85 j 120' JOURNAL OF EDUCATION BEING THE SEMI-ANNUAL SUPPLEMENT TO THE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER PUBLIC WORKS AND MINES, PRINTED BY Wm. MacnaB & SON, 7-9-11 BEDFORD ROW, HALIFAX, N. S. THIRD SERIES, Vol. X............No. 1-(Total No. 157.) SECOND SERIES: October, 1878, to August, 1892; XII Vols., 29 Nos. FIRST SERIES: September, 1866, to August, 1877; 73 Nos. OFFICIAL I.-The JOURNAL OF EDUCATION shall be published semiannually, in the months of April and October respectively, and shall continue to be the medium of Official Notices in connexion with the Depart ment of Education. II.-The JOURNAL, which is the Semi-annual Supplement of the Education Report, will be furnished gratuitously, according to law, to each Inspector, Chairman of Commissioners and Board of Trustees; and will be supplied to other parties wishing it at the rate of ten cents a сору. III.-Each Secretary of Trustees is instructed and required to file and preserve the successive numbers of the JOURNAL for the benefit of his fellow Trustees and the Teacher or Teachers of his section, and their successors, and to inform his associates in office, and the Teacher or Teachers, of its receipt, so soon thereafter as may be convenient. COUNCIL OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. 370.5 NOV Hon. G. H. Murray, K. C., LL. D., Premier and Provincial Secretary. Hon. E. H. Armstrong, K.Č., M.P. P., Minister Public Works & Mines, 1996-Hon. H. H. Wickwire, M. P. P., Minister of Highways. Hon. Jason M. Mack, K. C., M. L. C. Hon. G. E. Faulkner, M. P. P. EDUCATION OFFICE. A. H. MacKay, LL. D., F. R. S. C., Hon. Colonel, Superintendent of Education and Secretary of Council of Public Instruction. Geo, W. T. Irving, Secretary. H. R. Shinner, B. A., Chief Clerk. Miss P. E. Banfield, Stenographer. INSPECTORIAL DIVISIONS, WITH NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF Division No. 1, the City and County of Halifax-Graham Creighton, B.A, Halifax. Division No. 2, the Counties of Lunenburg and Queens-H. H. MacIntosh, Lunenburg. Division No. 3, the Counties of Shelburne and Yarmouth-C. Stanley Bruce, Shelburne. Division No. 4, the Counties of Digby and Annapolis-Mayhew C. Foster, M. A., Bridgetown. Division No. 5, the County of Kings and Hants West-Ernest W. Robinson, B. A., Canning. Division No. 6, the Counties of Antigonish and Guysboro-A. G. Macdonald, A. M., Antigonish. Division No. 7, the County of Richmond and Inverness South- M. J. T. Macneil, B. A., River Bourgeois. Division No. 8, the County of Victoria and Inverness North-James MacKinnon, Whycocomagh. Division No. 9, the County of Pictou-E. L. Armstrong, Pictou. Division No. 10, the County of Cumberland-F. G. Morehouse, B. Sc., Amherst. Division No. 11, the County of Cape Breton-T. M. Phelan, A. M., LL. B., North Sydney. Division No. 12, the County of Colchester and Hants East-W. R. Campbell, M. A., Truro. L. A. d'Entremont, West Pubnico, Special Visitor of Acadian Schools. 291186 |