Imágenes de páginas


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IND READERS,-Throughout another year you have sustained the magazine; and as very many of you have expressed your satisfaction, and few, if any, have favoured me with a complaint, I feel encouraged to believe that you have been pleased with my monthly issues. It was once observed in my hearing by a friend who wished to account for my fulfilment of numerous duties, that, as for the magazine, it was a merely nominal thing to be the editor, for few editors ever saw their magazines till they were in print. However this may be as a rule, it does not contain a spark of truth in my case, for I have personally superintended every page, and I do not think a single line of the magazine has passed through the press without having been read by Whether I succeed or not, I certainly do not delegate my task to others. If I had more leisure I am sure I could do better, and it is with unfeigned satisfaction that I find my subscribers contented with what I can procure for them.


The SWORD AND TROWEL has been the happy means of uniting in gracious service a band of gracious givers and workers, who now for these 17 years have joined to aid the institutions which, though they locally surround the Tabernacle, are really the offspring of a congregation which is found scattered throughout all lands. By means of this warm-hearted brotherhood the Pastors' College has been sustained from year to year, until some six hundred ministers have been educated in it, the most of whom are still faithfully preaching the old-fashioned gospel in which they have been trained. In connection with this enterprise three brethren have been supported as evangelists, and their itinerant labours have been signally successful. Testimonies that churches have been aroused, and sinners converted by their means, have been plentifully sent in, and these pages have been increased in interest thereby. Hundreds of thousands have heard the gospel through this instrumentality.

The Stockwell Orphanage originated through an article in this magazine, and from time to time its support has been mainly supplied by its readers. During the past year the houses for the girls' side have been completed and partly furnished; and at the present time the first detachment of little ones has entered into occupation. More remains to be done by way of furniture for other houses, and the further contracts for the infirmary, baths, and outbuildings have to be met, but it is a great comfort to have seen the project so far in progress, and to feel assured that all that is yet required will be forthcoming in its season. The Bazaar which is so soon to be held will, we hope, secure the amount needed to bring the enterprise up to the next stage, and then we may lay our plan for the final outlay on the chapel of the Orphanage, and a few other necessaries. All that has been done has been accomplished without personal solicitation, or the allotment of votes, or the dissemination of heartrending appeals: it has sufficed

to lay the case before the Lord in prayer, and then to mention it to his people in plain and earnest terms, and the funds have come in with marvellous regularity, the larger amounts having been timed to meet the hour of need as exactly as if the whole went by clockwork. The hand of the Lord is in this thing, and to him be glory. That this institution has brought honour to God is plain enough, for many a time those who would have abused our ministry have admitted that a good work has been wrought, and have had no heart to revile. There is a something about orphan work which wins the sympathy of the most careless, and none can tell till the last great day how many have been by this means led to think well of the gospel, and next to hear it and experience its power.

The Colportage Association has held on its most useful course. It has been sustained with difficulty, for somehow it does not chime in with the tastes and views of large donors, but its influence for good is second to no existing agency. Where there are not enough Dissenters to support a minister, or where ministers are unable to cover large and scattered districts, the colporteur makes his way with his pack, and speaks a word for Jesus at every door, either by personal conversation or by leaving a tract. Besides this, he preaches by the roadside or in village chapels, gets up temperance meetings, visits the sick, and above all sells good books. This society, and several other useful works, report themselves in these pages, and enlist good friends thereby.


Mrs. Spurgeon's Book Fund quietly pursues its beneficent course. is putting sound theology just now upon the shelves of many a poor curate and ill-paid minister, and this it does so largely that it would be a miracle of a strange sort if it did not greatly affect the ministry of the day. That the sermons distributed and the "Treasury of David " furnish material for preachers is saying very little: that they have evangelized the tone of many has been confessed in numerous instances, and is true of far more.

Brethren and sisters, you have aided me so far in a benevolent enterprise of no small dimensions, and I hope I have in no degree lost your loving confidence. Continue, then, to bear me up in your prayers, and to sustain me by your contributions. More can be done, and more should be done. Every living work is capable of growth; every work which has God's blessing upon it is under necessity to advance. Our watchword still is FORWARD. Possibly we cry forward more often than pleases those who lag behind. Some time ago I asked for men and means to send evangelists to India; one man only offered, and that one man was sent. Up till now I have had sufficient money, and I believe that when more men offer I shall have larger funds; but here is room for prayerful uplooking to the Lord. Brethren, pray for us. I would fain live to the utmost of my own life, and I would draw out from all my brethren more and more for God's glory by the propagation of the gospel, the alleviation of suffering, and the arousing of the church. Thanks to all helpers, and a thousand blessings,

From their hearty friend,


December, 1881.


