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science." "All these were detected, for that they being together at Bruges's house at Burford were reading together in the book of the Exposition of the Apocalypse, and communed concerning the matter of opening the book with seven clasps,” &c. They were also charged with reading the Lord's prayer in Eng

into the English tongue, which is | Lollard minister," of this period: prohibited by the laws of our holy Thomas Man, who was burned Mother Church." These articles (1518) in Smithfield, Robert Cosin, prove that the heretics, at that early a martyr, and Henry Milder, burned period, held all the doctrines of the at Buckingham, were, it is said, Reformation one of these is cu-"preachers" among them. In the rious;-"He says, that poor men year 1515 a great number were proand idiots have the truth of the secuted for various heresies-" for Holy Scriptures more than a thou-having certain English books, as sand prelates, and religious men, Wickliff's Wicket, the Gospels of and clerks of the school." Doubt- St.John,the Epistles of Paul, James, less this was the fact; for "the and Peter in English, an Expoknown men or just fast men"* reve-sition of the Apocalypse, a book of renced the Scriptures, while the Our Ladie's Mattins in English, and priests despised them! A charge a book called The Prick of Conbrought against one Richard Butler, in the Bishop of London's court, will throw great light upon the godly practices of these pious people:"Also we object to you, that divers times, and especially upon a certain night, about the space of three years last past, in Robert Durdant's house of Yuer-court, near unto Staines, you erroneously and damnably lish.* read in a great book of heresy of the said Robert Durdant's, all that sume night, certain chapters of the Evangelists in English, containing in them divers erroneous and damnable opinions and conclusions of the Lollards. heresy in the presence of the said annoying of their publications (atRobert Durdant, John Butler, Ro-tributed to William Thorpe, who, bert Carder, Jenkin Butler, William in 1407, it is supposed, died in King, and divers other persons sus- prison as a Wickliffite minister) is pected of heresy then being present, always found in the lists of proand hearing your said erroneous scribed heretical books, by the title lectures and opinions." Amongst of "The A, B, C, against the the charges exhibited on another Clergy." occasion, mention is made of "a certain little book of Scripture almost worn for age, whose name [title] is not there expressed.”


Dr. Colet, a famous evangelical preacher in St. Paul's church, and the founder of St. Paul's school for 153 boys, had translated the Lord's prayer, and this was much used by One of the most

* In Dr. M'Crie's Life of Knox, vol. i.

p. 240, notes, is said, in reference to the monastic library at Lochleven in the twelfth century, what will probably apply to all the libraries of the monasteries at that time :-

It is said, too, that these "known" They had the texts of the Gospels and the men" had " an exposition of the gospel in English:" congregations" or 66 conventicles" of these heretics are spoken of as existing at Newbury, Chesham, Amersham, Missenden, and other towns. Mention is made of "Thomas Bale, a

So the Lollards were reproachfully called.

Acts of the Apostles, an exposition of Genesis, a collection of Lectures, and an interpretation of Sayings. The catalogue of the Library at Stirling, in the sixteenth century, contained a copy of the Gospels and Epistles in manuscript, most probably in Latin." There can be no doubt such manuscripts were alsa in the libraries of the English monasteries, and it is highly probable that some learned Wickliflite translated them

"A wake ye ghostly persons! awake, awake,
Both priest, pope, bishop, and cardinal!
Consider wisely what ways ye take,
Dangerously being like to have a fall.
Everywhere the mischief of you all,
Far and near, breaketh out very fast;
God will needs be avenged at the last.
How long have ye the world captived,
In sore bondage of men's traditions?
Kings and emperors ye have deprived,
Lewdly usurping their chief possessions:
Much misery ye make in all religions. [cast,
Now your friends be almost at their later
Of God sure to be avenged at the last.

P oor people to oppress ye have no shame,
Quaking for fear of your bloody tyranny:
Rightful justice ye have put out of frame,
Seeking the lust of your God, the belly,
Therefore I dare you boldly certify,

little tho' you be thereof aghast,
Y et God will be avenged at the last."

It was thought necessary to give this brief sketch of the state of protestant feeling among our countrymen, to show that when William Tyndale was raised up as the reformer of the church of Christ in England, he found "a people prepared of the Lord" to appreciate his principles and to be improved by his labours.

