete reformation from Popery. History teaches us, that it was by garbling the Bible, by keeping the Bible out of the hands of the people, by forbidding translations of the Bible into intelligible languages, that Popery was enabled so long to keep its ground among the nations. The great Saxon reformer, Martin Luther, was so well aware of this, that while in the retirement of a secret asylum, to escape the papal fires which at that time were on the very eve of being lighted for his destruction, he employed the hours of his privacy with indefatigable industry in translating the Bible into the German language.

"My Lord, the learned author of this address is too well versed in ecclesiastical history to have forgotten, that for some time before the death of the eminent supporter of the blessed Reformation, the Elector of Saxony, Frederick the Wise, it was an afflictive consideration to the mind of that truly pious and conscientious prince, to reflect that the word of God had not its free course in Germany.

“In short, it appears to me, that to maintain that churchmen cannot safely join with dissenters in distributing the authorised version of the Bible, amounts to this declaration, that we can safely join with them in nothing of a religious nature;a position surely not of easy digestion in a country where Christianity has produced, in any considerable degree, its genuine effects of universal disinterested benevolence.

"Ever since the first agitation of this business, I have from time to time, and with all the care of which I am capable, examined into the foundation of that apprehension of danger on which so much stress is laid; and I am compelled to avow,

that an intercourse and an agreement with the dissenters, of which both the basis and the superstructure, of which both the beginning and the end, and also all the intermediate parts, are the dissemination of the holy Scriptures, is in itself utterly void of all reasonable objection; and that so far from widening the breach between us and the dissenters, such an intercourse tends to lessen it, and to bring us nearer together; while, on the other hand, an excessive spirit of jealousy and distrust and suspicion has a tendency to irritate, to exasperate animosities, and increase disunion in the country. "There is not any one member of our church establishment, who entertains a more exalted idea of the excellence of our Liturgy, and of our Prayer-Book in general, than I do; and I heartily wish that Christians of all denominations could be persuaded to adopt the use of it; but as this is not to be expected, while dissenters of several denominations adhere to their present system of ceremonies and of church government, I would not represent the distribution of the Bible alone as a thing that cannot be done with safety, unless accompanied with the corrective of a Prayer-Book of the Church of England.

"My Lord, our Liturgy itself owes its establishment to the free use of the Bible among the people; and I greatly mistake, if, among the numerous errors of the Church of Rome, there exists a more dangerous tenet than that the holy Scriptures themselves must be tried at the bar of the traditions of fallible men.

"The late printed address to the members of this university would justify me in making many other observations on the different parts of it; but I forbear. If that should appear, which at present does not appear, viz. that the author of it has gained, in any material degree, the pulilic mind to believe, that we who subscribe to the Bible Society are unfaithful members of our church establishment, it may then be ne

cessary to defend ourselves by doing away the misrepresentation. Again, if the members of the society itself should discover a disposition to depart from their avowed principle of printing the Bible without note of comment, we may then unite to check that disposition, or even pro ceed to the length of quitting the society entirely. Lastly, if other objects inimical to the church should indeed, as is intimated, appear to be associated with its main object, is it to be supposed that the artful, politic Dissenters will be all awake, and the simple, honest, harmless, unsuspecting Church-of-Englandmen fast asleep?

"On the whole, and in conclusion, I am compelled to observe, that in this short address to the University of Cambridge, there appears to be such an accumulation of onkind intimations, suspicions, and conjectures (all of which I am to suppose were intended to have their effect), as call for much greater confidence than I have yet learnt to have in the author's ability for judg ing of the probability of future events.-I must own I do sincerely wish that the spirit which but too evidently pervades almost every part of it, had been more conciliating, and had savoured in general more of that true Christian charity which hopeth all things.-That holy book, my Lord, the dissemination of which is the glorious object of this meeting, is itself the real cure of all dissent and all contention that are not innocent: and it is my firm belief that, if dissenters of all denominations, by no means excluding Roman Catholics, or the members of our own .communion, did but read and study their Bibles more constantly, and with more devout care and application, and with more of a direct view to improve the heart and correct the practice, Christians of every denomination, without ex ception, would approach much nearer to one another than they now do; would actually coincide, or nearIv so, in most essentials; and in re

gard to subordinate matters, they would exercise so much mutual kindness and forbearance towards each other, as would almost annihilate the evil of any remaining diflerence of sentiment."

