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Junior and Senior students proposing to join our Classes for the Examination in December, 1883, should send lists of the books they have on each subject affixed to their papers; the Examiners will then tell them if it is desirable to procure any more.

Higher Local students who are offering Religious Knowledge, are advised to study Perowne on the Psalms, as we notice in some cases the attempt to prepare that portion of the Bible without the use of that book results in rather a failure.

In French, the students preparing for the Higher Local Examination are warned against the mistake of supposing they can "get up" their Literature work from a text-book, and that there is no necessity for them to consult their author, which is of course an idea fatal to all intelligent reading.

In Science, students are urged to illustrate their answers freely by diagrams.

The papers on the Theory and Practice of Education for the Teachers' Examination will be continued in our February No.

Recommendations and Rules for Examinees.

1. Write your name and address in the right-hand corner of the first page of each examination paper.

2. Write only on one side of the paper, and leave a margin two inches wide; also leave at least six lines between each answer.

3. Fasten the answers to each subject separately in the lefthand corner.

4. Prepare the answers with the assistance of all books at your command, but write them without book or note; and, because it is desirable to become accustomed to answering questions quickly, you are requested to state at the end of each paper the time you have spent over it.

5. It is suggested that it would be well occasionally to do a paper in one subject or another as a real examination, unseen and without preparation.

6. The Examiners do not give the answers to questions which Students do not attempt, unless. the point which has presented a difficulty be indicated.

7. The papers are to be sent to THE EDITOR, 21, Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square, London, W., not later than the last day of the month.

8. The fee for correction of one Student's papers in all the subjects he intends to offer for examination is £3 3s. per annum, for separate subjects £1 18. each, payable yearly or half-yearly in advance to M. HEWETT, P.O.O. payable at Charing Cross Post Office (cheques crossed London and County Bank). Reduction allowed to Teachers, and to Pupils of schools from which more than three Students send papers.

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An Educational Paper, published on the 15th of each Month,
except July and August.

Post free, 5s. 6d. per annum.

THIS HIS Paper was started with a view to meet the wants of a yearly increasing number of persons offering themselves as Candidates for the Cambridge Junior, Senior, Higher Local, and Teacher's Examinations. It was proposed by a staff of experienced Teachers to publish on the 15th of every month, except July and August, a periodical bearing the above title, which should contain Examination Papers on progressive portions of the work being prepared for Examination.

The papers are set by ladies holding University Honour Certificates, who are engaged in preparing pupils for the Cambridge Examinations. The names of the Examiners appear against their subjects. The Examiners are willing to correct and comment upon answers to the questions from Students requiring assistance and direction in their work. The fee for such correction of one set of papers (i.e. for answers to the questions on all the subjects one Candidate takes up for examination) is £3 38. per annum, payable yearly or half-yearly in advance. The fee for the correction of papers on one subject only is £1 1s. per annum. Reduction is allowed to Teachers, and to pupils of Schools from which more than three sets of papers are sent.

The Cambridge Examiner has proved a great assistance to Students preparing by themselves for examination. It tends to counteract any tendency to cramming, or working in a groove in Schools, by the introduction of an exterior influence; and to familiarize Candidates with answering written questions in the best methods.

A few remarks are appended to each number on any points in the answering of the questions which may seem to the Editor sufficiently conspicuous to deserve public notice.

Post Office Orders for The Cambridge Examiner, also for the correction of papers, should be made payable to the Editor, M. HEWETT, P. O. Charing Cross (cheques crossed London and County Bank), and all communications are to be addressed to

THE EDITOR, The Cambridge Examiner,



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