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ALTHOUGH the great object of this Society is indicated by its name, it is deemed proper to submit to the public, and especially to our fellowChristians and fellow-citizens of the vicinity, some general view of our design, and of the grounds on which we solicit an extended support and patronage.

The simple object of this institution is to disseminate the precious word of GOD-to impart the Holy Scriptures, in their native purity, to those numbers, wherever they may be found, who, from poverty, or other circumstances, are destitute of the invaluable treasure. As these distributions will be gratuitous, the extent and efficiency of our exertions will depend on the amount of the funds which we shall be enabled to collect.

In this design we claim not the praise of originality. We cheerfully yield precedence to similar institutions, on either side of the Atlantic; and think it an honor to imitate their example. Not six years since, a Society was formed in Great Britain for the avowed purpose of publishing the Holy Scriptures in a variety of languages, and promoting their circulation in all countries, Christian, Mahometan, and Pagan. A design of such pure and enlarged benevolence was calculated to unite all hearts, to repel every objection, and triumph over every obstacle. It received the encouragement which it claimed. The Society, during the short term of its existence, has made exertions which are almost beyond example, and entitle it to immortal honor. Beside printing editions of the Scriptures in a variety of European languages, and liberally distributing copies among the poor and the ignorant of the respective countries, it has aided, by generous donations, the translation of the Bible into the languages of Oriental India-the noblest design to which the present age has given birth-a design which promises to pour the saving light of truth on unknown millions sitting in darkness, and the shades of death.

Even to this distant continent, the same society has extended its beneficent efforts; and numbers of poor aboriginals are this moment invoking blessings on the heads of those who have generously sent them the gospel of Christ.

While the exertions of this Society have been thus extensive, and fruitful of good, the influence of its example has been not less important, or beneficial. Animated by the same spirit, and aiming at the same interesting objects, numerous Bible societies have risen up in various parts of Europe. The flame of pious emulation has been wafted across the Atlantic. Already our favored country sees a number of institutions estab lished on the same principles, and commencing their operations under the happiest auspices. Two of these are within the circle of our commonwealth.

That it is no part of the object of the Merrimack Bible Society to interfere with the exertions of sister institutions or supersede them; that, on the contrary, we wish to give them the most cordial support and aid, is evident from one of our fundamental articles, which declares that "the Society will cheerfully correspond and cooperate, as opportunity may offer, with all other institutions of a similar description, and especially with those in this State."

The considerations which have determined us to form ourselves into a distinct and separate association, are principally those of superior convenience and usefulness. If the local extent of a Bible society be such as to permit the members generally to attend the annual meetings, a more lively interest will be excited and cherished, greater numbers, and of course, more ample funds, will be collected within a given circle, and thus the aggregate of good done by a community will be proportionally in


Surely the field of exertion is wide; the motives for it, multiplied and various. The object presented is equally simple, grand, and interesting. What duty can be more indispensable, than that of communicating to our destitute fellow creatures, the word of life and salvation? Where,

in the whole compass of human thought, can there be found a nobler form of charity!

We are aware, indeed, of one source of objection. Some whom we now address, will be scarce able to conceive, that in the part of the country in which we live, there can be any such deficiency of Bibles, as to call for the extraordinary exertions proposed. In reply, we would remark, that this deficiency is probably much greater than is generally realized. At least, it is our duty to make serious and faithful inquiry on the subject. If there are to be found, within our circle, families or individuals, destitute of the Bible, ought they not to be supplied? Suppose the defect owing to criminal indifference and negligence, as much, at least, as to poverty; would not christian charity wish to proffer them the richest of treasures, however neglected, or undervalued? Perhaps the very compassion manifested in such a gift, might arouse some thought less creature to serious attention. Others there are, whose extreme indigence gives them the strongest and most unexceptionable claims to our attention. In most of our towns, there are receptacles for the poor: these would furnish many a suitable object of our charity. There are many Africans among us, utter strangers to the truths taught in scripture. Not a few of them, indeed are altogether unable to read. Others are but partially instructed. Yet who can tell, in how many instances the present of a Bible might stimulate both the one and the other, to acquire the knowledge necessary to peruse it? In the Eastern portion of our commonwealth, and in many parts of New-Hampshire and Vermont, but recently settled, and thinly populated, it is apprehended there are many families entirely destitute of the word of life; many souls perishing in utter ignorance and stupidity. And though much has been already done to relieve their miseries, more ought to be attempted.

