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make any immediate progress in the usual track of vessels bound to the West Indies, hence he determined upon availing himself of the adverse breeze by going through the North Channel. He succeeded, but we had hardly got through the Channel before the wind changed again, and for nearly twenty days was from the S. S. W. We had, during most of this period, gales of wind, and the vessel was converted into a perfect dungeon. We suffered acutely, our cup seemed to consist of almost every element of misery. During the brief period of day light in these Northern regions (for we were drifted as far as 56° of North Latitude) we shivered of cold, and throughout the night, we tasted for sixteen successive hours, the bitterness of sea sickness, and of hard beds most perfectly drenched in salt water. In two or three instances we attempted to mitigate the rigour of a northern winter, by the combustion of fuel, but then we endured a still greater evil in the smoke and sulphur, which, finding no egress in the chimney, filled the cabin, and became to us a mephitic medium of respiration. It was, when writhing under these combined evils,-in the stillness of a night when all eyes were sleepless and all hearts tortured with those awful associations which never fail to encompass the occupants of a tempest-driven vessel, that God sent us consolation by the lips of a little girl, who chaunting the missionary invocation of the immortal Heber, reminded us at once, of our office and our helps,

"Waft, waft ye winds his story,
And you, ye waters roll;
Till like a sea of glory,

It spreads from pole to pole." Because of the joint operation of these two causes- -First, our having sailed through the North Channel, and secondly, our having had extremely stormy weather during the first three weeks, we did not reach Madeira before the 8th of February. Having been deprived for almost a month of every variety of incident and of object, except that of the dark blue waters of the Western Ocean, dashed by the tempest, and that of the luminous living creatures, which in endless variety irradiated the vessel's track, as if we had sailed on a sea of phosphorus, the cry of 'land ahead,' like good news from afar, awakened deep interest in every bosom. Maderia is a possession of con

siderable value, belonging to the crown of Portugal. We passed it on the S.E. side, and seldom has any one been more delighted with the scenery of nature, than we were, on this occasion, with Madeira and the Desertas standing in bold relief before us. Madeira consists of a pile of hills, one rising above another,-tier surmounting tier, as if they had been thrown up by a succession of volcanic efforts, whilst the Desertas at a distance of twelve miles, stand exhibiting in the midst of the Ocean, their shaggy outlines as if they had been rent from the main land of the circumjacent island, by some other horrible convulsion of nature.

On the 11th we passed the Canary Islands. The heights of Palma were in view. This was nearer to us than any other island of the group, but yet it was nearly fifty miles distant. We, however, at this distance, saw its high land, like the Peak of Teneriff, rising in majesty above the clouds which covered its base. This scene was interesting in the most eminent degree. While gazing upon Palma, with its low land covered by impenetrable clouds and its mountain peaks refulgent with the rays of the rising sun, I felt the full force of these lines of the poet used, I fancy to describe a similar scene,

"Like some tall cliff it lifts its awful form, Swells from the vale and midway leaves the storm;

Though round its breast the rolling clouds are spread,

Eternal sunshine settles on its head."

We had sailed from Madeira seven days, when to our reminiscences of these sublime scenes, was added the less stupendous, but hardly less interesting sight of that beautiful little creature, the Flying Fish. This fish exists in great numbers in the more Southern Latitudes. Though in size they are somewhat less, yet in form, colour, and flavour they very much resemble the herring. When flying, they rise not more than fifteen or sixteen feet into the air, nor continue their course to the length of more than eighty or a hundred yards, for then their wings having become dry, they dive again into the water to restore their locomotive powers. The Flying Fish is an object of general pursuit to the carnivorous creatures which occupy the tropical seas, and its only means of safety in flight.

