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"Foreign Office, May 6, 1813. My Lords-In consideration of complaints received from the Governs ment of Portagal, respecting certain seizures of Portuguese ships em ployed in carrying Slaves from the coast of Africa, I am commanded by his Royal Highness the Prince Re gent, to desire that your Lordships will be pleased to instruct his Ma jesty's craizers not to molest Portu guese ships carrying Slaves bona Aide on the account and risk of Por tuguese subjects, from ports of Africa belonging to the Crown of Portugal, to the Brazils: but by this instruction it is by no means intended that vessels, as hereafter described, should not be brought in for adjudication, viz.: →→→

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"1. A Portuguese ship bound from a Portuguese port in Africa, with a cargo of Slaves to any port not sub. ject to the Prince Regent of Portu^-gal. + 3 in par

2. Any Portuguese ship bound to, -or having taken her departure with a cargo of Slaves from, any port in "Africa, not under the dominion of the Crown of Portugal.

"3. Any Portuguese ship, the pro#perty on board of which, being a cargo of Slaves, is other than Portuguese.

4. Any ship whatever, laden with Slaves, wherein the ship or the Slaves are in whole, or in part, the property of a British subject, or of a citizen of the United States.

"5. Any ship bearing the Portuguese flag, which shall have been fitted up for the conveyance of Slaves at a British port, or of which the commander, or other superior officer, shall be a British subject, or citizen of the United States.

"In order to prevent any misapprehension of what is to be considered a Portuguese vessel, it will be necessary to add, that the 5th Article of the Treaty of Commerce with Portugal of 1810, which defines what shall be considered as a Portuguese ship, applies only to ships "claiming entry in British ports, under the favourable duties atipu

lated in that treaty: it was never intended to confine the trade of Portugal in all parts of the world to ships of that description, much less to expose to capture by that con struction of the treaty, on the high seas, all other ships claiming to be Portuguese.

"With respect to what is to be con sidered as Portuguese territory on the coast of Africa, your Lordships will be pleased to direct the naval officers to attend as strictly as pos sible to the tenor of the Tenth Article of the Alliance with Portugal, 1 until some further regulations shall be agreed upon between the two countries."

In Spanish America, the Slave Trade had been abolished by the Government of Buenos Ayres, and also by that of Chili.

The supreme national Congress of Chili resolved, on the 14th of October, 1814, That from this day forward no Slave shall be brought to Chili; and that all such as, being on their passage to countries where that hard law subsists, shall happen to stop for any reason, and shall remain in this kingdom for the space of six months, shall become and be held ipso facto free; that those who are at present in servitude shall remain in that condition, which they will be enabled to endure by habit

by the obvious difficulty of finding, on a sudden, the means of subsistence, without becoming a burden to the community,-by the good treatment which in general they receive from their masters, and, above all, by the consolation that their children, born from this day forward, will be free, which is expressly made an unalterable law.

On the 9th of April, 1812, it was decreed by the Government of Bugnos Ayres, that the introduction of Slaves was absolutely prohibited; that any ships having Slaves on board, which should be brought there within a year should be ordered to depart immediately; that if any should arrive after that time. the ships should be condemned, and

the Slaves declared free, The conclusion of the proclamation announcing this decree is remark able.

Citizens: The Government bas wished to mark the anniversary of the glorious epoch of your civil liberty with demonstrations worthy your sentiments and your virtues, Divine Providence openly protects the cause of humanity which we gloriously and honourably support. Fortune assists our projects, and Overthrows the vigilance and efforts of the tyrants. Every thing announces the speedy consolidation of our just system. Courage, union, patriotism, generosity, and confidence. The victory is ours!"

Besides this, all children born within the province of Buenos Ayres from and after the 1st of January, 1813, are declared free, and minute and judicious regulations have been promulgated for securing to such persons their freedom, and also for their education.

