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Monthly-Price Threepence, or Free by Post, Fourpence.

THIS Monthly Publication is intended for those who are engaged in the arduous and honourable work of preaching the Gospel. The heavy duties connected with the pastoral office often leave too little time for the necessary study of the art of Preaching, either by reading elaborate Sermons, or listening to the living voice of their Brethren in the Ministry. Hence it is often difficult to obtain that variety and freshness of thought and style so essential to effective preaching. In some degree to supply these wants is the object of this work.

It would do a serious disservice to the Student and Preacher, to present him with the thoughts of others as a substitute for his own, while no apology is needed for the attempt to furnish aids to reflection, and indicate the storehouses of sacred thought. The preacher, in his study, must find that his "heart is inditing a good matter," if in the pulpit he would have his "tongue as the pen of a ready writer"; and it will accordingly be the object of the conductor of THE EVANGELICAL PREACHER to aid the efficiency of pulpit ministrations, by assisting the previous work of studious and devout preparation.

It will furnish :

I. Original Sermons; and Ample Outlines, which may be completed and prepared for delivery.

II. Expository and Devotional Comments.

III. Biblical Illustrations derived from existing Monuments, from recent Travel

and Scientific Discovery.

IV. Sketches of the most Eminent and Useful Preachers, from the Earliest to the Present Time; with Illustrations of the Styles which have obtained at various Periods.

V. The Oratory of the Pulpit; and the Conduct of Public Worship.

VI. Notices and Reviews of such new Books as may assist the Student and Preacher to keep pace with the Theological Literature of the Age.

"This is a new Monthly Pulpit. It contains two short, simple, excellent 'Sermons four superior Outlines' of Sermons; Expository and Devotional Comments; Counsels for Freachers; Biblical Illustrations; and Reviews. It is certainly well arranged and well executed, indicating not only taste on the part of the Editor, whoever he may be, but theological ability."-The Christian Weekly News.

After giving the main features of the plan, as stated in the Prospectus, the Reviewer says:-"If these ideas are ably and judiciously carried out, it must be clear to all that THE EVANGELICAL PREACHER cannot fail to prove a great acquisition to students and preachers. And we have no hesitation in saying that, in the first number now before us, the ideas are carried out with great judgment and complete success."-MorningAdvertiser. "This is a new aspirant to public fame. As this is the first part, it does not become us to be too critical in our examination of the subject matter; but so far as we can judge, it offers well to obtain a share of support from that class of readers for which it is chiefly designed. Preachers, however, are not the only persons that may be benefited by it; but laymen also might derive some useful information from a perusal of its pages."-Perthshire Constitutional.





"Truly (yet) God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart."-PSA. lxxiii, 1.

THIS Psalm begins somewhat abruptly, and gives us the idea of a man pursuing a subject of great difficulty, and in the midst of his reasonings giving utterance to an important truth which those reasonings seemed to oppose. As if he had said, "I must be careful that I am not led astray by the thoughts of my heart; I must see to it that I do not argue against a known and well-established truth, and I must reject the reasoning that would lead me to the denial of the great goodness of God to his children." Asaph had been sorely tempted, by beholding the prosperity of the wicked and the sufferings of the righteous, to doubt the advantages connected with the service of God. His "feet were almost gone, his steps had well nigh slipped." Are there not periods in the history of many of the children of God, when temptations like those which afflicted the spirit of Asaph assail their minds? Have we spent no dark hours and weeks and months, when, like him, we have been almost tempted to ask, "What profit is it that we have served the Lord?" and may not such periods recur in our history? Is it not most desirable, therefore, that our minds should be fortified with a firm belief in the great and unchanging goodness of God to the true Israelite, that thus the shield of faith may quench these fiery darts when next they may be directed against us? Let us notice

They are represented

1. By their name.

In its more general sense, this name was given to all the descendants of Jacob. Of them the apostle speaks when he

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