THE LAST DISCOURSE AND PRAYER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WITH HIS DISCIPLES, ON THE NIGHT BEFORE HIS CRUCIFIXION: AS RECORDED IN ST. JOHN'S GOSPEL, CHAPTERS XIII. TO XVII. WITH PRACTICAL REMARKS. BY THE REV. WILLIAM JOWETT, M.A. LATE FELLOW OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. NOTHER LONDON: SEELEY, BURNSIDE, AND SEELEY, FLEET STREET. M DCCC XLVI. 107.1. CONTENTS. Page The Love of Christ; John xiii. 1. Humility taught by Christ's Example; John xiii. 2—16. Knowledge and Practice; John xiii. 17. The Rejection of Judas Iscariot; John xiii. 18-30. Mutual Love enjoined by Christ; John xiii. 31-35. Love and Obedience; John xiv. 15. The Spirit of Truth, the Comforter; John xiv. 16, 17. 88 |