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194 Covenant with Noah, of this world, yet Grace. PART III, what it is a figure of. But as I difpute no body, I fhall not undertake to controvert that point, whether it is; or is not covenant. Every one will readily fee, that as I profess to take the Scriptures folely for my guide; it will not do for me to contradict the Scriptures; and fay it was no


However, I never found, but that those who deny their being included in that covenant, because they were not perfonally prefent, and affenting to it, are as forward and eager, to avail themselves of the benefits granted therein, as any perfons; but if they do not have them upon that grant, they take them without any leave, and it must therefore be by trefpafs and theft.

This covenant with Noah, and grant to him and his, feed appear to be more especially of this world, and the good things thereof; and is that grant, which God made unto the children of men, which the Pfalmift fpeaks of, Psalm 115. 16.

But this ought not to be excluded, the title of a Covenant of Grace, because it is more especially of this world, and the things of this life; as fome feem to hold, that it is not Grace, unless it is eternal life; for every thing that mankind have or enjoy, is grace; it is impoffible that fallen man, fhould have or enjoy the leaft favor, on any other ground, than the free undeferved fovereign grace of God through Chrift. Whoever holds any en. joyment, upon any other tenure, it is a falfe one; and is in Ariat fenfe living in fraud, on that, to which he has no right. Neither does it appear to me proper, to ftyle those things granted in the covenant with Noah, appendages of the covenant of grace; for they rather make a foundation for eter. nal life, than as any thing added to it; for those


Covenant with Abraham.


things granted to Noah, are effentially neceffary, in order that mankind may come into exiftence, and have an opportunity for the bestowing eternal life upon them; therefore there could be no fuch thing aseternal life without these things. Hence,they are effentially the foundation; without which eternal life could not be; though not the foundation efficient, for eternal life does not spring from any or all those things granted to Noah; but is entirely a new and diftin&t creation. But to speak of ap. pendages to the covenant of grace, reftricted to mean eternal life, appears to be a folecifm; for eternal life has no appendages to it, it needs none, it can have none; for it is the ne plus ultra of good; therefore, is that to which nothing can be added. But that things fhort of eternal life are called grace, the Scriptures are abundant. See 2 Cor. i. 12; alfo Jude, verfe 4.

The COVENANT with ABRAHAM confidered.

THAT God did enter into an explicit covenant with Abraham; perhaps no body is difpofed to controvert. But what is the proper denomination of it; what objects it embraced, as its grants and conditions and who were the grantees. There is far from being a uniformity of opinion.


As to its denomination. Some have called it a covenant of works. This is to oppofe it to a covenant of grace; or a Gospel covenant.

But I will not beftitate to affert, as my fettled and decided opinion; that God never did enter into a covenant of works, as opposed to grace with any man, i. e. as works are fpoken of by the Apoftle, Rom. iv. 4, and xi. 6, and other places; where works are spoken of as meritorious; for as before confidered, a creature never can do any thing that

196 Covenant with Abraham, not of Works. PART III can be reckoned, as a fomething for fomething between him and God: But when he has done all thofe things which are commanded him, he muft fay, I am an unprofitable fervant. I have done

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that which was my duty to do, Luke xvii. 10. So that it is inconfiftant, and impoffible, for God to enter into any fuch covenant, with a creature. On the other hand, God never entered into covenant with any creature, relaxing, or giving any indulgence to neglect, or violate the moral law; or any oiber expreffions of his will, to his creatures. The Gofpel gives no fuch indulgence; Chrift him!elf fays, Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven, is perfect. Mat. v. 48. And again, Without holiness no man fhall fee the Lord, Heb. xii. 14. So that a Gofpel covenant, or a covenant of grace, cannot be made, 'exempting the man from keeping. the divine law. Accordingly, when God was about to enter into this covenant with Abraham, he prefaces it thus. I am the Almighty God, walk thou before me, and be thou perfect, Gea. xvii. 1.

Whatever others think or fay, I heflitate not, to call the covenant God made with Abraham, a Gospel covenant, or a covenant of grace. It was all clear grace. The Apostle fays, God preached

the Gofpel to Abraham, Gal. iii. 8. And it is in the grants or promifes of this very covenant. It could therefore be nothing elfe than a Gofpel cove nant, expreffing and promising the Gospel of his Grace.

To further illuflrate that the covenant with Abraham, was a covenant of grace; we may attend to the particulars, or articles of the promife and grant, God made to him therein.

Here we find that divine SEED, which is the only fource of all grace, good and bleffing to fallen


Covenant of Grace, with Abrabam.


man, promifed to Abraham; God promifed Abraham repeatedly, that, In him all the families of the earth fhould be bleffed, Gen. xii. 3, and xviii. 18And in the xxii. 18. In thy feed, fhall all the nations of the earth be bleffed. Thefe promises, perhaps all underftand, principally refpe&t Chrift the Saviour. The Apoftle evidently underflood it fo, Gal. iii. 8 and 16. Here was then promifing and granting to Abraham, the higheft poffible good, even the unlimited fource of all grace, and bleffednefs for time and eternity. God alfo promifed and granted to Abraham in detail, the effential articles flowing from this boundlefs and inexhaftible fource of all grace and bieffing; and without which this boundless fource of all grace, could never have effect. In which detail, God promised Abraham a numerous progeny; in which fhould be this boundlefs, inexhauftible fource of all grace; therefore, in this fenfe, was neceffary in order to the confer.

ing of grace. And not only in that fenfe, but if

there was no progeny, there would be none to beftow this grace upon. So that here was an important article of grace, in God's covenant with Abraham, viz. God's promifing him a numerous offfpring.

Another article, in this covenant of grace with Abraham; and without which, the main article could not be carried into effect; was a promife, that God would fet up his vifible Church, in the family and pofterity of Abraham; as we find, Gen. xvii. 19. 66 Sarah thy wife fhall bear thee a fon indeed; and I will eftablifh my covenant with him for an everlafting covenant, and with his feed after him." The fame is alfo expreffed in the 21 verfe. My covenant will I eftablifh with Ifaac, which Sarah fhall bear unto thee." Thefe are plain pofitive

198 Covenant of Grace with Abraham. PART II promifes of God, that he would fet up his vifible church, in the pofterity of Abraham; for here he promifes, that the covenant with Ifaac, fhould be an everlasting covenant. And not only that, his vifibie church fhould be in his pofterity; but alfo many real believers in Chrift. This alfo was an article of grace, ellentially connected and involved in the first great article; for without this; that could be nothing. There being fuch a great and ineffable gift, and inexhauftible fource of grace, and all good; would be all nothing, if there were, not fubje&ts of it provided, and promifed to accept of; or be made the fubjects of it.

Another important article, in this covenant of grace with Abraham, was, the promife of the land of Canaan, for his pofterity to inhabit. This was alfo an article of grace, effentially involved in the other articles; for all the other promifes and grants, of the Saviour, of a numerous offspring, of the vif ible Church; would amount to nothing, if there had been no place provided for them to live, in this world. Therefore, this of the land of Canaan, was as effentially an article in the covenant of grace, as any of them; the others could not take effect without this; though this tight take effect, without the other. So it is all one fyftem of grace, the one part is not without the other. Add to all this; it was promifed to Abrahain, that not only bis natural feed: But other nations, fhould be partners in this gracious covenant. As it was repeatedly affured him, that in him all the families of the earth fhould be bleffed; this to fuch a benevolent mind, as we mult fuppofe he had; muft doubtless make a great additional joy and fatisfac


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