EXECUTIVE DOCUMENTS PRINTED BY ORDER OP THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, DURING THE FIRST SESSION OF THE THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS, 1851-2. IN SIXTEEN VOLUMES. VOLUME V. CONTAINS No. 3. WASHINGTON: PRINTED BY A. BOYD HAMILTON. 1852. Abell, in relation to the island of Santa Cruz, on the coast of California. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating a copy of an agreement with Alexander... Academy at Annapolis, Md. Report of the board of examiners in relation to the naval... Academy at West Point for the year 1851. Report of the board of visitors to the military... Academy at West Point, with an estimate of the expenses thereof. Report of the Secretary of War in relation to a proposed increase of the number of cadets and change in the course of instruction at the military... Accounts of disbursing officers unsettled in the office of Third Auditor of the Treasury during the years 1849, 1850 and 1851. Statement of the number of. Agents to pay the interest on the public debt. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury in relation to employing Agriculture for 1851. Report of the Commissioner of Patents in relation to Vol. No. Page. |