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synagogue, and then pass on to a multitudinous assembly of poor Jews assembled in the Jews' Free Schools, Bell's Alley, fitted up for the occasion as a synagogue.


Our last visit is paid to a small synagogue in a square not far from Aldgate church. It is filled by a band, chiefly of aged men, who are preeminently students of the Talmud, zealous for all the traditions of the elders; numbering among them, also, doctors of great learning; and, as a body, determinedly opposed to Christianity, and entrenched behind prejudices which will brook no discussion.

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The bringing forth of the "Torah" out of its appointed recess, over the ark and holy place, was the culminating point of interest on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles. The Torah is "the Law,"-in other words, the Pentateuch, or Five Books of Moses, written in Hebrew on an immense scroll of vellum or parchment. It is crowned with silver ornaments, and is borne from its resting-place in solemn procession by the reader, followed by other officers of the synagogue. The whole congregation stand up, and joyful sounds are heard. As it is carried along, the pendent fringes of a robe attached to it are eagerly kissed by the people near to it. It is thus borne round the reading-desk seven times, the "Chagan or chanter leading the singing of certain compositions, the burden of the last of which is a prayer for mercy, for the sake of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, &c. Part of this chant, when interpreted in another sense than that intended, and regarded as referring to the true and anointed Son of David, is at once touching and gladdening, as it sets forth the coming redemption of the Jews, when the Lord Jesus shall be "the glory of His people Israel:"-" It is the voice crying, Turn ye to me, for on the day ye hearken ye shall be saved; and I will declare the glad tidings. It is the voice of the Man whose name is the Branch; and this self-same Branch is David," (the Beloved One,)“ and I will declare the glad tidings."

In concluding our reminiscences of the Great Hosanna, the seventh and last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, we must not forget the use of the branches of the Oriental willow. These are supplied and sold to the heads of families by the officers of the synagogue. Each branch must contain five sprigs, and seven leaves on each sprig. These are tied up with the bark of the palm, and are not only borne by the worshippers to the synagogue, but, when the prayers are concluded, everyone beats the leaves from off the willow-branch.

Besides this, at the time of the Torah being borne in procession, each person who joins in it holds the branch in the right hand, repeating "Hosanna." Several of these branches, which had been thus used, were suspended across the lamps of the synagogue.


FROM A MISSIONARY TO ONE ENTERING THE WORK. Some parts of your last letter went so home to my heart, that I cannot refrain from trying, at least, to answer it. If possible, I should be glad to say a word to cheer and encourage you in leaving home to enter on this great Mission-work. I have a hundred times heard Missionaries accused of exaggeration and over-colouring in their letters and reports to England, and in the books they publish after their return. I have heard it said, that they draw far too bright a picture of their own zeal, of the successes attending their work, and of the character of the native church. It may be so in some cases: but I confess that seven years' experience in India, and a very extensive acquaintance with Missionaries of almost every Protestant church, have led me to believe that very generally the error is on the other side. The fact is, that readers often study Mission-books most superficially, fixing their attention only on what is specially attractive and interesting, and so are themselves to blame for the false impressions they receive. It is also true, that our work is full of routine, and even of monotony; and that any book, or speech, that should adequately picture these phases of it, would be voted a bore. One fact I have noted with special pleasure,

that the oldest and best Missionaries are those who take the brightest views of Mission-work. Often in our Missionary Conference in Madras, when the young men have spoken in terms of sad discouragement, good Dr. Winslow-a veteran of forty years' service in India-has scattered all their fears by contrasting the present aspect of society throughout the country with what it was when he first stepped on its shores, and by reminding us also of the promises of God's word. Perhaps the reason is this: Men passing at once from the highest civilization, and the most exalted piety, to the barbarity of a heathen land, and to the crude piety of new converts, are apt to think that even less than nothing has been accomplished, and either unjustly to blame their predecessors, or to sink, themselves, into despondency. Whereas those who have toiled long in a heathen land are able to judge truly of the progress which has been made, and to form a more correct estimate of the prospects of the church.

