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Nine young men who were this year received on trial as native ministers, are now sent to this Institution; and one young man who has been in the work for one year, and on trial.

18th. The Missionary Meeting was commenced to-day at Tavuki, by the teachers from several towns, and the students. They presented fifty-seven cans of oil, of five gallons each. The teachers took the lead, as an example, and in order that the cans may be at liberty for the people. Afterwards, the school-children and others brought yams, fowls, sugarcane, currants, native cloth, and two turtles, singing with high glee as they came and laid down these live offerings to my wife and self. At the close I addressed the people. Among the number present were Paul and Lydia Vea, Tongans who have served in Christ's cause for twenty years. Paul has been a successful pioneer, and is quite a revivalist.

Mr. Nettleton has got well hold of the language, and has gone at his work with all his heart. At Tavuki he has a Circuit Institution of very promising men, who are Local preachers. Near to Ya'i he has another training school, of which Paul Vea is president. Philip, the tutor, is very successful in the management of his twenty young men. These establishments will prove of vast service in our work. The schools are conducted with vigour, and the Societies on this large island are well visited, and on the

islands adjoining. There are about

thirteen thousand souls in the Circuit.

On the 19th we went to the excellent island of Ngalou, on the south side of Kandavu, to open a chapel, which was oppressively crowded with an earnest congregation. I enjoyed the service. What a glorious work has been wrought!

Thangi Levi, the chief, is a man of renown, but still a polygamist. I asked him to be married to the woman of his choice; but he wished to delay that for a short time, so that he may not make any mistake when he finally decides. We crossed a narrow part of the island over which canoes and boats are pulled.

In preparing very large drums to beat for worship, Thangi Levu cut down a very sacred vesi tree. He was requested not to venture; but he said, "If the god is in the tree, the axe will be spoiled; but if the axe cuts it, that will be proof that the tree is only wood." One attached to his god made an offering of food to conciliate him. On the following day this devotee died.

On our way home we anchored at Yali, and slept at Paul Vea's. He has been here ten years. His house is large, and very good, with doors which he made himself. He and Lydia have a sofa, tables, chairs, and many little comforts. We had a regular set out at tea, and Mrs. Vea gracefully presided. We had cups and saucers, knives and forks, glass sugar-basin, and cream-jug with goat's milk. On going to bed we were amused to find our own large vesi bedstead, which I had made when in Fiji. It will be likely to last two hundred years longer. Paul cheerfully apologized for defects in his house, saying, "It is only a half-caste."--Rev. James Calvert, Ovalau, June 24th, 1863.



You will, I am sure, be grieved to learn that Puerto-Plata is in ashes. The conduct of the Spanish troops garrisoned there has been disgraceful in the



On Sunday the 4th instant, after having pillaged the town, they fired it, by throwing shells and grenades from the fort the result is, that the whole of the inhabitants are plunged into the utmost distress, and have had the mortification to see the fruit of many years of toil swept away at a stroke. Of the persons who have fled, six hundred and sixty-seven have taken refuge here (Grand-Turk); of these a few Germans have gone to New-York; main here, and some of them, having lost their all, are dependent on charity for the means of subsistence. The Mission-premises, and a few huts, were standing when the last vessel left; but it is feared they have, ere this, been destroyed. Rev. Francis Moon, GrandTurk, October 17th, 1863.

the rest re

THE amount of contributions and remittances announced on the Cover of the Notices this month is £8,920, 5s. 8d.

THE following extract from the speech of the REV. DR. DIXON, at the Manchester Jubilee Meeting, November, 1863, is a fitting preface to this Correspondence, at the commencement of another year. "The great glory of Methodism was its Missionary spirit; but he would beg of them not to transfer it all to distant stations. The Missionary spirit began to glow in their Home Societies among their poorer brethren here; and those persons whom the Society sent forth to America, and elsewhere, were culled from this country. If he understood properly the genius of Methodism, it was a Missionary church, both for home and distant populations. Let them ever remember that the Foreign Missionary department was an outgrowth of their Home-Missionary work."

1. COBHAM-December 4th, 1863.The first Foreign Missionary Meeting has just been held at this Home-Missionary station, where a good chapel has been erected. The attendance was large; the meeting was most interesting; and the contributions amounted to £8. 163. In addition, several annual subscriptions were announced. Thus, as might be expected Home Missions aid Foreign ones. Our work at Ripley is most hopeful. More than one hundred and twenty have collected within and without the preaching-house, to hear the word; and the place is now filled on a Sunday morning. A large class has been formed, to which additions are made every week. This place receives special attention from some of the students at Richmond.

