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To each of these several enquiries, let "the signs of the times" give a faithful reply.

To expose, therefore, and confute the heresies which are being widely and indefatigably promulgated-to exhibit the nature of the true


FAITH," and some of the dangers to which at present it is exposed-and to endeavour to arouse the too dormant energies of Christians of all denominations to arise and earnestly contend for it-are the important objects which have been kept constantly in view by the writer of the ensuing pages.

The work is now commended to the blessing of the Great Head of the Church, and the candid consideration of the reader. May its perusal eminently promote the cause (not of party, but) of genuine Protestantism-of uncorrupted evangelical truth, as revealed and embodied in "THE FAITH ONCE DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS."-AMEN.

May 25, 1843.



EVERY true christian, whatever may be the doctrinal peculiarities of his creed, or the distinctive epithet and ecclesiastical polity of the church to which he belongs, is, nevertheless, a SOLDIER of Jesus Christ. And whether, in the all-wise allotments of Divine Providence, he be placed in the honourable and exposed position of a sentinel or watchman on the walls of Zion, or appointed to a more humble station in the general ranks of the army of the living God-he is bound, at all times, to be all eye, all ear, both as to the movements of the enemy, as well as in reference to the commands and interests of the Captain of salvation, under whose banners he is called to endure hardships as a soldier of Jesus Christ, and to fight the good fight of faith. Accordingly, sleepless jealousy to preserve unsullied all that pertains to the divine honour, and an ever present sensitive tenderness and zeal for every thing that regards the vital interests of scriptural truth-the


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