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hand, and go thy way: if thou meet any man, 1 salute him not; and if any salute thee, answer him not again: and lay my staff upon the face of the child.

30. And the mother of the child said, As the LORD liveth, and as thy soul liveth, 2 I will not leave thee. And he arose, and followed her.

31. And Gehazi passed on before them, and laid the staff upon the face of the child; 3 but there was neither voice, nor hearing. Wherefore he went again to meet him, and told him, saying, The child is not 4 awaked.

32. And when Elisha was come into the house, behold, the child was dead, and laid upon his bed.

33. He went in therefore, and shut the door upon them twain, and prayed unto the LORD.

1 Mark 12: 38. Luke 10:4.

31 Kings 18: 29. 4 Deut. 31:16. Job 7:21. James 5:16.

2 John 4:49. Mark 7:29.
4:4. Matt. 6:6.

This was done by tightening the girdle, and tucking the mantle under it in such a manner as to leave the legs free. If thou meet any man, salute him not. Not simply because in preparation for the duty laid upon him, Gehazi should fix his thoughts only upon God, and sink his soul in prayer, but salutation is the forerunner of conversation, and one bent on speed should avoid every temptation to loiter. — Cook. Elisha knew that he was vainglorious and fond of praise, and that he would be sure to tell the object of his journey to those who should meet him by the way. - Theoderet. Salute. The Orientals were famous for elaborate and lengthy greetings. Polite expressions universally exchanged between travellers were not unfrequently accompanied with repeated and elaborate inquiries after personal health and the welfare of friends, and served as the prelude to extended conversation. They were also accompanied with a variety of gestures and forms of politeness. Inferiors, at the approach of their betters, stopped and waited till they had passed: riders dismounted to exchange salutations. A servant would be specially apt to waste time in this way; and possibly Gehazi had peculiar tendencies in that direction. - Todd. "Two Arabs meeting will sometimes repeat not less than ten times the ceremony of grasping hands, kissing, and returning thanks to God." Lay my staff upon the face of the child. This command is not quite clear. Some writers understand that Elisha, while waiting for the divine leading, wished to be doing something to assuage the mother's grief; others, that he supposed the child to be merely in a stupor; others, that he thought that for once he might delegate to his studentattendant the power of which his staff was the emblem; others, that he sent Gehazi in advance, intending to follow with the woman. The staff of the prophet is like the staff (sceptre) of a king, the badge of the prophetical gift of might and strength. In Samoa, the son, or representative of a political head, when sent on any important message to another district, takes with him his father's staff and fly-flapper, to show that his message is with the sanction and authority of the person to whom these belong.


30. As the Lord liveth. See note on last lesson, ver. 2. I will not leave thee. She had little faith in the staff. She wanted the living presence of the prophet, - his sympathy and aid. This persistence was her sixth work of faith. And he arose, and fol lowed her. The uneasiness of the mother, whom he now expected to go home satisfied, - and her avowed determination not to leave him, which was a polite way of pressing him to go in person, induced him to alter his purpose, and to forego his own engagements at Carmel in order to accompany her to her forlorn home. It was probably in consequence of this change of plan that no response was made to the first claim of faith by means of the staff, the Lord reserving for the personal intercession of his prophet the honor of this mar vellous deed. Kitto.

31. There was neither voice, nor hearing. There was no sound and no attention, i.e., the dead one gave no sign of life. — Keil. The child is not awaked. The euphe mism by which death is spoken of as a sleep was already familiar to the Jews. Cook. The especial gift which God has given, out of free grace, to one man, cannot be transferred by him to another. Let every one serve the other with that gift which he has received (1 Pet. 4: 10); for we are not masters of the gifts of God, but only stewards. — Lange. Now begin Elisha's works of faith.

33. He... shut the door upon them twain. Upon himself and the child. And prayed. Thus acknowledging his consciousness that his supernatural power did not belong

34. And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands and he stretched himself upon the child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm.

35. Then he returned, and walked in the house to and fro; and went up, and stretched himself upon him: and the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes.

36. And he called Gehazi, and said, Call this Shunammite. So he called her. And when she was come in unto him, he said, 2 Take up thy son.

37. Then she went in, and fell at his feet, and bowed herself to the ground, and took up her son, and went out.

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to himself personally, but that he was dependent upon God for it. Todd. He does not weary, but continues and struggles in prayer. The Lord does not allow great deeds to be accomplished without battles and struggles, labor and perseverance.- - Bähr.