2. EASTBOURNE.-Froma Letter of Rev. Joseph Whiteside.- December 1st, 1863. -The foundation-stone of our new chapel has been laid. The services of the day, long anticipated, surpassed our expectations. The liberality of Mr. Lycett, who laid the stone, and the impressive speeches of the ex-President and other friends, fell with great influence upon the hearts of our people. Many consecrated themselves afresh that day to God, and to Methodism. The chapel will occupy a commanding position in the centre of the town, at a point where two roads meet, and will form an attractive and striking object. The evening meeting was crowded, and many were unable to gain admittance. This is a proof of the sympathy of the inhabitants, and a pledge that


the chapel will be filled. The day produced £104 to the Building-Fund. The erection of this chapel calls for one or two remarks. For fifty years the Wesleyans, under an incubus of debt, and surrounded by vigorous churches, have struggled for an existence in Eastbourne. At one time, so feeble had they become, that a dissolution was resolved upon, and the chapel was condemned to be sold. In 1860 a HomeMissionary minister was appointed; and, in the short period of three years, despondency has vanished; the Society has doubled; and a new erection commenced, which, when completed, will place Methodism in a creditable position in this popular watering-place. So unexpected has been this success, that to the aged Wesleyans, dispirited with long years of lonely and hopeless effort, it appears like the picture of a dream. Two contiguous villages, East Dean and Hailsham, have also been occupied as preaching-stations. Congregations have been gathered; the word has been attended with power; and now classes are formed. We are attempting to organize a band of Local preachers out of our Sabbath-school teachers. Ultimately it is our hope to see in each of these villages a neat chapel instead of one of the inconvenient rooms in which we at present hold our services. Eastbourne may be taken as a fair specimen of Home-Mission operations: not only in our large cities, amongst the outlying masses, but in numbers of our country and seaside towns and villages, the Mission is doing a great work in rescuing from decay, and invigorating with new life,-services which are urgently needed.

Our new chapel was the first to benefit by the establishment of the Fund in favour of watering-places. At their first meeting the Committee made us the liberal grant of £400 toward a total expenditure of nearly £1,900. This was promised on condition the chapel should be free of debt, with the exception of the cost of the site, which the trustees guarantee to purchase within a few years of the Duke of Devonshire, who has shown great liberality. But for this grant, which we gratefully acknowledge, we must have postponed an erection which was needed at once. We have yet £500 to raise, but expect that by the aid of our friends, we shall be able to fulfil the conditions of the Committee.


3. BRADFORD EAST.-From the Journal of the Rev. H. E. Gregg.-A man died who has been plucked as a brand from the burning by the Mission-labour here. When first taken ill, nine months since, he was hardened in his sins, and met the attentions of the Home-Missionary minister with abuse. After a while he listened in sullen silence; and, at length, persevering, prayerful effort to benefit him was rewarded. He yielded to the work of the Holy Spirit on his mind and heart, with the simplicity of a little child. After a struggle with his convictions he found peace with God, through faith; and for the last seven months of his life he has shown con

sistent godliness. The great change of his spirit and behaviour was manifest to all about him, and he died in the assurance of faith.-November 26th. We have on our Mission-Plan this quarter, nine new places; making the number twenty-eight. We are enabled to hold eight cottage-services each week. We have nineteen exhorters engaged in this good work, and have just had to mourn the death of one of our most energetic labourers in this department. These services have been blessed to the sound conversion of many; whilst numbers, who neglected worship, are now regular in their attendance. Two persons, who were in no way connected with the Methodists, consented, at our request, to allow us the use of their houses for worship. Both have since been brought under deep religious concern, to the promotion of which the circumstance of worship held in their habitations has powerfully contributed.

