Imágenes de páginas

And now, who list not of his labour fayle,
Marke, with Saturio, my friendly tale.
Along thy way thou canst not but descry
Faire glittering halls to tempt the hopefull eye:
Thy right eye gins to leape for vaine delight,
And surbeate toes to tickle at the sight:
As greedy T, when, in the sounding mold,
Hee finds a shining pot-shard tip't with gold;
For never Syren tempts the pleased eares,
As these the eye of fainting passengers.
All is not so that seems: for, surely, than"
Matrona should not bee a Curtezan:


Smooth Chrysalus should not bee rich with fraud;
Nor honest R-bee his own wive's baude.
Look not asquint, nor stride acrosse the way
Like some demurring Alcide to delay ";
But walke on cherely, till thou have espide
Saint Peter's finger at the church-yard side.
But wilt thou needs, when thou art warn'd so well,
Go see who in so garish walls doth dwell?
There findest thou some stately Doricke frame,
Or neate Ionicke worke;

Like the vaine bubble of Iberian pride 29,
That over-croweth all the world beside:

Which, rear'd to raise the crazy monarche's fame,
Strives for a court and for a colledge name;
Yet nought within but louzy couls doth hold,
Like a scab'd cuckow in a cage of gold:
So pride above doth shade the shame belowe;
A golden periwig on a black-more's brow.
When Mævio's first page of his poesy 30,
Nayl❜d to a hundredth postes for noveltie,

25 And surbeate toes

Toes bruised and battered with travel. It is used by Spenser,

[blocks in formation]

Meaning the Escurial, founded by Philip II; and boasted of as one of the wonders of the world.

30 When Mævio's first page of his poesy,

&c. &c.

In this age the three modern languages were studied to affectation. In "The Return from Parnassus", a fashionable fop tells his page," Sirrah, boy; remember me when I come in Paul's Church-yard to buy a Ronsard and Dubartas in French, an Aretine in Italian, and our hardest writers in Spanish, &c. Act II. Sc. 3. W.

With his big title an Italian mott,

Layes siege unto the backward buyer's grote,
Which all within is drafty sluttish geere ",
Fit for the oven, or the kitchin fire:

So this gay gate adds fuell to thy thought,

That such proud piles were never rays'd for nought.
Beate the broad gates: a goodly hollow sound
With doubled ecchoes doth againe rebound;
But not a dog doth barke to welcome thee,
Nor churlish porter canst thou chafing see:
All dumb and silent, like the dead of night,
Or dwelling of some sleepy Sybarite :
The marble pavement hid with desart weede,
With house-leeke, thistle, docke, and hemlock-seed.
But, if thou chance cast up thy wondring eyes,
Thou shalt discerne upon the frontispice
ΟΥΔΕΙΣ ΕΙΣΙΤΩ graven up on hye,


A fragment of olde Platoe's poesie 3:

The meaning is "Sir foole, ye may be gone:
Go backe by leave; for way here lieth none."
Looke to the towred chymneis which should bee
The winde-pipes of good hospitalitie;
Through which it breatheth to the open ayre,
Betokening life, and liberall welfare:

Lo! there th' unthankfull swallow takes her rest,
And fils the tonnell with her circled nest;

Nor halfe that smoke from all his chymneis goes,
Which one tobacco-pipe drives through his nose".
So rawbone hunger scorns the mudded walls,
And gins to revell it in lordly halls.

So the Blacke Prince is broken loose againe,
That saw no sunne save once (as stories saine):
That once was, when, in Trinacry I weene,
Hee stole the daughter of the harvest queene;
And grip't the mawes of barren Sicily
With long constraint of pinefull penury;

[blocks in formation]

The motto on the front of the house, which our author calls "a fragment of old Platoe's poesie", is only an humorous alteration of Plato's OYAEÏE axadagtoS


34 WHICH one tobacco-pipe drives through his nose.

Which is as in the first edition. I have adopted the reading of the edition of



And they, that should resist his second ragè,
Have pen'd themselves up in the private cage
Of some blind lane, and there they lurke unknowne
Till th' hungry tempest once bee overblowne:
Then, like the coward after his neighbours' fray,
They creepe forth boldly, and aske, Where are they?
Meane while the hunger-starv'd appurtenance
Must bide the brunt, whatever ill mischance :
Grim Famine sits in their forepined face,
All full of angles of unequall space;
Like to the plaine of many sided squares,
That wont be drawen out by geometars;

So sharpe and meager, that who should them see
Would sweare they lately came from Hungary.
When their brasse pans and winter coveried
Have wipt the maunger of the horses-bread,
Oh mee! what ods there seemeth 'twixt their chere
And the swolne bezell 3 at an alehouse fyre,
That tonnes in gallons to his bursten 36 panch,

Whose slimy droughts his draught can never stanch"!
For shame, ye gallants! grow more hospitall,
And turne your needlesse wardrope to your hall.
As lavish Virro, that keepes open doores,
Like Janus in the warres,

Except the twelve daies or the wakeday feast,
What time hee needs must bee his cosen's guest.
Philene hath bid him, can hee choose but come?
Who should pull Virroe's sleeve to stay at home?
All yeare besides who meal-time can attend:
Come, Trebius, welcome to the table's end.
What tho' hee chires on purer manchet's crowne",
Whiles his kind client grindes on blacke and browne,
A jolly rounding of a whole foote broad,

From of the mong-corne" heape shall Trebius load.

bezell-is the ring in which a stone is set.


