zones, que pusó el Padre en su sola | the seasons, which the Father hath 9 Y cuando hubo dicho estas cosas, viendolo ellos, fué elevado, y una nube le recibió, y le quitó á sus ojos. 10 Y teniendo los ojos puestos en el cielo entretanto que él se iba, he aquí dos varones con vestiduras blancas se pusieron junto á ellos. 11 Los cuales tambien les digeron: Varones Galiléos, ¿qué estais mirando al cielo ? Este Jesus, que de entre vosotros ha sido recibido arriba en el cielo, así vendrá como le habeis visto ir al cielo. 12 Entonces se volvieron á Jerusalem desde el monte que llaman del Olivar, el cual está cerca de Jerusalem camino de un sábado. put in his own power. 8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. 9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; 11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. 12 Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a sabbath day's journey. 13 And when they were come in, they went up into an upper room, where abode both Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew, Philip, and Thomas, Bartholomew, and Mat 13 Y cuando hubieron entrado, subieron al cenáculo, en donde moraban Pedro, y Jacobo, y Juan, y Andres, y Felipe, y Tomas, Bartholomé, y Matheo, Jacobo hijo de Alpheo, y Simon el Zeloso, y Jú-thew, James the son of Alpheus, das hermano de Jacobo. 14 Todos estos perseveraban unánimes en oracion, y ruego con las mugeres, y con María madre de Jesus, y con sus hermanos. 15 Y en aquellos dias levantandose Pedro en medio de los discípulos dijó: (y erá la congregacion de los que estaban allí juntos, como de ciento y veinte personas.) 16 Varones hermanos: convenía que se cumpliese esta escritura que predijó el Espíritu Santo por boca de David acerca de Júdas, que fué el guia de los que prendieron á Jesus. 17 El que erá contado con noso and Simon Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James. 14 These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren. 15 ¶ And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the number of names together were about a hundred and twenty,) 16 Men and brethren, this Scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus. 17 For he was numbered with tros, y tenía suerte en este minis- | us, and had obtained part of this terio. 18 Este pues adquirió un campo con el precio de la iniquidad, y colgandose reventó por medio, y se derramaron todas sus entrañas. 19 Y fué notorio á todos los moradores de Jerusalem, así que fué llamado aquel campo en su propria lengua aceldama, que es campo de sangre. 20 Porque está escrito en el libro de los Salmos: Sea hecha desierta la habitacion de ellos, y no haya quien more en ella. Y tome otro su oficio. 21 Conviene pues, que de estos - varones, que han estado junto con nosotros todo el tiempo que el Señor Jesus entró, y salió con nosotros. 22 Comenzando desde el bautismo de Juan hásta el dia en que fué recibido en lo alto de entre nosotros, que uno sea hecho testigo con nosotros de su resurreccion. 23 Y señalaron á dos, á Joseph que se llamá Barsabas y tenía por sobrenombre el Justo, y á Mathías. 24 Y orando digeron: Tú, Señor, que conoces los corazones de todos, muestranos cual de estos dos eseoges. 25 Paraque reciba la suerte de este ministerio, y del Apóstolado, del cual por su prevaricacion cayó Júdas para ir á su lugar. 26 Y les echaron suertes, y cayó la suerte á Mathías, y fué contado con los once Apóstoles. ministry. 18 Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out. 19 And it was known unto all the dwellers at Jerusalem; insomuch as that field is called, in their proper tongue, Aceldama, that is to say, The field of blood. 20 For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein and, His bishoprick let another take. 21 Wherefore of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 22 Beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection. 23 And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. 24 And they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen, 25 That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place. 26 And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. Y CAPITULO II. CHAPTER II. ND when the day of Pentecost AL cumplirse el dia de Pente-A was fully come, they were all costes, estaban todos unánimes en un mismo lugar. es 2 Y vinó de repente un truendo del cielo, como de viento vehemente, que soplaba con ímpetu, el cual llenó todo la casa en donde estaban sentados. with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 Y se les aparecieron unas lenguas repartidas como de fuego, y se pusó sobre cada uno de ellos. 4 Y fueron todos llenos de Espíritu Santo, y comenzaron á hablar en otras lenguas, como el Espíritu Santo les daba que hablasen. 5 Moraban entónces en Jerusalem Judios, varones religiosos de todas las naciones que hay debajo del cielo. 6 Y divulgado este rumor, juntóse la multitud, y quedaron confusos, porque cada uno les oía hablar en su propia lengua. 7 Y estaban todos atónitos, y maravillados, diciendose los unos á los otros: mirad, ¿no son Galiléos todos estos que hablan ? 8 Como pues los oimos nosotros hablar cada uno en nuestra lengua nativa? 9 Parthos, y Medos, y Elemitas, y los que habitamos en Mesopotamia, y en Judéa, y en Capadocia, en el Ponto, y en Asia. 10 En Phrigia, y en Pamphilia, en Egipto, y en tierras de Libia, que está de la otra parte á Cirene, y estrangeros de Roma, Judios, y Prosélitos. 