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PROVISION was made in the constitution of human nature for the exercises of devotion: and, accordingly, men of every age and kindred have some kind of reverence for an invisible Superior. It is upon this principle of the rational mind, not improperly called by moral philosophers, the Sense of Deity, that religion of all kinds is engrafted; and the very absurdities of Superstition and Fanaticism, as well as the enlightened piety of the sanctified soul, are evidences of its existence. A correct exposition of True Religion in Man, must of course, correspond with the most important objects of Moral Science, and be admitted itself as an interesting part of sound Philosophy. "Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding." A delineation, moreover, of the power of godliness in the origin and progress of the Christian's "new and better life," is calculated to interest and to instruct the young believer, and to assist the more advanced disciple, in those reflections which are necessary to ascertain both the fact and the degree of his personal religion,

The Author, during a general, and even an intimate intercourse with Christians of almost all ranks and names, has frequently found himself at a loss, for a work, at once both doctrinal and experimental, to be recommended to the perusal of those who are seeking the consolations of the gospel of the grace of God, and adapted to the actual condition of society in our cities and our country. These discourses, most of which have been delivered in the course of his ministry

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in this city, have been selected for the press in order to supply to the best of his ability this deficiency.

For the purpose of introducing more argument and criticism than can be properly admitted into a popular discourse, notes have been appended to the text, wheresoever they appeared to be necessary. If the volume should prove the means of instruction or comfort, to any of those who have been awakened in the midst of the gay and busy world, to any timid, doubting, or tempted believer, the author will rejoce that his labour hath not been in vain in the Lord, to whose patronage and blessing it is humbly submitted.

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