[blocks in formation]

Books, Notices of-Ada, 87; Adventures of
Would't-say-Wee, 415; Agnes and the Little
Key, 413; All for Christ, 414; Almuth, 189;
A Lowly Life, etc., 240; American Testament,
575; A Mother, 190; Andrew Hervey's Wife,
240; Anecdotes of Animals, 285; Anglo-
Saxon Version of Mark, 351; Apocrypha,
37; At His Feet, 528; Atonement, The, 40.
Babylonian Cups, 89, 624; Baby Messengers, 287;
Baptist Almanack, 36; Baptist Doctrines, 91;
Bible Key to History, 483; Bible Anticipations
of Science, 37; Baptist Principles, 233; Baptist
Question Book, 237; Beacon Flashes, 234;
Beautiful Upon the Mountains, 144; Before
the Dawn, 483; Ben Owen, 287; Be of Good
Cheer, 233; Bersier's Sermon's, 144; Bessie
Black's Wager, 88; Bethel and Penuel, 287;
Bible-class Primers, 411; Bible Lands, 576;
Bible Text Cyclopædia, 351; Biblical Museum,
143; Birthday Book, 481; Black Speck, 532;
Bagomils of Bulgaria, 285; Book about
Criminals, 578: Booth and his Work, 484;
Boston Monday Lectures, 283, 484; Boys and
Girls Playing, 236; Boy's Own Annual, 581;
Brave Life, 484; Break of Day, etc., 143;
Brethren, The, 575; Brides of Ardmore, 485;
Bristles for Brooms, 88; British Evangelist,
142; Brotherhood of Men, 288; Building her
House, 240; Butler's Analogy, 533.
California, 42; Catechism of Geology, 84; Caught
in the Toils, 89; Cecily, 287; Certainties of
the Soul, 533; Certainty in Religion, 237; Cǝn-
tenary of Sunday Schools, 239; Chain of Life,
86; Chief End of Revelation, 414; Children at
Jerusalem, 190; Children of Scripture, 141;
Children's Daily Bread, 189; Children's King-
dom, 238; Children's Sunbeam, 146; Child's
Companion, 581; Chips, 532; Christian Evi-
dences, 236; Christian Experience, 528; Chris-
tian Manhood, 87; Christianity and the Science
of Religion, 236; Christianity, Science, etc.,
527; Christian's Plea against Unbelief, 582;
Christ Lifted Up, 481; Church, The, 142;
Classics for the Million, 486; Class Leader's
Treasury, 851; Commentary on Romans, 417;
Companion to Revised Version, 576;
cerning Himself," 528; Conference Addresses,
Consecrated Life, 235; Consecrated
Women, 42; Cottager and Artisan, 622; Creed
of the Gospel of John, 289; Critical Handbook,
Daily Prayers, 484; David, King of Israel, 416;
Deacons and Deaconesses, 417; Doctrine of
Annihilation, 580; Deep unto Deep, 84; Dic-
tionary of London, 39; Discipleship, 532; Dis-
trict Visitors' Companion, 295; Domestic Circle,
289; Dominion of the Redeemer, 190; Dog
Fanny and Tuft the Canary, 415.
Early Days, 142; Earthen Vessel, 239; Eastern
Archipelago, 90; Eastern Proverbs, 480;
Ecce Medicus, 191; Ecce Veritas, 144; Edgar

Books, Notices of (continued)-

Quinet, 530; Edith's Probation, 413; Educa-
tional Reformer, An, 533; Elements of Geo-
graphy, 352; Elements of Theology, 528;
Elsie Gordon, 40; English Baptists, 416;
Epigrams and Epitaphs, 41; Epoch of the
Mammoth, 286; Erskines, The, 193; Ethel
Graham's Victory, 238; Evangelical Revival,
85; Evangelization Society, 284; Excelsior,
41, 625; Exiles of Salzburg, 413; Exposition of
John's Gospel, 480.
Faithful and True, &c., 625; Family Fortunes,
415; Far Off, 191; "Fear Nots" of Scripture,
42; Festival Hymns, 146; Fireside Annual, 39,
625; Fisherman's Boy, 532; Fynie's Flower,
240; Foreshadowings, 624; Forms for Burial,
350; Frank Powderhorn, 352; Freedom of the
Will, 579; Friendly Chats, 577; Friendly Greet-
ings, 480; Future of Palestine, 192; Future
Punishment, 143.

Garden Graith, 624; Garden Oracle, 142; Giles's
Poems, 486; Gipsy Life, 41; Girls of Fairylee,
532; Girl's Own Annual, 581; Glenwood, 88;
God's Everlasting Yea, 624; Good Cookery,
625; Good Soldiers, 484; Good Thoughts in
Bad Times, 85; Gospel According to Satan,
528; Gospel in Leviticus, 85; Gospel pointing
to Christ, 531; Gospel Songs, 191; Gospel
Types and Shadows, 579; Gospels, their Age,
and Authorship, 38; Grace and Glory, 581;
Grace Thornton, 485.

