Imágenes de páginas


Chairman, John R. Shillady, New York.
Secretary, Alexander Fleisher, New York.

[blocks in formation]


Chairman, George A. Bellamy, Cleveland.

[blocks in formation]

.New York Birmingham Washington .New York .New York New Orleans

.Louisville .Milwaukee Chicago .New Orleans Oakland New York .Chicago . Chicago .Nashville .Boston

Memphis New York

Robert L. Richards, M.D. (1923)...Talmage, Cal.

Thomas W. Salmon (1924).
Edith Schweitzer, M.D. (1924).

H. Douglas Singer, M.D. (1922)..
Martha B. Strong (1924).

Jessie Taft (1922).

William A. White (1923).
Frankwood E. Williams, M.D.


Chairman, C. M. Bookman, Cincinnati.
Vice-Chairman, Ralph J. Reed, Des Moines.
Secretary, C. C. Stillman, Grand Rapids.

[blocks in formation]

.New York Indianapolis .Kankakee, Ill. New York .Philadelphia Washington (1923)..New York


Chairman, George S. Wilson, Washington.
Vice-Chairman, Prof. J. E. Hagerty, Columbus.
Secretary, John A. Brown, Indianapolis.

[blocks in formation]


.New Bedford .East Orange Rochester

Eldora, Iowa ...Trenton

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shington eveland

Chicago DC. berlin ✓ York York ington




June 25, 1921

ting called to order by President Burns. Attendance, 250.

President called for the reading of the report of the Committee on Expression ing Standards. The report was read by the Secretary and ordered printed ideration at the business session of the Conference, Tuesday morning.

e following report of the Committee on the Correlation of National Social es was presented by William J. Norton, Chairman of the Committee. Motion 1 that the report be received and the committee discharged.

The Committee on the Correlation of National Social Agencies was continued from last year much t the wish of its Chairman and the members of the committee, and was instructed to hold a Confer-. f National Social Agencies. It held that Conference in Washington. Mr. Baker and Dr. Vincent ssed the Conference. The Conference adopted a resolution instructing the National Information u to act as its agent in calling together another conference of national agencies, hoping that they I get together on some sort of a program of correlation., As the undertaker usually says at a funeral, ;ood time was had by all." Your Committee regards its work as done and asks that it be discharged.

Harry L. Hopkins, Chairman of the Committee on Time and Place, presented ⚫ following report of his committee:

Your Committee on Time and Place recommends that the 1922 meeting of the National Conference Social Work be held in Providence, Rhode Island, the week beginning Wednesday, June 14, or at such ne previous to this as the Executive Committee may decide.

Motion carried that the report of the committee be adopted as presented.

The Executive Committee presented the following suggested amendment to Article 4, Section "C," of the Constitution and By-Laws:

A permanent Program Committee consisting of five members shall be appointed by the incoming President of the Conference, this committee to consist of the retiring President; the newly-elected President; the General Secretary; one member of the Executive Committee who is not Chairman of a Division, to be appointed for two years; one member of the Executive Committee who is not a Chairman of a Division, to be appointed for one year. After the first year of this committee's existence, each incoming President shall appoint one new member to serve for a period of two years on this committee.

Motion carried that this proposed amendment be adopted.

Amendment offered that the proposed amendment specifically provide that the incoming President be Chairman of the Program Committee.


Motion carried to adopt the following amendment to Article 5, presented by the Executive Committee:

The programs of the Conference shall be grouped under Divisions, of which the continuous: (I) Children; (II) Delinquents and Correction; (III) Health; (IV) The Fa Aspects of Economic Conditions; (VI) Neighborhood and Community Life: (VII) M (VIII) Organization of Social Forces; (IX) Public Officials and Administ

Amendment offered that the suggested change in Industrial and Economic Problems-be referred to the further consideration and recommendation.