On the 27th, we were all amused

with the movements of an enormous Grampus, and also with the capture of a Shark. This voracious creature, which, however, is said never to show any thing like courage, except when prompted by the want of food, moves at all times accompanied by Pilot Fishes. The Pilot Fish is rather small, very pretty, and has its name from its being supposed to direct the shark to his food. About a dozen of these pilots on each side of the monster directed him to the pork, which we had used as a bait. The shark soon took the bait, and the iron hook to which it was attached, and the sailors almost as readily hawled him on board. Having got him up, they cut off his tail with the object of making him bleed to death, but he seemed for a while as if he hardly would die. His tenacity of life was such, that when his entrails, his heart, his brain, his blood, his backbone, and jaws had all been taken out, his flesh still flickered with life. In dissecting him (for the sailors, most adroitly performed the operation) his heart was found to be not much larger than a hen's egg, and his brain considerably smaller and less developed than that of a sheep.

I fear that these details, will appear, to persons in the bustle of English society, trifling and uninteresting. I confess, had I never gone a voyage to sea, 1 should have also regarded them in that light, but really there is such a monotony in life at sea; that the slightest circumstance, and most insignificant object, becomes a source of interest, which by a tincturing of egotism which we all have, we vainly think that what was a source of interest to ourselves, must necessarily be the same to all others.

But I must resume my narrative. Having been for some time stinted in our supply of water, we hailed with delight our approach to Antigua on the morning of the first of March. On the following morning we put out the boat, and the mate, and seamen and myself went on shore at Nevis, one of the Windward Islands, for water and such other things as we wanted, Mr. Pennock having supplied the money.

We returned again early in the afternoon, set sail and proceeded on our voyage. Just before sunset we had a fine view of St. Christopher's, of the garrison and citadel, and of Mount Misery, the highest summit of the Island.

Mount Misery having, along with the setting sun, glided away beneath our view, we saw no more land of any importance, except Monte Vela, a rock seven or eight miles south of St. Domingo, till on Monday the 8th inst, we found ourselves, after being at sea fifty-eight days, off Point Morant, in Jamaica. Early in the morning we were hailed by a pilot boat. They put us a black pilot on board. child of ours, that is just learning to talk, now saw, for the first time, one of the sons of Ham. And such were the indications of humanity in this but lately emancipated slave, that the child at once gave the lie to the foul slander of a false science, and running to her mother exclaimed, "A man! a man!"


From the sea, the scenery of Jamaica has a most imposing aspect. No matter where may be your point of observation, the blue mountains in the midst of the island engage your eye. These are picturesque in the highest decree, and with the lowlands, present every variety of scenery, hill, dale, river and lake, mountain and valley. Here you may find the traces of beauty, but the grand characteristic which you find impressed on every scene is sublimity. Our arrival in this country was full of interest. At Port Royal on the evening of the 8th inst. we were met by the Rev. Messrs. Hyams and Kennedy, native missionaries, and on the following morning by Messrs. Jordan and Lake, members of the House of Assembly, and other friends in great numbers. It was 10 o'clock P.M. when we got up to Kingston. But there, a scene was presented, such as I had never witnessed. Thousands upon thousands of men, women, and children, standing on the quays and wharfs, closed up every avenue of egress from the sea to the city, as they anxiously waited to witness our debarkation, and to salute us with 'a welcome.' All was tumult, joy, and high festivity! One moment we heard thousands of devout people singing the Doxology, the next we saw them waving their handkerchiefs in the air as they rent the heavens with their loud 'Huzzahs.', Mr. P. was of course the hero of the day.

Immediately upon landing we were very speedily conveyed in two earriages to our habitations. But what think you was our astonishment in finding our place of abode crowded almost to suffocation, while the area in front was also densely occupied by

spectators, just as you have seen the space before the hustings occupied, at a general election in England.

We proceeded without delay to the chapel, to tender our grateful acknowledgements at the throne of grace, for the mercies of the passage. The service having been concluded, the majority of this exceedingly excited people retired to their homes or went back again into the city to follow the pursuits of the day.

We are, through mercy, all well. The late epidemic, which has been so fruitful in mortality, is now nearly subsided. I have preached twice to exceedingly crowded congregations, and I have reason to think with acceptance. All is well at present, I trust you will hear a good account of me.

Kingston, March 14th, 1842.