In the treaty between Great Bri tain and Denmark, an article has been introduced, stipulating for the entire Abolition of the Slave Trade. It appears that a considerable slave trade still exists on the north coast of Africa, whither the Slaves are brought from the interior, and thence exported to the islands and opposite continent of Europe,

On the occurrence of the revolution in Holland, the Directors suggested to his Majesty's Ministers the expediency of obtaining from that country a renunciation of the Slave Trade*.

The Directors, however, express their decided conviction that all these measures of partial abolition will produce little benefit to Africa, unless, at the general peace which was then expected, that trade shall be universally renounced by the powers of Europe.

The Directors have been anxious that effectual measures should be taken for meliorating the state of

This has since been happily efected, CHRIST, OBSERY. AVF.

the Slaves in the West Indies. As preliminary step to such measures, the House of Commons have called for copies of all the laws now in force in the different British Colonies.

The law for the registration of the Slaves in Trinidad has been car ried into complete effect. This measure, if extended to all our colonies, would operate more efficaciously than any other that could be adopt ed, both for preventing clandestine importations of Slaves, and for ame liorating the condition of those al ready in our islands.

Major Chisholm, the Commandant of Goree, states, that the Slave Trade was nearly at an end in that vicinity.

At Sierra Leone, Governor Maxwell had continued his strenuous and unremitting efforts for the suppression of the Slave Trade in that neighbourhood, and for the improvement of the Colony. The capture of an American privateer had put into his hands some persons by whose aid he hoped to erect a sawmill to go by water, and perhaps a mill for cleaning rice. The natives around the Colony were cultivating rice in considerable quantities; and if the means of cleaning it properly were procured, it might be expected to enter into competition with rice from India, and even from Carolina.

On the recommendation of the Directors, a Bill was brought into Parliament (which has since passed into a law) for allowing the privi lege of British registry to ships con demned for slave trading.

'The death of Mr. Granville Sharp, that early and strenuous labourer in the cause of African freedom, is mentioned by the Directors with suitable feelings of sympathy and respect. They have resolved to erect a monument in Westminster Abbey,which shall record his eminent services in the cause of humanity.

The Journals of Mr. Mungo Park and Isaaco are at length in the press. Mr. Murray of Albemarle Street,

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er has paid for the copy-right, for the 3 benefit of Mr. Park's family, a larger > sum than the Directors had allowed themselves to expect, but they trust 1 that the publie will amply compenersate his liberality.

1 The Rev. Blanco White, a native of Spain, has written, in the Spanish language, an able treatise on the Slave Trade, chiefly drawn from Mr. Wilberforce's Letter to his Constituents on that subject, intended to nlighten his countrymen with respect to its real nature. This the Directors intend to circulate in Spain, particularly among the members of the government and the clergy..

Dr. Dickson was then on the point of publishing (it has since been published) a work on the means of improving the state of the Slaves in the West Indies.


A variety of valuable seeds and plants have again been received from India, through the kindness of Dr. Roxburgh.

A legacy has been left to the Institution, by a Black Man, of the name of Martin, who died at Clifton, in September, 1813. The circumstances communicated to the Board by his executor, the Rev. Mr. Greig, of Worcester, were as follows.

"Martin informed Mr. Greig, that he wrecollected living very happily with his father and mother, brothers and sisters, in a small town in Africa ;-that one night a great number of people came from a distance, and surprised and set fire to the town that he believed many of the inhabitants were taken away prisoners; and that be (being young) was carried upon a man's shoulders, for several days together, to the sea coast, where he was put on board a ship, taken to the West Indies, and sold to a planter; and that, from the time he was carried off from his native town, he never saw any of his relations, nor knew what became of them. In the West Indies he was afterwards purchased bywa British officer, and was brought by him to England.

Mr. Greig understanding that

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Martin kept some money, which be had saved from his wages as a sërvant, in an insecure place, advised him to invest it in the public funds; and, as he had no relations in this country to claim the property after his death, in case of his dying intestate, Mr. Greig suggested to him the propriety of making a will, and, after explaining to him the nature of the African Institution, advised him to leave his little property to this Society. He said he would consider of it; and soon after inquired of Mr. Greig, whether there was any Society for building churches in Africa. Upon being told of the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East, he said he should like to leave his money equally between that Society and the African Institution. His will was drawn and executed accordingly, and his bequest has sincs been received."