The Executive Committee presented the following suggested amendment to Article 6 of the Constitution and By-Laws:

Independent associations may arrange with the Executive Committee of the National Conference for the holding of meetings immediately prior to or during the annual meeting of the National Conference, such meetings to be announced in the official program of the National Conference by the Executive Committee. A kindred group shall be defined as any group, association, organization, or conference of more than local scope and membership having purposes not incompatible with those of the National Conference and formally accepted by the Program Committee of the National Conference as a kindred group. The Executive Committee shall make such rules and regulations as it from time to time may deem necessary to provide for such meetings.

Motion carried that action on this proposed amendment to be deferred until after the report of the Committee on Expression concerning Standards shall have been received by the Conference.

The following amendment was presented by the Executive Committee:

Membership.-Any individual or organization interested in the purposes and work of the National Conference may, upon payment of the prescribed membership fee for their membership classification, become a member of the Conference. Membership in the Conference shall be of the following classes: (1) honorary members-to be selected and elected by the Executive Committee; (2) regular members; (3) sustaining members; (4) institutional members; (5) contributing members. State boards and commissions supporting the Conference through subscription to the Proceedings, the enlistment of memberships, or otherwise financially, shall be designated "state members." State, district, and local conferences may become affiliated with the National Conference under such rules as may be established from time to time by the Executive Committee.

Motion carried that this amendment be adopted.

Motion carried that the General Secretary be instructed to send hearty greetings from the Conference to Timothy Nicholson, the oldest living ex-President of the Conference, and to Alexander Johnson, a former President of the Conference and for many years the General Secretary.

Resolutions were presented by the following persons and were referred to the Committee on Resolutions: Mrs. Ben Cooper, President of the Wisconsin League of Women Voters; Mr. Ball, of Pittsburgh; Dr. Valeria H. Parker, of Hartford, Conn. Motion carried to adjourn.

Tuesday, June 28, 1921

President Allen T. Burns, presiding. Attendance 500.

The President called the meeting to order.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The President reported on behalf of the Executive Committee that they recommended that there be no change in the name of Division VI-Industrial and Economic Problems.

Motion carried that this recommendation be adopted.

The General Secretary read the following nominations for officers of the various Divisions for the ensuing year:

I. Children. Chairman, J. Prentice Murphy, Philadelphia; Members: Lucia B. Johnson, Columbus, Ohio; Theodore A. Lothrop, Boston; C. C. Menzler, Nashville; Judge J. Hoge Ricks, Richmond; Amy D. Steinhart, Sacramento; Henry W. Thurston, New York.

II. Delinquents and Correction.-Chairman, Dr. Louis N. Robinson, Swarthmore, Pa.; Members: H. H. Antles, Lincoln; Jessie F. Binford, Chicago; Edith Burleigh, Boston; George W. Kirchwey, New York; Blanche Martin, Little Rock; Virginia Murray, Detroit; Dr. Valeria Parker, Washingtor Miriam Van Waters, Los Angeles.

III. Health.-Chairman, Dr. Donald B. Armstrong, New York; Members: Mi Chicago; Enid Forsythe, Toronto; Elizabeth Fox, Washington,; Edna G. Henry Indiana Leete, Baltimore; George J. Nelbach, New York; Florence Patterson, New York; Ph Haven; Dr. Anna Rude, Washington.

IV. Public Agencies and Institutions.-Chairman, George S. Wilson, Washington; Vice-Chairman, Prof. J. E. Hagerty, Columbus, Ohio; Secretary, John A. Brown, Indianapolis; Members: 1922Rhoda Kaufman, Atlanta; L. H. Putnam, Charleston; 1923-Herbert Brown, East View, N.Y.; Dr. Kenosha Sessions, Clermont, Ind.; H. H. Shirer, Columbus, Ohio; Lucy Sims, Paris, Ky.; M. J. Tappins, Madison; 1924-Mrs. Carrie P. Bryant, Los Angeles; Amos W. Butler, Indianapolis; Robert W. Kelso, Boston; Rev. William J. Kerby, Washington; W. L. Kuser, Eldora, Iowa; Mrs. Ada E. Sheffield, Boston; J. Croft Williams, Columbus, Ohio.

