| John Austin - 1675 - 484 páginas
...all the Lav/ and the Prophets. And the Scribe &id to Hitn , Matter, thou haft faid the truth:. foe , there is one God , and' there is none other but He. And to love Him with ill the heart , and with all the undcrflanding, and with, all the Soul, & with*. alt the Ikengttr,... | |
| Daniel Whitby - 1727 - 204 páginas
...contrary. DISCOURSE IIIMARK xiL 32. 34. And the Scribe (aid unto him, Well, Mafter, thou haft faid the Truth : For there is one God, and there is none other but he. And '-johen "Jefus few that he anpwered difcreetly, he faid unto him, Thou art not far from the Kingdom... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 páginas
...hang all the Law and the Prophets. [Mr.] And the Scribe laid unto him, Well, Mafter, thou haft faid the Truth : for there is one God, and there is none...but he. And to love him with all the Heart, and with the Underftanding, and with all the Soul, and with all the Strength, and to love his Neighbour as himfelf,... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1736 - 376 páginas
...other conynandment greater than thefe. 32 And the fcribe faid unto him, Well, Mafter, thou haft faid the truth: for there is one God, and there is none other but he. 33 And to love him with all the heart, and with all the underftanding, and with all the foul, and with... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1744 - 470 páginas
...Ifrael> the Lord our God is one Lord : To which the Scribe replied, Well, •Mafter, then baft faid the Truth ; For there, is One God, and there is none other but He Mar. xii. 29, 32 : and i Cor. viii. 6 ; To Us there is but One God, the Father of 'whom are all things... | |
| Philip Doddridge - 1745 - 686 páginas
...haft faid the Solidity and Spirit of his Anfwer, and faid to Sect, i сб. i or» ,|_ f \ * ff J * if the Truth : for there is one GOD, and there is none other but he. thou deferveft to be owned as a Maßer J him, in Ifrael ; for thou baß fyoken to this important ^"... | |
| Stephen Weston (bp. of Exeter.) - 1747 - 540 páginas
...Lord's Declaration of the two great Commandments, St. Afor*xii. 32, 33. Well, Majler, thou baft fold the Truth : for there is one God ; and there is none other but be. And to love htm with all the Heart, and with all the Underjlanding, and with all the Soul, and... | |
| Joseph Priestley - 1786 - 460 páginas
...Ifrael, the Lord, our God is one Lord, &c. and the fcribe anfwered to him, Well, Maftert Vbou haft faid the truth ; for there is one God, and there is none other but he, &c. ' Chrift himfelf always prayed to this one God, as his God and Father. He always fpake of himfelf... | |
| Samuel Disney - 1788 - 464 páginas
...commandment greater than thefe. And the fcribe faid unto him, Well, mafter! mafter! thou haft faid the truth : for there is one God, and there is none...: and to love him with all the heart, and with all the underftanding, and with all the foul, and with all the ftrength; and to love his neighbour as himfelf,... | |
| Friend to Truth - 1789 - 370 páginas
...according to St. Mark, drew this acknowledgment from the fcribe, — ' Well mafler, thou haft faid the truth, for ' there is one God, and there is none...other but ' he ; and to love him with all the heart, &c. ' and to love his neighbour as himfelf, is more * than all whole burnt-offerings and facrifices.'... | |
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