34. And lay upon the child. Prayer does not exclude the use of other means. Although this contact with a dead body would communicate ceremonial uncleanliness, yet in performing the great moral duties of piety and benevolence the ceremonial laws were sometimes dispensed with by the prophets. J., F. and B. His mouth upon his mouth. This placing of his mouth, eyes, and hands upon those of the child bore the same relation to this miracle which the spittle and the washing in Siloam did to the miracle by which Jesus gave sight to the man blind from his birth. Whedon. It is analogous to the incarnation of our blessed Lord who, touching humanity in every fibre of its being, and breathing upon it the Holy Ghost, awakes to newness of life that which was dead in trespasses and sin so that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised. III. The Triumph of Faith. Vers. 34-37. 34. The flesh of the child waxed warm. Thus the miracle was wrought, not instantaneously, but by slow degrees. It is clear that he did not work the miracle with the same rapidity or with the same ease (so to speak) with which Elijah wrought his parallel one. Elisha's persistence - the result and evidence of his strong faith (Heb. 11:35)—may have been a condition of the child's return to life.- Cook.

35. Then he returned, and walked in the house. That is, turned from the boy and walked up and down in the room. —. - Keil. This was probably an involuntary result of the great emotion with which he looked and waited for the fulfilment of his prayer. Bähr. The child sneezed seven times... and opened his eyes. These were the first acts of restored respiration, and they are ascribed as successive steps. J., F. and B. "Headache was the beginning of his illness, and this is wont to be relieved by sneezing," as Pliny writes. — Bähr. The spirit of natural life was not warmed into life by the warmth of the prophet, but by an extraordinary power and energy of God; and the touch of the prophet in itself was as little able to bring back warmth and life as the touch of the staff. Starke. What Elisha did after long effort and prayer, he who is himself the resurrection and the life did with a single word (John 11:43; 5:25).

36. Take up thy son. Compare Elijah's action (1 Kings 17: 23) and our blessed Lord's (Luke 7:15).

37. She fell at his feet. The first impulse, even before taking up her son. was her seventh work of faith.


Took up her son, and went out. An uninspired writer might have dwelt on her feelings, have told of the prayers she was offering, and informed us when and how the father received the tidings.

The significance of this story is to be sought, not in any one feature, but as a whole. A great and unhoped for blessing has fallen to the lot of a God-fearing woman; soon a great trial intervenes, and she loses her only son; she holds firmly to the word of promise, and the son is given back to her. Now she experiences aright that the word of the Lord is true, and that he crowns at last with grace and compassion those who hope and hold fast their faith in him. This development of the history presents the course by which, as a general rule, God is wont to lead his children (see Ps. 4: 3; 1 Sam. 2:6; Ps. 25: 10). — Lange. The friendship of the prophet and the Shunammite, now newly cemented, was unbroken through the lapse of years. Warned by him of an impending famine, she withdrew from the land for seven years. On her return she received back her forfeited lands for his sake and the miracles (chap. 8: 1–6).




An oft-used "prophet's chamber " has blessed many a house.

The gift of being a desirable guest is equal to that of being a hospitable host. "Carry him to his mother." It is to the credit of no man that he is too much engrossed in business to give needful attention to his children. He cannot throw the


responsibility upon their mother.


"As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you," saith the Lord. 5. It is to good men and women that we turn in time of affliction.

6. Would you be trusted implicitly without rendering a reason, then must you habitually show right intentions and good judgment.



The deepest grief is not the most voluble.

Happiness and unhappiness, joy and sorrow, stand here upon earth ever side by

side. There is no unalloyed happiness.







Errands of mercy admit of no delay.

The Lord will not abandon in adversity him who has trusted him in prosperity.
It is the effectual, fervent prayer which avails.

Faith in God does not exclude the use of means.

To ask largely of God prepares us to receive largely.-A. L. Stone.

Of all that the Father hath given the Son he will lose nothing, but will raise it up at the last day.


Call attention to the BEAUTY OF THE STORY. In simplicity, in fidelity to life, in delicate description of character, and powerful appeal to human sympathies and feelings, it is unsurpassed by anything in ancient or modern literature. - Todd.

Make clear the nature of Elisha's missionary tours throughout Israel, among people far from the temple worship, and corrupted by calf-worship. Picture the childless home of the strong, prompt, wise, devout, affectionate Shunammite, and her hospitable plan, resulting in the preparing of an upper room, furnished as befitted her wealth and the prophet's position. She rejoices in the birth of a son, but through this precious gift she is to be taught that whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and in her experience is to show,


I. THE TRIAL OF FAITH (vers. 18-20). The story of the child going out to his father in the great harvest fields, and being brought home to die in his mother's arms, is best told in the simple, familiar words of the Bible.