The cases we have thus briefly specified, ought undoubtedly to engage our first attention. Should

they prove, on a careful examination, less numerous or pressing than we

have supposed, we shall have reason to rejoice. Our bounty may then flow in other channels. For surely, it needs not, it must not stagnate. The fact, that we have little occasion for a gratuitous distribution of the Scriptures in our sphere, far from constituting a reason that we should do nothing to promote their circulation is one of the strongest arguments that we should do much. In what other way, can we so naturally express our gratitude for the mercy which exalts us above thousands and millions of our fellow-creatures? Think, brethren, of the multitudes of poor Africans in various parts of our country, who groan away months and years in bondage; the present scene embittered with every calamity; the future, uncheered by a single ray of hope. Shall we not hasten to impart to them that gospel which is eminently the friend of the wretched; the precious and only source of real comfort, in life and in death? Think of the Aboriginals scattered in various parts of our continent; most of them immersed in the grossest ignorance and idolatry. The territory which they once peacefully possessed, we inhabit; and even into the wildernesses whither they have retired be. fore us, our vices have pursued them. But how little have we done to ame liorate their secular condition! How little, to communicate to them the sovereign and only antidote against human guilt and misery! Is it not time for more strenuous and efficient exertions than have yet been made, to pour on their benighted souls the light of heavenly truth?

As we proceed, the subject expands; and considerations the most affecting and awful press on the contemplative mind. We invite your reflections, brethren, to this simple fact that in the nineteenth century of the Christian era, more than half the human race are as perfect strangers to the gospel, as though its light had never shone on our globe. Yes; at this moment, more than FIVE HUNDRED MILLIONS of immortal beings, with souls as guilty, and as precious as our own, are utterly ig. norant, either of the one living and true Gon, or of JESUS CHRIST, as the only SAVIOR! Alas! the

christian world has been buried in a long sleep; or never could this have been the deplorable case. But we have reason to bless God that these guilty slumbers are vanishing. The ery of distress, issuing from the gloomy abodes of superstition and idolatry, and borne on every wind, has at length pierced the ears and hearts of Christians. Christians begin to feel that they owe a debt to the heathen. Both in Europe and America, a missionary spirit has been enkindled, and the noblest exertions made to spread the gospel of salvation. Perhaps among Protestants, more of this kind has been done in the last 12 or 15 years, than in whole centuries preceding. The thought is animating. Who that has a heart to feel, would not wish to aid in this work of mercy? The attempts of missionaries, it is obvious, must be greatly assisted, and the probability of their success much increased, if, in addition to their oral instructions, they may impart to the heathen, the written word. Indeed translating the Scriptures into languages in which they have been before unknown, and communicating them in this form, to the various portions of the globe, is a species of christian benevolence, pre-eminent in simplicityand efficacy. Thus the fountains of life are opened * to a perishing world. In this way, we trust, the knowledge of the Lord will soon overspread the earth, as the waters cover, the channels of the


It deserves, then, a serious consideration, whether we are not called to extend our exertions, as God shall give us ability and opportunity, to every part of the globe where they are needed, not excepting the most distant climes. The idea is vast; but let it not be treated as visionary. By us, it surely cannot be thus treated, without singular insensibility and ingratitude. The favored island from which our ancestors came, was once a scene of idolatry and barbarism. But pious missionaries of other lands sought it out, and gave it the gospel. What would have been our forlorn condition at this moment, had not their souls glowed with that ardor of benevolence which the frigid philosophy of our day brands as extrava

gant and enthusiastic ? Is it not time that we should rouse from our indolence, and endeavor to discharge the immense debt thus contracted, by conveying the same precious gospel to the most distant and benighted corners of the earth?

