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with the thought that he could thus in the other world get in his charge against his enemy. When the other priest heard what was done he took a still larger dose of opium in order that he might get there first. These two men actually were brought before the missionary in what seemed to be a dying state, but by vigorous measures their lives were saved, and the motives which led them to attempt suicide were then revealed.

WE raise the query how many churches there are of our faith and order which might not have the experience indicated by this portion of a letter just received:

"In reply would say that church has turned over a new leaf. My predecessor told me that congregation was only able to contribute to three societies. I said nothing, but went to work. I presented A Pastor's the matter to my people carefully and earnestly, and then asked them to come prepared to contribute to one or the other society on each Communion day.


"We have received seven new members into the church since the first of the year, and expect several more by July. When we get fully awakened we will be able to do still better. We need the baptism of God's Spirit upon us." THE policy of self-support made practical upon the mission field is well illustrated in a report of Euphrates College, just received from President


Gates. Every one will remember that the Harpoot field suffered more severely from the massacres than almost any other part of Turkey. In spite of this fact and the terrible poverty which prevails there, Dr. Gates reports 895 students in all depart. ments of the college. But what is of supreme interest is the fact that he has taken $1,826 for tuition and $1,298 for board of pupils. When we bear in mind the fact that $26 pays the full board for a year of a boy and $22 does the same for a girl, the real value of the amount received becomes more apparent. It is intensified, however, when we know that the price of a day's wages there for a strong man is from fourteen to twenty-two cents, he boarding himself. The large amount received by the college shows that people are ready to pay for privileges received, the value of which they appreciate. THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR GIRLS IN SPAIN.


DURING the past year, while the thought of possible war has agitated every mind, the work of the Institute has continued quietly and successfully. Three months ago the news was flashed over the submarine wires that the end of all the discussion was not to be a peaceful arrangement of the Cuban difficulties, but war between the United States and Spain. This possibility had been in mind for a long time, and Minister Woodford had been consulted as to the safety of Americans in Spain should war be declared. He thought it would be necessary for them to leave.

I was in Washington the eventful week of the declaration of war, and called upon the Spanish Minister, Señor Polo y Bernabé, and asked his opinion. At first he said that no American pursuing his daily avocation would be

molested. When he learned that we were Protestant missionaries he said, with a peculiar expression on his face, "I am afraid Yankee and Protestant are rather a bad combination," and said it would probably be necessary for us to leave for a time.


The mission in San Sebastian had not been idle. In view of the possi

bility of leaving, it was planned to transfer the whole school from San Sebastian to Biarritz, an English watering place, about an hour by train from the French frontier. The transfer was successfully made, and with no excitement


Occupied by the International Institute at present. All the students except the Senior Class are in the group.

on the part of the students, or even the inhabitants of San Sebastian. It is true, however, that in one of the churches a Te Deum was sung after the house was closed, as the priests supposed that the city would now be freed from the heretical taint of Protestantism. To their amazement the preaching services and day schools went on without interruption, rooms having been secured in another part of the city.

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It was remarkable that all the students, the Spanish teachers and servants went to Biarritz with the mission. Parents and friends and members of the congregations in all the stations have been loyal so far as we know. Two students who were to go to Madrid in June, to be examined in the School of Pharmacy connected with the Madrid University, were, of course, obliged to go alone. We were afraid the strong anti-American sentiment might prejudice the professors against the pupils of "Yankee Protestants; but the girls were undaunted, and, to our great joy, passed the examination successfully. One who was to be examined for the degree of B.A. went to the institute of her native city rather than risk failure in San Sebastian, where we were so well known. Public examinations were held in Biarritz at the close of the academic year, to which many English and French residents were invited. The French ladies were especially interested, and one remarked that she had never seen a school so "bien installée."

These months have been most difficult and soul-stirring for the missionaries, and they have shown wonderful tact, skill, courage, and patience. The experiences of the last few years (which have been varied and almost romantic) lead us to believe that this work has been begun, carried on, and now preserved for some grand purpose. Today the need of "poor Spain" is education Christian education. Books not bullets will bring about the uplifting of a nation, and we are now pledged to carry on the work which Christian hearts have sustained so loyally.

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THE death of Mrs. Albert Bowker, at her home in Newton, July 27, removes from our midst one of the strongest personalities in our foreign missionary work. Although the first woman's society organized for foreign missions was the Woman's Union Missionary Society in New York, it was through Mrs. Bowker's influence that the first one was formed in close connection with existing Mission Boards. In its early days it was largely through her enthusiastic loyalty to the American Board that the most perfect harmony was established between the two organizations a harmony which has remained unbroken till the present time. It was in her mind that the system of organization was conceived which has proved so great a strength to the Woman's Board, and which has been substantially followed in so many other women's societies. Her keen foresight grasped the possibilities of woman's work from its very inception, and with consummate tact and skill she roused the women in the churches, gained and retained their confidence. With un

sparing devotion she nurtured the enterprise in its infancy, disarmed prejudice against it, proved its right to existence, and led it to unexpected success. She so demonstrated the advantages of working in denominational lines that the twenty-nine women's societies since formed in America have followed the same general plan.

