THE LEVERETT PAPERS. I. 1655. Account currant the Common Wealth of England is Dr 10 March 55 To several summes pd. as appears before, nine thousand two hundred ninety three Pounds two shillings and eleven pence To severall mis casts & errors found as appears folio 27, found upon Examination. • To £30 for the use of my warehouse & To my Sallery from ye 3d Febr 1653 to £9293 2 11 70 6 11 30 758 £10151 9 10 Acco Currant of the Common Wealth of England Cr. By severall recytes of goods & by charge upon the Treasurer of the Navy five thousand four hundred and five Pounds two shillings and tenn pence fol. 27 By severall Errors & mistakes found in Examination 10 March 55 By so much to Balla this acco' due unto me John Leverett £5405 2 10 £3 19.7 £4742 7 5 £10151 9 10 By this acco' the Common Wealth of England is D unto me four thousand seven hundred fortytwo Pounds seaven Shillings & five pence; but Defaulke Sixtynine Pounds, one Shilling & six pence & there Rest four thousand six hundred Seaventy three Pounds five Shillings & eleven pence which they owe unto me, & have the Acco' dd: then attested by my oath of which ye Committee of his Highness Councill took of from my Sallery five Shillings pr diem & then Rested butt four thousand four hundred Eighty two Pounds three Shillings 111d. for which I Recd his Highness the Lord Protectors Privy Seale bears date 28 July 1656 posted into my Leager Letter A folio 3. II. To the Kinges Most Excellent Matie The humble petition of John Leverett Sheweth That your pet upon the takeing of severall fforts from the French in Nova Scotia and coast of Accadie in America was left to command and keepe them in the yeare 1654, in wch service your pet for the payment of Souldiers & Seamen runn out his Estate & credit to severall Thousands of Pounds, for which in the yeares 1656 & 1658 upon the Auditeing of his Accompts recd Two Privie Seales for Payment out of the Exchequer, of which sumes there remaine due unto him £3799 7s. 4d. whereby your pet hath ben diverted in the way of his calling & occasioned to remove his habitation to the allmost ruineing of him and his family. And for as much as the moneyes were expended for the Takeing of a country which is an Addition to your Maties Dominions and by ymprovement may at present be some Addition of Revennue, and for future may increase Wherefore your pet doth humbly pray yo Majties Gracious favour in affordeing him releife either by your Royall Gracious Order for the money due, or by granting to him the said Country for Terme of yeares, or such part thereof to him & his heires forever as may be a just compensation for his disbursments. And for the better satisfaccon of your Majtie in the Justice and Equitie of your pets desires; he doth farther pray, that your Matie will please to referr the consideration of your pets case to the Rt. Honoble Comtee of your Maties privie Councell, to whome the consideration of the buisines of Nova Scotia is referred, or to whome yo Matie shall in yo Royal Wisdome see meete. And your petitioner shall pray &c. III. To Our Trusty and Welbeloved St John Leverett Kn Governour of Massachusetts bay in new England. Charles R. Whereas Trusty & welbeloved, wee greet you well. wee have been humbly informed by the peticon of John Wampas als White, that he was about six months since put into prison here for a small debt, where he hath since remained to his utter ruine, & that he hath a certain parcell of land in Massachusetts bay, the which he hath held for many years, having taken the oaths of Allegiance & Supremacy as our subject, and having humbly besought us to interpose with you, that he may bee restored to his sa lands, or have liberty to sell the same for his present reliefe and the payment of his debts; wee taking into our gracious consideration the miserable condition of the pet have thought fitt to recomend him to you, that he may have Justice done him & what favour the matter will fairly beare. And soe wee bid you farewell. Given att our Court att Whitehall the 22th day of August 1676 in the 28th yeare of our reigne By his Maties comand. [Labelled, "Received 2 Jan. 1677."] WILLIAMSON. IV. Robert Atkyn to John Leverett. To his much honor'd freind Major Genrall John Leverett of Boston in New England These. Worthy St My respected freind & ould acquaintance & schoole fellow. &c. I am very hartily joyfull. to heare of you. and from you. & that God is pleased to lengthen out yo dayes to stand up in the roome of good old Xtians gone into another better habitation I hope it is for best good both to yo selfe & to the place you are in, we here are full of loosenes & prophanes debauchery & what not cryinge Synns. aboundinge & little restraint the mouths. of good men. restrained chariotts & horsemen laide aside malligned & dispised for the good they have done or would continue to doe lycentiousnes much more pleasing to y Generality of people then a strict holy course of Liveinge I doe not question but greatly hope but you acquaintance wth God is much & that yo Lives is very holy & pleasing to him, I suppose you may have heard of the death of Docter Tuckney sometime of o toune wth Mr. Cotton but blessed be God we haue good teachinge had we hearts to make a right improovem by holy meditation and practis I have inclosed sent a regester of all yo fathers children the Clerke thinkes he has omitted none, there is one Mr Thomas Underwood sometimes wollen drap in London, who I think lives in Boston. & hes beene there 10 or 12 yeares that marryed old Mr Tilsons daughter one of them but she is dead & since he went to New England hes marryed againe I would desire the favor of you to convey this inclosed lre to him & soe desireing frō my heart if God bestow place of cheife or cheifest trust vpon yoTM consider yoTM rule not for man but for yo lord who wilbe wth you & assist you & its the reall desire of him that he may soe be. who wth his true respects to you subscribes himselfe. W W Yo cordiall freind & humble servant Boston. March 18th. 1672. ROBERT: ATKYN. I opened this to take a coppy which I sent yoTM sometime since least the originall should miscarry. [Labelled, "Register of Mr Tho Leveret of Boston in the County of Lincoln his Children from Aug 1612 to 1632 booked by the Register." "frō Ma Atkyns of Boston wth register."] V. March 18 1672 A True coppy of the regester of the Borough of Boston in the countty of Lincoln to certify whom it may concern. John ye Son of Mr Thomas Leveret was babtized the 16 day of Awgust 1612. Jaine y Daughter of Mr Tho: Leveret was babtized Awgust yo 9 1613 Jaine y Daughter of the same was babtized December yo 6 1614 John ye Son of the same babtized July 7 1616 e Sarah y Daughter of ye same baptized Septemb2 26: 1622 Mary y Daughter of ye same baptized Feb: 5:1623 Jabes yo Son of ye same babtized Septemb2 6:1627 Iserel ye Son of ye same babtized Septemb2 25:1628 Elisha ye Son of ye same baptized July 3: 1630 Nathaniel ye Son of ye same baptized April 12: 1632 Witnes DAN: JENKINSON. [Labelled, "M2 Ro: Atkin." "Register of y baptisms of y Children of The Leverett father of Jno. Gov. Leverett."] 4TH S. - VOL. II. 29 |