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Inauguration of James Buchanan sas- Course of affairs there

in Utah-Foreign difficulties

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His Inaugural Address

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The new cabinet - Governor Walker in KanLecompton Constitution - Vote on this question - Mormons, and troubles - Financial distress - The Thirty-fifth Congress - Extracts from the Pres: dent's Message - Kansas question in Congress - Walker's filibustering and result - Minnesota and Oregon admitted into the Union Troubles in the Gulf with British cruisers-Atlantic Telegraph - Success, Re

joicings, etc.

ON Wednesday, March 4th, 1857, the istration, the principles to which his usual ceremonies connected with the opening of a new administration were observed at the city of Washington. The president-elect reached the seat of government early on the 3d of March, and, soon after noon the next day, he made his appearance in the Senate

chamber, where were assembled 1857. the vice-president, John C. Breckenridge (who had just taken the oath of office), the members of the Senate, the Supreme Court judges, the diplomatic corps, and others connected with the government. At one o'clock, Mr. Buchanan, accompanied by a great crowd of citizens, by the military of the District of Columbia, civic companies, etc., proceeded to the eastern portico of the capitol, and, following the time-honored custom of those who had preceded him, he delivered his Inaugural address. Its length was not great, and the sentiments and views of the new president were set forth in moderate terms, and gave assurance of his desire to carry out, during his admin

whole political life had been devoted. Having determined not to become a candidate for re-election, he congratulated his countrymen upon the noble spectacle of the quiet submission of the minority to the majority, and expressed his conviction, that, by carrying out this principle, the question of domestic slavery in the territories might most readily be settled. "Nothing can be fairer,” he remarked, "than to leave the people of a territory free from all foreign interference to decide their own destiny for themselves, subject only to the Constitution of the United States. whole territorial question being thus settled upon the principle of popular sovereignty-a principle as ancient as free government itselfeverything of a practical nature has been decided, and no other question remains for adjustment, because all agree that, under the Constitution, slavery in the states is beyond the reach of any human power, except that



Having finished the reading of his Inaugural address, the fifteenth president took the oath of office, which was administered to him by Chief-justice Taney, and entered upon the high and responsible duties of his station. Being a long-tried, almost veteran statesman; an able advocate and defender of the principles of the democratic party, who had raised him to his lofty position; and intimately acquainted with the routine of executive duties, Mr. Buchanan, so far as it was permitted to form an opinion of the future, and what it might bring forth, had every reason. to felicitate himself upon a peaceful, prosperous, and satisfactory administration.

of the respective states themselves ury, and urging its appropriation to wherein it exists. May we not, then, "great national objects," he advocated hope that the long agitation on this "a strict construction of the powers of subject is approaching its end, and that the government," and the cultivation of the geographical parties to which it " peace, commerce and friendship with has given birth, so much dreaded by all nations." He concluded his address the father of his country, will speedily by "humbly invoking the blessing of become extinct?" "Throughout the Divine Providence on this great people." whole progress of this agitation, which has scarcely known any intermission for more than twenty years, while it has been productive of no positive good to any human being, it has been the prolific source of great evils to the master, to the slave, and to the whole country; it has alienated and estranged the people of the sister states from each other, and has even seriously endangered the very existence of the Union." "This question of domestic slavery is of far greater importance than any mere political question, because, should the agitation continue, it may eventually endanger the personal safety of a large portion of our countrymen where the institution exists. In that event, no form of government, however productive of material benefits, can compensate for the loss of peace and domestic security around the family altar. Let every ed secretary of state; Howell Cobb, of Union-loving man, therefore, exert his best influence to suppress this agitation, which, since the recent legislation of Congress, is without any legitimate object." Let every American "reflect upon the terrific evils which would result from disunion to every portion of the confederacy-to the North not more than to the South, to the East eral. The Senate confirmed not more than to the West." these appointments without difficulty;

The following gentlemen were select ed as members of the new cabinet: Lewis Cass, of Michigan, was appoint

Georgia, secretary of the treasury; John B, Floyd, of Virginia, secretary of war; Isaac Toucey, of Connecticut, secretary of the navy; Jacob Thompson, of Mississippi, secretary of the interior; Aaron V. Brown, of Tennessee, postmaster-general; and Jeremiah S. Black, of Pennsylvania, attorney-gen


After speaking of the unusual fact, and the session having lasted till viz. there being a surplus in the treas- the 14th of March, during which

CH. IX.]



several matters of public interest were islature should never pass a law emandiscussed, particularly the treaty with Great Britain, for the settlement of the Central American question, the Senate completed its labors and adjourned.


cipating the slaves. On this provision alone the electors were to vote, and the ballots cast were to be endorsed, "Constitution with slavery;" or, "Constitution with no slavery;" so that, however objectionable the proposed

could be adopted previous to 1864. As might be supposed, great excite ment was caused in Kansas by the action of the convention, and Gov. Walker was chagrined to find that his pledges of submitting everything to the vote of the people were wholly dis

As we have stated (p. 523), Robert J. Walker was appointed by the new president, in the latter part of constitution might be, there was no March, Governor of Kansas, and he alternative; it was certainly to be was specially instructed to see that adopted. There was also inserted a every loyal voter be allowed to express proviso, declaring that no amendment his free and independent opinion by his vote upon the exciting question of slavery, or no slavery, in Kansas. Gov. Walker, having reached Leavenworth at the close of May, issued a long address to the people, setting forth his views as to the existing state of affairs and his determination regarded. Being in Washington early "to see that all constitutional laws are fully and fairly executed." The freestate men maintained their attitude of opposition to the legislative assembly and its acts; but, by the judicious activity of the governor, much of the excitement was subdued. He having given assurances that the election should not be interfered with, by outsiders from any quarter, the free-state men assembled at the polls, early in October, and by a majority of nearly 4000, succeeded in electing M. J. Parrott as delegate to Congress, and the larger number of the councilmen and representatives.

in December, and finding that the presi dent approved the action of the convention, Gov. Walker resigned his office and gave his reasons in an elaborate paper addressed to the secretary of state.


Mr. J. W. Denver, of Califor nia, soon after became his successor. At the election in December, for the adoption or rejection of the slavery clause, the vote returned was little over 6000, more than half of which came from counties along the Missouri border, where the loyal voters did not number over 1000. The legis lature, at a special session, determined to submit the Lecompton constitution Soon after the election, the constitu- to the direct vote of the people, on the tional convention, which had held a 4th of January, which resulted in a meeting in September, re-assembled at majority of more than 10,000 votes Lecompton, and adopted a constitution, against it. The Kansas question occuin which it was declared, that the right pied a large share of the attention of of owners to their slaves was invio- Congress. The Senate voted to admit lable: it was also provided, that the leg. the new state with the Lecompton con

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