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(See Astrological Chart)

ACOB means "heel-catcher," hence circle. The name Jacob, or Jacob's ladder, is applied to the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and the sign Aries, the head, and Pisces, the feet, represent the point of contact, the place where the circle joins.

In his dream Jacob saw the heavens open and God let down a ladder, and the angels (angles) of God descending and ascending upon it. God promised him that his seed should be as the dust of the earth, and in him all families of the earth should be blessed. God promised to be with him and to bring him again to the land whereon the promise was made.

On awakening from his sleep Jacob said, "This is none other but the house of God and this is the gate of heaven." The name of the place was called Bethel (House of the Sun). And Jacob promised to give onetenth of all that he should receive, unto the Lord. (See Tithes).

This story is one of the most remarkable and significant of all of the Biblical allegories, since it must be applied cosmically as well as microcosmically. It represents the solar plexus in man—and the zodiac in the solar system.

We can easily understand the meaning of Jacob's journey, and how, in process of time he came to Mount Peniel (pineal gland) where he wrestled with the angel of God, who blessed him and changed his name to Israel. He had then come again to the place from which he had startedfor he had again seen God face to face. It means that the circle was complete—Jacob had caught hold of his own heel.

The bread that he was to eat was the seed born or formed in the center of the circle—the solar plexus, and,

of course, stands for the cosmic sun also, the savior of the world. This bread or seed was to become the savior of the Adam-man.

It is very evident that the "Old" Testament referred more especially to the cosmic processes; the "New" Testament to those same processes within man, since "as above, so below." There is nothing in the universe that is not within man.

Jacob was commanded to go and seek out Laban (white) and to marry one of his daughters. Therefore, the circle of the Zodiac proceeded to that part of the heavens called the "milky way," and Jacob came upon the daughters of Laban, tending the "flocks." He loved Rachel, for she was beautiful, and he agreed to serve seven years in order to possess her. When the time was up the "marriage" took place, but Jacob found that he had been given Leah, instead of the bride he so desired. The excuse that was given was that Leah was the eldest and hence must be married off first.

Rachel refers to the planet Venus and Leah to the planet Mars. We are told that Leah had "weak eyes," we know that Mars is called the "fiery-eyed." Venus represents love and beauty. Mars also stands for activity, and nothing could be accomplished on this earth by human beings, if there was no active force in manifestation.

Mars has been referred to principally as the planet of war, but we feel that it will not be long before the real nature of Mars will become known. Then will humanity realize that the same force that is manifested in war and brutality may be transmuted and used in numberless ways for the benefit of humanity. If mankind would use the same amount of force and energy in doing constructive, instead of destructive work, we would soon see Mars through rose-colored glasses, instead of those colored blood-red. Mars means activity, forcefulness, not necessarily war or bloodshed. Another great war has been prophesied because very great activity of Mars is shown, astrologically; but the world is weary, sick unto death of




OUSES of the Zodiac represented by the twelve children of Jacob (same as Israel).

Benjamin, the thirteen, the Son of the Sun, is Jesus, the fish or seed.

Hebrew, Persian and Syrian names of each house, month or sign.


1st Month: April, Aries

2nd Month: May, Taurus

3rd Month: June, Gemini 4th Month: July, Cancer 5th Month: August, Leo

6th Month: September, Virgo

7th Month: October, Libra


NISAN: March-April (New

day, Passover, Exodus) ZIF: April-May (Flower month, beauty)

SIVAN: May-June (Moon)
TAMMUZ: June-July
AB: July-August

ELUL: August-September

(To glean the vine)

ETHANIM: September-October (Perennial)

8th Month: November, Scorpio BUL: October-November


9th Month: December, SagittariusCHISLEU: November-December (From Aram, Mars, Orion)

10th Month: January, Capricorn TEBETH: December - Janu

11th Month: February, Aquarius

12th Month: March, Pisces

ary (Winter)

SEBAT: January-February

ADAR: February-March

13th or Intercalary Month: VEADAR. (See article on Leap Year.)

As Leah and Rachel, or Mars and Venus, represent activity and love, they also stand for the median line of the Zodiac, for Libra and Aries are ruled by these two planets. Also, these two planets are represented in the head of man, Mars ruling Aries, the upper brain, the Almighty, the creator of all, and Venus ruling Taurus, as represented by the cerebellum. The head and the neck rule the body of man. The Adam-man, Taurus or Venus, rules it if he has become awakened, when he then becomes the Lord God from heaven, for God is Love. Activity works along wisdom's ways.

Aries and Taurus, represented by Gad and Asher, are the two "lost" tribes referred to by so-called Bible students. Lost tribes are not mentioned in the Bible text. They were never lost, but because they are not mentioned many times in connection with the other tribes, or children of Israel, they were supposed to have been lost. As they are located in the cerebrum and cerebellum, that part of the anatomy which is separated from the torso, we can easily understand the supposition that they were lost. Aries and Taurus are the two tribes that lay down the law to the other ten. If the individual lives in excess, saves no seed or oil, these two most important parts of the body do become "dead" in trespass and sin, and we say he died of "softening of the brain."

Leah and Rachel, then represent the divisions of the zodiac. From these two wives (and hand-maids) the children, or signs of the zodiac, were produced. These twelve are again divided into the seven and the five. "The seven representing the lunar forces, or seven pneumata, being differentiations of the 'Great Breath' or 'World Mother,' and symbolized by the Moon. The signs are Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn."—Pryse.

"The five solar forces which pertain to the cerebrospinal system, called the five pranas, or vital airs, or life winds," are represented by Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Pisces and Aquarius."—Pryse.

"The four divinities of the zodiac are represented by the Lion, the Bull, the Man and the Eagle.—Pryse. The names of the children of Jacob, or Israel, are

given on chart herewith. Benjamin, the only one born in the promised land. In Arabia, the blest, was Benjamin, the last and thirteenth.

The trials and tribulations of the children of Israel typify the struggle for self-mastery—the harmonizing of all the forces of the body.

The twelve dorsal vertebrae are also esoterically connected with each one of the nerves, ramifying to the solar plexus.

The Hebrew and Syrian names for the different months are also given on the chart.

The youngest child, Benjamin, at whose birth Rachel died, was the Beloved, the tender one, the little one, the Ark which the Israelites carried with them on their great journey.

Rachel died and her "grave is there to this day." Yea, verily in every human being—the seed—pod, the solar plexus center. (See article on Leap Year):

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