When Cardinal Wolsey founded Christchurch College at Oxford, he

picked" as many young men as he could find at both the Universities" of grave judgment and sharp wits" to be its first and principal students. Tyndale was one of these; but his reading the Scriptures to the Fellows of the College, and their conferring together upon the abuses of religion which had crept into the church being reported to the Cardinal, "they were accused of heresy, and cast into a prison, within a deep cave under the said college, where their salt-fish were kept; so that, through the filthy stench thereof, they were all infected, and certain of them taking their death in the same prison, shortly upon the same being taken out of the prison into their chambers, there deceased." One Mr. Clark, who died from this confinement, was thirty-four; it is probable that Tyndale was about thirty-three years of age; John Frith, another of This" Apostle of England" was them, was very young. Of those born in the principality of Wales, who survived this cruel treatment probably about the year 1490; it were Richard Taverner, John Frith, is said of him, that" from a youth and our Tyndale. The former was his mind was singularly addicted restored because he was "a good to the Scriptures, wherein he ob- musician;" the next was proscribed tained a considerable degree of to a space ten miles round Oxford; knowledge." From a child he was and, most likely, Tyndale was exeducated, in the University of Ox-pelled. It is certain that he left ford, in grammar, logic, and philo- Oxford, and went to Cambridge. sophy, for the most part of his time in Mary's Hall. While at Oxford he became a truly pious man, and having embraced the sentiments of Wickliff, in opposition to the errors of the church of Rome, he used to meet certain students of St. Mary's and some Fellows of Magdalen's, to whom he, in private, " read some parcel of divinity instructing them in the truth of the Scriptures."

into English; they were mostly written, and

this circumstance, in connexion with the prelates burning them, accounts fully for none of them being preserved to our times.

It is not improbable that his reason for going to Cambridge was to confer with those pious and wellinstructed ministers, Bilney, Author, Latimer, Cranmer, and Coverdale, the first four of whom died in the flames. It is remarked by Fox, that, by Tyndale's going to Cambridge, he became ripened in the knowledge of God's word."

Leaving Cambridge, he entered the family of Welch, a knight, who resided near Chipping Sodbury in Gloucestershire,* in the The house is still standing.

capacity of a private tutor. This Streets, St. Austin's-green, Bristol,

being in the neighbourhood of and at other places about that city: Glastonbury, many of the monks and so moderate were his expectand friars of that monastery were ations, that he said "he should be in the habit of visiting the knight's content with ten pounds a year in hospitable mansion, Tyndale always any county in England, provided making one of the company. The he was not interrupted in teaching conversation sometimes turned on children and preaching the Gospel.' learned men, such as Luther and Finding he could not escape the Erasmus, whom Tyndale always danger to which he had exposed vindicated from the aspersions of himself by offending the "spirituthe monks. They often had "con-ality of Glastonbury," he resolved troversies and questions upon the to go to London. He was urged Scriptures," and "when they did to this step from hearing of the vary," says Fox, "he would show commendations bestowed by Erasthem in the book and lay plainly mus upon Tonstal, the Bishop.* before them the open and manifest He thought, what a happy man he places of the Scriptures, to confute should be, could he get into the emtheir errors and confirm his say-ployment of the bishop for the purings."

pose, as he intended, of translating These popish champions attempt- the Scriptures in his house. He ed to prejudice the worthy knight accordingly applied to the king's and his lady against their family comptroller, Sir Henry Guildford, tutor, and had nearly succeeded, presenting him with a Greek oration as they one day, after having dined of Isocrates, which he had transat the monastery, reproved his er-lated into English, and requested rors; but "Master Tyndale," says Sir Henry to speak to the bishop Fox, "answering by Scriptures, in his favour. Tonstal instantly maintained the truth and reproved refused, saying "his house was their [the monks'] false opinions." filled; that he had more than he The monks, finding they could not could find; and he would advise get him removed from the family, him to seek abroad in London, and Welch and his wife having where he would be sure to find embraced the protestant opinions, employment." Tyndale stayed in the "spirituality" soon withdrew themselves!

Tyndale, however, found such opposition raised against him, that he left his situation and commenced a preacher of the Gospel. Some opinion may be formed, both of his sentiments and intrepidity, by the following reply to a "spiritual" doctor, who said, "We had better be without God's laws than the Pope's." "I defy the Pope," said Tyndale," and all his laws; and if God spare my life, ere many years, I will cause a boy that driveth the plough to know more of the Scriptures than you do." We find him preaching in the public

London about a year, preaching at St. Dunstan's church and other places; but growing more and more disgusted with the pomp of the prelates, and finding there was no room either in the bishop's palace or at any other place in the kingdom, for him "to translate the New Testament;" a kind friend, too, at whose house he had found a lodging, Sir Humphrey Monmouth, an alderman of the city, having engaged to remit him ten pounds

Erasmus thus speaks of Tonstal :He ranks among the best learned of his age, of pregnant judgment and great suavity of manners, yet without impeachment to the graver habits which become bis character and station."


per annum for his support, he resolved to leave the kingdom and to reside on the continent, for the purpose of executing his noble design: right well he perceived and considered," saith Fox, "that this only, or chiefly, was the cause of all mischief in the church-that the Scriptures of God were hidden from the people's eyes." He accordingly went to Germany, and travelled into Saxony, where, for a time, he enjoyed the company of Luther at Wirtemberg, and others of the German reformers; he then returned and settled at Antwerp, one of the Hanse-towns, where there were a chartered company of English merchants.