Such, brethren, is the object presented before you. Such the cause in which you are invited to engage. And to every reflecting mind, to every feeling heart, we dare appeal, and ask: Is it not a cause most important, most interesting and sublime? Does it not merit an animated and universal support ? Does it not imperiously claim the most ardent and indefatigable exertions ?

Our wish is, to disseminate the Bi ble. And surely, if an object can be named, against which there cannot possibly be raised a plausible objec tion, it is this. Here all hearts may unite; all hands should be open. Professors of christianity, however different in denomination, or in sentiment, may combine and co-operate to spread those Scriptures which they all consider as containing the words of eternal life. We have long been praying that the gospel may spread, and the knowledge of the Lord fill the earth. Let those pray. ers no longer be our reproach: but let us be actively engaged to promote their accomplishment. The affluent have now an opportunity to convert to the most important purposes the bounty of Heaven, and in the noblest sense, to enjoy it, by making it the medium of substantial and immortal good to their fellow-creatures. Those who have tasted that the Lord' is gracious, and are daily living on the consolations of the gospel, may now gratify the first and favorite wish of their hearts, by inviting others to the heavenly banquet. And can any believe the Scriptures to be the word of God, and the only source of hope and salvation to man, and not realize an obligation to circulate them, if possible, to the remotest bounds of earth?

Christian brethren ! while we daily lament the low state of religion in our land; while multitudes around us treat the gospel with cold indifference, and trample in contempt on the pearl of price,let us not despond.

Let us rather redouble our diligence in the use of all those means by which, under the divine blessing, the ignorant may be instructed, the thoughtless alarmed, and immortal souls saved from death. Let us, at the same time, be comforted with the thought, that the word of life finds its way to other nations; and that thousands of perishing heathen are brought to know and enjoy its ever. lasting blessings. And let us esteem it our honor and happiness humbly to promote the triumphs of divine truth

and mercy. The very attempt is

pleasant. Every exertion, every sac. rifice which we sincerely devote to this object, carries with it its own ample and sublime reward. And who knows but these our humble efforts may be crowned with success? Who can tell that it may not be our happy lot to meet, in the mansions of the blest, thousands saved by our instru mentality, from the brink of eternal woe? How delightful, how inspiring the thought, that from the banks of the Merrimack, the joyful sound of salvation may soon echo to the coasts of Africa, or the more distant regions of Tartary and China! The time will come, when these abodes of ignor. ance and superstition shall be blest with the religion of Jesus. Nay more, the whole earth shall bow to his sceptre, and taste his grace. Regions where no christian foot has ever trod or ray of gospel mercy shone, shall be gladdened with the light of life; shall resound with our Redeemer's praise. Nor is the period distant. The best supported interpretations of scripture prophecy represent it as The great and awful events of providence now taking place, do not invalidate, but rather strengthen our belief of its approach. Nor is it enthusiastic to consider the late wonderful exertions of the friends of Zion, in other countries and our own, as the very means by which Heaven intends to usher in the promised mil. lennial glory of the Church. In the mean time, let us humbly hope, that the great and good work in which we now engage, accompanied as it will be, with our fervent prayers, may happily tend to revive decaying relig ion among ourselves, and, in a dark and portentous day, to secure to our


beloved country, the blessing and protection of the ALMIGHTY.

In behalf of the Society. WILLIAM COOMBS, Pres. Attest, W. WOART, Rec. Sec'y.



