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"manifeft Tendency to the Security and Hap"pinefs of all Mankind."


I fay alfo in my Fourth Paper, that I fincerely think their Office to be abfolutely necessary to the Peace and Happiness of Society. could likewife refer to other Paffages. But to give full Satisfaction once for all, to fuch as will be fatisfied, I declare that I do only contend for the Right of every National and Voluntary Society to appoint their own Paftors, and to judge of their Doctrines and Behaviour: Further than this I have no Aim. Nor do I defire to leffen the Refpect due to the Clergy from their Merit and Usefulness; or the Dignities, Privileges, and Revenues which they derive from the Law, or from the good Will and Contributions of the People. And I intend very foon to defend the Church of England upon the Principles and Authority of the Scripture and the Law; as well as the Toleration granted to Diffenters by the fame Law, and the fame Scripture.




Wednesday, March 30. 1720.

The Advantageous Situation of the Clergy, ftrangely inconfiftent with their common Cry of Danger.

IRTUE and Innocence were created naked and undisguised; nor did our firft Parents cover themselves till they had offended. Truth can never

fin, and therefore need not, and ought not, ever to appear in Masquerade: She is moft amiable when most uncovered; and appears truly Majestick, and in greatest Luftre, when difrobed of all gaudy and affected Ornaments: Her Natural Features want no Varnish or Colouring, nor has fhe any need of Dreffers and Tire-Women.

KNAVERY and Deformity alone want Daubing and Difguife. Actors do not care that any one fhould look into the Tiring-Room, nor Juglers or Sharpers into their Hands or

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Boxes; whereas Honefty and Sincerity appear always barefaced, and fhew themselves moft in open Day; they scorn all indirect Advantages, and borrowed Helps, but truft alone to their own native Beauty and intrinfick Strength : The Lion is never known to use Cunning.

I confess, that I am not Mafter enough of my Temper to avoid Laughter, and Indignation, by Turns, at the noify Clamours of the High Clergy, against the Freedom of the Age, and the Liberty of the Prefs; as if Virtue was inconfiftent with Good Senfe, or Truth could fuffer by Knowledge, or Religion by a free and thorough Examination. What Figure would a grave Lawyer make in Westminster-Hall, if, after he had been tiring his Auditors for Two Hours together, he fhould defire the Judges not to hear the Counsel of the other Side, left they should perplex the Cause, and mislead the Court?

EVERY Stander-by would take it for granted, that he was confcious of the Weakness of his Client's Cause, and that it could no otherwife be defended, than by being not underftood. This is, in Point, the Cafe of thofe, who demand of all Mankind to be heard by the Clock, and will yet hear no body; who talk and rail by Wholesale, whilst they cannot bear a single Jeft, or ludicrous Expreffion; and who write Volumes by the Yard themselves, and are in an Uproar, and Outrageous, at a fingle Half-Sheet of other Peoples.


How abfurd would it appear for an Army of an Hundred Thoufand Men, entrenched up to the Ears, to call aloud for the Affiftance of the Conftable and Watch, to defend their Camp against the Affaults and Storms of Highwaymen and House-breakers! Just fuch a Request do the Popish Clergy Abroad make, when they cry out, Fire, Fire! Help, Help! when they demand the Affiftance of the Secular Power; and infift, that no Sermons be preached, Books printed, or Harangues made, but their own. They have already more Advantages than Truth can defire, and indeed enough to offend her Modefty, and to make her ashamed and blush; they are too well armed for a fair Adverfary, and yet are always complaining of the Shortnefs of their Weapons; and declaring themfelves overcome by calling out for more Help.

BESIDES the Piety and Example of their 'Lives, they are vaftly numerous, and in Poffeffion of great and various Dignities, of immenfe Revenues and Dependencies; are all bred up to Letters; have the Prejudices of the People, the fole Education of Youth, the Fears as well as the Favours of the Fair Sex on their Side; and have the Weekly Opportunity of haranguing to the People upon their own Ufefulness and Importance: And they tell us too, that they have a fole Right to the Scripture-Prophecy, That the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against them.

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CROWNED Heads always have thought it their Interest to keep Measures with them; Minifters of State are not able to Trick fuccefsfully, and play the Knave, without their Leave and Affiftance: They take Advantage, and make their Market of all Factions and Difturbances in States, and apply them to their own Benefit: Knaves fhelter themselves under their Protection, Hypocrites court_and feem to admire them, and Bigots and Enthufiafts adore them. Every Event of Life contributes to their Interests: They Chriften; they Educate; they Marry; they Church; they Bury; they Perfuade; they Frighten; they Govern; and fcarce any Thing is done without them. Notwithstanding all this, they roar aloud, that they cannot keep their Ground, but that Contempt and Infidelity pour in upon them like an Inundation.

IT is very remarkable, that the first Chriftians were not only deftitute of all the beforementioned Advantages, but their Enemies enjoyed them. They themselves were perfecuted and contemned, buffeted, ridiculed and calumniated, conftantly in Books and Libels, published by the greatest Philofophers and Wits of the Heathen World. Yet Chriftianity every Day fpread far and wide, and made a wonderful Progrefs; infomuch, that in an Age or Two, Superftition and Idolatry were driven from a great Part of the Earth.


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