The Rev. Mr. DEALTRY, Fellow of Trinity College, then addressed the meeting in nearly the following terms:-"I rise, with a view of proposing a motion, to which I am convinced no objection will be made. The purport of it is, to return thanks to the three Secretaries of the parent society in London, for their attendance and assistance upon the present occasion. That assistance, indeed, I consider as peculiarly valuable; it is in the power of these gentlemen fully to explain the nature, the constitution, and the object of their institution, and with an authority which it is impossible to doubt. Should any misconceptions have prevailed upon these points, I trust that they are now entirely removed from the minds of us all. We are all now convinced, if we doubted before, that the dispersion of the Scriptures, without note or comment, is the sole and simple object of the Bible Society. It has, I know, been more than insinuated, that this important regulation has not been observed. This charge I have with my name publicly denied, and I bere repeat the denial; it is, in fact, utterly unfounded; and after the speeches which we have heard from the Secretaries this day, the man, who shall venture again to advance it, is possessed, to say the least of him-of a very hazardous spirit of perseverance.

"The extension and elects of this noble society have been displayed to us by the Secretaries in terms of glowing animation, which have kindled the best feelings of all who heard them. The affecting details, with which they have favoured us, cannot fail to have warmed your hearts, as they have warmed mine. One spirit seems to have pervaded our whole assembly; and so long as

memory shall retain any trace of the events which belong to this interesting occasion, that spirit can hardly become dormant.

"Who can reflect upon these things, without the strongest emotions of admiration and astonishment? And is it not a remarkable circumstance, that at the very moment, when we possess the will and the power to circulate the Scriptures through so many lands, there should be on every side such an anxiety to possess them? If the shower is descending to the earth, the earth also is prepared for the shower. Into particulars I cannot enter: but whoever will read the correspondence of the society, as annually given to the public, will be delighted at the expressions of joy and gratitude, which arise from every quarter on the prospect of receiving the ward of God. The poor and destitute have every where hailed the heavenly treasure, with emotions which words can but feebly express; but their prayers have ascended, and their tears have flowed, in behalf of those benefactors in England to whom they acknow ledge themselves indebted for the best of earthly gifts. Yes, even in countries with which we are engaged in war, we have a powerful party; all those are with us, who love the Scriptures and who fear their God; and looking to England as the sacred asylum of religion, and the last hope of a miserable world, thousands, of whom we know nothing, and whom we never cau know, till that day shall declare them, in their constant addresses to the Throne of Grace, solicit the best blessings of Heaven upon this favoured and happy land: nor will they solicit in vain.

"That any objections should be raised against an institution, thus abundant in good works, and thus liberal in acts of mercy, might have appeared incredible, had not recent experience established the fact. Still less could it have been imagined that men of talent, and piety, and

learning, would have embarked in such a cause. For the truth of the fact, however, we need only advert to the occurrences of the last few days. And what is the amount of their objection? Truly it is neither more nor less than this: that our measures have a tendency to ruin the Church of England. Does the dispersion of the Scriptures tend to rain the church? We have abandoned no one point of doctrine; we have surrendered no one point of discipline; we retain every syllable of our liturgy and articles and homilies: we have compromised nothing: we mean to compromise nothing: we leave to every man the free exercise of his own judgment and conscience, and we claim for ourselves a similar privilege. Ruin the church? Where then is the discretion of all our archbishops and bishops, of all the dignitaries and beneficed clergy, and of all those members of the establishment, who have supported the Bible Society? Can it be believed that they are so weak in understanding, or so desperately impelled by inverted ambition, as to join in a scheme of this tendency? Let us never forget, that the Scriptures, for the dispersion of which we are thus publicly arraigned, are the word of the Most High; let us never forget, that they contain the dictates of infallible wisdom, and that they are given to us by God himself, as calculated above all other means to make us wise unto salvation and to lead us in the way to heaven. So far, in my opinion, is the Bible Society from being hostile to the establishment, that the very contrary tendency is with me a powerful argument in its favour. What ever promotes the cause of Christian charity, must infallibly be beneficial to the church; and no means, I am persuaded, were ever yet discovered, so likely to excite and to cherish the genuine feelings of charity in the hearts of all men. If we cannot all think alike, this lesson at least we shall learn, to respect

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one another, to forbear with one another, and to provoke each other to love and to good works.

