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"The washing of regeneration."




1. There is

a fount-ain filled with blood, Drawn from Im-man - uel's veins, sin-ners plunged be-neath that flood, [Omit...


THEN said the Interpreter to the Damsel that first opened unto them, "Take them and have them into the garden for bath, and then wash them, and make them clean from the soil which they have gathered from traveling." Then Innocent the Damsel took them, and had them into the garden. So she told them that there they must wash and be clean, for so her master would have the women to do, that called at his house who were going on pilgrimage. They then went in and washed, and came out of that bath not only sweet and clean, but much enlivened and strengthened in their joints. So when they came in they looked fairer a deal than when they went out to the washing.

2 The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day;

And there may I, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins away.

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(NEW) "I will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it."


1. He hath giv'n me a gem, as a token so rare, In my bo - som I've placed it for

THEN said the Interpreter again to the damsel that waited upon these women, "Go into the vestry, and fetch out garments for these people." So she went and fetched out white raiment, and laid it down before him; so he commanded them to put it on; it was fine linen, white and clean. When the women were thus adorned, they seemed to be a terror one to the other; for that they could not see that glory each one had in herself, which they could see in each other. Now therefore they began to esteem each other better than themselves. For, "You are fairer than I," said one; and," "You are more comely than I," said another. The children also stood amazed, to see into what fashion they were brought.

The Interpreter then called for a man-servant of his, one Great-heart, and bid him take sword, and helmet, and shield, and, "Take these, my daughters," said he, "conduct them to the house called Beautiful, at which place they will rest next."

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3 And oft when my day-dreams draw nigh to a close,
And I sigh for the calm of the evening's repose,
How sweet is the solace, when left all alone,
Which is mine when I gaze on my beautiful stone.

4 And this blest bond of union is promis'd the same
To all who will love and believe on his name;
Ah! who would not covet a token so rare,
In their bosom to place it for safe-keeping there.

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"While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

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BUT again, in order to pardon by deed, there must something be paid to God as a price, as well as something prepared to cover us withal. Sin has delivered us up to the just curse of a righteous law: now from this curse we must be justified by way of redemption, a price being paid for the harms we have done; and this is by the blood of our Lord, who came and stood in your place and stead, and died your death for your transgressions. Thus has he ransomed you from your transgressions by blood, and covered your polluted and deformed souls with righteousness, Rom. 8: 34, for the sake of which God passeth by you, and will not hurt you when he comes to judge the world, Gal. 3: 13.

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