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quality to entertain one approved by the presbytery for performing familyexercise. And in other families, where the head of the family is unfit, that another, constantly residing in the family, approved by the minister and session, may be employed in that service, wherein the minister and session are to be countable to the presbytery. And if a minister, by divine Providence, be brought to any family, it is requisite that at no time he convene a part of the family for worship, secluding the rest, except in singular cases especially concerning these parties, which (in Christian prudence) need not, or ought not, to be imparted to others.

V. Let no idler, who hath no particular calling, or vagrant person under pretence of a calling, be suffered to perform worship in families, to or for the same; seeing persons tainted with errors, or aiming at division, may be ready (after that manner) to creep into houses, and lead captive silly and unstable souls.

VI. At family-worship, a special care is to be had that each family keep by themselves; neither requiring, inviting, nor admitting persons from divers families, unless it be those who are lodged with them, or at meals, or otherwise with them upon some lawful occasion.

VII. Whatsoever have been the effects and fruits of meetings of persons of divers families in the times of corruption or trouble, (in which cases many things are commendable, which otherwise are not tolerable,) yet, when God hath blessed us with peace and purity of the gospel, such meetings of persons of divers families (except in cases mentioned in these Directions) are to be disapproved, as tending to the hinderance of the religious exercise of each family by itself, to the prejudice of the publick ministry, to the rending of the families of particular congregations, and (in progress of time) of the whole kirk. Besides many offences which may come thereby, to the hardening of the hearts of carnal men, and grief of the godly.

VIII. On the Lord's day, after every one of the family apart, and the whole family together, have sought the Lord (in whose hands the preparation of men's hearts are) to fit them for the publick worship, and to bless to them the publick ordinances, the master of the family ought to take care that all within his charge repair to the publick worship, that he and they may join with the rest of the congregation: and the publick worship being finished, after prayer, he should take an account what they have heard; and thereafter, to spend the rest of the time which they may spare in catechising, and in spiritual conferences upon the word of God: or else (going apart) they ought to apply themselves to reading, meditation, and secret prayer, that they may confirm and increase their communion with God: that so the profit which they found in the publick ordinances may be cherished and promoved, and they more edified unto eternal life.

IX. So many as can conceive prayer, ought to make use of that gift of God; albeit those who are rude and weaker may begin at a set form of prayer, but so as they be not sluggish in stirring up in themselves (according to their daily necessities) the spirit of prayer, which is given to all the children of God in some measure: to which effect, they ought to be more fervent and frequent in secret prayer to God, for enabling of their hearts to conceive, and their tongues to express, convenient desires to God for their family. And, in the mean time, for their greater encouragement, let these materials of prayer be meditated upon, and made use of, as followeth.

Let them confess to God how unworthy they are to come in his presence, "and how unfit to worship his Majesty; and therefore earnestly ask of God "the spirit of prayer.

"They are to confess their sins, and the sins of the family; accusing, "judging, and condemning themselves for them, till they bring their souls 66 to some measure of true humiliation.

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They are to pour out their souls to God, in the name of Christ, by the 'Spirit, for forgiveness of sins; for grace to repent, to believe, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly; and that they may serve God with joy "and delight, walking before him.


"They are to give thanks to God for his many mercies to his people, and

"to themselves, and especially for his love in Christ, and for the light of "the gospel.

"They are to pray for such particular benefits, spiritual and temporal, as "they stand in need of for the time, (whether it be morning or evening,) as "anent health or sickness, prosperity or adversity.

"They ought to pray for the kirk of Christ in general, for all the reformed "kirks, and for this kirk in particular, and for all that suffer for the name "of Christ; for all our superiors, the king's majesty, the queen, and their 66 children; for the magistrates, ministers, and whole body of the congrega"tion whereof they are members, as well for their neighbours absent in "their lawful affairs, as for those that are at home.

"The prayer may be closed with an earnest desire that God may be glori"fied in the coming of the kingdom of his Son, and in doing of his will, and "with assurance that themselves are accepted, and what they have asked "according to his will shall be done."