The Appendix contains some information in addition to that which is to be found in the Report made to the general body on the 238 of March last. This information chiefly respects the efforts made in and out of Parliament, to procure the Abolition of the Slave Trade, both by France and the other mations of Europe. A list of the peti tions presented to Parliament on the occasion is added, amounting to eight hundred and six, signed by nearly a million of names. the time admitted of it, this number would have been greatly increased. A return has been made to Par liament, of all ships and vessels brought in and condemned for slave-trading; and though the res turn is very defective, it contains the names of upwards of one bundred and twenty ships.


After the universal expression of the public feeling which we have witnessed on the subject of the Slave Trade, it is with surprize and concern we perceive how very inadequate to the variety and immensity of its objects the funds of this admirable Institution®still_afe.


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Its receps invaluable efforts have, M.P.; by the Secretary, Thomas nearly exhausted them; and its Harrison, Esq.; or by Mr. Robert permanent income falls at present Stokes, the Collector, at the Office considerably short of 500l. per an- of the Institution, No. 36, Suffolk num. This circumstance would un- Street, Charing Cross; to whom, or doubtedly be somewhat opprobrious to the Secretary, communications to the British name, and especially relative to the Institution may be to the religious part of the commuaddressed, nity, if it did not proceed, as we feel confident it does, from ignorance of the real state of the case. It cannot be, that those who have stood forward so nobly to vindicate the national character from all participation in the guilt of sanctioning either the continuance or the revival of the Slave Trade, should suffer a Society to languish, for want of pecuniary support, on whose vigiJance and exertions, we have no hesitation in saying, it mainly depends, not only whether our policy in respect to Africa shall be generally adopted by other nations, but whether our own Abolition Laws shall be any thing more than a dead letter.

In the hope that this intimation will excite the immediate attention of the enemies of the Slave Trade and the friends of African civilization in every part of the kingdom, we deem it incumbent on us for their convenience to subjoin the following information.

A subscription of sixty guineas or upwards, at one time, constitutes a hereditary governor of thirty guineas at one time, a governor for life;-of three guineas annually, an annual governor ;;-of ten guineas at one time, a member for life;of one guinea annually, an annual member.

The Board of Directors is chosen from among the Governors,

Subscriptions are received by the following Bankers; viz. Messrs. Down, Thornton, Free, and Down, No. 1, Bartholomew Lane; Messrs. Hoare, Barnett, and Co., No. 62, Lombard Street; Messrs. Hoares, 37, Fleet Street; Messrs. Drummonds, Charing Cross; Messrs. Ransom, Morland, and Co., Pall Mall; by the Treasurer, Henry Thornton, Esq.

The former Reports of the Institution, containing a full exposition of its designs, and an account of its proceedings up to the present time, together with the Laws and Regulations adopted for its management, may be had of Mr. John Hatchard, 190, Piccadilly, or of Mr. William Phillips, George Yard, Lombard Street. But that no doubt may be left on the minds of persons residing at a distance from the metropolis, respecting the due application of their bounty, and the degree of confidence which this Institution may justly claim from the public, we add the list of its Patrons and Directors.

Patron and President,-His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester.

Vice-presidents: The Archbish op of Canterbury; the Marquis of Lansdowne; the Earl of Bristol; Ear! Spencer; Earl Grosvenor; Earl Grey; Earl Moira; the Earl of Selkirk; the Earl of Caledon; Vis count Milton; Viscount Valentia; the Bishop of Durham; the Bishop of Bath and Wells; the Bishop of St. David's; Lord Holland; Lord Grenville; Lord Calthorpe; Lord Erskine; Lord Gambier; Lord Headley; Lord Teignmour; Right Hon. George Canning, M.P.; Right Hon. J. C. Villiers; Right Hou. Nicholas Vansittart, M.P.; William Wilberforce, Esq. M.P.-tër frut mend