Mrs. Bowker brought to the cause the unusual combination of keenness of intellect, rare executive ability, leisure, and ample means-all absolutely consecrated to her Lord and the promotion of his kingdom in the earth. Although her labor for foreign missions was perhaps the main work of her life, yet it was by no means the only one. She was one of the original members of Maverick Church in East Boston, and her devotion to its interests, as well as to the poor, the sick and sorrowing about her, was untiring. As president of the Woman's Union Maternal Association for nearly thirty years she became a great power among mothers and children. She has gone to her reward, and surely there could be no finer monument for any one than the beautiful work which so grew under her hand and whose beneficent influence extends not only to the uttermost parts of the world, but throughout eternity.


JUST before the August Herald went to press a message was received announcing the death of Miss Henrietta B. Williams of the Kalgan station in North China. At that time the particulars had not come to us. A letter has just been received from Rev. James H. Roberts, from which we quote concerning Miss Williams:

"On May 30, the day that I arrived in Kalgan [from Peking, where the annual meeting of the mission had been in session], Miss Henrietta B. Williams of this station passed from earth to heaven. She had been sick with typhoid fever for eleven days. There had been several girls sick with the same disease in the Girls' Boarding School, and Miss Williams mothered them and gave her life for them. Mr. Williams arrived here from Peking on Saturday, the 28th. Mrs. Larson, a Christian Alliance missionary, whose home is in the Upper City of Kalgan, and Mrs. Soderbom, from Hsuan Hua Fu, were caring for Miss Williams as devotedly as any one could. There was no doctor but the Great Physician. On Monday, at 10 A.M., Miss Williams became conscious for some time, and we hoped it was the beginning of a recovery; but at about II P.M. of the same day her soul took its flight. The Chinese gathered in the chapel at 10 A.M. Tuesday, and we had a funeral service there, followed by a brief service at the grave. She was buried beside her mother, who died here early in 1897. The Chinese loved her and mourn her loss very much. We all shall miss her very greatly."

Miss Williams was born in Kalgan, China, her father, Rev. Mark Williams, having been a missionary there since 1866. Her mother, Isabella Riggs Williams, was of missionary stock from the Riggs family of our American Indian missions. From early childhood she had given herself to the missionary work, and with this end in view secured her education from the

Western Female Seminary and Oberlin College. She also spent a short time at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Then for three years she taught in the Santee Normal Training School in Nebraska, and was appointed a missionary of the Board in May, 1893.

Our sympathies go out first of all to her father, who has thus been twice bereaved during the past year and a half, and also to this mission station in Kalgan, for by the death of Miss Williams the work for women and girls is practically at a standstill. Two new lady missionaries are needed at onceone for the Girls' Boarding School, the pupils of which were sent home on the 31st day of May because of the death of their teacher; and another to work for women, who are in such great need of knowing the gospel. Some one who reads this brief notice may feel inclined to say, "Here am I, Lord; send me." And some other one who cannot go personally may say, "Let me of my treasure send some one to take this place thus made vacant by death." Mr. Roberts in his letter adds: "We are greatly afflicted. Have patience Shall we be reinforced, or shall the work die with us?"

with us.



GIVING as a means of grace is a virtue, whose praises in English Hymnody began with its founder, Isaac Watts (1674-1748), the English Independent (Congregationalist).

When I survey the wondrous Cross



was written by Watts as a hymn for Good Friday, 1709. The author's title was "Crucifixion to the World by the Cross of Christ." It is the most popular and widely used of the seven hundred hymns that Watts wrote, of the four which stand at the head of all hymns in the English language." The last stanza expresses the primary, preliminary idea of self-consecration, the sense of gratitude for atonement:

Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small;

Love so amazing, so divine,

Demands my soul, my life, my all!

Rev. Thomas Gibbons, D.D. (1720-1785), the biographer of Watts, published a hymn in 1784 on Christ our Example." The first line was:


When Jesus dwelt in mortal clay.

The author appealed earnestly for the expression of the grace of benevolence in beneficence:

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Let alms bestowed, let kindness done,

Be witnessed by each rolling sun.

In this hymn the following lines occur, which have become familiar:

That man may last, but never lives,

Who much receives, but nothing gives;

Whom none can love, whom none can thank,
Creation's blot, creation's blank!

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