Imágenes de páginas

the Vainqueur, and ten men were found wounded on board. The Mackau made no refistance.

Died the rev. Mr. William 9th. Law, author of many religious tracts, aged 75.


A fire broke out at a bifcuit baker's near Brown's wharf, East Smithfield, which burnt down 28 houses, and greatly damaged 12 others. The king's brewhouse was preserved.

Capt. Money, of the Nor13th. folk militia, and aid de camp to general Townshend, ftand ing on a horse's back, without a faddle, in full fpeed leapt over a five barr'd gate, and performed feveral other amazing feats of horfemanship in Hyde-Park, before their royal highneffes the duke of York, prince William Henry, and other perfons of diftinction.

A very ingenious piece of mechanism has been lately exhibited in the Thames at Richmond in Surry, by way of experiment; the offices of which (which are very easily conceived) compared with its fimple conftruction, are really wonderful. The defign of this machine, we learn, 'is for the eafy capture of fea-fish, in the moft tempestuous weather, without hazarding lives at fea, which certainly is a very great thing: and we are told, and clearly perceive it to be fo, that this machine is capable of fending into the fea, at proper places, fome thousands of hooks, baited; and of working the fame back, by the fole ufe thereof with the affiftance of two perfons only on fhore to work the machine, bait the hooks, and take off the fish when brought to the fhore there

by. Thus far a machine in miniature has performed here; it has wrought out line near 100 yards from the land, and back again, with a proportionable quantity of hooks, baited; and notwithstanding the scarcenefs of fresh water fifh that bite at bait at this feafon of the year, particularly at this place, it has most furprizingly catched a number of fish, and that with no more ftrength to work the fame, than that of an infant, indeed even but pleafing amufement for fuch ftrength. This, now little, though great meaning affair, is moft certainly highly worthy of the countenance of the great, and the obfervation of the judicious and curious. It is there. fore to be hoped, that a matter of fo promifing utility, by preferving the lives of fo many, caufing a plenty of fish, and giving employment to many of his majefty's fubjects, &c. &c. will be put in real execution.

The young prince ftadtholder was feized with a fudden and violent fever last Thursday sevennight in the evening, and lay delirious all the next day, infomuch that his life was feared to be in great danger. The malady proceeding from an indigeftion, fpeedy and proper remedies were applied, which had fo good an effect, that his ferene highnessfoon began to mend, and when the laft letters left Holland he was judged entirely out of danger.

His moft chriftian majefty having been obliged to fufpend for three years the falarios of the parliament, and other courts of juftice, fuperior and inferior, has infifted upon the payment of the


capitations, or poll-tax, during thofe years notwithstanding, without any regard to the remonftrances of the parliament. By an arret of his council he has ordered those three years capitations to be stopped out of one year's falary now to be paid; the parliament have cancelled that arret, and thus there is a rupture between the court and that respectable body.

A person of distinction having

carried off an actress of the comic

opera at Paris, her family are profecuting the ravisher with great animosity. They have already been offered above 1000 l, fterling to make up the affair; but it is not money, but a public example to deter others, that they want.

Died Archibald Camp- 15th. bell, duke of Argyll, marquis of Lorn, &c. lord lieutenant of Argyllshire, admiral of the Weftern ifles, keeper of the great seal, juftice general of Scotland, hereditary master of the king's houshold in Scotland, chancellor of Aberbeen, and one of his majesty's privy council, aged 79; he is fucceeded by lieutenant general John Campbell.

The fociety for the encourage. ment of arts, &c. adjudged the premium of 100 guineas to the chevalier Cafali, for his hiftorical picture of Edward the martyr's being stabbed by the direction of

his mother-in-law Elfrida.

This morning two horses start-` ed at Colchester, in order to make the best of their way to WhiteSt. James's. His majefty chapel church for gol a fide; they 14th. in council was pleased to ran the first forty miles in two appoint the following new gover-hours and ten minutes, and the last nors, and other officers, in feve- ten miles in 52. The winning horfe ral of his majesty's plantations in carried it by about zoo yards. America, viz.

New York, Robert Moncton, efq; governor.

Cadwallader Colden, efq; lieutenant governor.

Benjamin Pratt, efq; chief juftice. South Carolina, Thomas Boone, efq; governor.

