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Subscriptions and Donations in aid of this Society will be thankfully received at the Baptist Missionary House, No. 6, Fen Court, Fenchurch Street, London: or by any of the Ministers and Friends whose names are inserted in the Cover of the Annual Report.




making the 11th of Matthew and 28th verse, my text. He has been acquainted with our native brother Soojantallee, and in deportment much resembles him. Oh, that he may prove a chosen vessel.

We have lately had many applications from villages to the eastward of Calcutta. One or two of us have been there with bro

Two letters have been lately re-ther Carapeit, and I am happy to inform ceived from Mr. Thomas, addressed you that every visit has been more and more to the Secretary. In the former, pleasant. We are having two Bungalows after referring to the decease and built; one to serve for a school-room and illness of several of the Missionary brethren in and near Calcutta, he


place to preach in, and the other to afford accommodation to any who may go there. The people are poor fishermen, but very desirous of instruction. We hope it is one of those doors of usefulness the Lord some"You will say the former part of this times opens to his servants. Oh pray for letter is gloomy, it will, however, lead you these villagers, and the attempt made to to feel for those who remain, and, perhaps, turn them from darkness to light. I spent to urge the claims of India. From the ob- one day there with brother Carapeit, and servations I have been enabled to make, intend shortly to go again, though as they the prospects of usefulness are brighter than don't speak Hindoostanee, I cannot underever; and could there be more undivided stand much that they say. Still it encou attention paid to the Hindoo and Mussul-rages our brother, and is pleasing and enman population, I am persuaded there would couraging to myself. I was much affected be a return that would gladden every heart. But there are so many things that press on the few hands here, that the time and attention given to labours among these classes of people, are far from adequate. Still there is good done. I hope among the Mussulman hearers enquiry is progressing and convictions take place. Among others, there is a man who has called on me twice, and attended the means a good while, who has read the New Testament and other portions of the Word of God with considerable attention. He called on me on Saturday last, and occupied a good deal of time in reading and conversing about Jesus Christ. He had marked down some passages from the New Testament in which references are made to some part of the old, which he had not seen Our Mussulman brother, Soojantallee, has and asked me respecting them. He seems been two months at Monghyr, whither be to have little or nothing to say about Ma- went, owing to his own indisposition and hommed, and owns that he can find no traces that of his wife. Brother Leslie wrote me of him, or prophecies relating to him in our a few days ago, and gave a very pleasing Scriptures. I endeavoured to impress his mind with a sense of the evil of sin and the need we have of a great and Almighty Saviour, and told him of the grace of Christ,

when there, at seeing the earthenware gods put in the fields near their dwellings; and also at looking into two idol houses in another village. In one of these an image was placed that is nothing more or less than a personification, or rather deification, of the cholera, that disease by which thousands are yearly taken off. Two other figures were painted over this, representing two persons ill with the cholera, and in the act of vomiting; an old cocoa nut was placed near the idol, as an offering to it. I generally observe that the natives never give the best to the idol, but what is altogether useless: this is, indeed, good enough for such a god, and an emblem of its utter uselessness as a god. It cannot give nor take.

account of this brother, and also of his own labours. The scene brightens there. Two notes from Soojantallee, which were enclosed in brother Leslie's letter, I send you with


his, and also translations of them. I think | here are accustomed to them, and are greatly

you will be pleased to observe the evidence of Christian feeling they discover. Before be went to Monghyr, he addressed a letter to myself and brethren, with which I was much pleased. I may some time translate it, and send both to you.

Our Pædobaptist brethren are going on with much success at villages a few miles to the south of Calcutta. Ten adults were lately added, and they expect an equal number shortly. A little persecution has lately broken out, but this, I think, will prove a means of promoting the good work, rather than otherwise."

Feb. 18, 1829.

