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line creature, while she is four. Therefore, four is able to compass, or contain within its radius, three.

Woman may be represented by the square (four lines). Man may be represented by the triangle (three lines). Three and four do not balance, and never have. There has not been universal harmony or balance between them, for man has never considered woman his equal until very recently.

But man is "coming off his high horse," and the scales will soon balance.

All down the ages man has considered himself the "lord of all creation." The "spare rib" which he so condescendingly parted with in the so-called "beginning" unbalanced him entirely. He considered himself superior to woman and has continued to do so to the "end of the world," or "whorl of activity"—the activity or manifestation of the solar system in the last or previous sign, that representing the water age.

During the water age man conquered the water—inventions pertaining to water were perfected, etc., etc.

To return to the mathematical equation of man and


The three dimensions or lines of man that can be shown on a physiological chart are the creative centers of the brain, the solar plexus and the sex organs. Woman also possesses the creative centers of brain, solar plexus and sex organs; but she also possesses another, and in a way the most wonderful of all—the breast that nourishes infant man. This is the fourth dimension or line. These imaginary lines are at equal distances from each other. Work this out for yourselves on the chart and you will never forget it.

In the triangle drawn to represent man we find the eye, also. This is a well-known Masonic symbol.

See "The Rib-lah that made the Wom(b)an.”


"He that saveth his life shall lose it."—Mark 8:35.

HE above sentence does not ring true and is not


A Greek professor recently went to Oxford, England, for the sole purpose of looking into the Greek text in regard to this seeming inconsistency. (Also Luke 16:9. See below.)

The discovery was made that the letter N (from nun, meaning a fish), was omitted, also the letter O, and that a correct translation reads: "He that saveth his life shall loosen it," etc.

The seed, in the fable, or Jesus, said: "I am the way, the truth and the life," etc. Therefore, he that saveth his life (Seed) shall loosen it so that it may enter the "Strait and narrow way," etc. This strait is the Spinal Cord. As has already been written, "I am the bread of life." Again, "Cast thy bread upon the waters"—i. e., the strait. Cast thy bread upon the water exactly harmonizes with "Loosen it."

Luke 16:9: "And I say unto you, make unto yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that when ye fail they may receive you into everlasting habitations."

Literally the statement would nullify all the teaching of Jesus, and it is simply amazing that the so-called Christian world has so largely ignored it. However, a few critics from the orthodox ranks, not being at all satisfied with the rendering, have tried, in various ways, to reconcile the paradox, and to that end several pamphlets may be found in the theological departments of our colleges and universities.

Here is the explanation by a Greek scholar:

"Make unto your self other friends than those who worship the mammon of unrighteousness," etc.

Accepting the New Testament error, without question accounts for the great anxiety shown by churches of all denominations to secure the financial support of the wealthy, whether they be vital Christians, in belief, or nominally so. Proof of which may be seen in the end of the world, or age, nominally dominated by so-called Christianity.

Many worshipers of the mammon of unrighteousness exhibited much more horror over the destruction of costly cathedrals by the Huns than they did at the rape of women and slaughter of children by the Germans in Belgium, or murders by the sinking of the Lusitania.

Nothing can survive this "Day of Judgment" except it be founded upon the Truth, which liveth and reigneth forevermore.




N Physiological Chart the solar plexus, a round body of tissue ganglion, may be plainly seen. Attached to the SUN (center) is a body called semi-lunar ganglion (half moon), which is attached to the vertebra and spinal cord. A median line (across the center of body) will divide these organs, half above the line, half below.

The upper halves of the sun and moon vibrate for spiritual man and the lower half for natural, or animal man. "There is a natural and a spiritual body."—Paul. Now Joshua, the seed, on its way to the pineal gland is made to say, "Sun, stand thou still on Gibeon."

Gibeon means a mound or elevation. So the seed (Joshua, a fish), commands the animal vibration of solar (sun) plexus to stand still, i. e., cease to continue to dominate the spiritual forces, "while I slay my enemies"— that is, the animal blood that predominates in carnal thought.

"And thou moon in the valley of Ajalon."

Ajalon means a "valley in Bethlehem," says a Bible dictionary.

Bethlehem—the house of bread: the seed is the bread. Whoever conquers sex desire commands the sun and moon to stand still.

Who can do this?

"With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matt. 19th chapter.

Therefore, all can succeed by asking help from the "Most High.

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. A cloud of witnesses may be found to substantiate the statement made above that the sun and moon in the Joshua story refer to the solar plexus and semi-lunar ganglion.

Eph. in Hebrew is prefix to many words meaning the

centre or middle. It is defined in Smith's Bible Dictionary under the name Eph-ah, as "First in order of the sons of Midian, i. e., strife or contention between Michael and Apollyon occurs in the center of the body where the animal continually fights the upper force that seeks to lift up and regenerate the animal or natural man.

Ephah also means weight (measure or balance, Libra, the scales).

Again, E-phes-dammin, "boundary of animal blood." "I fought with wild beasts at Ephesus."—Paul.

Ephesians are the children of Ephesus, the solar plexus, therefore the seed. Paul the still small voice, or intuition, redeeming (lifting up).

The seeds constitute Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. Once more: "Eph-raim is joined to his idols; let him alone."

This epigram defines the physical man, "Dead in trespass and sin"—one who cannot be awakened by reasoning with him.

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