11 Cretenses, y Arabes: los oimos hablar en nuestras lenguas, las grandezas de Dios. 12 Y estaban todos atónitos, y maravillados diciendose los unos á los otros: ¿qué puede ser esto? 13 Mas otros burlandose decían: estos estan llenos de mosto. 14 Entonces Pedro en compañia de los once, puesto en pie alzó la voz, y les habló diciendo: Varones de Judea, y todos los que habitais en Jerusalem, esto os sea notorio, y recibid en vuestros oidos mis palabras. 15 Porque estos no estan embriágados, como vosotros pensais, siendo la hora tercia del dia. 16 Mas esto es lo que fué dicho por el Profeta Joél. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. 5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. 6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. 7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galileans? 8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? 9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, 10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. 12 And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this? 13 Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine. 14 ¶ But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words: 15 For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. 16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; 17 Y acontecerá en los postreros dias, dice el Dios, que yo derramaré mi Espíritu sobre toda carne: y vuestros hijos, y vuestras hijas profetizarán, y vuestros mancebos verán visiones, y vuestros ancianos soñarán sueños. 18 Y ciertamente en aquellos dias sobre mis siervos y siervas derramaré mi Espíritu, y profetizarán. 19 Y daré prodigios arriba en el cielo, y señales abajo en la tierra, sangre y fuego, y vapor de humo. 20 El sol se convertirá en tinieblas, y la luna en sangre, antes que venga el dia grande, é ilustre del Señor. 21 Y sucederá, que todo aquel que invocare el nombre del Señor, será salvo. 22 Varones de Israel oid estas palabras: A Jesus Nazareno, varon aprobado de Dios entre vosotros en maravillas y prodigios y señales, que Dios obró por él en medio de vosotros, como tambien sabeis. 23 A este que por determinado consejo, y presciencia de Dios fué entregado, le cogisteis vosotros, y con manos inicuas le matasteis crucificandole. 24 Al cual Dios resucitó, sueltos los dolores de la muerte. Por cuanto erá imposible ser detenido por ella. 25 Porque David dice de él: Veía siempre al Señor delante de mí: Porque él está á mi diestra, paraque no sea yo removido. 26 Por esto so alegró mi corazon, y se regocijó mi lengua, y ademas mi carne reposará en esperanza. 27 Porque no dejarás mi alma en el infierno, ni darás á tu Santo que vea corrupcion. 28 Me hiciste notorios los cami 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy : 19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: 20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: 21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. 22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: 23 Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain : 24 Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it. 25 For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face; for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved: 26 Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope: 27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. 28 Thou hast made known to me 31 Previendolo antes habló de la resurreccion del Christo, que ni su alma ha sido dejada en el infierno, ni su carre ha visto corrupcion. 32 A este Jesus resucitó Dios, de lo cual todos nosotros somos testigos. 33 Así que ensalzado por la diestra de Dios, y habiendo recibido del Padre la promesa del Espíritu Santo, ha derramado esto, que vosotros ahora veis, y oís. 34 Porque David no subió á los cielos, y dice con todo él mismo: Dijó el Señor á mi Señor: sientate á mi diestra. 35 Hásta que pongas tus enemigos por peana de tus pies. 36 Por tanto sepa certisimamente toda la casa de Israel, que á este Jesus á quien crucificasteis, Dios le hizó Señor, y Christo. 37 Y oidas estas cosas, se compungieron de corazon, y digeron á Pedro, y á los otros Apóstoles: Varones hermanos, ¿qué harémos. 38 Y Pedro les dijó: Arrepentíos, y sea bautizado cada uno de vosotros en el nombre de Jesu-Christo para remision de pecados, y ricibiréis el don del Espíritu Santo. 39 Porque á vosotros, y á vuestros hijos es hecha la promesa, y á todos los que estan lejos, á cuantos llamare á sí el Señor nuestro Dios. 40 Y con otras muchisimas razo the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance. 29 Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. 30 Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; 31 He, seeing this before, spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. 32 This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. 33 Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear. 34 For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, 35 Until I make thy foes thy footstool. 36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ. 37¶ Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? 38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. 39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. 40 And with many other words |