The year 1526 witnessed the completion of the English New Testament, printed at Antwerp; at the end of it is an Address to the Readers, in which he "beseeches them that are learned christenly, that the rudeness of the work, now at the first time offered, offend them not."

This modest appeal ought to have disarmed criticism; as Fox remarks, "Wherefore, if any such defect had been deserving correction, it had been the part of courtesie and gentleness, for men of knowledge and judgment to have showed their learning therein, and to have redressed that which was to be amended. But the spiritual fathers then of the clergy, being not willing to have that book to prosper, cried out upon it, bearing men in hand that there were a thousand heresies in it, and that it was not to be corrected but utterly suppressed. Some said it was not possible to translate the Scripture into English; some that it was not lawful for the lay people to have it in their mother tongue; some that it would make them all heretics;— and, to induce the temporal rulers also unto their purpose, they made matter, and said it would make the people to arise and rebel against the king!"

Before proceeding with the history, it may not be unsuitable to give a short description of Tyndale. It is conjectured he was at this time (probably in 1524) about thirty-eight years of age; his patron, the worthy alderman, about four years after this, in his examination before Stokesley, Bishop of London, for heresy, said of him that he lived six months in his house, where he lived like a good priest, studying both night and day he would eat but sodden meat, with his good will, nor drink but small single beer." The next description we have of him is from his own pen, and may thereTyndale also printed, about this fore be depended upon as a correct time, and sent over to England, portrait, making some allowance several considerable treatises, enfor his excessive modesty, which titled, "The Obedience of the is a prominent feature of his cha- Christian Man," "The wicked racter-writing to his beloved Mammon," his "Introduction to young brother, in 1533, John Frith, Paul's epistle to the Romans." These he says, "But God hath made me with some of the works of Luther evil-favoured in this world, and and other German reformers, were without grace in the sight of men, all ordered to be called in and speechless and rude, dull and slow-suppressed, especially "The New witted." Fox seems to confirm this, as being a true picture," For in the wily subtleties of the world he was simple and inexpert."

Testament in the English tongue!" This political proclamation is thus signed by the Bishop of London:"Given under our seal, the three

and twentieth of October, in the | Coustantine, "I will tell you truly: fifth year of our consecration, anno it is the Bishop of London that hath


holpen us, for he hath bestowed In order to suppress the New upon us a great deal of money for Testament completely, Tonstal, on New Testaments, to burn them, returning from a mission to the and that hath been, and yet is, our Pope, passed through Antwerp, only succour and comfort." "Now, where meeting with an English by my troth," quoth Sir Thomas, merchant, he was informed that he" I think even the same, for so could buy up the whole of Tyn- much I told the bishop when he dale's New Testaments from the went about it!" Dutch merchants who had bought It was in May, 1526, that Touthem of Tyndale: "Do your dili- stal caused the copies of the New gence," saith Tonstal," gentle Testament to be burned, Johu TynMaster Packington; get them for dale, brother to the translator, being me, and I will pay for them what- made to ride throughCheapside with soever they cost, for I intend to several copies tied about him. In burn and destroy them all at Paul's- one of his books the next year, cross.' Packington acquainted Tyndale, alluding to this, says, Tyndale with the matter; "and so," And mark, I pray you, what an upon compact made between them," orator he [Fisher, Bishop of Rosays Fox, "the Bishop of London had the books, Packington had the thanks, and Tyndale had the momoney!" The Dutch printers finding it a profitable concern, reprinted the Testament, so that "they came thick and threefold into England." The Bishop sent for Packington, (who, it should seem, lived in London); "How cometh this, gentle Master Packington, that there are so many New Testaments abroad? You promised me that you would buy them all." Packington replied, Surely I bought all that were to be had; but I perceive they have printed more since. I see it never will be better while they have type and presses, wherefore your Lordship had better buy the type and presses too, and then you will be sure." Fox says. "At which answer the Bishop smiled, and so the matter ended.' Some time after, Sir Thomas More, then chancellor, having one George Constantine, a reformed priest or friar, before him, desired him, as he expected his favour, to tell him who it was that supplied Tyndale with money at Antwerp?" My lord," replied


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chester] is, and how vehemently he
persuadeth it. Martin Luther hath
burned the Pope's Decretals, a
manifest sign, saith he, that he
would have burned the Pope's ho-
liness also if he had had him. A
like argument (which I suppose to
be rather new) I make: Rochester
and his holy brethren have burned
Christ's testament, an evident sign
they would have burned Christ
himself also had they had him." On
the 25th of May, the prelates came
to the King in the Star-chamber,
complaining that Tyndale's and
Joy's translation was not correct,
and proposed to get the Bible
perly translated, "so that the
people should not be ignorant of
the laws of God!" The King com-
manded it to be done, but the pre-
lates paid no regard to it; and the
people in consequence read and
studied Tyndale's translation with
the greater avidity.


It ought to be mentioned that, in addition to his labours as a translator of the Scriptures, and the author of several evangelical treatises, he was employed also as the minister and elder of a congregation

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