It were, perhaps, untrue, to suppose that Missionaries generally excel their ministerial brethren at home in zeal and consistency. But, unless I am greatly mistaken, they come not a whit behind them. Here and there are men whose names we can mention only with a blush; but the vast majority are humble, hardworking, devout men, whose one thought is the advancement of the truth, and with whom it is at once a privilege and an honour to be associated. Necessarily, there is much less excitement, and less of that enthusiasm which is fed by intercourse with numbers of zealous men, than at home. And in this respect the change is very trying; especially to those who have been accustomed to live (more, perhaps, than they were aware) upon such excitement. They are thrown much upon their own resources; and, even when they are most earnest to do

good at once, they find themselves hampered on every side. They understand neither the language of the people, nor their character, nor the plans of working. Perhaps they have but little mental culture, and have never been properly trained to close habits of study. Sometimes such men yield to despondency, and take most gloomy views of the work which has unexpectedly revealed their own deficiencies; sometimes, after a few inconstant efforts to do better, they become reconciled to the idea of comparative inefficiency, and settle down into the drones of the Missionary hive. Many times, however, in God's strength and grace they battle nobly with these early difficulties and discouragements; allowing them only to act as stimulants to greater zeal and diligence. Thus they attain to a good degree.

As to differences between Missionaries here and ministers at home, I note especially two. Here individualities have freer scope, and often develop into inconvenient crotchets and angularities. Hence even the best men here are not always the most pleasant colleagues. It is a comfort to be able to respect and honour men you can scarcely like. On the other hand, the Missionary has great advantage over his brethren at home in the acquirement of enlarged sympathies and charities. At home, our preachers, I think, keep far too much to themselves. They think there is nothing good beyond Methodism. Except in a few instances, they rarely form friendships with ministers of other churches, and sometimes look askance upon those of their brethren who do.* Generally, I think, it is otherwise on the Mission-field,—at least, in Southern India, where we have opportunities of frequent intercourse with good men of diverse shades of belief, and from all parts of Europe and America. Even the high Churchman, if an earnest Missionary, learns to relax somewhat the narrow views of his sect, and to recognise the brotherhood of men who have never been favoured with the magic touch of episcopal hands.

I want you to go out to your work, with a consciousness, indeed, of the difficulties and trials you will have to meet, but without dwelling too exclusively upon them. Be, rather, full of hope and courage: you have warrant for both in the state of the work, as well as in the promises of God's word. Expect in your brethren such deficiencies and faults as you are conscious of in yourself; and do not allow your heart to sink, even if you meet with some who deserve not the name of brethren. Be prepared stoutly to defend truth and right against all; but do not suppose there will be any need for you to be an Ishmaelite because you do so. Except in very few cases, your Missionary brethren will honour and love you for the exhortations and reproofs which are given humbly, wisely, and in love. Live near to God. Take first care that your own piety never burn dimly. There is no real happiness in Mission-work, except to the man who engages

* Such cases are, surely, very rare. It is needless to say that they are in direct opposition to the maxim of our nobly unsectarian fathers, which requires us to be "the friends of all, the enemies of none."-EDITOR.

in it from day to day under the constraining influence of growing love to Christ.

Forgive me, if I have indulged so largely the privilege of an elder brother. Much of what I have written is for myself, no less than for you.



WHETHER Christian IX., in his election to the throne, is an object for envy or for pity, is a question. He has already received the congratulations of several of his fellowSovereigns, with the royal formula, “Monsieur mon frère;" but, from the appearance of things, sympathies would be more appropriate to his case. True, the year 1863 has been a memorable one in the annals of his house. First, his daughter was united, amidst the rapturous rejoicings of a free people, to the heirapparent of the greatest throne that exists among the monarchies of earth. Next, his son was unexpectedly called to be the sovereign of a people, who, if not powerful at present, yet inherit historic memories that are deathless, and an imperishable renown. And now, lastly, comes his own elevation to the head of the venerable monarchy of Denmark. All this has been realized by a family who had no prospect, a dozen years ago, that any member of it should ever wear a crown. Such a history can only be paralleled, amongst European dynasties, by that of the still more remarkable Coburgs. So far, King Christian may well be congratulated. But, alas! no sooner has his hand grasped the sceptre, than he has reason to know that "uneasy is the head that wears a crown!" There is the miserable dispute with Germany on the Schleswig-Holstein question, bequeathed to him by his predecessor, Frederick VII. This, bad enough in itself, has now added to it the more serious affair of the succession to the Duchy. The claims of the