SINCE the date of my last, our little church here has been the subject of greater trial than has fallen to its lot for some time past, arising from circumstances of a very melancholy and painful character. We have been solemnly reminded, by the decease of our friend and brother G. W. Halero, that we all "must needs die, and are as water spilt upon the ground which cannot be gathered up again." caught a severe cold, to which he paid but little attention; it increased in virulence, and ended in typhus-fever; removing him from earth to heaven in a very short period. Our brother made a good end; during his sickness (when his mind was collected) he frequently expressed himself as being happy in the enjoyment of the Divine favour,-confiding in God his heavenly Father, and willing to submit to His will in all things. I have no hesitation in avowing my conviction, that the spirit of our deceased friend is now in the abodes of bliss.

"Far from a world of grief and sin,

With God eternally shut in."

By this dispensation of Providence, we have lost an efficient preacher of the Gospel, and a liberal contributor to our funds. Our numbers have been further reduced by the removal of two of our members to England; nevertheless we are determined to look up, patiently to submit, and in all things to acknowledge the hand of God: “ It is the Lord; let him do what seemeth him good." At last the honourable, the Senate of Hamburg has favoured our Consul with a reply to the application which he made

in our behalf, to open a room for divine worship in the neighbourhood of the Brook. That august body has given a direct negative to our request, stating that no one could be permitted to exercise the functions of the Christian ministry but such as were recognised by the law of the State, that neither the Wesleyan Methodist Association, nor Mr. Walker was thus known to the law; therefore the application could not be entertained. And further that Mr. Walker was distinctly prohibited from holding meetings for divine worship either in the city, or any part of the territories of Hamburgh, excepting the harbour, on board British vessels, and for the exclusive benefit of British seamen. Such, in substance, was the answer returned to our petition; its character is stamped upon its face; it speaks for itself, and requires not one word of comment. Let it, how

ever, be observed, that while these Senators were deliberating upon the the question, they were perfectly aware that I was in the habit of preaching twice every Lord's day, in our room at St. Pauli. This delightful duty I am discharging with increased pleasure, having no intention whatever to abandon it.

Other causes have prevented me from prosecuting the matter of providing the means of religious instruction for the people of the Brook; particular circumstances relating to the foundry,the continuance of which establishment is at present doubtful. The question will, however, be determined in a few weeks, and should the concern continue, it is my full determination with God's blessing, to try again.

I am happy to report favourably in regard to our services, both on shore

and in the harbour; they are well attended, and the congregations are remarkably serious and attentive. I do trust that the word preached will be the Savour of life unto many. Our prayer meetings contiuue as


tive (if the word may be permitted) as ever; the greater part of the people remaining, during the prayer meeting, held after the preaching, when our souls are abundantly refreshed with the hallowing influences of the Divine Spirit. Our seafaring brethren enjoy

these means exceedingly ;-I would not
deprive them of such privileges on
any account. On Sunday last we
had overflowing congregations; and
yesterday evening we had two captains
and six seamen at the class-meeting.
The sailors alone are a sufficient reason
for the continuance of this mission.
Again we earnestly beg an interest
in your prayers, that the work of the
Lord may prosper in our hand.
May, 1842.


TO THE EDITOR,-Dear Sir, This circuit has suffered materially from emigration, and is now suffering in more respects than one from that circumstance. Even within the last few weeks we have had to part with, I suppose, not less than fifty members of Society, who are now far away on the billows, and some of them were most pious, active and useful in the circuit, including three of our worthy Local Preachers, who had each one or more classes under their care; more intend to go before the expiration of the year. I am happy, however, to be able to say, that through Divine Goodness we have had some ingatherings, which I hope will be in some measure a sett-off against our outgoings.

I think I gave you an account in a friendly note a short time ago of what, in some few instances, the good Lord had been doing for us, and expressed a wish that they might be as drops before the shower. I can now add a little more, of what both I, and my colleagues have seen, and which I am sure will be gratifying to you. We have had a most glorious revival in this part of the county, which has not been confined to any one branch of the great Methodistic family.

Its movements and progress have been most remarkable. It seemed to break out first in the far West, near the Land's End, and swept away up Northward and Eastward, touching at many of the dwelling places of Zion, and resting on some of them for weeks' together.