"The counsel of those gentlemen who are hostile to the Bible Society, and who recommend us to desert it, appears to me not a little extraordinary. They advise the Dissenters to have their own institution upon a similar basis, but would keep us from the contagion. They would therefore give to them the fall popularity of the plan, which would still invite thousands of churchmen, who, in spite of all our remonstrances, would see no harm in circulating Bibles; and they would probably retain the co-operation of the continental societies. And what secority, I would ask, should we then have, for the purity of the versions distributed throughout the United Kingdom? It is evident that they might circulate any versions they please, corrupt or incorrupt. Thus then we are to throw power into the hands of those, whom we are taught to consider as inveterate enemies, and to do it in a manner the most ungracious, offensive, and exaspe rating, that can possibly be devised. A more unwise measure, I think, was never proposed by any man, who professed attachment to the church. What does it imply? Our archbishops and bishops, who countenance the Bible Society, are now, forsooth, to confess, with penitent faces, that in the simplicity of their understanding, they have been, for several years, the mere dupes and tools of a parcel of politic dissenters: our nobles are to retire with shame: the numerous and respectable clergy, who have lent us their aid in every part of the kingdom, are now to acknowledge that they too have been the children of infatuation; and by this public act we are to record it as our deliberate opinion, that the circulation of the Scriptures is an evil which must undermine and blow up the Church of England, and be fatal to the best interests of Christianity.

"This is the plain argument, when stripped of its appendages; and a goodly argument I confess it to be. "It is unnecessary for me to trespass long upon your attention; but I cannot sit down without congratulating both you and myself upon the glorious scene which we have this day witnessed. All, who have had the honour to be educated at Cambridge, will readily agree with us, that on every challenge to a good work, the members of this university are always to be found among the brightest examples of liberality and public spirit. And the world will now at least be of the same mind with our selves: they will recognise, in the present meeting, the effects of our education and our discipline by the truly Christian fruits which they produce. To me, I own, the pleasure is greatly augmented by the interest which this question has excited among our younger friends. An ample tribute of respect is due to that excellence of principle and generosity of character by which their conduct has been so highly distinguished. What a consolation is it to reflect, that those who are to supply our places, when we are committed to the grave; who are to instruct our youth, and to become the authorised guardians of morals and religion; who are hereafter to hold important offices both in church and state, and to watch over the happiness of their native land: what a consolation is it to reflect, that they have proved themselves, at this early age, to be influenced by the best impressions, by charity the most pure, by feelings the most exalted! The testimony which has been borne to their conduct, by my friends on either hand of me, is most honourable. They have transgressed no law: they have violated no principle of decorum. They deserve the high praise both of zeal and of discretion: of zeal, which is suited to their noble and generous nature; of discretion, which would do credit to their fathers. I hail this day as peculiarly auspicious, CHRIST. OBS. App.

not only to our own country, but also to the nations around us: its effects will be felt far and wide: and with such an impression on my mind, ifour Royal Patron were among us, I would address him, under this view, in these beautiful lines, which we heard at the late installation:

No common cause, no vulgar sway,

Now, Glo'ster, claims thy generous zeal : In England's bliss is Europe's stay,

And England's hope in Granta's weal.

"Of the interest, which I take in the great cause, which now calls us together, no person in this assembly will entertain a doubt: yet I cannot express much regret, that we have not met sooner. There is, I think, in this case, an advantage connected with delay. The tendency of our studies is to make us weigh and deliberate: we are disposed to take nothing upon trust: we love to examine a question in all its bearings; and demand, whenever the occasion will allow it, the evidence of facts. No man will venture to accuse us of hasty or over-weening zeal. The lapse of seven years since the establishment of the Bible Society, has afforded us all the evidence of facts, that we could justly require; and we can now tell the world, that many of the members of this university have given to that institution the sanction of their patronage after full and mature deliberation. This circumstance I consider as very important: the intelligence of our resolutions will go to our brethren of the establishment throughout the United Kingdom; and will prove to them incontrovertibly, that, in adopting these measures, we consider ourselves not merelyas the friends of mankind at large, but as the friends also of that national church,which, by our habits and principles and education, we are bound to support and defend. If any misconception at present prevail, the very fact of our approbation of the Bible Society will be one of the best arguments to remove it. We have done nothing in haste: our feelings indeed have been power


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