Indians as they doe Bears: we should quickly be sensible of a great advantage thereby. The dogs would be an extream terror to the Indians: they are not much afraid of us, they know, they can take us & leave us. if they can but get out of gun-shot they count themselvs in no great danger, how many soever pursue them. they are neither afraid of being discouverd or pursued: But these dogs would be such a terrour to them, that after a little experience, it would prevent their comming, & men would live more safely in their houses & worke more safely in the feilds & woods: In case the Indians should come near the Towne the dogs would readily take their track & lead us to them: Sometimes we see the track of one or two Indians but can't follow it. the dogs would discover it & lead our men directly to their enemies: for the want of which help we many times take a great deal of pains to little purpose. Besides if we had dogs fitted for that purpose our men might follow Indians with more safety, there would be no hazzard of their being shot at out of the bushes, they would follow their dogs with an undaunted spirit, not fearing a surprisal: & indeed the presence of the dogs would much facilitate their victory: the dogs would doe a great deal of execution upon the enemy, & catch many an Indian that would be too light of foot for us. If it should be thought by any that this way is unpracticable, & that the dogs will not learn to doe what we doe expect from them, these two things may satisfy them, one is that in a time of war with the Indians in Virginia, they did in this way prevaile over them, though all attempts, before they betooke themselves to this method proved in vain. the other is that our Hunters give an Account that the dogs that are used to hunt Bears mind no other track but the track of a Beare: from whence we may conclude, that if the dogs were used to pursue Indians they would mind nothing else. If the Indians were as other people are, & did manage their warr fairly after the manner of other nations, it might be looked upon as inhumane to pursue them in such a manner. But they are to be looked upon as theives & murderers, they doe acts of hostility, without proclaiming war. they don't appear openly in the feild to bid us battle, they use those cruelly that fall into their hands. they act like wolves & are to be dealt withall as wolves. There must be some charge in prosecuting this design, something must be expended for the purchasing sutable dogs & for their maintenance. the men also who spend their time in this service, must be paid, but this will not rise in any proportion to the charge of maintaining a sutable number of Garrison souldiers. I have taken Advice with several of the principal persons amongst us, & they looke upon this way as the most probable expedient in this case. The other proposal is that the town of Deerfeild may be freed from Countey Rates during the time of the war. their circumstances doe call for commiseration: sometimes they are allarmed & called off from their businesse, sometimes they dare not goe into the feild, & when they doe goe, they are fain to wait 'till they have a gard, they can't make improvement of their outlands as other Towns doe: the houses are so crowded sometimes with souldiers that men & women can doe little businesse within doors, & their spirits are so taken up about their Dangers, that they have little heart to undertake what is needfull for advancing their estates: it seems to me to be a thing acceptable to God, that they should be considered & freed from Rates. your Excellency will not take it amisse that I take my accustomed freedome, & am so officious as to tender my advice before it be asked. The good Lord guide your Excellency & the Genr1 Assembly: to doe that which shall be serviceable to this afflicted Country, which is the hearty prayer of your humble servant Northampton Oct. 224. 1703 SOL: STODDARD Since I wrote: the father of the two Captives belonging to Deerfeild, has importunately desired me to write to your Excellency, that you would endeavour the Redemption of his children. I Request that if you have any opportunity, you would not be backward to such a worke of mercy. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN REV. THOMAS PRINCE AND REV. CHARLES CHAUNCY. [We are indebted to Isaac P. Davis, Esq., for furnishing the following correspondence. Prince's notes to Chauncy are preserved in copies made by the former upon the sheet on which Chauncy's letter to him was written. Many of the words are in a very abbreviated form, and we have taken the liberty, generally, to spell them out in full. - EDS.] Rev Sr [To the Rev. Charles Chauncy.] I desire to know ? you judge there is any need of my asking your consent to my inviting a minister to preach my Lecture at the O. B. [Old Brick]. In answering which you will oblige Jan. 30. 1744-5. To the Rev. Mr Thomas Prince. Your humb. Servt. T. P. In answer to your question, I would ask you another, viz, whether you would express a suitable regard to me, and some others who statedly attend the Thursday-lecture, and are united with you in carrying it on, to ask a gentleman to preach it, whose conduct has been such (in our apprehentions) that, if he preaches, you know we cannot be present, but must be obliged to tarry at home? Your humble Servt CHARLES CHAUNCY. Wednes. Jan. 30. 1744-5. Rev. Sr [To the Rev. Charles Chauncy.] I perceive the purport of your letter is, that if I got Mr. Wh. [Whitefield] to preach, that you and some others are of such a separating spirit that you will not attend the public Lecture: which I am sorry to see. In such a season as this should you not rather set a contrary example while you are publickly condemning such a spirit in others? Mr. Wh. will hear you, but you will not hear him. Pray who appears most for separation or union? Methinks you should be glad of an occasion to show as good a spirit as he. [THOMAS PRINCE.] DAVID TRUMBULL TO JEREMY BELKNAP. The Reverend Jeremy Belknap, Corresponding Secretary of the Massa: Historical Society, Boston. Sir, My Father, the late Governor Trumbull collected with care, the most important official papers which pass'd thro his hands, during the very interesting Period of the Revolution, with the intention that they should be preserv'd & deposited in some public Library, as materials for future Historians. Had the Massachusetts Historical Society existed during his Life, there is no doubt but He would have chosen to give them to an Institution whose Patriotic Views they would so directly subserve in preference to a Collegiate or other Library, where they probably would soon become "Food for Worms." His Heirs therefore, think they cannot so well fulfill the Governor's intentions on this subject, as by Offering them, as I am commissioned to do - to the Massachusetts Historical Society. You will be pleas'd to communicate this Offer to the Society in Our names: - permitting us to suggest the propriety of their sending some person to make a selection of such papers as may be thought most usefull: Should it be thought an object worth your personal attention. We shall be happy to give you the best evidences in our power of the Respect which we especially have for you. I am Sir Your most Obedient Servant Lebanon 15th April 1794. Revd J. Belknap. DAVID TRUMBULL. |