109. (d) TIME TABLE. University Graduates Examination. At N. S. Tech. College, Halifax, 16 to 21 August, 1920. [Minor and one-half Major *Examinations]. Higher halves of Major Examinations to be arranged by Deputy Examiner. *One of the examination papers in the Major subject may be the Minor paper in the same subject. Licensing of Teachers, 110. No person can be a teacher in a public school entitled to draw public money, without a License from the Council of Public Instruction. Before obtaining a license a candidate must obtain first, a certificate of the prescribed Grade of Scholarship; second, the prescribed certificate of professional Rank as a teacher, either from the Provincial M. P. Q. Examination (which must be supplemented for all classes higher than third class, by the prescribed certificate of ability to give effective physical training to pupils), or from the Provincial Normal College; third, the prescribed certificate of age and character from a minister of religion or two Justices of the Peace; and fourth, a certificate of health. The value of a license is distinguished by the term Class; of scholarship by the term Grade; of professional skill by the term Rank. Full information as to the licensing will be found in Regulations 111 to 124 inclusive, but the following collocation of the terms used will help to explain their general significance and relation: Generally, (1) "Teachers' Pass (2) (3) Age and Normal Diploma Character. requires.. Univ. Grad. Test Ex. Academic Ba.k...22 years. Academic Class A .Grade XII.. Superior First. .. (M. P. Q.)... 20 years, etc. 19 years, etc. 18 years, etc. 17 years, etc. 16 years, etc. No permanent License higher than Class D awarded to anyone not holding prescribed Grade B Physical Training certificate. 111. No diploma of the Provincial Normal College shall be awarded any candidate who is found defective in the scholarship of any of the subjects of the Provincial Program in the corresponding grade, until the Faculty is satisfied that creditable proficiency has been made in each subject. 112. When a candidate obtains a teacher's license without graduation from a teachers' training college, it can be only of a class one degree lower than the "teachers' pass" grade of scholarship. 113. No certificate, combination of certificates, nor any other qualification except the possession of a lawfully procured License gives a person authority to teach under the law in a pub lic school. The regulations governing the issuance of licenses are as follows: The permanent Licenses of Public School teachers shall be under the Seal of the Council of Public Instruction signed by the Secretary of the Council, shall be valid for the whole province during the good behavior of the holder, and shall be granted on the fulfilment of the conditions more fully specified in the succeeding regulations, namely, the presentation of the prescribed proof of (1) age, character and health, (2) scholarship, (3) professional skill and (4) Physical Training Certificate. 114. There shall be five classes of such licenses, which may be designated as follows: Academic Class. Class A Superior First Class. Class B-First Class. Class C-Second Class. Class D-Third Class. 115. The certificates of professional qualification of skill shall be (a) the academic, superior first, first, second or third Rank classification by the Normal College or (b) the minimum (ranking one degree lower than the normal) which shall be the academic, superior first, first, second or third rank pass on the following papers: MINIMUM PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION EXAM INATION. 116. The questions set for the minimum professional qualification examinations shall be on the following syllabus and may require free hand drawing in any question when desirable: 1. School Law and Forms. (a) The Acts of the Legislature and Regulations of the Council of Public Instruction bearing on public education with their latest amendments, and a knowledge of the way in which the law is to be administered with special attention to the Education Act, 1918 and Regulations 23 to 42, 52 to 61, 91, 110 to 148, 201 to 202, 232 to 234-more especially those republished in the Journal of Education, Also, the Handbook for Teach[For certificates higher than second rank, a full know ers. ledge of all the educational statutes and regulations is required.) tion. (b) The intimations in the two latest Journals of Educa (c) The proper keeping of the School Register, the making out of neat and accurate School Returns, and knowledge of all the ordinary forms required by school boards (trustees) in administering the affairs of the section. 2. Theory and Practise of Teaching. Calkin's "Notes on Education." (Mackinlay). 3. Hygiene and Temperance. Lyster's "School Hygiene" (Univ. Tutorial Press). The Education Act Regulations, and the text books prescribed for the public schools. 4. School Management. Lectures on Teaching, by Sir Joshua Fitch (MacMillan Co.) 5. History of Education. Monroe's "Brief Course" (MacMillan Co.) 6. Pedagogy. Bagley's The Educative Process (MacMillan Co.) For Third Rank M. P. Q.-An aggregate of 150 on 1, 2 and 3, with no subject below 40 per cent. For Second Rank M. P. Q.-An aggregate of 200 on 1, 2, 3 and 4, with no subject below 45 per cent. For First Rank M. P. Q.-An aggregate of 300, on 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, with no subject below 50 per cent. For Superior First Rank M. P. Q.-An aggregate of 360 on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, with no subject below 55 per cent. For Academic Rank M. P. Q.-An aggregate of 390 on full syllabus with no subject below 60 per cent. The M. P. Q. Examination may now be passed by partial examinations in more than one year; but in these cases, every paper for a Third rank pass must be at least up to 55; for Second rank 60; for First rank 65; for Superior rank First 70, and for Academic rank 75. Papers valued at these percentages need not be written at a subsequent examination for the respective ranks. 117. The Provincial Normal College at Truro is recognized as the appropriate source of certificates of professional qualification for public school teachers, but the certificates of other Normal or teachers' training schools whose curricula may be satisfactorily shown to the Council to be at least the equivalent of those of the Provincial Normal College, may be accepted when qualified by the addition of the three following conditions; (a) a pass certificate of the Provincial "minimum" professional qualification examination of the corresponding rank, (b) a certificate of a Public School Inspector before whom or under whose supervision the candidate has demonstrated by the test of actual teaching for a sufficient period his or her qualifications for the class of license sought, and (c) the prescribed certificate for Physical Training. In the case of candidates whose course of professional training had been completed before the grade of scholarship necessary for the class of license afterwards applied for was obtained, no license shall be issued until after the lapse of a year from the date of the certificate of high school grade required for the said license, except in the case of the promotion of trained first class teachers. 118. The prescribed certificate of age and character is given in the following blank form of application for license, which will be supplied to candidates by the Education Department thru the Inspectors or the Principal of the Normal College: Form of Application for a Teachers' License. To...... Inspector of Schools, Division No.... Nova Scotia. I hereby beg leave thru you to make application to the Council of Public Instruction for a Teachers' License of Class... ....and herewith I present evidence of compliance with the conditions prescribed, namely:— I. The prescribed certificate of age, character and health hereto attached which I affirm to be true. .obtained at.. II. My certificate of high school grade. Examination Station as No....... in the year 19.. (Further information below). III. My certificate of professional qualification of........ Rank No... obtained at. .19......in the month of IV. The prescribed certificate for Physical Training, No.......obtained at .date.... (Name in full) . . . (Post Office Address). Date.... |