"legitimist pretender," the Duke of Augustenburg, are already recognised by many of the minor German courts, and are apparently admitted by the German people throughout the length and breadth of the Confederation. The executive governments of the two principal powers, Prussia and Austria, have signified their intention of adhering to the treaty of London, A.D. 1852, by which the succession of Holstein, as well as of Denmark proper, is guaranteed. On the other hand, nevertheless, the representative Chambers in both countries have gone against the claims of King Christian. With this new and serious complication, it will be strange if war do not break out. The concessions and moderation of the new king are favourable for peace; but the extravagance of the Germans, carried away by the sympathies of race in favour of Holstein, is likely to drive matters to extremity. The peace once broken, no one can tell where the strife will end, or how many combatants may eventually be engaged. If, in the mêlée, the armies of Napoleon should find their way to the Rhine, the "Fatherland" may be the first to rue its own intemperate haste.

These, surely, are days when the office of Her Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs is no sinecure. Rarely has a weightier responsibility attached to English diplomacy; and, it is most gratifying to add, never, perhaps, was there a stronger desire felt, both by the government and by the people of this country, that our

formal negotiations and moral influence should be wisely directed in the interests of liberty, righteous ness, and peace. The British churches are engaged in a glorious mission of sending the light of the Gospel to other lands. Happy will it be, if the British nation can do in politics what the churches are doing in religious enterprise,-by promoting peace and good-will among men! This will bring to our country a glory and stability to which the great empires of antiquity were strangers. If the Foreign Secretary is unusually busy, writing despatches, holding interviews with ambassadors, giving instructions to plenipotentiaries extraordinary, discussing at cabinet-councils the French Emperor's proposal for a European Congress, and the American, Polish, and Holstein questions,--not to mention Italy and Greece, it is well that the Home Secretary, so far as his special department is concerned, has little or nothing to do. The almost universal content which reigns here is surely ominous of good. It shows that less is cared for old distinctions of party, than in the former days of political faction and animosity. It proves that the people generally can appreciate the best of political constitutions, and are thankful to Providence for national prosperity, which, notwithstanding the drawback of the Lancashire distress, is unprecedented in the annals of commerce.

The American war continues in all its colossal proportions, and is fought out by both the combatants with a desperate earnestness which does not forebode a speedy cessation. Civil war is seldom terminated, except by the complete subjugation of one of the belligerents. There is less room here for compromise than in international warfare. When two independent nations quarrel, the government of each has a respect

for the other, which is never entertained by a regularly-constituted government for what it regards as a clique. Hence the sensibility of the United States on the point of intervention. If the war had been with some independent power, they could receive the tender of negotiations in the interests of peace, without any lessening of the national dignity; but, as the existing strife, although of huge proportions, is regarded as a domestic quarrel, the only issue it is likely to have is the complete overthrow of the weaker party. Of the two combatants, the North is certainly not the weaker. Her navy maintains a blockade of the whole seaboard of the Confederacy, and her armies swarm on the soil of the revolted States, and are drawing closer the military cordon which she has thrown almost round the territory of the seceders. Still it is very doubtful whether the new year, even when it has grown old, shall witness the restoration of peace. In the interests of humanity it is greatly to be desired, that 1864 should see the end of the American war and of American slavery. One thing becomes increasingly certain,-that the execrable "institution," which provoked the war, shall be its victim.

The appointment of Sir John Lawrence as Governor General of India is a token of good for the future government of that vast and populous realm. The new Viceroy is not the opponent of Christian efforts for the evangelization of the East, but the known friend of Missions and Missionaries. Too much should not be expected of him in the high position to which he has been deservedly called. Christianity asks for nothing but fair play. Let our holy religion have as free a scope as commerce; let the Bible not have a ban placed upon it, from

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