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Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to wit:


******** BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the twenty-first day of November, in
SEAL. the-forty-first year of the Independence of the United States of America,
A. D. 1817, John Richardson of the said District, has deposited in this
office the title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words
following, to wit:


"A Treatise on Surveying, containing the Theory and Practice; to which is prefixed,


a perspicuous System of Plane Trigonometry. The whole clearly demonstrated, "and illustrated by a large number of appropriate Examples. Particularly adapted " to the use of Schools. By John Gummere Second edition, improved."

In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the times therein mentioned." And also to the Act, entitled, "an Act supplementary to an Act, entitied, "an Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies during the times therein mentioned," and extending the benefits thereof to the Arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other Prints."


Clerk of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania




I am much pleased with the Treatise on Surveying, compiled by John Gummere, and hope to see it speedily introduced into general use. With those who appreciate its merits, I apprehend it will supercede every other tract on the subject with which I am acquainted. ENOCH LEWIS.

We have no hesitation in giving it as our judgment, that Gummere's Treatise on Surveying, is the best publication on the subject with which we are acquainted; and we, accordingly, take great pleasure in recommending it to the public patronage.

R. PATTERSON, Vice President of the American Philosophical Society. R. M. PATTERSON, M. D. Prof. of Mat. and Nat. Phil. in the Univer. of Pennsylvania.


20MAY 02

The new Treatise on Surveying by John Gummere, recently published by Kimber Cand Richardson, of Philadelphia, is in our estimation a very judicious performance.

Several things are omitted which only serve to encumber other works on this subject, and a variety of new rules and illustrations are introduced, particularly under the heads of laying out, measuring, and dividing land, which, in connection with its general arrangement, render this Treatise on Surveying, in our opinion, decidedly preferable to any other which has met the public eye.

Prof. of Math. & Nat. Phil. Columbia College, New York.
Teacher of Math. Prof. of Chem. Colum. Col. New York.

Having carefully examined a Treasise on Surveying, by John Gummere, I feel myself perfectly justifiable in pronouncing it to be the best practical work on the subject extant.

DAVID MCLURE, Principal of the Naut. and Math. Acad. Philadelphia.

The following letter was addressed by the late Professor of Mathematics, &c. in Vermont College, to R. M. Patterson, M. D. Prof. of Math. and Nat. Phil. in the University of Pennsylvania.


Philadelphia, July 16, 1814.

Agreeably to your request, I have cursorily examined Gummere's Treatise on Surveying, and conceive that the author has performed all that his preface promises. The subject is logically distributed and arranged, and the principles correctly and perspicuously displayed. The examples are very properly multiplied and ingeniously varied, so as to prepare the student for the most unusual cases. That the Author's success in the publication may equal his high reputation for science, is a wish, which (as far as good wishes go) ought to be as satisfactory to him, as it is sincere on the part of

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Extract of a letter from Samuel Knox, Esq. principal of the Baltimore College. " I received and submitted to our Mathematical Professor, Gummere's Surveying. We approve of the work. And as often as any of our students want an author on that branch, shall recommend it."

I remain very respectfully, your

obedient humble servant, &c.


I fully concur with the gentlemen who have already given recommendations of Gummere's Treatise on Surveying, in considering the work as well calculated to give youth a correct knowledge of the principles of Surveying, and that it is to be preferred to any treatise on that subject, known in this country.


Prof. of Math. in Princeton College.

For sale by the publishers: Solutions to the Miscellaneous Questions in Gummere's Surveying. By the Author. Price twenty-five cents.

Also Mathematical Tables, containing Tables of Latitude and Departure; of Logas rithms from one to ten thousand; and artificial Sines, Tangents and Secants; the whole carefully revised, and compared with the most correct European editions. Price one dollar and fifty cents, bound.



THE following compilation originated in the belief that our schools are in want of a treatise on surveying, adapted to the methods practised in this country, and freed from the defects of the systems now in use. Notwithstanding the importance of the science, and the large number that make it an object of study, it is believed we are not in possession of a treatise on this subject, suited to the wants of the student. The works of Gibson and Jess are the only ones at present in general use; the former, though much the better of the two, is deficient in many respects. It may be sufficient here, merely to advert to its want of examples, which renders it entirely unsuitable for a school book. From the latter, the student would in vain expect to become acquainted with the principles of the science, or the * rationale of any of the rules, necessary in performing the various calculations.*

In order to understand the principles of surveying, a previous knowledge of Geometry is absolutely necessary; and this knowledge will be best acquired from a regular treatise on the subject. In the demonstrations, therefore, throughout this work, the student is supposed to be acquainted with the

* Each of these works has lately gone through a new edition, in which considerable additions are stated to have been made. On examination, however, it does not appear, that those additions are such as to supply the deficiencies.

The additions made to Gibson, consist principally of some nautical problems, quite foreign to a treatise on Surveying. Those made to Jess, consist of a few extracts from Gibson, in one of which the Pennsylvania method of calculation is introduced, as being quite different from that given by Jess; whereas it is well known to be the method given by that author, and used, as well in the preceding, as in the subsequent part of his work.

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