4. DERBY.-From the Journal of the Rev. G. Latham.-August 11th, 1863. -I have held numerous cottage-services, and, when the weather has permitted, have preached in the open air. The out-door services have been very suc cessful. At some of them as many as six hundred people have been drawn together.-August 16th, Sunday. At the close of the evening service, a little girl requested me to visit a dying boy. I did so, and found a family, (if it could be so called,) none of whom attended any place of worship: one female there had left her husband, and was living with another man; some had been repeatedly committed to prison; and the father of the dying boy was then undergoing a sentence of imprisonment with hard labour. I spoke earnestly to this wretched assembly. They appeared deeply affected.-Sept. 20th. Several

have of late been soundly converted ;-one, who though formerly a Methodist, had not been into a Methodist chapel for sixteen years; and two others who have been among the worst in the neighbourhood. We have established regular cottage-services at Doycott, a manufacturing village with 1,300 inhabitants. We have a good chapel here, and a fine field for Home-Missionary work. We go from house to house, never holding two meetings in the same place in succession. Several

persons not connected with us have voluntarily requested us to hold meetings in their houses. The conversion of souls at our Sunday-evening services has become as frequent as the services themselves. Our week-evening congregations at Doycott are now doubled. I am preaching or speaking every night in the week, and visiting from house to house in the daytime. God is blessing us, and we are much encouraged.

5. BISHOP-AUCKLAND.- Spennymoor. -From the Rev. W. S. Caldecott.December 5th, 1863.-This is one of the Home-Mission stations which were newly occupied after the last Conference. From the peculiar nature of the population, as well as from local and temporary obstructions, a great deal of foundationwork had to be done. This, though not visible, is absolutely necessary; and, in the doing of it, the Missionary has been cheered by immediate results.

Spennymoor is a colliery and ironworks town, about equi-distant (five miles) from Durham, Bishop-Auckland, and Ferry-Hill Junction. One village, with three adjoining hamlets, numbers between five and six thousand inhabitants: but, as the situation is a very exposed one, the climate wild, and the chief features of the surrounding scenery iron-furnaces and coke-ovens, most of the dwellers here are influenced by necessity, not by choice. With the exception of a few shopkeepers and railway officials, nearly all the families live in rows of well-built stone cottages, belonging to the different companies who have their works either above the surface of the earth or below it. These houses are undoubtedly larger and better than if built by mere speculators, or than the men, by Building clubs, would have put up for themselves. But while the exterior advantages of this system are to be seen in regular streets and well-kept roofs, some sad consequences have been brought before the

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It was in such a place, and among such a people, that three months ago I commenced my labours. I found that though we have a chapel here, and a cause with some seventy-five members, we had no hold upon the pit-population. To gain this has been, and will be, my primary endeavour. I cannot yet report much success in this department, as pitmen are a very shy and peculiar class; and, until confidence and sympathy have been established between us, no good can be done by my visits. But, when once this point is gained, good results will be accelerated by the very causes which now delay them.

I will now narrate some of the means uned for the Christianization of this mass of human beings. Having visited all our members, as my first duty I reorganized a Tract-Society, (which had become defunct,) as my most efficient help in the Home-Mission work before me. Seventeen names were enrolled as visiters, and 1,200 new tracts ordered. Having covered and numbered these, the secretary and I went out one evening and divided the four locations of houses into as many districts as we had distributers. They at once set to work, and at our first meeting, held within a month, each one present had some cheering result to tell, of some serious And hopeful conversation held, some straggler reclaimed, or some face reengnised in chapel for the first time.

their reviving. Several afternoons of each week I have engaged in house-tohouse visiting. Setting out with a bundle of the "British Workman" under my arm, and a note-book in my left hand, I entered some end-house and introduced myself. Having gained the particulars of information I desired, as to worship, school, family-prayer, &c., I inquired, "Who lives next?" and, entering at the back-door, (the usual mode of ingress,) would take off my hat, shake hands warmly, and perhaps clear a chair for myself next the fire. I would then, as before, state my errand, and make straightforward inquiries as to the religious condition of husband and wife, attendance at worship, daily engagement in private prayer, and reading the Scriptures, with any other kindred topics which the course of conversation elicited. While thus engaged, I have seen the tear of penitence and remorse flow down the cheek, as some told of "better days," when the candle of the Lord shone upon them; and others promised to yield to the strivings of the Holy Spirit. At such times I would use warning, argument, and entreaty, and conclude my visit with a few verses, and a word of prayer.

All, of course, were not thus hopeful. Some were insulting; many more, indifferent; and not a few told with smiles, how they had been Sundayscholars and teachers, readers of the Bible, and members of our own or other churches. Of all the sights of sin and sorrow, this was to me the most heartrending,-to see happy apostates! And O, the numbers of such that I meet, whose confession and condition alike proclaim them slaves of Satan,

"led captive at his will, Captive, but happy sinners still!”