Mr. Wray, the missionary to the negroes in this colony, in a letter dated in February last, writes, that he believes about 150 negroes have become earnestly desirous of saving their souls, in consequence of his labors. Twenty-four have been solemnly baptized by him, and, as far as he knows, walk consistently with their profession. Thirteen more are candidates for baptism. The number of negroes who enjoy the benefit of Mr. Wray's instructions is about 600. Perhaps, he says, a more attentive congregation was never seen. They are anxious to understand every word. Many of them are not only desirous of being saved themselves, but they willingly teach others what they know. Ten of the most intelligent of the negroes have each taken eight under their care to instruct and watch over. Their managers acknowledge that a favorable change has been produced on their conduct by the instruction they have received. Some from being indolent, noisy, and rebellious, are stated to have become industrious, quiet, and obedient: they work wil lingly, and try by every means in their power to give satisfaction. Several gentlemen, who at first were much prejudiced against the mission, and who had prohibited their negroes from attending Mr. Wray, are said to have been so far wrought on by these appearances, as to retract the prohibition, and to give permission for their regular attendance. Ch. Ob..


EARLY on Sunday morning, the 14th May, 1809, died, at the episoopal palace at Fulham, in the 79th year.

of his age, much and justly regretted, the Right Rev. Beilby Porteus, Lord Bishop of London. His lordship was first consecrated bishop of Chester in 1776, and in 1796, was translated to the see of London, on the death of Dr. Lowth. During the twenty-three years he filled this important situation, his conduct was such as entitled him to the love and veneration of all who knew him. He was a man of truly christian moderation, and, in the performance of his episcopal functions, was ever studi. ous of the peace and unity of the Church. In private life his conduct and conversation were always amiable, pure, and exemplary. His writings bear unequivocal testimony to the anxiety which he felt to advance the interests of religion and morals, not only in his immediate diocese, but throughout the world. It is expected that he will be succeeded by Dr. Randolph, at present Bishop of Bangor.


The object of this society is, as we have already informed our readers, to provide a place of refuge for persons discharged from prisons or the hulks, unfortunate and deserted females, and others, who, from loss of character, or extreme indigence, cannot procure an honest maintenance though willing to work. For this purpose premises are engaged at Cuper's Bridge, Lambeth, competent to the separate accommodation of the sexes, and capable of any further extension. Here every attention is paid to their morals, and suitable admonition and religious instruction are afforded them. The males and females are lodged and employed in apartments which are entirely distinct the males in splitting firewood and working in the garden; it being intended that other useful trades and manufactures shall be adopted as the numbers increase : the females, in knitting, spinning, making clothes and household linen, washing, &c. &c. As an incentive to good conduct, a certain portion of their earnings is set apart, and allowed them if they depart with credit to

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themselves; and premiums are dis tributed to such as behave in a manner peculiarly exemplary. If their conduct prove unexceptionable, reconciliation to their friends is at tempted; or proper situations are sought for them; further rewards being bestowed on those who are found to persevere in good conduct. The institution is under the direction of a committee, who meet every Wednesday at the Refuge; and is constantly inspected by visitors and sub-committees. The committee have engaged a chaplain, who attends every Sunday to read prayers and preach, besides attending, during the week, for the purpose of religious instruction.

The committee occasionally afford temporary relief to persons, until they can obtain parochial or other assistance; and they trust, that, as the funds of the institution increase, they may be enabled to put an end to the plea of necessity, urged by the idle and profligate characters that infest our streets. During the short period the institution has been opened, down to the end of last year, 235 persons have applied for admission or relief. Of these, 100 have been admitted, 59 relieved out of the house, and 76. not considered as proper objects; 54 of those admitted are now in the house. Of those who have left the house some have been restored to their friends; and others placed in situations wherein they are enabled to gain their livelihood.

An establishment of this kind has long been wanted, where the penitent criminal, the deserted female, the helpless laborer, and the famish ed stranger, may find employment, support, and instruction. For these, a refuge is at length actually opened; and when it is considered that it receives those to whom no other refuge from vice and misery is open, and supplies them, not only with sus tenance, but with moral and religious instruction, we trust that there will be a general disposition in the friends of humanity and religion, to give it their support.

One guinea paid annually constitutes a governor, and ten guineas paid at once, or within one year, a governor for life, Ch. Obr.


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