Sence that you list, it skylle is to Talow, A. S. teala, profit suspected Swallow, a gulf Swich, swiche, such Synage, synodal, a pecuniary rent, commonly two shillings, paid to the Bishop at the time of his annual synod by every parochial Priest, K. Sythen. See Sith. т. Tabernacle, a shed, a tent Tallagis, tolls, taxes Tapits, Lat. tapetum, tapistries Tattering, breaking, tearing to pieces. Such knacking and tattering, alluding to the gradations of half notes and quarter notes introduced in the New Song, or new method of singing in churches. Teld, told, foretold up dog Thikk, thick Thilk, q. the ilk, that, the same Thral, A. S. ppeal, thrall, in bondage, or slavery Thredde, third Tolgadrere, a toll gatherer Trentals, thirty masses for the dead, the offering or allowance to the Priests for saying which was an angel, C. Ch. Trienals, masses to be said three years Trippe, a piece Troth, truth Trowe, A. S. Trupian, trust, be lieve Twayne, make two, separate Christ biddeth that no man departe or twayne that God hath ordeined. True men, honest, faithful men Tylde opon loft, tiled up aloft, or over head Weiward, cross, perverse, fro- Ymedeled. See Medlid, min ward, cruel Well-clene, very neat Yhiled. See Hiled, or Heled gled, mixed Ynoumbred, numbered Yraid, read Wene, A. S. pene, think, sup- Ypaint, painted pose, imagine Tabernacles ytight, tents drawn with cords, tied strait. Ytucked, tucked up. Ywrought, wrought, cut or carv ed in stone Z. Zeer, year Zit, yet desire Wiid, wide, broad Winning, profit Wit, think, know Wittingly, knowingly THE END. |