If another proof be needed of the heathenism of some parts of "Christian England," let it stand on record, that out of forty-six families living on one side of a single street, there were thirtyseven families of practical atheists, and but four who were accustomed to go to a place of worship!

As some nine hundred houses were tims regularly visited, I used the hours of my self-devoted coadjutors in distributing hand-bills of invitation to the nearest cottage-meeting. Five such meetings were almost simultaneously commenced; and, as each lasted only forty-five minutes, I was enabled to preach at one and be present at another on the same evening. For a time all went well. They proved the most successful feeders to our chapel, which was gradually filling, when disease, mental and physical, overtook the population. While two of these meetings are still vigorous and well attended, two others languish, though there is hope of

It would not be impossible to adduce personal narratives of ignorance and spiritual destitution sufficient of themselves to "curdle the blood and stir the hair" of any Christian man or woman. But it is enough. Let me conclude with words of hope, which have supported, and will support, amid many depressing influences of unworthiness within and opposition without.

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The first known conversion was that of a lady, who had been "given up by her married religious sisters. As home-influences were most untoward she seemed destined to spend her youth in folly and her age in regrets.

I know not when or how she was induced to attend one of our cottageservices. I saw her several times, and then spoke to her. She became, in turn, serious, unhappy, miserable, and exceeding joyful. I went one Friday evening, by appointment, to converse and pray with her. She met me at the door, and, with a face radiant with joy, said, "You must rejoice with me." Her countenance still bears the impress of the Spirit's witnessing; and, when she speaks of Jesus, being exceeding bold for His name, becomes all a-glow with holy love and fervour.

This is not a solitary case. Other members there are whose experience is as genuine and affecting. Nor is the good done by God's grace to be contained within the narrow limits of a single class. A general spirit of anxiety appears to have fallen upon a section of this little community. Without any extra direct effort on the part of the church, a number of persons outside her pale, without concert or communion, have had their minds drawn out, and their thoughts occupied about religion, and can give no reason why it should be so at this particular time. Surely this is none other than the Divine voice, calling us "to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord, against the mighty.' Pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you."


6. EDINBURGH. BATHGATE.-From the Rev. C. Pickering.-Fevers have been prevalent. This is owing to the imperfect sanitary state of many dwellings. I have often had to attend the sick and dying. I buried a poor girl, who had died in peace. I never saw such misery and poverty. The place was partly under-ground; nearly all the panes of glass were broken and patched up with paper. There was not any furniture, save three chairs, and these without backs. A box served for a table. A


heap of straw, covered with a sheet, was the bed; and upon this the poor girl had died. The father, a drunkard, was cursing the corpse of his child! I seriously remonstrated, and silenced him. A few days later this man and another child were prostrated by the same disease. I regularly visited them, ministering to their temporal and spiritual necessities. He promised amendment, but, since his recovery, has not kept his promise. Visits to the poor and aged are hailed with delight; and they say that I am the only minister who has cared for them for a long time. The religious destitution of the place is great, notwithstanding the existence of the churches. The miners, and those who are employed in the Chemical Works, are dissipated, and spend much of their time and money in the public houses. The consequence is, that their families are half-naked, and plead, not without reason, the want of clothes fit to appear in at public worship. cottage-services partly meet this case. Though the Forbes Mackenzie Act is in force, yet on last Sabbath, in returning from Blackburn, distant about three miles, I met, or saw lying on the ground, at least half a dozen drunken men. Hundreds of families have but one room each; and it is common to see a man, his wife, six or more children, and a lodger or two, in possession of one room, which is used for all purposes. Of course a large amount of immorality is the result. The Mission-labour, much needed in such a population, (whose condition it is frightful to contemplate, and who only want to be removed some thousands of miles to call forth the sympathy of the churches,) has been crowned with some success. Several have been brought back to the fold, and into union with the good Shepherd. Souls have been converted, and several of the sick have found eternal life through faith in Christ. Some who have been reclaimed are giving proof of the reality of their change; are aiding the Home-Missionary minister at his open-air services, which have been regularly held; and are, in other ways, striving to do good among their neighbours.

GENERAL RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. WEEK OF SPECIAL PRAYER THROUGHOUT THE WORLD.-January 3-10, 1864. --Christians of all lands are again affectionately invited to observe a week of prayer at the beginning of the new


year. For four preceding years the commencement of each has been thus hallowed. In almost every country, in every quarter of the globe, Christians have met to present one offering of

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