(3) Candidates shall provide themselves with pens, pencils, mathematical instruments, rulers, ink, blotting paper, and a supply of good, heavy foolscap paper of the size thirteen inches by eight. (4) Candidates may write upon both sides of their paper. When more sheets than one are used they must be fastened together. Each sheet should bear the candidate's grade and number. In order to secure high values from examiners, neat writing and clear concise answers are much more important than extent of space covered or the number of words used. (5) Each such paper must be exactly folded; First by doubling bottom to top of page, pressing the fold (paper now 6 by 8 inches); next by doubling again in the same direction pressing the fold flat so as to give the size 3 by 8 inches. (6) Finally, the paper must be exactly indorsed as follows:-A neat line should be drawn across the end of the the folded paper one-half inch from its upper margin. Within this space 34 inches by inch, there must be written in very distinct characters, 1st, the Roman letters indicating the grade; 2nd, a vacant parenthesis of at least one inch within which the Deputy-Examiner shall afterwards place the private symbol indicating the station; 3rd, the candidate's number. Immediately underneath this space and close to it should be neatly written the title or subject of the paper. For example, candidate No. 18 writing for Grade XI on Algebra should indorse his paper as shown below: (7) The subject, title, grade and candidate's number may be written within over the commencement of the paper also; but any sign or writing meant to indicate the candidate's name, station or personality may cause the rejection of the paper before it is even sent to the examiners. (8) Any attempt to give or receive information, even should it be unsuccessful, the presence of books or notes on the person of a candidate or within his reach during examination, will constitute a violation of the examination rules, and will justify the DeputyExaminer in rejecting the candidate's papers, and dismissing him from further attendance. No dishonest person is entitled to a provincial certificate or teacher's license. And where dishonesty at examination is proven, provincial certificates already obtained and licenses based on them will be cancelled. (9) It is not necessary for candidates to copy papers on account of erasures or corrections made upon them. Neat corrections or cancellings of errors will allow a paper to stand as high in the estimation of the examiner as if half the time were lost in copying it. Answers and results without the written work necessary to find them will be assumed to be only guesses and will be valued accordingly. Candidate should not repeat the words of the question. The number of the question placed at the beginning of your answer to it, is sufficient. (10) Candidates are forbidden to ask questions of the Deputy-Examiner with respect to typographical or other errors which may sometimes occur in examination questions. The examiner of the paper alone will be the judge of the candidate's ability as indicated by his treatment of the error. No candidate will suffer for a blunder not his own. (11) Candidates desiring to speak to the DeputyExaminer will hold up the hand. Communications between candidates at examination even to the extent of passing a ruler or making signs is a violation of the rules. Any such necessary communication can be held thru the Deputy-Examiner only. (12) Candidates should remember that the Deputy-Examiner cannot overlook a suspected violation of the rules of examination without violation of his oath of office. No consideration of personal friendship or pity can therefore be expected to shield the guilty or negligent. (13) Candidates intending to apply for license upon a record made at this examination, should fill in a form of application for such license as is expected. The Deputy-Examiner is provided with blank forms for those who do not already have them. The applicant should have his certificate of age and character correctly made out and signed, and should fill in the number, station and year of any previous examination he has taken, whether he has been successful in obtaining a certificate thereon or not. He should also fill in his number, station, etc. and grade of certificate or rank of M. P. O. expected. This latter should be placed in brackets, which will be understood to mean that it is not yet obtained but is expected to be obtained. (14) All candidates will be required to fill in and sign the following certificate at the conclusion of the examination, to be sent in with the last paper-written by them. CERTIFICATE. Examination Station.... .Date... . June, 192.. Candidate's No. ( > I truly and solemnly affirm that in the present examination I have not used or had in the Examination Room any book, printed paper, portfolio, manuscript, or notes of any kind, bearing on any subject of examination; that I have neither given aid to, nor sought nor received aid from, any fellow-candidate; that I have not wilfully violated any of the rules, but have performed my work honestly and in good faith. Name in full without contraction in any of its parts. P. O. to which certificate is to be sent. (Full address). (Be sure to give County). Candidates will please fill in names and grades of Foreign Languages Papers written by them. Also M. P. Q. papers. Foreign Languages Papers written. M. P. Q. Papers written at this examination... M. P. Q. Papers written at previous examination..... (Give your year and station.) NOTE. By Foreign Languages is meant Latin, Greek, French, German. [To be intimated annually in the April Journal]. Thursday, 23 June. 2 to 3.30 p. m. 3. Drawing and Book keeping. 3.30 to 5 p. m. 4. Geography and His tory. Fri. 24 June. 9 to 11 a. m. 5. Mathematics. 2 to 3.30 p. m. 6. General Knowledge. 1. READING to be examined at the end of each session, or whenever found most convenient by the Principal. (b) TIME TABLE. |