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rarenal glands, situated near the kidneys, that connect the spinal cord at the twelfth dorsal vertebra with the solar plexus, in the body of an infant, yet it is quite probable, if not certain, that the vestigal form, power and potency is implanted there at birth.

When the boy or girl reaches "about twelve," the semilunar and the manger (or nun) in Bethlehem is in full function, and hence Jeremiah's declaration.

It is evident that the fluids, creative, omnipotent, flowing "Out of Eden to water the garden" (Gen. 2:10), creates a new thing in the earth—the body, about that age, using the rib-lah to make the woman or wom (b) an, or womb in mankind—male or female.

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This womb does compass circle a man (child-seed), "The seed is the Son of man." Again, "Know ye not that the Son of man hath power in earth to forgive sin?" Analysis of "man," according to the Jewish Kaballah, reveals the fact that M, the thirteenth letter of the alphabet, means woman, mother, and is written thus, "mem." A, the first letter—Aleph, means father or male strength or forces.

Nun, the fourteenth letter of the alphabet, means fruit, son, child, savior that redeems, therefore, man is mother, first (or Mary), then father, then son-redeemer, hence destined to be ultimately saved.

The sun and moon (see Joshua commanding the sun to stand still) and the pneumogastric or vagus nerve, the spinal cord and all that portion of the body above the median line, the "Middle wall of partition," is exactly the same in man and woman, and the functions in the "kingdom," in each body, enables them, separately and alone, to "work out their own salvation, or secretions. Joseph and Mary), the pineal gland and pituitary body, both in one human organism, thus; "In my kingdom (saith the seed), there is no marrying nor giving in marriage."


Note: Rib-lah, the eastern boundary of Israel: The back is called the East, front, West; feet, South (down South), head, North (up north), hence the semilunar ganglion is East of Israel, the regenerative womb in man. See chart.

According to Hindu secret writings, God took a rib out of the female to make the male. Literally speaking, this idea would be much more reasonable than a literal rendering of the passage in Genesis.

"A woman hid a little leaven in a bag of meal and it leavened the whole lump."

Woman, or the womb in man, the upper or regenerative womb. Leaven, or yeast, the seed that comes forth from the womb in man, expands or causes the oil in the spinal cord (the "bag of meal"), to multiply. See loaves and fishes in the gospel. Also "Give one-tenth (tithes) to the Lord."

No wonder David—the Seed—is made to say of the man whose delight is in God: "And in thy law will I meditate day and night.




"Conceived in sin and brought forth in iniquity."

NOISELESS, patient spider,

I mark'd, where, on a little promontory, it stood, isolated;

Mark'd how, to explore the vacant, vast surrounding,

It launch'd forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself;
Ever unreeling them—ever tirelessly speeding them.

"And you, O my soul, where you stand,

Surrounded, surrounded, in measureless oceans of space,

Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing—seeking the spheres, to connect them;

Till the bridge you will need, be form'd—till the ductile anchor hold;

Till the gossamer thread you fling, catch somewhere, O my soul."
—Walt Whitman.

"O Man of Earth, watch well the steps thou findest,
Spread out before thy feet by cosmic plan;
Do thy soul's best, with body and with mind,

To pay thy debt, and bridge this Karmic Span."
—Edith F. A. U. Painton.

The statement of Holy Writ, that "man is conceived in sin and brought forth in iniquity" has a three-fold meaning, viz., chemical, physiological and astrological. The real meaning in the original is, that the human embryo remains nine months in the female laboratory, thus falling short three months of completing a solar or soul year. It also represents the journey of the ego from the moon to earth, or conception. Twelve, which represents the circle and stands for completion.

The word sin comes from Schin, the twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and means to fall short of completeness, or understanding, wisdom. In the Tarot symbol, S, or Sin, is represented by the "Blind Fool," one lacking in wisdom, "Brought forth in iniquity" is merely a repetition of the words "born in sin." Iniquity and

inequity or unequal, mean the same. The ancient Hebrews called Moon, Sin, because it gave light only part of the time.

To acquire wisdom that will enable the Ego in flesh to build a bridge across the three-month gap, or space between the point of conception and birth, is the one real problem that confronts the ego on the material plane of expression. The alchemists, seers and astrologians of all ages have wrestled with this problem in their ceaseless endeavors to unravel the great mystery of man's dominion over flesh. Whether it be the chemist seeking new compounds, the physiologist searching and testing the fluids of the fearfully and wonderfully made body of man, the alchemist probing for the Elixir of Life—the Ichor of the Gods or the astrologian pulling and adjusting the etheric wires that criss-cross the spaces in an earnest desire to make good and sane the statement "The wise man rules his stars,"—all, all are seeking to span the awful space that yawns between the neophyte and the Promised Land of immortality in the body, where "in my flesh I shall see God," and when and where he can truly say with the regenerated Job, "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now mine eye seeth thee." Man must work out his own salvation.

The bridge to be built across the three-months space must have a mineral base or rock foundation. "Thou art Peter (petra, stone, or mineral), on thee will I build my church," etc. Church is from the second Hebrew letter, Beth, a house temple, or church. The human body is a house, temple, or church for the Soul which may be lost or saved by the higher self or spiritual ego residing in the cerebellum the "Secret Place of the Most High. "Know ye not that your bodies are the temple (church) of God?"

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There are twelve inorganic mineral cell-salts in the human body, and these minerals (stones in the temple) correspond in vibration to the twelve signs of the Zodiac. During the nine months of gestation the embryo receives and appropriates the creative energies of nine of these salts, leaving three to be supplied after the parting of the umbilical cord. Take for example a native born Febru

ary 22nd, with the Sun's entry into Pisces: The embryo, having begun its journey at the gate of Gemini and negotiated the nine gestatory signs, his blood vibration at birth is thus deficient in the qualities of Pisces, Aries and Taurus, as also in the chemical dynamics of phosphate of iron, phosphate of potassium and sulphate of sodium→ the mineral bases respectively of the signs of this uncompleted quadrant. In so far as his circulatory system may receive these needed builders, the health will be balanced and life prolonged.

The chemical union of these cell-salts with organic matter, such as oil, fibrin, albumen, etc., forms the various tissues of the body and administers to the physiological needs as represented by the Bridge, that the multiple cells may respond more harmoniously and completely to the magic touch of the Divine energy, just as the tones of a musical instrument are made the more melodious through a properly skilled manipulation. And as bridgebuilding in a mechanical sense depends upon the plans and specifications of a competent civil engineer, so does the Bridge of Life depend upon the astrologian to chart and compass the way.

Our diagram indicates at a glance the chemical formula that appertain respectively to the zodiacal divisions, but to give a clearer conception as regards their specific qualities and physiological action in relation to the various signs, reference may be had to the following compend:

The coming of Christ and the end of the world has been preached from every street corner for several years, and thousands are pledging themselves to try to live as Christ lived or according to their concept of His life.

No great movement of the people ever occurs without a scientific cause.

The Optic Thalamus, meaning "light of the chamber," is the inner or third eye, situated in the center of the head. It connects the pineal gland and the pituitary body. The optic nerve starts from this "eye single." "If thine eye be single, thy whole body will be full of light." The optic thalamus is the Aries planet and when fully developed through physical regeneration it lifts the initiate up from the Kingdom of Earth, animal desire below

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