"You will be pleased to learn that, after a long and rough passage, our dear brother Yates has safely arrived in India, to the no small joy of us all. We feel, I trust, sincerely grateful to the Giver of all good for having preserved him in going out and returning home, and that he has not only brought him among us again, but in such au improved state of health. He is nothing like the same person; so far as appearances go, he is likely to live and labour with pleasure to himself and profit to others, for many years. May the Lord of Missions grant that our hopes in this respect may not be blasted, but this is such a health-destroying climate that we rejoice with trembling. It is, however, delightful to reflect that the Lord reigneth, and that climate is subject to his government, and diseases and death are entirely subject to his controul.

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By brother Yates's coming, I trust I shall be in a great measure freed from English preaching, and be enabled to apply myself more directly to missionary objects. My proficiency, I regret to say, is not equal to the expectation expressed in your kind letter. English preaching, and the duties connected with the Secretaryship to two Societies, the Auxiliary Missionary and the Tract Societies, have prevented my paying that attention to the language which I much wished for. I have, I hope, made some progress, and can converse in it a little; I have attempted to do a little of a public nature, but it is no easy matter to retain such a number of words, as are requisite on such occasions. I have several times, in a good measure through being left alone perhaps, entered into conversation, and this has led on to discussion, I believe I make my. self understood, and have been called to keep my ground. I long to speak fluently and with ease. Practice I find of great use, and though many blunders are made, people

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apt at getting the meaning you wish to convey. I was drawn into a dispute a few days ago in one of our native chapels which lasted upwards of an hour. It was carried on chiefly with a Mussulman, who has been a tolerably regular attendant for many months and who possesses copies of all the parts of the word of God which have been translated into Hindoostanee. These I am happy to say he has read, at least in part. I am not aware now of what I had been talking about, though something connected with the controversy between Mussulmans and Christians, but he advanced something which at the time surprised me, as I thought he knew better; I therefore asked him if in reading the Scriptures he had met with any thing which related to Mahomet? He answered, "I have." "Where?" "In Genesis." "In what part? please to direct me to the passage." He took up a copy of the Septuagint which we keep in the chapel, and turned to Gen. xvii. 20. and concluded that because it is said of Ishmael, Twelve princes shail he beget, and I will make of him a great nation'; the passage looked forward to Mahomet, in whom the prediction was fulfilled. I reminded him that in the preceding verse and the following one, the covenant is so said to be made with Israel as to exclude Ishmael; and as to the prediction itself, it was fulfilled in a few years, and mentioned in a following chapter as matter of history. He maintained that Mahomet was a descendant of Ishmael. I admitted it, but only as we were all the descendants of Adam. He was apparently satisfied on this point; and I endeavoured to lead his mind to the main question, How can a sinner be saved? asserting that in the Gospel there is a satisfactory answer given. He seemed to regard both books as coming from God. I endeavoured to convince him that it is impossible, as much so as for light and darkness to proceed from the sun, and referred to the vast difference between them. He asked, in what consists the difference? I said, among other things, in the account given of the death of Christ. This the Koran denies, while the New Testament is full of it. The Gospels say when and how he died, declare that he was buried and rose again; that the apostles every where preached salvation by the death of Christ; prophets foretold it; and this is the very sum of the Bible, the basis of prophets, evangelists, apostles, and martyrs. I continued to enlarge as well as I could on this subject, and must say I felt greater ease than I thought I could have done in speaking. During most of the time there were a good many Mussulmans present, and most appeared to listen with considerable interest.

