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difpleasure against this hateful fin, we find that Abfalom, for rebelling against his king and father, David, was punished by a fudden, and most remarkable death.



THUS hath it been fhewn you, from thefe feveral awful examples of holy fcripture, that it is the pofitive duty of chriftians to preferve order in fociety, and fhew obedience to the lawful magiftrates of the land, and that their being wicked in their private character, is no excuse for any fedition or rebellion. Nor must any expect to escape unpunished, who committeth or abetteth treafon or confpiracy against the fovereign, whether in thought, word, or deed; either privately or in confederacy, for God will certainly provide at laft, that fo deteftable a crime fhall be difcovered and duly punished, as being fo directly levelled against his own holy ordinance, and the fafety of the principal judge his providence has ftationed..

All violence done to fuch authority, is not only injuring the peace and welfare of the state, in which we live, but it must be confidered as affronting God himself. He whofe eyes are in every place difcerning the evil and the good, will bring the works of darknefs into light; and reward the wicked according to their deferts: there is a remarkable faying in the xth chapt. of Ecclefiaftes, and 20th verfe, which is particularly applicable to this fubject, Curfe not the king, no not in thy thoughts, for that which hath wings fhall tell the matter; which intimates that by fome unexpected means it will be found out,



All these admonitions are certainly recorded for our inftruction: let us therefore avoid as much as poffible even liftening to any measures that may promote fo horrible a fin, and much more affifting in the least degree to countenance its progrefs. Calling to mind, on every occafion that may prefent temptation, the various arguments that have been brought from fcripture to terrify and preferve us from harboring fuch foul defigns.

It is almost needless at this time of day, to remind you, that under the precaution which thefe various paffages exhibit to maintain obedience to fuperiors, and to deter the thoughtless from all rebellious practice, they in no refpect relate to the falfe and fancied power of the See of Rome, but only to the lawful fovereign of the land, under whom we live; for the word of God doth no where countenance fuch ufurpation of power, as the popifh bishop did vainly claim, in former times; upheld by grofs abuses, and most blafphemous pretenfions; on the contrary, the true end of all thefe fcriptural examples is to maintain and exalt the due respect to God's true ordinances, and the juft allegiance to the higher powers, and thofe appointed under them to affift in peaceful government. As to the pope's pretended power, as founded in fucceffion of our Savior and St. Peter, it is overfet upon the very argument by which it would fupport itself; for befides that there is no fufficient ground for fuch authorities, contained in holy fcripture, its very fruits and doctrines oppofe its claim. It has been abundantly fhewn, that Chrift and his apoftle teach moft earnestly obedience unto kings, as unto the chief rulers in this world, next to God: whereas the doctrine of pery is that the people are under him, and free pofrom all fubjection and allegiance to their princes, but in virtue of his fupreme authority.-Now as this is exprefsly contrary to the leffons of our blessed Lord, and his apoftle, he rather deferves


the title of anti-chrift, and fucceffor of the fcribes and pharisees, than the representative of Chrift, or his fervant Peter.

Again, his error is not confined to this point only, but in matters of the most important articles of christian faith; his doctrine is directly contrary to what our Savior taught, especially refpecting pardon of fin, and the conditions of eternal life; for we fee that Chrift and St. Peter not only preached but practifed obedience to the ruling powers. It is on record, that they both paid tribute to the kings of the earth; and we read that the holy virgin, and Joseph her husband, went at the command of the Roman Emperor to the city of David, named Bethlehem, to be taxed among others, whereby they declared their obedience to the ruling magiftracy of the time, and that in fubmiffion to Divine injunction. And there is fomething ftill more fingular, in the compliance of this highly favoured woman, who though the was the chofen inftrument of becoming Chrift's earthly parent, and was even then in such a particular fituation, as might have well excufed fo inconvenient a journey, yet from confcientious fubjection to the order of the ftate, the undertook it willingly, and fubmitted further (under the particular circumstances of fa crowded a meeting) even to put up with a lodging in a stable, in which only the could be accommodated for her approaching ftate. But the language of St. Peter himself is exprefsly contrary to the pope's fupremacy, as you may see it in 1 Pet. ii. 13, Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's fake, whether to the king as SUPREME, or unto governors, as unto them who are fent by him for the punishment of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do well: these words are so very plain as not to need a further expofition. The apostle doth not fay submit yourselves to ME, as unto the fupreme bead of the church, neither does he fay fubmit yourselves, hereafter, from time to time, VOL, I.



to my SUCCESSORS in Rome only, in that particular character, but he particularly directs us to the KING as the SUPREME, and next, to them, whom he appointeth in authority under him, for fo is the will of "God, and therefore by fo doing ye fhall fhew your readiness to obey him. Thus is it evident that it is the pleasure of the Almighty, that the whole body of every nation, and all its parts and members, fhall be fubject totheir head, the king. St. Peter expreffes himfelf thus, for the Lord's fake; St. Paul, for conScience fake; thereby declaring, in different terms, the binding duty of the fubject. Thus have we a clear rule, in the word of God, how to conduct ourselves in this matter; we are to yield to the king, honor, obedience, the payment of tribute, customs, love, and fear. Having therefore no excuse to prevent the ftrict discharge of our allegiance, let us duly ftrive to fulfil the fame; to which good end, let us continually pray to God, the fountain of all authority and order, for every one to whom fuch power is given by him. A more fuitable form cannot be chosen than that of the apoftle St. Paul, in 1 Tim. ii. 1, I entreat therefore, that first of all, fupplications, prayers, interceffions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men, for kings, and all that are in authority; and why? that we may live a quiet and peaceable life, in godliness and bonefty: and alfo for another powerful reafon, because fuch behavior is good and acceptable in the fight of God our Savior: which words of the apoftle may be thus paraphrased or explained, in fuller terms: Let us humbly thank God at all times, for his great and excellent providence and bleffing concerning the ftate of kings; let us pray for them that they may enjoy God's favor and protection; that they may in all things have him before their eyes; that they may be endued with wifdom, fortitude, juftice, mercy, and zeal for the glory of their Heavenly Mafter, and his truth, and for the good of the realm they govern, and all the people under them; let us pray


that they may rightly ufe the fword, or power given them, for the prefervation and defence of the true chriftian faith, as contained in holy fcripture, as alfo of their good and faithful fubjects, and to the fear and punishment of every evil doer; let us pray, that they may follow the examples of those celebrated kings and captains, recorded in the bible; fuch as Mofes, Jofiah, David, and others: and for ourselves, let us be equally earnest and devout in fuplication, that we may live godly, in all holy and chriftian converfation, fo that we may fecure God on our fide, and then we need not fear what man can do unto us; fo fhall we live in true obedience to our most gracious king in heaven; and through his help perform all bounden fervice to our christian and excellent prince on earth. So' fhall we please the Lord; we fhall enjoy the valuable bleffings of a quiet confcience, tranquility, and comfort, HERE, and after this life may promise ourfelves eternal reft, and happiness in heaven, through Him who was obedient for us all, even to the death, of the cross; even Jefus Chrift our Lord and Savior to whom with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory, both now and for ever. Amen.

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