Half-hearted Churchmen, 576; Happiness of Con-
secration, 580; Harold Glynde, 350; Harold
Hastings, 485; Heart Lessons, 235; Health
Studies 285; Heaven, 624; Heavenly Arithme-
tic, 87; Heavenly World, 144; Herald of Mercy,
625; Heroes in the Strife, 194; Heroines of the
Mission Field, 149; Hidden Bible, 482; Higher
Criticism, etc., 235; Hindu Chronology, 239;
History of Christian Doctrines, 579; Hive and
its Wonders, 285; Holiness, 144; Holy-days
and Holidays, 578; Home Visitor, 142; Home
Words and Day of Days, 39; Horticultural
Buildings, 283; Hours with the Bible, 89, 350;
Hours with Working-women, 237; Huguenots,
The, 529; Humphrey Page, 532; Hymns for
Daily use, 622.
Incarnate Saviour, 143; Incarnation, The, 530; In-
fidelity Refuted, 530: Inner Life of Christ, 284;
In Prospect of Sunday, 141; In Secret, 235; In-
stead of Many, 235; In the Beginning, 527; In
the Sunlight, 238; Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, 91.
James Trust, 40; Janet Hamilton's Poems, etc.,
191; Jem the Stable Boy, 482; Jesuits, The,
529; John Ploughman's Pictures, 83; John
Ploughman's Talk, 622; John's Apocalypse,
580; John the Baptist, 42; John Wesley, 531;
Jubilee Hall, 413; Juvenile Temperance Series,
36; Juvenile Temperance Stories, 485.
Kate and Her Brother, 532; Keeping Open
House, 87; Kizzie's Corner, 532; Kingdom of
Judah and Israel, 38.

Labourers Together with God, 351; Lakes of
Africa, 90; Langdon Manor, 240; Last First,
The, 236; Latest of Questions, etc., 580; Lays
of Scotch Worthies, 353; Leaflets, 622; Letter
H, 92; Life and Teaching of Christ, 191; Life
Chords, 35; Life of F. Murphy, 576; Life of J.
Blackie, 580; Life of Our Lord, 581; Life of Sir
W. Raleigh, 578: Life of Wordsworth, 417; Life

Books, Notices of (continued)—


Through the Living One, 189; Light and Rest,

483; Light and Shade, 481; Lilian Mortimer,

414; Little Amy's Work, 485; Little Folks, 142,

417; Little Gleaner, 142; Little Prisoner, 40;

Little Redcap, 532; Lizzie Sydenham, 240;

London Almanack, 39; Lord's Prayer and

the Church, 36; Lord that Healeth Thee, The,


McIlvaine, Memorials of, 623; Maggie's White

Hands, 527; Manual of Devotion, 144; Map of

Palestine, 87; Marion's Story, 238; Martyrs'

Tree, 240; Maude and Mercy, 240; Memorial

of Rev. J. Marshall, 41; "Men of Light

and Leading," 234; Mercy to Animals, 285;

Messiah the Prince, 575; Messianic Pro-

phecies, 288; Methodism in Jamaica, 481;

Methodist Family, 142; Methodist Pioneer,

529; Methodist Temperance Annual, 145; Me-

tropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, 83; Meyer's

Commentary, 146; Miller Manning, 414; Mi-

nister's Pocket Diary, 37; Missionary Herald,

40; Missionary News, 142, 527; Missionary

Series, 284; Missionary Work, 87; Miss Mar-

garet's Stories, 87; Misunderstood Texts, 92;

Modern Scottish Pulpit, 83; Monaco, 414, 577;
Monica's Choice, 532; Montalto, 485; Mosaic
Era, 481; Moses and Christ, 528; Moses or
Christ, 577; Mother's Sabbath Month, 529.

Nature, 526; Neglected Things, 36; New Name,

480; Never Say "Die," 190; New Basis of

Belief, 352; New Lines and the Old, 284; New

Zealand, 190; Nobody Cares, 287; Nobody's

Lad, 40; Non-Alcoholic Treatment of Disease,

145; Noon Day Meditations, 83; "No Place

Like Home," 485; Notes on Zechariah, 350;

Nurse's Handbook, 285.

Offerings to Friendship,

233; Oiled Feather,

190; Old Bristol, 238; Old Jonathan, 142; Old

Miller and his Mill, 482; One Thing, The, 530;

On the Doorsteps, 238; Onward, 142; Our

Christian Classics, 482; Our Daughters, 193;

Our Folks, 39; Our Own Magazine, 142; Our

Sister May, 240; Outlines of the Life of Christ,

581; Owen's Hobby, 413.