II. THE WORK OF FAITH (vers. 21-35). This mother showed her faith by her works. (1) By laying the child on the prophet's bed until he should come. (2) By concealing his death. (3) By setting forth on the wearisome journey to Mt. Carmel. (4) By her promptness of action. (5) By her half-uttered appeal to the prophet. (6) By her persistence. (7) By her gratitude. Faith without works is dead, and would never have saved her child.

Call attention to Gehazi, insolent and officious, vain-glorious in his commission, running swiftly with the prophet's staff, making frantic attempts to arouse the insensible child, then returning baffled and crestfallen to his master. Contrast with him Elisha, courteous and patient, anxious to comfort, easy to be entreated, going alone to the chamber, and manifesting his faith (1) by prayer, humble and fervent, (2) by using the means that suggest themselves to him, or that Elijah used on a similar occasion.

III. THE TRIUMPH OF FAITH (35, l.c. -37). (1) The woman received her dead raised to life again, but before taking him to her arms fell on her face in an ecstasy of loving grat itude.

Illustration. Doubtless, if we are so happy as ever to reach heaven, we shall find ourselves so overwhelmed with wonder, love, and praise "that we shall not at first think of the social joys and lesser privilege to which we now look forward."

(2) Many years later this wonderful story was the means of her regaining lands that were forfeited by her absence.

Call attention to the truth that what neither a mother's love, nor Gehazi's efforts, nor the prophet-staff could accomplish, Elisha was enabled to do through the power of God, and Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life, does for every believing soul.

Illustration. In a quaint English book Daniel Quorm says, "It be wonderful, wonderful how we can stretch ourselves out 'pon the promises lie down on 'em full length and they begin to live, and speak, and ben't words that somebody spoke a long time ago, but do come fresh and warm from the lips o' the blessed Lord, all full o' his gentle love, and tenderness, an' power."

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GOLDEN TEXT. Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.


TIME. Perhaps about 892 B.C.

- Ps. 51: 7.

PLACES. — (1) Damascus, the capital city of Syria. It lies on the eastern base of AntiLibanus, in a well-watered, fertile plain, the beauty of which led the orientals to call it one of the four terrestrial paradises. Whitney. It lies in the only practicable track across the desert, and the antiquity of the city may be inferred from Gen. 14: 15 and 15: 2. In more modern times it has been celebrated for its swords, -"Damascus blades," and for its silks, "damask." It has always been a manufacturing place, as its name signifies, — "activity,” — and at times very wealthy. Todd. (2) Samaria. The capital of the kingdom of Israel.

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SYRIA. The region of country known to the Hebrews as Aram. (1) Its extent was variable, and not easily determined. In New Testament times its boundaries may be given as follows: Palestine on the south, the Mediterranean on the west, Cilicia and Mt. Amanus on the north, the Euphrates and Desert of Palmyra on the east. (2) Scripture mention of Syria begins in Judges, though Joshua doubtless often made war with its chiefs. David won a victory over the Syrians of Damascus, and a few years later reduced Syria to general submission. The country continued subject to Solomon, who "reigned over all the kingdoms from the river (Euphrates) unto the land of the Philistines, and unto the border of Egypt." Afterward, probably in the later days of Solomon, an independent kingdom was formed at Damascus (1 Kings 11: 23-25). Damascus was now the leading state, and a succession of its kings became formidable to Israel, sometimes being in alliance with the southern state of Judah. - Whitney.

PRONUNCIATIONS. — Ab'ănă; Dămăs'cus; Gěha'zi; Na'ămăn; Phär'păr.


This story occupies a place in the Old Testament very similar to that held by the beautiful parable of the prodigal son in the New, and there is much that is alike in the instruction which they contain. - Rogers. The story of Naaman is a precious contribution to the evidence that the love and care of God are not restricted within any limits of country or race, but are wide as the world.



1. Now 1 Naaman, 2 captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honourable, because by him the LORD had given deliverance unto Syria; he was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a 3 leper.