Directors: The Hon. Capt. F. P. Irby, R.N.; the Hon. George Ver Don; Sir Thomas Bernard, Bartag Sir Samuel Romilly, M.P.3 Walliam Allen, Esq.; Those Babington, Esq: M.P.; Robert Barclay, Esq.; Charles Barclay, Esqa William Blake, Esq.; E. W, Bootle, Esq. M.P.; Henry Brougham, Esq.; Thomas Clarkson, Esq.; Panton Corbett, Esq.;Colonel Dalton; Rev. William Dealtry Thomas F. Forster, Esq.; George


Harrison, Esq. Thomas Harrison,
Esq. Wm. Henry Hoare, Esq.;
Francis Horner, Esq. M.P.; Thos.
Read Kemp, Esq. M.P.; Matthew
Martin, Esq. Zachary Macaulay,
10 Esq.; J. B. S. Morritt, Esq.; Charles
Pieschell, Esq.; Wm. Morton Pitt,
Esq. M.P.; John Simeon, Esq.

-To Hold W A-M F

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Rev. Heury Beeke, D. D. dean of Bristof vice Dr. Parsons, Bp. of Peterborough.

Rev. D. Prothero, Eglwyswro V. Pen brokeshire, vice Morgan, deceased. v. 1 Rev. S. Hall, M. A. Billinge V. LandaT

Rev. Joseph Holden Pott, M. A. arch-shire. deacon of St. Alban's, Archdeacon of London, vice Bingham, resigned.

Rev. John Banks Hollingworth, M. A.
St. Margaret Lothbury and St. Christopher-
Je-Stocks united RR. vice Whitfield.

Rev. T. H. Rawnsley, B. A. Belleau with
Aby R. and Spilsby Cur. co. Lincoln.
Rev. Win. Wilbraham, a Minor Canon of
Gloucester cathedral.

to Rev. Wm. Hewson, Swansea V.

The Bishop of London (Dr. Wm. Howley), Dean of his Majesty's chapels royal, vice the late Bishop.

Rev. John Carlton, D. D. rector of Hartest @pm-Boxted, and of Stansfield, Suffolk, one of his Majesty's chaplains in ordinary, vice Smith, deceased..

Rev. Edward Nares, A. M. rector of Biddeuden, Kent, Regius Professor of Modern History, vice Beeke, resigned.

Rev. W. L. Porter, of Peterhorough, Head Master of Worcester college school, vice Griffin deceased.

Rev. Dr. Owen of Stowmarket, Master of the grammar school, Beccles, Suffolk. V

Rev. G. Brice, J. Roberts, and T. Groynne, Chaplains to the Medway, the Centaur, and the Latona sta

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Rev. Thomas Slatter, Shipton-on-Cherweli R. Oxon, vice Ashmole deceased,

Rev. T. Prince, A.B. Chaplain in Ordinary to the Prince Regent.

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Rev. Charles Pryce, M. Avicat of Wil lingham, Cambridgeshire, to a Prebendal stall in Hereford cathedral,

Rey. J. B. Berkeley, rector of Beancharop, Worcestershire, Mach Cowarte V. Herefordshire.

Rev. Robert Field, B. A. vicar of Sution, Suffolk, Ramsholt Perpetual Curacy.

Rev. Canon Underwood, Fownhope and Woolhope V. co. Hereford. susreds Rev. Dr. Cope, Madley V. co. Hereford. -Rev. H. Morgan, Sellack and Capel V. Rev. Wm. Cook, M. A. Pipe V. co. Here ford, vice Underwood, resigned.

Rev. J. Birt, Brockhampton, Perp. Cur Rev. C.Jones, Canon Pyon V. Hereford. Rev. E. Howells, Yarkhill V. Hereford, ec Rev. W. Pearce, Leigh Glouc

Rev Gerveys Grylls, B. & L Luxalian
V. Cornwall.

JF Rev. John Chambers, M. A. Neer Solars
R. co. Salop, vice Baugh, deceased.

Rev. John Sunderland, Wiveliscombe V.

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