X. These exercises ought to be performed in great sincerity, without delay, laying aside all exercises of worldly business or hinderances, notwithstanding the mockings of atheists and profane men; in respect of the great mercies of God to this land, and of his severe corrections wherewith lately he hath exercised us. And, to this effect, persons of eminency (and all elders of the kirk) not only ought to stir up themselves and families to diligence herein, but also to concur effectually, that in all other families, where they have power and charge, the said exercises be conscionably performed. XI. Besides the ordinary duties in families, which are above mentioned, extraordinary duties, both of humiliation and thanksgiving, are to be carefully performed in families, when the Lord, by extraordinary occasions, (private or publick,) calleth for them.

XII. Seeing the word of God requireth that we should consider one another, to provoke unto love and good works; therefore, at all times, and specially in this time, wherein profanity abounds, and mockers, walking after their own lusts, think it strange that others run not with them to the same excess of riot; every member of this kirk ought to stir up themselves, and one another, to the duties of mutual edification, by instruction, admonition, rebuke; exhorting one another to manifest the grace of God in denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, and in living godly, soberly, and righteously in this present world; by comforting the feeble-minded, and praying with or for one another. Which duties respectively are to be performed upon special occasions offered by Divine Providence; as, namely, when under any calamity, cross, or great difficulty, counsel or comfort is sought; or when an offender is to be reclaimed by private admonition, and if that be not effectual, by joining one or two more in the admonition, according to the rule of Christ, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

XIII. And, because it is not given to every one to speak a word in season to a wearied or distressed conscience, it is expedient, that a person (in that case,) finding no ease, after the use of all ordinary means, private and publick, have their address to their own pastor, or some experienced Christian: but if the person troubled in conscience be of that condition, or of that sex, that discretion, modesty, or fear of scandal, requireth a godly, grave, and secret friend to be present with them in their said address, it is expedient that such a friend be present.

XIV. When persons of divers families are brought together by Divine Providence, being abroad upon their particular vocations, or any necessary occasions; as they would have the Lord their God with them whithersoever they go, they ought to walk with God, and not neglect the duties of prayer and thanksgiving, but take care that the same be performed by such as the company shall judge fittest. And that they likewise take heed that no corrupt communication proceed out of their mouths, but that which is good, to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers.

The drift and scope of all these Directions is no other, but that, upon the one part, the power and practice of godliness, amongst all the ministers and

members of this kirk, according to their several places and vocations, may be cherished and advanced, and all impiety and mocking of religious exercises suppressed: and, upon the other part, that, under the name and pretext of religious exercises, no such meetings or practices be allowed, as are apt to breed error, scandal, schism, contempt, or misregard of the publick ordinances and ministers, or neglect of the duties of particular callings, or such other evils as are the works, not of the Spirit, but of the flesh, and are contrary to truth and peace.





.Con. signifies the Confession of Faith. The first number denotes the Chapter, the following figures denote the Paragraphs.

Cat. signifies the Larger Catechism, and the figures denote the numbers of the Questions.


ACCEPTANCE. The persons of believers

are accepted as righteous in the sight of God only for the obedience and satisfaction of Christ, con. xi. 1. cat. 70. Which is imputed to them by God, and received by faith, con. xi. 1. cat. 70, 71, 72. How their good works are accepted in Christ, con. xvi. 6. Acceptance in prayer through Christ and his mediation, cat. 180. Access. No access unto the presence of God without the Mediator Jesus Christ, con. xii. cat. 39, 55, 181. Who hath purchased for believers under the gospel a greater boldness of access to the throne of grace, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of, con. xx. 1.

Actions. God orders and governs all the actions of his creatures by his most wise and holy providence, according to his infallible foreknowledge and immutable decree, con. v. 1. cat. 18. See Providence.. Actual sins proceed from the original corruption of nature, con. vi. 4. cat. 25. See Sin.

Admonition of the church, con. xxx. 4. Adoption, the nature and privileges of it, con. xii. cat. 74.

Adultery, a just ground of divorce, con. xxiv. 5, 6.

Aggravations of sin, cat. 151. Amen, the meaning of it, cat. 196. Angels, God's decree concerning them, con. iii. 3, 4. cat. 13. How created, cat. 16. God's providence towards them, cat. 19. They are all employed at his pleasure in the administrations of his power, mercy, and justice, ib. Not to be worshipped, con. xxi. 2. cat. 105.

Antichrist, what, con. xxv. 6. The Pope is Antichrist, ib.