Cha. Shinner, efq; chief justice. Nova Scotia, Henry Ellis, efq; governor.

John Belcher, efq; lieut. gov. Georgia, Ja. Wright, efq; gov. New Jersey, Jofiah Hardy, Efq; governor.

Nevis, Ja. Johnfton, efq; Lt. gov. Leew. Iflands, T. Cottle, efq; follicitor general,

North Carolina, Tho. Falkner, efq; fecr. and clerk of the crown. Rob. Jones, jun.efq; attorney gen.

A fervant maid at Charlton in Kent was committed to prifon on her own confeffion, for alarming the family by feveral tories of the house and herself having been attacked by robbers, and leaving an incendiary letter in their way, all of her own forging.

Dublin, April 7. In the late fcarcity of fuel, fome of the inhabitants of Clontarf went to the North Bull to dig in the fands for old wrecks, and in the hold of a fhip, which fome of them recol lected to have been loft 18 years ago, they found a filver difh and ftand, and fix bottles of very good wine.

Died the right rev. Dr. Benjamin Hoadley, bishop of Winchester, aged 85. [G] 2


A very

A very extraordinary wager was lately laid by two gentlemen at a coffee-house near Temple-bar; one of whom is to jump into feven feet of water with his cloaths on, and to entirely undress himself in the water; which if he fails accomplishing, he is to lose.

Two men are faid to be arrivad at Cologn, who fay they came from Damafcus. The jefuits of that town have been with them, and talked to them in latin, greek, hebrew, and chaldaic. They answered them in all languages. They fay they are come by the order of heaven, to turn men to repentance. They give out that they are 700 years old. The jefuits have obtained leave to carry them to Rome. Being put in irons, they were glad of that opportunity of proving the truth of their miffion, by breaking them. They fay

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The war will be general in - 1765
Conftantinople destroyed
The true God acknowledged
by all nations

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1768 1769

• 1770

The fall of the fun, moon,

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officer of merit in great diftrefs, who had long follicited in vain for a penfion fufficient to furnifh him with neceffaries. The prince, being awake, heard all that was said. About an hour after, the dauphinefs coming to fee him, he asked her for three louidores, which she gave him. He made the fame demand fucceffively from the dauphin, the king the queen, and his four aunts. By which means he got twenty four louidores. Then fending for M. de la Vauguyon, "Take (faid he) this money, and give it to that brave foldier who is under misfortunes. Tell him that I fhall follicit for his penfion, and that I fhall urge the thing, for I fhall be glad when I am dying, to have the fatisfaction of having ferved a deferving man." This fhews his benevolence. What follows will ferve to fhew his firmnefs.

One day, when he was fomething better than he had been for fome time, his mother told him that the fine weather was approaching, and that she would take him. out to give him an airing, "Yes, faid he with a fmile, but it will be to St. Denis" [the burial place of of the royal family.]

From Ratisbon we hear, that a› memorial, on the part of the court of Petersburg, has lately appeared there in print. This memorial, which bears date the 17th of February, new ftyle, contains an anfwer to the Teutonic order, relative to the pretentions made by: them to Courland and Semigallia. It imports, that the brethren of the fraternity of the sword, established by pope Innocent III. being incorporated in 1239 with the Teutonic


order, became thereby joint proprietors of Livonia, Courland, and Semigallia; but that in the fequel, Walter, of Plettenberg, at the head of the said fraternity, being again detached from the Teutonic order, conformably to a mutual convention on both fides, he remained by this convention poffeffed of the above provinces, and to the title of grand mafter of his own order, added alfo that of prince of the empire, which he obtained from Charles V. That afterwards his fucceffor, Gothard Keller, being greatly weakened by the many wars he was engaged in, and receiving no affiftance from the empire, concluded a treaty with Poland, by which he ceded Livonia to the above crown. That at the peace of Oliva, Livonia was again given to Sweden, and even guarantied by the emperor; and laitly, that the faid province, together with Courland and Semigallia, was made over to Ruf fia, by the peace of Neuftadt. This is the fubftance of this famous memorial, which has made a great noife, and will probably be productive of many bickerings between certain powers.

The court went out of 19th mourning, for his late majefty king George the fecond, of bleffed memory.