I find I have been filling my paper in a way I had no intention of doing; however,

if it afford any interest, the end of writing will be obtained. I have been for some time engaged in revising two or three Hindoostanee tracts, and correcting the proofs. I find this very useful. I have also been preparing a tract on the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. It is a kind of harmony of what is said by the four Evangelists on these important subjects. hope the tract will prove useful to many. I before informed you of operations likely to be commenced in villages to the eastward of Calcutta; they are now begun, a school is just opened. It commenced on Sabbath morning with 11, and on Monday afternoon there were 32. Brother Carapeit went on Saturday, and has continued there till now. He writes me that he has many inquirers, and is constantly occupied. May the Lord make bare his arm! On the 8th inst. two persons were baptized in the Circular Road chapel, one a Hindoo, a pleasing instance, and may be looked on as fruit of the third generation. His wife's holy conversation has been a great means of bringing him to Christ. She was baptized a few months ago, and is the fruit of the Christian deportment and endeavours to do good of auother female convert. These all reside at Doorgapore, and brother G. Pearce will probably furnish you with particulars.

Through the mercy of God, myself, partner, and child, are very well, as are the other members of the mission, unless slight colds felt by some may be regarded an exception. We had a very delightful Association at the beginning of the month. excellent sermons were delivered, one by Mr. J. Hill, the other by Dr. Carey.



Extract of a Letter from Mr. W. Carey to the Secretary, dated Cutwa, Dec. 14, 1828 :–

Since I last wrote, I think we have had no change, no additious to the church to cheer our hearts, but rather contrariwise, some of the church members have been set aside, and we have had much discouragement in the affairs of the church. This has produced much heart-searching in me, and has driven me to more earnest prayer to the Giver of all good; and I trust I can say that I have not altogether been without the presence and smiles of our heavenly Father. I am often almost overcome by thinking of his great goodness to such a worthless creature, and when I think upon what others have done, and are doing, for their great Master, and how little I have done in so many years, I am filled with shame and confusion of face. I scarcely know how to give you an ac.

count of what has been done this year in this neighbourhood, for I can think of nothing more but what has been sent you in former letters. The fairs as usual have been attended, and great numbers of tracts and portions of Scripture have been given to the attentive assemblies. Our places of worship have all been attended to as usual, and thousands have heard the word of truth in these places during this year. At one of our places at the river side I have been much encouraged, as great numbers of boat people from different parts of the country, especially in the rains, have attended. At this place I have often seen tears shed and inquiries made; some have come after me and have promised to come and know more about these truths, but alas! there it has ended. I have also had some inquirers come and stay for some days, but they have at last gone off. Our daily morning services at home have also been well attended, and I have often been much enlarged, bat alas! it goes no further.

I am happy to say that my dear wife has four female schools; they contain I think about 120 girls, and the Scriptures are used amongst them. I hope some good will be done in this way. I must now conclude, as I am going to worship. Our love to all Christian friends.


Mr. Williamson has forwarded us a few extracts from the journals kept by the native itinerants under his direction, which we insert as specimens of the familiar manner in which these humble labourers aim to arouse the attention of their countrymen to the great truths of revelation.

Extract from Brothers Bolaram and Sonaton's Diary, written by the former. 1828. Oct. 19.-Going to Tilpara, a "There are no people in the Brahmin said, village; you need not go thither. They are all gone to the pooja." We therefore went to Nooria, and standing near a place called Dhorma Raj, waited some time for hearers; but none appearing, we passed through Lehara on our way home, nothing having been done.*

20th, Monday. Having taken our station where four ways meet in Soory Bazar, I (Bolaram) having read a small portion of the tract called Tot Lot, observed, that if

Such instances are rare except during the great festivals, the chief of which is the Doorga pooja, as it is called, held at this time.-J. W.

God has created all things out of nothing, and continually suspends the earth in empty space, surely it cannot be necessary for him, in order to exterminate the giants, &c. to become incarnate; seeing his will only is sufficient for all this. If the soldiers themselves are sufficient for the battle, the king has no need to expose himself. You say, however, that God does every thing of this nature, assuming, as circumstances may require, different bodily shapes. Nothing, however, is gained by this mode of reasoning. Sonaton having read a part of the 14th chapter of Matthew, said, "It is declared in the Bible that God, seeing the helpless condition of men, became incarnate as the Lord Jesus Christ; and by laying down his life as a sacrifice for sin, has made an atonement of infinite value for sin and infinite evil; so that they only who believe on him shall escape everlasting punishment, and obtain eternal life." A Brahmin observed, "We believe and follow the Veds." Brother Sonaton replied, "The Veds declare only one God, and call him the Creator, Preserver, &c. of all. It would appear, therefore, that if you profess to follow them, you ought to worship him only."The audience consisted of a few persons only, who listened attentively.