V. The Family.-Chairman, Frank J. Bruno, Minneapolis; Members: Mary Bogue, Harrisburg; Sara A. Brown, Lansing; Joel B. Hunter, Chicago; Benjamin P. Merrick, Grand Rapids; Mrs. F. H. Stoltze, Minneapolis; Gertrude Vaile, Denver.

VI. Industrial and Economic Problems-Chairman, John R. Shillady, New York; Secretary, Alexander Fleisher, Philadelphia; Members: Edith Abbott, Chicago; Roger N. Baldwin; Mrs. Florence Kelley, New York; Mary Van Kleeck, Washington; John R. Shillady, New York.

VII. The Local Community-Chairman, George A. Bellamy, Cleveland; Secretary, Dorothy Enderis, Milwaukee; Members: George A. Bellamy, Cleveland; Mrs. Ralph S. Doud, Omaha; Dorothy Enderis, Milwaukee; Corinne Fonde, Houston; Eleanor McMain, New Orleans; Robert A. Woods, Boston.

VIII. Mental Hygiene.-Chairman, George A. Hastings, New York; Vice-Chairman, Dr. Smiley Blanton, Madison; Members: Dr. Smiley Blanton, Madison; George A. Hastings, New York; Clark E. Higbee, Grand Rapids; Mary C. Jarrett, Boston; Dr. Thomas W. Salmon, New York; Dr. Edith Schwietzer, Indianapolis; Martha Strong, Boston.

IX. Organization of Social Forces.-Chairman, C. M. Bookman, Cincinnati; Vice-Chairman, Ralph J. Reed, Des Moines; Secretary, C. C. Stillman, Grand Rapids; Members: Guy T. Justis, Denver; Sherman C. Kingsley, Philadelphia; Scott De Kins, St. Louis; M. C. MacLean, Toronto; T. A. Mason, Bridgeport; W. F. Maxwell, Harrisburg; William J. Norton, Detroit; J. D. Sanderson, New Bedford; Oscar Schoenherr, Orange, N.J.; H. P. Wareheim, Rochester; Elizabeth Webster, Chicago.

X. Uniting of Native- and Foreign-Born in America.-Chairman, Allen T. Burns, New York; Members: Grace Abbott, Chicago; Jane Addams, Chicago; Ruby Baughman, Los Angeles; Charles T. Bridgeman, New York; Ruth Crawford, New York; Hugh Dobson, Regina, Canada; Julius Drachsler, North Hampton, Mass.; George Eisler, Buffalo; Albert Jenks, Minneapolis; Sara King, San Antonio; Julia C. Lathrop, Washington; Mrs. E. E. Ledbetter, Cleveland; Mary E. McDowell, Chicago; Rose McHugh, Chicago; H. A. Miller, Oberlin; Andrea Patri, New York; Cecelia Rozowski, New York; A. Sum, Washington; Graham Taylor, Chicago.

Motion carried that all nominees should be elected.

Official ballots for the election of officers and members of the Executive Committee of the Conference were distributed and collected.

The President announced that the results of the election would be reported at a later session of the Conference.

The General Secretary presented the financial statement showing that there would be a prospective deficit on December 31, 1921.

The following recommendation was offered by the Executive Committee:

That the first paragraph of Article I of the By-Laws be changed to read as follows: Membership fees for the following classifications shall be: for regular members with the Proceedings, $5; without the Proceedings, $3; for sustaining members, $10; for institutional members $25 (no individual shall be entitled to hold institutional membership; this membership being reserved solely for agencies, organizations, and institutions]; contributing members $25 or over. [Contributing memberships shall be limited to individuals contributing $25 or ond to such organizations as may contribute any sum in excess of the membership fee for an institutiona hip and which shall elect to be classed as contributing rather than institutional members.] Su embers, institutional members, and contributing members shall be entitled to receive both the annual volume of Proceedings.

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