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"When spring came on with bud and bell,
Among these rocks did I
Before you hang my wreaths to tell
That gentle days were nigh!
And in the sultry summer hours,
I sheltered you with leaves and flowers!
And in my leaves, now shed and gone,
The linnet lodged, and for us two
Chanted his pretty songs, when you
Had little voice or none.


"But now proud thoughts are in your breastWhat grief is mine you see.

Ah! would you think even yet how blest

Together we might be !

Though of both leaf and flower bereft,

Some ornaments to me are left

Rich store of scarlet hips is mine,

With which I in my humble way,
Would deck you many a winter day,
A happy eglantine."


What more he said I cannot tell,

The stream came thundering down the dell

With aggravated haste:

I listened, nor aught else could hear;
The briar quaked-and much I fear,
Those accents were his last.

W. Wordsworth.


High-land-er glen frequent-ly




hes-i-ta-tion cat-a-ract ex-ten-sive

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A shepherd, who lived in one of those valleys or glens which lie amongst the Grampian Mountains, happened one day when he was going out to look after his flock, to take his little child with him. It was quite young, being only three years old, but the Highlanders are very fond of taking their children with them, for the sake of making them accustomed to the severe cold of the climate there. After walking about his pastures for some time, followed everywhere by his dog, the shepherd found he must climb up a part of the mountain a little farther off, in order to get a more extensive view of his range. As he was sure it would be much too tiring for the child to go with him, he left him on a little plain at the bottom, with strict orders not to stir from the spot till his return. Scarcely, however, had he reached the summit, than all around became darkened by one of

those heavy mists coming on, which so frequently come on suddenly in these mountains, and which in the space of a few minutes seem to turn day into night. The anxious father instantly hurried back to find his child; but it was so very dark, and he was in such a state of fear about it, that he unfortunately lost his way; and after looking for it for several hours in vain, he discovered he had reached the bottom of the valley and was very near his own cottage. It was no use going back, for the thick mist made every step of the way difficult and dangerous; and to add to his troubles, he found he had also lost his dog, which had been a faithful servant to him for many years. Next morning, at break of day, the shepherd and all his neighbours set out again in search of his child; but after searching far and wide over the mountain all day long, he was again obliged to return home at night, without finding any trace of the child. On returning to the cottage, he found that the dog which he had lost the day before had been home, and on receiving a piece of cake had instantly gone off again. For several successive days the shepherd went thus in search of the child, and still on returning disappointed in the evening, he found that the dog had been home, and on receiving his usual allowance of cake, had instantly disappeared. Struck by this strange circumstance, he remained at home one day, and when the dog as usual departed with his piece of cake, he resolved to follow him, and find out what made him behave so oddly. The dog led the way to a waterfall at some distance from the place where the shepherd had left his child. The

banks of the cataract almost joined at the top, yet separated by an abyss of immense depth, presented that appearance which so often astonishes and terrifies travellers in the Grampian Mountains.* Down one of these rugged and almost perpendicular descents, the dog began without any hesitation to make his way, and at last disappeared by entering into a cave, the mouth of which was almost level with the torrent. The shepherd with great difficulty followed; but on entering the cave, what were his feelings, when he saw his little boy eating with much pleasure the cake which the dog had just brought him, while the faithful animal sat by, watching his young charge with the greatest pleasure. From the situation in which the young child was found, it appeared that he had wandered to the edge of the precipice, and then either fallen, or scrambled down till he reached the cave. The dog by means of his scent had traced the child to the spot, and had afterwards prevented him from starving, by giving up 'to him his own daily allowance. He appears never to have quitted the child by night or day, except when it was necessary to go for food, and then he was always seen running with the greatest speed to and from the cottage.

Percy Anecdotes.

The Grampian Hills are in Scotland, and stretch across the widest part of the country from south-west to north-east. The highest of them is Ben Macdhui, 4300 feet high. The word Ben means mountain.


e-ter-nit-y pro-cras-tin-ate





Make use of time, if thou lovest eternity; know yesterday cannot be recalled, to-morrow cannot be assured; to-day is only thine; which if thou procrastinate, thou losest; which lost, is lost for ever. One to-day is worth two to-morrows.


74.—THE STAGE COACH (Riding on the Sofa.)

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Come, now let us take a journey,

That costs neither trouble nor care;





What if where we are going we know not,

Nor if we shall ever get there

What matter? the road is so pleasant,

And we pay not a heavy fare!

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