At the anniversary fermon 22d and feaft of the governors, &c. of the fmall pox hofpitals 7401. 17 s. gd. was collected for that useful charity.

One of the coalmeters places of this city, was fold for 44301, Moorgate was fold for 1661. and Alderfgate for 911.

It is confidently faid that the whole

number of English prisoners, now remaining in old France does not exceeed 1000 men; and that the number of French prifoners in England exceed 25,000.

The following is an exact account of the articles confumed at dinner only by the voters of a small borough on the day of electing their members, independent of veal, mutton, poultry, paftry, &c. and a preparatory breakfast, which last alone amounted to 7501.

Confumption at dinner. 980 ftone of beef 315 dozen of wine. 72 pipes of ale, and 365 gallons of fpirits converted into punch.

Naples, March 24. The court has fent a commiffary to vifit the ports of Augufta and Syracufa in Sicily, and to make proper difpofions against their being furprized, in cafe the armament that is ftill carried on at Conftantinople should appear in thofe feas. As there is no doubt concerning the reality of that armament, though its deftination is not known, they are also preparing for the worst at Malta. The bailiff Marulli has juft made a call of all the knights profeffed and non professed, and ordered them to keep in readiness on the firft notice. Eight from each of the two priories in this kingdom have already been chofen by ballot, and they are to go over forthwith to Malta, with each two attendants fit for military fervice. Two veffels lately arrived at that ifland, one from Conftantinople, and the other from Salonica; by which there is advice, that the Grand Signior goes every day to the arsenal, and having perceived that two officers,

[H] 3


who had the charge of expediting the preparations, were not fo diligent as they might have been, he ordered them to be beheaded. The grand mafter of the order of St. John of Jerufalem has fent away to Sicily and Calabria, divers Greeks and other ufclefs mouths, and takes all proper methods for putting the island in the best pofture of defence, in cafe the Turks really intend to attack it and yet there is no reason to be much afraid, confidering the natural ftrength of the island, the great quantity of artillery mounted in the places moft expofed, and the barrennefs of the fpot. Meffengers frequently arrive here from the viceroy of Sicily, to imform the court of the inftances made by the Maltese for fupplies of corn and other provisions.

Vienna, April 3. Yesterday the count de Lofymthal prepared a grand e: tertainment, at which the emperor and emprefs were prefent. Just as they were fitting down to dinner, the princefs of Anerfperg, going to take her chair by the emperor, funk down in his arms, and notwithstanding all poffible affiftance was inftantly given, the never breathed more. Their imperial majesties immediately returned to the castle, and the reft of the guests to their feveral houfes, without tafling the dinner. This lady, who was in her fifty-third year, is greatly regretted. The empereor took fo muca pleafure in her converfation, that he would always have her fit by him at public entertainments.

Two bodies of equal cube 23d. exhibited this day to public

view at Bristol, tranfmitted thro' each other five times in a minute; alfo a large cube through a smaller

twelve times in a minute, to the great furprize of all prefent, as it fufficiently proves, both in practical and fpeculative mathematicks, the falsehood of the old hypothefis, viz. That fpace and magni. tude cannot pass through a body of equal space and magnitude. — Thefe dice, or cubes, país exactly at an angle of eleven degrees from the horizontal plane: They are made of folid brass, about an inch and five eights cube, and admit of no expanfion or contraction (as many have imagined) but are diffected in fuch a manner as to give the folid die a free paffage, without deftroying or breaking the die fo diffected. This curious experiment was performed by Mr. James Bridges, architect, and builder of Briftol bridge.

A fire broke out in fome ftables behind Swallow-street, 24th. about ten at night, and raged with great fury till about two in the morning, in which time 14 houfes were burnt down, two of which were handfome new built dwellings of great value. The family of one of thefe houses was at Ranelagh, and knew nothing of the accident till their house was in afhes. The gentlemen, however, in the neighbourhood, together with their fervants, formed a ring, kept off the mob, and handed the goods and moveables from one to another till they secured them in a place of fafety, fo that a pennyworth was neither loft nor damaged; a noble inftance of neighbourly respect and kindness. Eight or nine horfes perished, and fome lives were loft.

A box of writings that was in an iron cheft belonging to Mrs.


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