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Old age will prove a joyless and dreary season, if we arrive at it with an unimproved, or a corrupted mind.

The more I see of his conduct, the better I like him.

It is not only the duty, but the interest of young persons, to be studious and diligent.

2. These counsels were the dictates of virtue, and of true honour.

Avarice and cunning may acquire an estate; but they cannot gain friends.

A taste for useful knowledge, will provide for usa great and noble entertainment, when other entertainments leave us.

That the student may be still further assisted, in his endeavours to discover the true grammatical construction of a noun or pronoun following but or than, it may not be improper to observe, that the 18th Rule of Syntax may be considered as subsidiary to the preceding rule, and to the principle of supplying the ellipsis. Thus, in the expression," I saw nobody but him," nobody is in the objective case, governed by the verb saw; and bim is in the same case, because conjunctions, according to Rule the 18th, connect the same cases of nouns and pronouns. In the phrase, “ Nobody but he was present." be is in the nominative case, because it is connected by the conjunction but, with the noun nobody, which is in the nominative. The other sentences, in which the conjunction than is used, may be construed in the same manner.

If the 18th Rule of Syntax should not appear to apply to every example which has been produced in this discussion, nor to others which might be adduced; it will be found, on strict examination, that the supposed exceptions are, in fact, sentences which do not come within the reason and limitation of the rule. Thus, in the sentence, "I have a greater respect for them than he," the pronoun be is connected by the conjunction than with the pronoun them: and yet they are not put in the same case; because they have not the same bearing and relation, with regard to the rest of the sentence; which is requisite according to Rule 18th and its explanatory note. See the Grammar, page 194 of the Stereotype edition.

The two latter rules are founded on the principle of supplying the ellipsis, and are intimately connected with it: they in fact derive all their authority from that principle. They may, however, be of use to the student, by presenting the subject in different points of view: some of them may strike his attention, more than others, and lead him to a full developement of the subject.

Without firmness, nothing that is great can be undertaken; nothing that is difficult or hazardous, can be accomplished.

The anxious man is the votary of riches; the negligent man, that of pleasure.

3. His crimes had brought him into extreme distress, and perplexity.

He has an affectionate brother and sister; and they live in great harmony.

We must guard against too great severity, and too great facility of manners.

We should often recollect what the wisest men have said and written, concerning human happiness, and human vanity.

That species of commerce will produce great gain, or great loss.

Many days and even many weeks pass away unimproved.

This wonderful action struck the beholders with exceedingly great astonishment. Or-with very great, &c.

The people of this country possess a healthful climate, and a fruitful soil.

They enjoy also a free constitution, and excellent laws.

4. His reputation and estate were both lost by gaming.

This intelligence excited not only our hopes, but our fears too.

His conduct is not scandalous; and this is the best that can be said of it.

This was the person whom calumny had greatly abused, and who sustained the injustice with singular patience.

He discovered some qualities in the youth, of a disagreeable nature, and which to him were wholly unac countable.

The captain had several men who died in his ship, of the scurvy.

He is not only sensible and learned, but he is religious too.

The Chinese language contains an immense number of words; and he who would learn them, must possess a great memory.

By presumption and vanity, we provoke enmity, and incur contempt.

In the circumstances in which I was at that time, my troubles pressed heavily upon me.

He has destroyed his constitution, by the very same errors by which so many have been destroyed. Or-same errors that have destroyed so many.

5. He is temperate, disinterested, and benevolent; an ornament to his family, and a credit to his profession.

Genuine virtue supposes our benevolence to be strengthened, and confirmed by principle.

Perseverance in laudable pursuits, will reward all our toils, and produce effects beyond our calcula


It is happy for us, when we can calmly and deliberately look back on the past, and anticipate the future.

The sacrifices of virtue will not only be rewarded hereafter, but they will be recompensed even in this life.

All those who were possessed of any office, resigned their former commission. Or-All who were possessed, &c.

If young persons were determined to conduct themselves by the rules of virtue, not only would they escape innumerable dangers, but they would command respect from the licentious themselves. Charles was a man of learning, knowledge, and G 2

benevolence; and, what is still more, he was a true Christian.*

6. The temper of him who is always in the bustle of the world, will often be ruffled and disturbed. We often commend, as well as censure imprudently.

How a seed grows up into a tree, and how the mind acts upon the body, are mysteries which we cannot explain.

Verily, there is a reward for the righteous! Verily there is a God that judgeth in the earth!

7. Changes are almost continually taking place, in men and manners, in opinions and customs, in private fortunes and in public conduct.

Averse either to contradict or to blame, the too complaisant man goes along with the manners that prevail.

By this habitual indelicacy, the virgins smiled at what they blushed at before.

They are now reconciled to what they could not formerly be prompted to, by any considerations.

Censure is the tax which a man pays to the public for being eminent.

Reflect on the state of human life, and on the society of men, as mixed with good and evil.

8. In all stations and conditions, the important relations take place, of masters and servants, hus bands and wives, parents and children, brothers and friends, citizens and subjects.

Destitute of principle, he regarded neither his family, his friends, nor his reputation.

*The auxiliary verbs are often very properly omitted before the principal verb: as "I have seen and heard him frequently;" not have heard:" "He will lose his estate, and incur reproach;" not "will incur." But when any thing is emphatically expressed, or when opposition is denoted, this ellipsis should be avoided: "I have seen, and I have heard him too;" "He was admired, but he was not beloved."

Religious persons are often unjustly represented as persons of romantic character, and of visionary notions; unacquainted with the world, and unfit to live in it.

No rank, nor station, no dignity of birth, nor any possessions, exempt men from contributing their share to public utility.

9. Oh, my father! my friend! how great has been my ingratitude!

Oh, Piety!

Oh Virtue! how insensible have I been to your charms!

10. That is a property which most men have, or which at least they may attain.

Why do ye that, which it is not lawful to do on the sabbath days? Or-to do which is not lawful, &c.

The showbread, which it is not lawful to eat, but for the priests alone. Or-to eat which is not lanful, but, &c.

Most, if not all, of the royal family, had quitted the place.

By these happy labours, they who sow, and they who reap, will rejoice together.


Grammar, p. 212. Exercises, p. 96.

The work has received several alterations and ad ditions.

The first proposal was inferior to the second, and essentially different from it.

He is more bold and active than his companion, but not so wise and studious.

Thou hearest the sound of the wind, but thou canst not tell whence it cometh, nor whither it goeth. Neither has he, nor have any other persons, suspected so much dissimulation.

The court of France, or that of England, was to have been the umpire.

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