And the Lord said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua : for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. Sermons - Página 308por Thomas Gisborne - 1811Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
| Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 páginas
...LORD faid unto Mofes, Write this for a Memorial in a Book, and rehearfe it in the Ears of Jofhua : for I will utterly put out the Remembrance of Amalek from under Heaven. 1 5 And Mofes built an Altar, and called the Name of it JEHOVAH-nifli. * Tht Dnini Gr/ur it tftn rtprtfmlid... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 páginas
...LORD faid unto Mofes, Write this for a Memorial in a Book, and rehearfe it in the Ears of Jofhua : for I will utterly put out the Remembrance of Amalek from under Heaven. 15 And Mofes built an Altar, and called the Name of it JEHOVAH-ni{G. 1 ; * Ttx Dhau Crtce ii tftn rtfrtftnlii... | |
| Moses Lowman - 1745 - 392 páginas
...unto Mofes, Write 14,15, \6. this for a Memorial in a Book, and rehearfe it in the Ears of JoJhua; for I will utterly put out the "Remembrance of Amalek from under Heaven. Accordingly Mofes built an Altar, or erefted a monumental Pillar, which was fometimes the Ufe of Altars,... | |
| Thomas Newton - 1766 - 540 páginas
...Write this for a memorial in a book, and fehearfe it in the ears of Jofouat for I -will (of rather that I will) utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven; Balaam had before declared, that the king of Ifrael fhould prevail over the king of Amalek j but here... | |
| Jacob Bryant - 1767 - 368 páginas
...faid unto Mofes, Write " this for a memorial in a book, and rehearfe it in the ears of " Jojhua : for I will utterly put out the remembrance of " Amalek from under heaven. — The Lord hath fworn, that " the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to ge" neration." J " Remember wh&Amakk... | |
| John Witherspoon, William Shenstone - 1768 - 360 páginas
..." an altar, and called the name of it Jehovah" niffi. For he faid, Becaufe the Lord hath. " fworn, that the Lord will have war with Ama" lek from generation to generation." The injuftice and impiety of this action of the Amalekites, which provoked God, not only to threaten,... | |
| Thomas Astle - 1784 - 344 páginas
...unto MOSES, Write (4) tbisy "for a memorial^ in a book; and rebearfe it in the ears of JOSHUA; " for I will utterly put out the remembrance of AMALEK from under " Heaven" This command was given immediately after the defeat of the Amalekites near Horeb, and before the arrival... | |
| Jeremiah Jones - 1798 - 486 páginas
...Epiftle) to write the viftory for a memorial in a book, and rehearfe it in the ears of Jojbua ; for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. 10. The laft miftake I (hall mention in the author of this Epiftle, is in the end of the fame twelfth... | |
| John Witherspoon, John Rodgers - 1802 - 600 páginas
...faid unto Mofes, Write this for a memorial in a book, " and rehearfe it in the ears of Jofhua : for I will utterly " put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. " Anil Mofes built an altar, and called the name of it " Jehovah niffi. For he faid, Becaufe the Lord... | |
| Thomas Newton - 1803 - 460 páginas
...Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehear fe it in the ears of Jojhua, for I will (or rather that I will) utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. Balaam had before declared, that the king of Ifrael mould prevail over, the king of Amalek; but litre... | |
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