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I. A Hopeless Case. Ver. I. I. Now. Merely a connecting word. cannot decide certainly whether it belongs to the time of Jehoram or to that of the house of Jehu. Lange. Naaman. The successive defeats of Benhadad by Ahab and by the Assyrian king had so weakened Syria that the chronic war with Israel had dwindled into fierce marauding expeditions over the border, to plunder and carry off slaves. One of the most famous leaders of these forays was Naaman,-"the good fellow," - a dashing officer, but, unfortunately for himself, a leper. In Israel this would have disqualified him for public duty, but it was different at Damascus. - Geikie. The name, meaning pleasantness, is very ancient. Captain of the host. Commander of the army. A great man. Naaman seems to have held high civil as well as military offices. Honourable. Honored, accepted, very rich.-J., F. and B. By him the Lord had given deliverance. In accordance with the standing conception of the Hebrews that Jehovah was the God of all the earth. Shedd. We can place no reliance on the rabbinical tradition that it was Naaman who drew the bow and shot Ahab. In fact it is doubtful if Israel was the enemy from whom he had delivered his country. The cuniform inscriptions at Nineveh show that an Assyrian monarch had pushed his conquests as far as Syria exactly at this period, bringing into subjection

2. And the Syrians had gone out by companies, and had brought away captive out of the land of Israel a little maid; and she waited on Naaman's wife.

3. And she said unto her mistress, 2 Would God my lord were with the prophet that is in Samaria! for he would recover him of his leprosy.

4. And one went in, and told his lord, saying, Thus and thus said the maid that is of the land of Israel.

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all the kings of these parts; but a few years later Syria had once more made herself independent. It was probably at this time that Naaman had distinguished himself. Rawlin son. Mighty man in valor. Very courageous. But. There is a slight discordant “but,” which, like a false note in a melody, mars the perfectness of the good fortune. — Menken. Naaman was as great as the world could make him, and yet the basest slave in Syria would not change skins with him. · Henry. Leper. In the hot, dry, and dusty atmosphere of the East there has always been great prevalence of all kinds of skin-diseases, and of these leprosy has always been the most dreadful. It is feared as contagious; it is certainly and inevitably hereditary; it is loathsome and polluting; its victim is shunned by all as unclean; it is most deceitful in its action. New-born children of leprous parents are often as pretty and as healthy in appearance as any, but by-and-by its presence and working become visible in some of the signs described in Lev. 13. Different parts of the body are slowly consumed, and finally the wretched victim sinks into the earth and disappears, while medicine has no power to stay the ravages of this fell disease, or even to mitigate sensibly its tortures. -Thomson. Among the Hebrews the leper was compelled to live alone outside of the city, and was not permitted to join in public worship, or to mingle with people, or to touch any one, or to allow any one to approach without warning him by the cry "unclean." It is true that the Mosaic laws were not in force in Syria, but that Naaman felt his leprosy to be a terrible misfortune is apparent from the pains and expense that he was at to have it cured. Todd.

II. A Messenger of Hope. - Vers. 2, 3. 2. By companies. In marauding parties (see ver. 1, note). This seemed a not unusual mode of warfare. Brought away captive. The treatment of the conquered was extremely severe in ancient times. The leaders were put to death. Bodies were plundered; survivors were either killed in some savage manner, mutilated, or carried into captivity. Women and children were occasionally put to death with the greatest barbarity, but it was more usual to retain the maidens as concubines or servants. Bevan. This state of things is vividly portrayed by Homer. Peaceful citizens are usually the greatest sufferers in political feuds.-C. and D. Little maid. Not necessarily a little child; a young maiden. Waited on Naaman's wife. To whom, as the captain's wife, she had been presented, or for whom she had been bought in the slave market. We are now introduced to the second personage mentioned in the story of the Syrian leper. She is as obscure as the first is exalted. He is a general and a nobleman; she is a captive and a slave. Rogers. Like Joseph in Egypt and Daniel in Babylon, this captive girl becomes the instrument of making Jehovah known among the heathen. Whedon.

3. She said unto her mistress. This brave little maid had faith that the prophet of her God and of her native land could recover her master from his foul malady. The more she thinks of it the greater is her faith and hope. Would God. O that God would will it! My lord. Naaman. The prophet. Elisha, of whom she had heard at home. Recover him of his leprosy. Literally, receive again. The same word is translated "brought in again" in the story of Miriam's restoration (Num. 12:15). Bishop Wordsworth ealls attention to the fact that the maid speaks as an Israelite naturally would. But for these words from the mouth of a child, Naaman had still remained a leper and an idolater. She wonderfully exemplified the spirit of the command given to the captives in Babylon. "Seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the Lord for it" (see Jer. 29: 7).

III. In the Way. Vers. 4-6. 4. And one went in, and told his lord. Rather, "And he went in." It is best to supply Naaman as the nominative, and to understand that he went and told his lord, the king of Syria. - Cook. He eagerly caught at any chance and " trusted any cure."

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