A Practical Treatise on the Law of Trusts and Trustees

A. Maxwell, 1837 - 789 páginas

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Página 28 - June all declarations or creations of trusts or confidences of any lands, tenements or hereditaments, shall be manifested and proved by some writing signed by the party who is by law enabled to declare such trust, or by his last will in writing, or else they shall be utterly void and of none effect.
Página 611 - ... and acquiesced for a great length of time. Nothing can call forth this court into activity but conscience, good faith, and reasonable diligence.
Página 188 - ... and, from and after the expiration or other sooner determination of the said term...
Página 8 - Several years4 after the statute was passed it was held that if land was conveyed to A to the use of B, to the use of C...
Página 233 - Hanson, their executors, administrators, and assigns, upon trust that they, my said trustees and the survivor of them, and the executors and administrators of such survivor...
Página 15 - A use is a trust or confidence reposed in some other, which is not issuing out of the land, but as a thing collateral, annexed in privity to the estate of the land, and to the person touching the land...
Página 572 - If the power is a power which it is the duty of the party to execute, made his duty by the requisition of the will, put upon him as such by the testator, who has given him an interest extensive enough to enable him to discharge it, he is a trustee for the exercise of the power, and not as having a discretion, whether he will exercise it or not : and the Court adopts the principle as to trusts ; and will not permit his negligence, accident, or other circumstances to disappoint the interests of those...
Página 610 - It is certainly true that no time bars a direct trust, as between cestui que trust and trustee ; but if it is meant to be asserted that a court of equity allows a man to make out a case of constructive trust at any distance of time after the facts and circumstances happened out of which it arises, I am not aware that there is any ground for a doctrine so fatal to the security of property as that •would be ; so far from it, that not only in circumstances where the length of time would render it...
Página 568 - Act, when any person shall die seised of or entitled to any estate or interest in lands...
Página 482 - Is of full age, and not subject to any legal incapacity ; and who shall be seised at law or in equity of any lands or tenements of copyhold or any other tenure whatever, except freehold...

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