the nutrition actually received is less considerable than might be supposed. Trees, in the circumstances mentioned, derive supplies of air, as of moisture, through the medium of their leaves; the latest researches in vegetable physiology demonstrating, that the principal food of plants is drawn from the carbon of the atmosphere: and with regard to the understanding, its nourishment may appear scanty merely because extracted from objects, or appropriated in ways, little obvious or common.-W. B. Clulow. 85. The different productions of soil, the different temperatures of climate, the different influences of religion and government, the different degrees of national proficiency in arts and sciences, and the different dispositions, or it may be talents of individuals, require us to pursue different methods in the instruction of youth. But the general principles of education are the same, or nearly the same, in all ages, and at all times. They are fixed unalterably in the natural and moral constitution of man. -Dr Parr. 86. Is not this also true, that young men are much less fit hearers of Political than of Moral Science, before they are thoroughly imbued with religious and moral knowledge, but haply, from a perversion and corruption of judgment, they may fall into the opinion, that there are no real and solid moral distinctions between things, but that everything is to be measured by its usefulness or success? -Bacon. 87. The Chinese, whom it might be well to disparage less and imitate more, seem almost the only people among whom learning and merit have the ascendancy, and wealth is not the standard of estimation.-W. B. Clulow. t 88. To excel others, is a proof of talent; but to know when to conceal that superiority, is a greater proof of prudence.--Lacon. 89. Emulation is lively and generous; and envy base and malicious: the first is a regret at our small desert; the other a vexation at the merit of others. Emulation would raise us; and envy would abase what is above us. - Dr T. Fuller. 90. As I believe that the English Universities are the best places in the world for those who can profit by them, so I think for the idle and self-indulgent they are about the very worst, and I would far rather send a boy to Van Dieman's Land, where he must work for his bread, than send him to Oxford [or Cambridge] to live in luxury, without any desire in his mind to avail himself of his advantages.Dr Arnold. 91. He that is able to maintain his life in learning at Cambridge, knoweth not what a felicity he hath. -Roger Ascham. 92. I left it [Emmanuel College] as must not be dissembled, before the usual time, and in truth, had been almost compelled to leave it, not by the want of a proper education, for I had arrived in the first place in the first form of Harrow School when I was not quite fourteen; not for the want of useful tutors, for mine were eminently able, and to me had been uniformly kind; not for the want of ambition, for I had begun to look up ardently and anxiously to academical distinctions; not by the want of attachment to the place, for I regarded it then, as I continue to regard it now, with the fondest and most unfeigned affection; but by another want ! 1 which it were unnecessary to name, and for the supply of which, after some hesitation, I determined to provide by patient toil and resolute self-denial when I had not completed my twentieth year. I ceased, therefore to reside, with an aching heart; I looked back with mingled feelings of regret and humiliation to advantages of which I could no longer partake, and honours to which I could no longer aspire. The unreserved conversation of scholars, the disinterested offices of friendship, the use of valuable books, and the example of good men, are endearments by which Cambridge will keep a strong hold upon my esteem, my respect, and my gratitude to the last moment of my life. --Dr Parr. 93. University distinctions are a great starting point in life; they introduce a man well, nay, they even add to his influence afterwards. - Dr Arnold. 94. Consider that a young man has no means of becoming independent of the society about him. If you wish to exercise influence hereafter, begin by distinguishing yourself in the regular way, not by seeming to prefer a separate way of your own. It is not the natural order of things, nor, I think, the sound one.-Dr Arnold. 95. Literary prizes, and academical honours, are laudable objects of any young man's ambition; they are proofs of present merit, and the pledges of future utility. But, when hopes excited within the cloister, are not realized beyond it; when academical rewards produce not public advantage, the general voice will not squander away upon the blossom, that praise and gratitude which it reserves only for the fruit. Let those, therefore, who have been successful in their academic career, be careful to maintain their speed, “servetur ad imum," otherwise these petty kings, within the walls of their colleges, will find themselves dethroned monarchs when they mix with the world; a world through which, like Theodore, they will be doomed to wander, out of humour with themselves, and useless to society; exasperated with all who do not recognize their former royalty, and commiserate their present degradation. - Lacon. 96. It is impossible to become either an eminently great, or truly pious man, without the courage to remain ignorant of many things.-S. T. Coleridge. 97. Make thyself thy great study; and learn to estimate and value thyself justly. He that knoweth not what is fit for one in his circumstances, will never be able to maintain a due esteem. - Dr T. Fuller. 98. Consider seriously with thyself, what figure is the most fit for thee to make in the world: and then find out and fix upon a method and rule, in order thereunto; which be sure to observe strictly. --Dr T. Fuller. 99. We should be careful not to mistake the possession of talents, or their occasional exhibition, for the full use of them. - W. Danby. 100. It is impossible that any man, though he be of an admirable wit, and hath a natural good judgment, can reach to and thoroughly understand certain particulars; and for this is experience necessary, which, and none other, doth teach them. And he will best understand this maxim who shall have managed many affairs; because experience herself will have taught him how good and precious a thing she is. Guicciardini. 101. If there be one habit of mind which I should especially desire to discourage in men entering into the business of life, it is the habit of substituting a shabby plausibility for sound knowledge. --Sir James Stephen. 102. Show not thyself in public till maturity and fitness: first failings may put thee back too far for an after-recovery. For expectations come with an appetite, and would be satisfied; if thou baulkest them, men may take such an offence, as scarce ever to relish thee again. --Dr T. Fuller. 103. Without a profession I scarely see how a man can live honestly. That is, I use the term "profession" in rather a large sense, not as simply denoting certain callings which a man follows for his maintenance, but rather, a definite field of duty, which the nobleman has, as well as the tailor; but which that man has not, who having an income large enough to keep him from starving, hangs about upon life, merely following his own caprices and fancies; quod factu pessimum est. -Dr Arnold. 104. The choice of our occupations is certainly of importance, but the manner in which we occupy ourselves is perhaps of still more; for by this, their effect on the mind is shown, and their ultimate result determined. To this all must be subordinate, as being the medium through which the mind is seen. To fortify, expand, and elevate the powers of the mind, should be the great business of human life; to teach the mind to know itself, and to use that knowledge for its real improvement; to give it at once a consciousness of its own strength and of its dependence; to raise it above the allurements of |