Antiquity, no pretence for using the devices of men in the worship of God, cat. 109. Anxiety about the things of this life sinful, cat. 105, 136, 142.

The Apocrypha, not being of divine inspiration, is of no authority in the church, con. i. 3.

Immodest Apparel forbidden, cat. 139.
Ascension of Christ, con. viii. 4. cat. 53.
Assembly. See Councils.

Publick Assemblies for the worship of God not to be carelessly or wilfully neglected, con. xxi. 6.

Assurance of grace and salvation attainable in this life, con. xviii. 1, 2. cat. 80. Without extraordinary revelation, con. xviii. 3. cat. 80. Upon what it is founded, con. iii. 8. xviii. 2. cat. 80. It is strengthened by good works, con. xvi. 2. Believers may want it, con. xviii. 3. cat. 80, 172. They may have it diminished and intermitted; and be deprived of comfort, and the light of God's countenance, con. xi. 5. xvii. 3. xviii. 4. cat. 81. But they are never utterly destitute of that seed of God, and life of faith and love, &c. out of which assurance may, by the Spirit, be in due time revived, con. xviii. 4. cat. 81. And by which, in the mean time, they are supported from utter despair, ib. It is the duty of all to endeavour after assurance, con. xviii. 3. And to pray for it, cat. 194. The fruits of it; it inclines not to looseless, con. xviii. 3. Atheism, the denying or not having a God,

cat. 105.

Attributes of God, con. ii. 1, 2. cat. 7, 8, 101.


BAPTISM, what, con. xxviii, 1, 2. cat. 165. To continue to the end of the world, con. xxviii. 1. cat. 176, But once to be administered to any person, con. xxviii. 7. cat. 177. By whom, con. xxvii. 4. xxviii. 2. cat. 176. To whom, con. xxviii. 4. cat. 166. Dipping not necessary in baptism: But it may be rightly administered by sprinkling, con. xxviii. 3. Baptism not necessary to salvation, yet it is a sin to neglect it, con. xxviii. 5. The efficacy of it, con. xxviii. 6. How to be improved, cat. 167. Wherein it agrees with the Lord's supper, cat. 176. And wherein they differ, cat. 177.

Believers. See Faith, Justification, Acceptance, Adoption, Sanctification, Union, Communion, Liberty, Works, Perseverance, Assurance.

Benefits which the members of the invisible church enjoy by Christ, cat. 65. The benefits of Christ's mediation, cat. 57, 58. The body of Christ, how present in the sacrament, con. xxix. 7. cat. 170.

The mystical body of Christ. True believers are members of Christ's mystical body, con. xxix. i. cat. 168. Which is the whole number of the elect that have been, are, or shall be united to Christ as their head,

con. xxv. 1. What that union is, cat. 66. See Communion.

The Bodies of the elect after death, and at the resurrection, con. xxxii. 2, 3. cat. 86, 87. Of the wicked, b.

Lascivious books not to be read, cat. 139.


CALLING. See Effectual Calling. To have a lawful calling, and to be diligent in it, is a duty, cat. 141.

Vows of celibacy unlawful, con. xxii. 7. cat. 139.

Censures of the church, what, con. xxx. 2, 4. Their use, con. xxx. 3. Who are to be proceeded against by the censures of the church, con. xx. 4. xxix. 8. xxx. 2. They are to be managed according to the nature of the crime, and the demerit of the person, con. xxx. 4. Penitent sinners are to be absolved from censures, con. XXX. 2.

Censuring. Rash, harsh, and partial censuring sinful, cat. 145.

Ceremonial law. See Law.

Charity towards our neighbour, wherein it consists, cat. 135, 141, 144, 147. What contrary to it, cat. 136, 142, 145, 148. Giving and lending freely according to our ability, and the necessities of others, is a duty, con. xxvi. 2. cat. 141. Charms unlawful, cat. 113. Chastity, cat. 138.