21st, Tuesday. We went to Hasenabad, and taking our station before the principal shop of the village, I said, "Why do you speak bad words in the presence of her whom you consider as your mother (alluding to Doorgha)? From this circumstance, it is evident that the fear of God is not among you, since they who fear God neither speak nor do that which is evil, especially when they consider themselves in his presence. But you do all this before your idols, and that too during their worship." Continuing the observation, I endeavoured to shew them the vanity of idol worship. The people listened with approbation. Afterwards Sonaton endeavoured to shew them that all their gods, and priests, and gooroos were false, and that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only true Gooroo, seeing he has atoned for the sins of his people by dying for them. He concluded by advising them to take refuge in him.

22d, Wednesday.-Going to Soory Bazar, Sahib (meaning Mr. Williamson) said, "It will not do to excuse yourselves by saying that Kali influences you. This will not do among men, much less before God." This subject he illustrated by several observations, which some approved of, while others disapproved. I read a part of the Gospel Magazine (a Bengalee publication), and endeavoured to improve the subject of the Turkish emperor Saladin's directions to his servants, concerning himself after his death, by which he endeavoured to shew them the vanity of earthly glory. Souaton,

after reading a small portion of the Gearuday (a tract), addressed them thus: "Walk no longer carelessly on in darkness, while the true light is shining around you. They who walk in the light shall not stumble, and shall obtain happiness in the next world." He lastly directed them to Christ, the true light of the world. Only one appeared to disapprove, all the others listening in silence.

23d, Thursday.-I said "We must work. They who labour become rich. Idleness is only productive of starvation. Death is near, therefore be not without a friend. No friend can be obtained after death. God only will be found either a friend or an enemy, according to our works." One man asked if there was no merit in worshipping idols? I replied, "How is it possible? The father is not of the son, but the son is of the father. Who then is the proper object of worship? Your idols are of you; they are all the works of your own hands." Some were serious, while others endeavoured to laugh us out of countenance. Next, Sonaton having read a little of the Brom Prokasok (a certain tract), contended that “sin cannot be atoned for, unless a sacrifice proportioned to its demerit can be found. Now the gift of God's only Son, as a sacrifice for sin, is undoubtedly that sacrifice which was wanted, because it is one of infinite value."

24th, Friday. At Soory Bazar, I observed, there are many ways of atoning for sin in your Shastres, but they cannot be of God, because they who use them still remain in sin. That medicine cannot be efficacious that leaves men still under the power of disease. Your modes of doing away sin cannot therefore be depended on.' Sonaton addressed them thus :-" God seeing mankind in a helpless state, himself brought salvation; therefore quit your vain refuges, and lay hold on the Lord Jesus Christ."

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25th, Saturday. After arriving at Mamood Bazar, I preached the way of salvation by Jesus Christ; telling them they who believe on him build their houses on a rock ; all others on sand. After which Sonaton sketched the history of our Lord's life, death, resurrection, and ascension to the right hand of God.

Extract from Mothoor and Narayan's Journal of the same period, kept by Mothoor.