37 Whose slimy DROUGHTS his DRAUGHT can never stanchShould be read, in the present mode of spelling, and as the Oxford Editor has it,

Whose slimy DRAUGHTS his DROUGHT can never stanch.

38 What tho' hee CHIRES on purer MANCHET's crowne.

Manchet is the finest sort of wheaten bread.-I cannot trace the meaning of chires; unless it have affinity with chirre, to coo as a pigeon: and may denote here the gentle noise accompanying the mastication of the crowne or tender crust of the manchet, as opposed to the client's grinding the black and brown.


mong-corne-mixed corn, as wheat and rye. Johnson.




What tho' he quaffe pure amber in his bowle
Of March-brewd wheat, yet slecks thy thirsting soule
With palish oat, froathing in Boston-clay 4',

Or in a shallow cruse: nor must that stay

Within thy reach, for feare of thy craz'd braine;
But call and crave, and have thy cruse againe :
Else how should eeven tale bee registred,

Or all thy draughts, on the chalk'd barrel's head?
And if he list revive his hartles graine

With some French grape, or pure Canariane,
When pleasing Bourdeaux fals unto his lott,
Some sowrish Rochell cuts thy thirsting throte.
What tho' himselfe carveth his welcome friend
With a cool'd pittance from his trencher's-end,
Must Trebie's lip hang toward his trencher-side?
Nor kisse his fist to take what doth betide?
What tho' to spare thy teeth he' emploies thy tongue
In busie questions all the dinner long?

What tho' the scornfull waiter lookes askile",
And pouts and frowns, and curseth thee the while;
And takes his farewell with a jealous eye,
At every morsell hee his last shall see?
And, if but one exceed the common sise,
Or make a hillocke in thy cheeke arise,
Or if perchance thou shouldest, ere thou wist,
Hold thy knife uprights in thy griped fist,
Or sittest double on thy back-ward seat,
Or with thine elbow shad'st thy shared meat,
Hee laughs thee, in his fellowe's eare, to scorne,
And asks aloud, where Trebius was borne ?
Tho' the third sewer 43 takes thee quite away
Without a staffe, when thou would'st longer stay,
What of all this? Is't not inough to say,

I din'd at Virro his owne boord to day?

slecks-slakes, quenches.

froathing in Boston-clay.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

This word is not to be found in the old Glossaries, nor in the Specimen of Boucher's Supplement to Johnson which has recently appeared and comprehends the letter A. But it seems to mean the same as ashaunce or askew.

4 Tho' the third sewer

The sewer was the officer who served up the feast.



THE Satyre should be like the Porcupine",
That shoots sharp quilles out in each angry line,
And wounds the blushing cheeke and fiery eye,
Of him that heares and readeth guiltily.


Ye antique Satyres, how I blesse your daies,
That brook'd your bolder stile, their owne dispraise;
And wel-neare wish, yet joy my wish is vaine,
I had beene then, or they were now againe!
For now our eares beene of more brittle mold,
Than those dull earthen eares that were of old:
Sith theirs, like anvilles, bore the hammer's head,
Our glasse can never touch unshivered.
But, from the ashes of my quiet stile
Henceforth may rise some raging rough Lucile,
That may with Eschylus both finde and leese "7
The snaky tresses of th' Eumenides:


Mean-while, sufficeth mee, the world may say
That I these vices loath'd another day:

Our author has in this piece forcibly exhibited the design of legitimate Satire:-to wound

the blushing cheeke, and fiery eye,

Of him that heares and readeth guiltily.

Lamenting, at the same time, the untempered genius of his age; which, while it encouraged the graces and subdued imagination of Classic Elegance, could not brook its bolder and more nervous efforts. In this Satire, too, Hall has justly reprehended Plato's notion of a political community of all things; for which Marston censured him with some severity, but without refuting a single position. The passage of Plato to which our Satirist more immediately refers, and whence he derived the motto of the Satire, is in the Vth Book de Legibus. E.

The Satyre should be like the Porcupine,

&c. &c.

This ingenious thought, though founded on vulgar error, has been copied, among other passages, by Oldham, Of a true writer of Satire he says



He'd shoot his quills just like a porcupine,

At view; and make them stab in every line.

Apology for the Foregoing Ode &c. Works, vol. I. p. 97. edit. 1722. 12mo. W.

were-The Oxford Editor reads been, without authority,

leese-is to lose; but seems to be used here for to loose.

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