Children that die in infancy, how saved, con. x. 3. The children of such as profess the true religion are members of the visible church, con. xxv. 2. cat. 62. And are to be baptized, con. xxviii. 4. cat. 166. Christ, why so called, cat. 42. Is the only Mediator between God and man, con. viii. 1. cat. 36. Who being very God, of one substance, and equal with the Father, con. viii. 2. cat. 11, 36. In the fulness of time became man, con. viii. 2. cat. 36, 37. The necessity of his being God and man, cat. 38, 39, 40. He was ordained by God from eternity to be Mediator, con. viii. 1. He was sanctified and anointed with the Holy Spirit to execute the office of Mediator, con. viii. 3. cat. 42. To which he was called by the Father, con. viii. 3. And willingly undertook and discharged it, con. iv. 8. By his perfect obedience and sacrifice of himself, he purchased reconciliation and eternal life for all the elect, con. viii. 5. cat 38. To whom, in all ages, the benefits of his mediation are effectually applied, con. viii. 6, 8. Christ's offices of prophet, priest, king, cat. 43, 44, 45. See Acceptance, Access, Body of Christ, Church, Death of Christ, Exaltation, Expiation, Humiliation, Imputation, Intercession, Judge, Merit, Messiah, Name of Christ, Personal Union, Propitiation, Reconciliation, Redemption, Resurrection, Righteousness, Sacrifice, Salvation, Satisfac tion, Surety.

Christian liberty. See Liberty.

The Church is the object of God's special providence, con. v. 7. cat. 63. Christ the only head of it, con. viii. 1. xxv. 6. The catholick church invisible, what, con. xxv. 1. cat. 64. Given to Christ from all eternity, con. viii. 1. The benefits which the members of it enjoy by Christ, cat. 65, 66, 69, 82, 83, 86, 90. The catholick

church visible, what, con. XXV. 2. cat. 62 Out of it no ordinary possibility of salva. tion, con. xxv. 2. Its privileges, con. xxv. 3. cat. 63. Particular churches more or less pure, con. xxv. 4. The purest suh ject to mixture and error, con. xxv. 5. There shall always be a church on earth to worship God according to his will, ib. Church-censures. See Censures. Church-government appointed by the Lord Jesus in the hand of church-officers, distinct from the civil magistrate, con. XXX. 1. cat. 45, 108. But they are not exempted from obedience to the magistrate, con. xxiii. 4. They have the power of the keys committed to them, con. xxx. 2. What that power is, and its use, con. xxx. 2, 3, 4. They are not to be opposed in the lawful exercise of their powers upon pretence of Christian liberty, con. xx. 4. See Councils. There are some circumstances concerning church-government, which are to be ordered by the light of nature and Christian prudence, according to the general rules of the word, con. i. 6. Circumcision, one of the ordinances by which the covenant of grace was admínistered unto the law, con. vii. 5. cat. 34. Civil magistrate, or civil powers. See Magistrate.

The Ten Commandments are the sum of the moral law, con. xix. 2. cat. 98. They are a perfect rule of righteousness, con. xix. 2. Rules for understanding them, cat. 99. The preface explained, cat. 101. The first Commandment, cat. 103-106. The second, cat. 107-110. The third, cat. 111-114. The fourth, cat. 115-121. The fifth, cat. 123-133. The sixth, cat. 134-136. The seventh, cat. 137-139. The eighth, cat. 140-142. The ninth, cat. 143-145. The tenth, cat. 146-148. The sum of the first four commandments, which contain our duty to God, cat. 102. The sum of the other six, which contain our duty to man, cat. 122. No man is able to keep the commandments of God perfectly, cat. 149. The Communion. See The Lord's Supper. Communion of Saints, wherein it consists, con. xxvi. 1, 2. The enjoyment of it is one of the privileges of the visible church, cat.


In the Lord's supper communicants testify their mutual love and fellowship each with other, cat. 168. That sacrament being a bond and pledge of believers' communion with Christ, and with each other, as members of his mystical body, con. xxix. 1. The communion of saints doth not infringe a man's property in his goods and possessions, con. xxvi. 3. Communion which the elect have with Christ, con. xxvi. 1. In this life, cat, 69, 83. Immediately after death, cat. 86. At the resurrection and day of judgment, cat. 87, 90. It is a consequence of their union with him, con. xxvi. 1. It doth not make them partakers of his Godhead, nor equal with him, con. xxvi. 3. It is confirmed in the Lord's supper, cat. 168. Unchaste company not to be kept, cat. 139. Nor corrupt communications to be used or listened to, ib.

Condition. Perfect, personal, and perpetual obedience, the condition of the covenant of works, con. vii. 2. xix. 1. cat. 20. God requires faith as the condition to interest

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