Sunday, 19th.-Going to Soory Bazar, we found only one or two persons, to whom I explained what Shaolpanee (a Hindoo writer) says concerning atonement. I gave the book, from which I had read, to a young Brahmin, at his request. Afterward, several people coming from the pouja, listened some time, to whom both Narayan and myself endeavoured to shew the evil, as well as vanity, of worshipping the debtas,

the necessity of some great sacrifice for sin, and the absurdity of calling sinful men goo


beings; following their own lusts and passions. Men, however, were created for the glory of God; but far from subserving this great end, they have ever been only heaping sin upon sin; which, without a proper sacrifice, I mean that of Christ, can never be atoned for. Afterwards Saheb, having read a few verses of the 7th chapter of Mat

Monday, 20th.-Proceeded to Talpara. Narayan read and explained from the Sotio Ashray (a tract), and laboured to convince them of the absurdity of relying on bathing in the Ganges, and worshipping the debtas for salvation. I read a portion of Shoolpa-thew, endeavoured to shew the broad disnee, from which I took occasion to discourse on atonements, and to shew the vanity of human atonements; introducing' the great and infinitely meritorious sacrifice of Christ, and telling them that there was no way but that of God's mercy. We had but a very small assembly, consisting only of five or six persons.

21st, Tuesday. At Soory Bazar, where four ways meet, Narayan observed, among other things, that God seeing the miserable and hopeless state of man, undertook their salvation himself, by assuming human nature and dying for their sins. He took his subject from the 1st chapter of John's Gospel. I discoursed from a passage in the Sotio Ashray book, which I read. The passage exhibits the vanity of serving the gods, equally great with that of bathing in the Ganges, giving this reason, that none of them are exempt from sin. We had about 20 people, who listened attentively, and took a few of our books.

22d, Wednesday.-Went to the village called Barunpoora, where Narayan shewed the insufficiency of all attempts to obtain salvation by works, because of the universal corruption of human nature, through Adam, their federal head. I read a letter from the Tomo Nashok (a tract), and afterwards said, that all mankind having left God, the only rock of ages, are gone after idols; and judge themselves to be good or bad only according to caste, both of which, instead of lessening sin, has increased many fold, and incurred the high displeasure of God. He is the only Creator, and therefore rightful proprietor of the soul; but mankind

have abandoned their Lord, and gone a

whoring after other gods, by which they have incurred the wrath of God, and become worthy of hell; and in order to be saved from such misery, they must flee to the Lord Jesus Christ, who only can save them. None made any reply.

23d, Thursday. Soory Bazar, at the usual place. Narayan read a portion of the 15th chapter of Matthew, from which he

took occasion to discourse on clean and un

clean; observing, that disobedience of God's commands were the only and great source of all uncleanness before God, from which the blood of Christ only can wash us. read the Sotporamorso, and observed, that


mankind have forgotten their creator, and become attached to the worship of created

tinction between the true and false gooroos, and concluded by recommending the Lord Jesus Christ. One or two persons were at first a little perverse, but afterwards became quiet. About 25 people were present.

24th, Friday.-We went to Housnabad, in whose bazar Narayan engaged attention for some time, discoursing on the folly of being so particular about caste, and so much afraid of losing it; and also on the sin of serving the gods. I, taking up the subject of caste, observed that among truly religious people there was no such a thing as distinction of caste. Christ is our gooroo, and has given us the great command of brotherly love. Some heard well while others reproached.

25, Saturday. Soory Bazar: Narayan commenced by saying, "We must be born again, otherwise we cannot see the kingdom of heaven. Men, none of whom have ever been found without sin, can never be Mahajees (or great ones.) Christ is the only Mahajee. Without his salvation, salvation is impossible." The people heard well. I read from Matthew chapter 3d, discoursed on true repentance. Our discourses were well received and several tracts were taken.


By a letter from Mr. N. Ward to our friend Mr. Evans, late Missionary at Padang, dated Dec. 11, 1828, we learn that he had not, at that time, arranged for his departure from the station, but proposed remaining there till he could complete a new version of the New Testament at least, into the Malay. This is said to be absolutely necessary, from the many defects of the old (Dutch) translation, and will undoubtedly be a service of the highest value to those missionaries, whoever they may be, to whom, in future years, may be entrusted the honourable but arduous labour of publishing to the millions of Sumatra the Gospel of Christ.

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