Panoply, The, 85; Papal Infallibility, 578; Papers

on Health, 189; Parables of Our Lord, 194;

Partridge's Magazines, 37; Penfold, 238:

Philip Gainsford's Profit and Loss, 238; Phi-

losophy of Prayer, 583; Pic-nics and Parties, 145;

Picture Library of Animals, 192; Pictures for

Scrap Books, 191; Pilgrim Lays, 191; Pilgrim's

Progress, 141, 351, 483; Plain Living, etc., 416;

Plain Words on Temperance, 532; Plucked

from the Burning, 485; Plutarch's Lives, 578

Poems and Hymns, 86; Poets, Painters, and

Players, 577; Popery and Patronage, 531;

Popery and Puseyism, 90; Popular Guide to

Baptism, 37; Popular Recreation, 288; Prayer

Meeting, The, 91; Preachers' Monthly, 92,

417; Preaching, 91; Progress of Baptist Prin-

ciples, 234; Prophet Jonah, 89; Protestant,

The, 83; Province of Law, 289; Pulpit Com-

mentary, 36, 237, 284, 349; Punshon, Life of

Dr., 531.

Quiver, The, 41, 625; Reedyford, 147; Reminis-
cences of Congregationalism, 576; Retracings
and Renewings, 481; Rescue of Child Life, 38;
River of Life, 146; Roll Call, 233; Ruther-
ford's Letters, 480; Ruth the Moabitess, 481.
Sabbath Man's, The, 529; Sabbath School Maga-
zine, 285; Sabbath Schools, 84; Saviour Pro-
phet, 239; School of Grace, 237; Scripture
Cards, 625; Scriptural Holiness, 486; Seaside
Thoughts, 190; Seeds and Saplings, 529; Self-
sacrifice, 289; Septimus Sears, 189; Sermons of
Martyrs, 143; Sermons to Students, 528; Ser-
vice of Suffering, 236; Sheet Almanacks, 39;
Short Sermons, 413; Sower, The, 142; Sick
Man's Comfort Book, 575; Sin and its Penalty,
90; Smart's Sermons, 574; Soldiers of the
Cross, 40; Slieve Bloom, 482; Songs for Little

[ocr errors]

Books, Notices of (continued) --

Singers, 86; Speaker's Commentary, 350;

Spurgeon's Álmanack, 574; Stephen Grellett,

233; Story of a Dew Drop, 193; Story of Jesus,

194; Story of Nan and Jack, 35; Story of

the Covenant, 529; Story of the Years, 190;

Stoughton's History, 484; Strength in Weak-

ness, 349; Studies in Matthew, 481; Studies in

Music Worship, 86; Suburban Homes, 352;

Sunbeams, 625; Sunday, 90; Sunday at Home

and Leisure Hour, 39; Sunlight and Shadow,

483; Sunny Memories, 41; Sunnyside School,

234; Summer Days, 238; Swan's Nest, 287;

Sword and the Trowel, 83.

Tale of the Grampians, 482; Teacher's Store-

house, 193; Temperance Annual, 145; Tem-

perance Handbooks, 531; Temperance League's

Annual, 145; Temperance Mottoes and Texts,

39; Temperance Readings, 145; Temperance

Songs, 190; Tempter Behind, 145; Text Cards,

146; The Christ, 351; Theistic Problems, 235;

This Life and the Life to Come, 286; Thirty-

nine Articles, 578; Thoughtful Joe, 482; Three

Naturalists, 88; Thornton Hall, 234; Thrift

Lessons, 191; Tour in Brittany, 288; Tract

Magazine, 581; Treasure Book of Consolation,

40; Truth of Scripture, 146; Turn to the

Right, 287.

Una's Crusade, 235; Under the Pillow, 529;
Universal Instructor, 90, 352; Unseen, The,
87; Variorum Testament, 284; Via, Veritas,
Vita, 416; Vic, 240; Vignettes of the Revival,
87; Violet in the Shade, 92; Voices of Hope,

What Aileth Thee? 236: What Church? 85;

What do I Believe? 234; Whitaker's Almanack,

146; Wife's Secret, 240; Wilds of Florida,

287; Wilfred, 287; Winter Pictures, 625; Wise

Man of Whittleburg, 413; Witton's Main, 40;

Wives and Husbands, 285; Word About Work,

192; Words of Christ, 581; Words of Comfort,

83; Words of Friendly Counsel, 193; Work and

Prayer, 286; Worthies of the World, 577, 625.

Year after Year, 42; Young Crossing Sweepers,
417; Young Cumbrian, 40.

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102, 152, 199, 248, 300, 360, 428, 492, 540, 592, 632
Comfort in Felt Unworthiness...


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Peter Waldo
The Erskines
Thomas Carlyle
Despairing Soul Comforted

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