On Monday, the 14th of March, we

commenced a weeks' protracted meetings in the town of Helston: we held a prayer meeting at 5 o'clock in the morning, one at noon, and another at 7 o'clock in the evening. That in the evening was attended by a large congregation; many were evidently under deep concern for salvation. After we had delivered a short exhortation, we requested the penitents to come into the vestry adjoining the chapel, where a few of the prayer leaders talked with and prayed for them; before the meeting closed seven souls professed to find peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.


The meetings were continued in the same order during the whole of the week. On the Tuesday, eight found peace; on the Wednesday five; on the Thursday four; and on the Friday, seven professed to be made happy in the love of God. On the following Lord's day, four, and some few during the week. On the Sunday night after that, two I think were made happy in the enjoyment of salvation. Thursday evening after preaching, three souls professed to be made happy; on the Lord's day evening, two; and on the Monday evening, one. Thanks be to God for all his goodness and mercy. One of the cases on Lord's day evening deserves a little attention,-namely that of a woman, who, from the first week of the revival had been under the intolerable burden of a wounded spirit. After wrestling in the vestry for upwards of an hour, the Lord spoke peace to her troubled conscience, and graciously applied the balm of par

doning love to her wounded soul, when she rose up, and in an extacy clapped her hands, and shouted the praises of God. At that moment seeing her brother, who is a respectable member of our Society, in the vestry, she rushed towards him, when in the most affectionate manner they embraced each other, and for some moments wept upon each other's neck. It was an affecting season. At Redruth also the Lord has been pouring out his holy Spirit, particularly in the prayer meetings held in different parts of the town. In the same week in which the revival began in Helston they there had about fourteen souls brought to a knowledge of the truth; several in Easter, week and some few since; glory be to God.

At Penzance also, we have had several tokens for good. On Good Friday night after preaching, three professed to find "HIM of whom Moses in the Law and the prophets did write." On Easter Sunday night many were under deep impressions; one person left the chapel in that state during the prayer meeting, and was obliged to send for one of the prayer leaders, who found her in an agony which was happily removed by her obtaining peace. On the Tuesday night following, the Lord spoke peace to her soul, whilst her servant maid was conducting family prayer. In the prayer meeting, five were enabled to rejoice in a sin pardoning God; several have since obtained the blessing. "Praise the Lord for he is good, and his mercy endureth for ever."

I might mention other places of minor importance where the work has been going on, either to a greater or lesser degree; such as Ruan, Roswick, Rinsey, Tres Row, and Ashton. The two last mentioned places claim our special attention.

Tres Row is a small village about half way between Helston and Penzance, a mile from the road side. They have a neat little chapel with about twenty members in Society, the whole of them Teetotalers. For some weeks before the revival broke out, they had established Tee-total meetings in the chapel on the Saturday nights, and the result was, that at three meetings not less than ninety persons signed the

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I had the happiness of being there last Monday night, when I gave twentynine notes on trial, seven had got notes before, and some others although converted in our chapel, have from special motives joined the Wesleyans. Well, I hope they are joined to the Lord in a perpetual covenant never to be forgotten. May he keep them till the day of eternal redemption.

At Ashton, a village four miles from Helston, on the Penzance road, the work has been going on for several weeks, and sinners have been converted almost every night in the week. There too, the preachers have been compelled to turn the service into a prayer meeting, to pray for those who were in distress. The friends there have been indefatigable in their labours, and have been abundantly rewarded in their own souls, and in seeing the salvation of others. Mr. Wright, a few weeks ago, in renewing their tickets, gave thirtyfour full tickets, eight more than on the previous quarter, and about seventy notes on trial. "What hath God wrought? "" He was there last Lord's day again, leading a love-feast, one of the best he ever attended. I was out there last Tuesday night preaching; a season I hope I shall not soon forget. The place was literally crowded with people. They are about making it a third larger. A good influence attended the word, and after the sermon, while giving out that delightful Hymn "Lovers of Pleasure," &c., the third verse,—

"The God of Love to earth he came,

That you might come to heaven," We paused, and requested those who were happy in God and on their way

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